I found this article on Ann Coulter interesting

Who but me knows that the Feds will mail you monthly the Federal budget? Ask for it and then you will learn who did what and when it was done.
Will you blame Biden for his spending since being president? And he is rolling up a whopper of a debt. And so did Obama. Democrats only claim Clinton did not but that was just for 1 year. And Clinton got the benefit of the Dot.com boom. It was not designed by Clinton to have any surplus at all. He forcast a deficit in fact. <<<I know all of this because when Clinton was president the Feds mailed me monthly the state of the Federal budget and spending and collections. I was on top of what Clinton did.
It seems I have my own personal stalker.

The mad hatter said he was a conservative and supported Trump--your blob--who ran up $8T in new debt--paying al to of it to the LA Lakers.

I was wondering how you guys can call yourselves conservatives when you support such wild spending...

But all you want to talk about are other administrations because you’re embarrassed.
It seems I have my own personal stalker.

The mad hatter said he was a conservative and supported Trump--your blob--who ran up $8T in new debt--paying al to of it to the LA Lakers.

I was wondering how you guys can call yourselves conservatives when you support such wild spending...

But all you want to talk about are other administrations because you’re embarrassed.
So did Biden. But you want him whitewashed.
I was wondering how you guys can call yourselves conservatives when you support such wild spending...

But all you want to talk about are other administrations because you’re embarrassed.
When did I call myself a conservative? I vote for Republicans. But I did not claim to be a conservative. I like FACTS. And you hate FACTS. That is why you HATE talking bad about Democrats.
When did I call myself a conservative? I vote for Republicans. But I did not claim to be a conservative. I like FACTS. And you hate FACTS. That is why you HATE talking bad about Democrats.
The mad hatter called himself a conservative.

If you’re going to follow me around like a little poodle, do I need to put a potty pad down so you don’t wet my floor?
Ann Coulter, used to be pure Maga, now simply Conservative. It is interesting how firebrand Maga-People, can see the light, retaining their conservatism, but no longer on the Trump Train. I have read her, off and on for years, even in her Pro-Trump devotion period, as she is often insightful. I found this an appealing article, and it gives hope, actual conservative Republicans can come around to accepting facts and logic, again.

Of course you did, she shares the same death wish of Trump that you do.
The mad hatter called himself a conservative.

If you’re going to follow me around like a little poodle, do I need to put a potty pad down so you don’t wet my floor?
I most enjoy discussing things like this with the Democrats lying people. So you decided to start lying.
Ann Coulter, used to be pure Maga, now simply Conservative. It is interesting how firebrand Maga-People, can see the light, retaining their conservatism, but no longer on the Trump Train. I have read her, off and on for years, even in her Pro-Trump devotion period, as she is often insightful. I found this an appealing article, and it gives hope, actual conservative Republicans can come around to accepting facts and logic, again.

How many of the right side hit piece places have you used to attack the left? This is a full scale assault on Trump and using a party who was not interviewed by the Beast to try to hit at Trump.

It is as if you wanted to hit Trump and was willing to sell out to the left.

Well I studied the Beast and it's author.
I have tried repeatedly, more often than not to no avail, to explain that there is a distinct difference between conservatives and followers of Trump.
That's a measure of how far left the Overton window had been dragged.
I can sympathize of course. What I can't do is read a false history and pretend it is accurate.

Who commanded when the son invaded Iraq. Let's not mix up with Afghanistan since that is so different it belongs a stand alone discussion.

I have not read Daddy's book but I have studied a hell of a lot about Afghanistan, Iraq and other wars.

What commanding General who was in command in Desert Storm do you believe wanted to finish off Saddam and do it in Baghdad? His will was not followed by daddy.

Bush the son had the mission to stop Saddam from leading Iraq. He called him a grave and gathering danger. It is a myth spread by our own media that Saddam had no WMD. Saddam was not stupid. So he trucked and flew to Syria his WMD. Getting it out of Iraq in the nick of time. But Bush did not know it happened until he learned later from an Iraqi General officer.
Daddy did not allow mission creep. I too have studied quite a bit about these wars, other wars, and lessons learned in each. The mission to get them out and destroy to, non-combat capable, as agreed with Thatcher was the correct decision at the correct time and the mission sculpted on those parameters. Sonofabush, didn't know what he was doing, or why and started an open-ended mission of regime change, something we just are not good at, and he fkd up the entire Middle East, and we are still stuck there. I worked directly for one of the plans writers of Gulf War 1, a couple of years later in a Corps Ops slot and had ample opportunity to discuss, (usually just having reading, learning and studying operatons manual by these people) learning them front back, but not talking and working with the authors until then. I am correct on this. Probably, why when I left after the assignment I was on, I was invited back within a year. We saw eye to eye. You and I, not so much.

Thomas mirrors the Beast in fact about Trump.

Thomas Kika​


Weekend Staff Reporter at Newsweek​

Albany, New York Metropolitan Area Contact Info​

Daddy did not allow mission creep. I too have studied quite a bit about these wars, other wars, and lessons learned in each. The mission to get them out and destroy to, non-combat capable, as agreed with Thatcher was the correct decision at the correct time and the mission sculpted on those parameters. Sonofabush, didn't know what he was doing, or why and started an open-ended mission of regime change, something we just are not good at, and he fkd up the entire Middle East, and we are still stuck there. I worked directly for one of the plans writers of Gulf War 1, a couple of years later in a Corps Ops slot and had ample opportunity to discuss, (usually just having reading, learning and studying operatons manual by these people) learning them front back, but not talking and working with the authors until then. I am correct on this. Probably, why when I left after the assignment I was on, I was invited back within a year. We saw eye to eye. You and I, not so much.
Mission Creep happens in many wars. Take WW2. Why did FDR invade Normandy. it was mission creep. Why did he send the Generals into Germany. It was more mission creep. Why did LBJ do it in Vietnam? Do you understand the point?

Daddy had the single chance to put Saddam out of business. And Daddy failed. His son followed how FDR would have done it and took care of Saddam totally.

Get for your own library the book by General Fred Franks. He was not a relative of General Tommy Franks but Tommy worked for Fred. Fred Franks wanted to get rid of Saddam totally.
How many of the right side hit piece places have you used to attack the left? This is a full scale assault on Trump and using a party who was not interviewed by the Beast to try to hit at Trump.

It is as if you wanted to hit Trump and was willing to sell out to the left.

Well I studied the Beast and it's author.
I was just reading in scanning all the articles and found it interesting. Must have been interesting enough to generat 111 post in a little over 3 hours. Not bad for a Sunday after noon.
Daddy did not allow mission creep. I too have studied quite a bit about these wars, other wars, and lessons learned in each. The mission to get them out and destroy to, non-combat capable, as agreed with Thatcher was the correct decision at the correct time and the mission sculpted on those parameters. Sonofabush, didn't know what he was doing, or why and started an open-ended mission of regime change, something we just are not good at, and he fkd up the entire Middle East, and we are still stuck there. I worked directly for one of the plans writers of Gulf War 1, a couple of years later in a Corps Ops slot and had ample opportunity to discuss, (usually just having reading, learning and studying operatons manual by these people) learning them front back, but not talking and working with the authors until then. I am correct on this. Probably, why when I left after the assignment I was on, I was invited back within a year. We saw eye to eye. You and I, not so much.
George W Bush the son was told by General Tommy Franks that for Franks to command the troops, the son had to keep his nose out of the war. And GW Bush kept his word to Franks.
I was just reading in scanning all the articles and found it interesting. Must have been interesting enough to generat 111 post in a little over 3 hours. Not bad for a Sunday after noon.
I am funny I suppose that my posts are honest reflections on me and my thinking. Did you stop to think you were carrying messages here from the left wingers?
The mad hatter called himself a conservative.

If you’re going to follow me around like a little poodle, do I need to put a potty pad down so you don’t wet my floor?
You and I piss the same floor. So I will use your own system.
George W Bush the son was told by General Tommy Franks that for Franks to command the troops, the son had to keep his nose out of the war. And GW Bush kept his word to Franks.
His nose was not the problem. He should have kept a lot of people I know, trained and worked with out of the war, by not starting the damned war!:mad:
I am funny I suppose that my posts are honest reflections on me and my thinking. Did you stop to think you were carrying messages here from the left wingers?
Ask me if I cared or not. Eh.., NO. Big board, lots of subjects. Find one you like, and not threatened by.
Ann Coulter, used to be pure Maga, now simply Conservative. It is interesting how firebrand Maga-People, can see the light, retaining their conservatism, but no longer on the Trump Train. I have read her, off and on for years, even in her Pro-Trump devotion period, as she is often insightful. I found this an appealing article, and it gives hope, actual conservative Republicans can come around to accepting facts and logic, again.

I don't trust Man Coulter. Never have, never will. I think she's a moron. However, I certainly agree with her about Trump dying.

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