I Get It Now Why The Left So Fear A Trump Reelection!

Oh' darn...........THAT'S why I pay taxes, dumbass.
However, if one or several of you nutjobs show up on my property, they will leave in a body bag.
Unless.........I let the pigs have their way, waiting for the sheriff.
Careful that you dont shoot your foot off instead of them

Libs have good reason to be cowards and hide behind government goons
It can also be that people look at his behaviors and actions
WHAT specific behaviors and actions do you refer to outside of his actual tasks and accomplishments as a president? How he combs his hair or what he eats or who he marries or how he talks to boobs in Washington is actually of no concern nor relevance compared to the actual behaviors and actions of Bidden AS our president!

and they look at the behaviors and actions of those who support him, and don't like them.
Don't like WHAT? That people like him, go to rallies and wear red ball caps? What does any of that have to do with how a president actually GOVERNS, you Tool?

Sometimes people can disagree with you for perfectly reasonable reasons.
Unfortunately, you NEVER do.
You probably need to turn off the hate radio, bud. You guys did the same thing to yourself with Obama and Clinton, scratching your big monkey heads about why everyone wasn't as angry as you are.
You people are done and you know it.

The only question that remains is how much more you people can fuck-up till your ilk is ran out of office in 1/25.
They remember what a shit-show the first one was.

But the DEMOCRATS were the entire shitshow. The problem wasn't Trump but the constant whining, gnashing, complaining, lying, protesting and obstructing by the democrats.

The shitshow was YOU. Biden has done FAR FAR WORSE yet you idiots sit with your heads up your ass. Your Trump shitshow was MANUFACTURED, and look what it got us.

Eh, as much as I dislike Biden, I don't buy the "He wants to destroy America".

Incredible. So in other words, Biden is a clueless old dottering fool, but it is his HANDLERS who script his questions and answers and who to call on and how to get off the stage and who shut him up when he goes off into deep end and kill his mic who are merely USING him to destroy America. Or are you too dim to even see the absolute destruction that has been done to the nation these past three years?

Literally EVERYTHING the guy has done in office has been a disaster, and like Oddball said, if a person were actually TRYING to wreck the nation, I cannot think of much that Biden could be doing that could be much worse!
WHAT specific behaviors and actions do you refer to outside of his actual tasks and accomplishments as a president? How he combs his hair or what he eats or who he marries or how he talks to boobs in Washington is actually of no concern nor relevance compared to the actual behaviors and actions of Bidden AS our president!

Don't like WHAT? That people like him, go to rallies and wear red ball caps? What does any of that have to do with how a president actually GOVERNS, you Tool?

Unfortunately, you NEVER do.
No need to burn the bandwidth when we both know you're going to deny, dismiss and deride any answers I provide.

Just continue to believe it's all fake news from commies, and that Trump is a big ol' innocent victim.

I wouldn't try to convince someone like you of anything.
Just a theory, but I'm sure it is right.

Biden is and has been SO BAD and his policies such a clusterf*ck disaster that if Trump gets in there and is even half successful as he was in his 1st term implementing border security, lowering crime, healing foreign tensions and boosting American energy and manufacturing health and independence that he will be so popular with the country that democrats will find it impossible to attack or oppose him without looking like total skunks!

I know I am dead on balls right with this one!

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Probably some, maybe a lot of truth to that. Also they fear him having access to resources to expose their skunkiness.
You forgot the billions of dollars of damage, hundreds of injured, dozens killed in the riots of 2020 under Trump.

You GOT to be kidding. Idiot, that was BLM and Antifa that did all that and you assholes opposed Trump every step of the way, just as when he tried to recommend common sense means of dealing with Covid! 60,000 police were injured, perhaps 40 killed in months of rioting over George Floyd in hundreds of cities and it was up to the GOVERNORS of the states to deal with that, had Trump tried to come in with the military to quell the riots you would have screamed bloody murder, racism, and dictator, just as you did when the secret service just moved a small crowd away from the WH.
No need to burn the bandwidth when we both know you're going to deny, dismiss and deride any answers I provide.

COP OUT. Then get off my thread you fucking worthless pussy if you are going to RATIONALIZE YOUR INABILITY to ever offer up a sanguine and erudite defense to any of your claims.
COP OUT. Then get off my thread you fucking worthless pussy if you are going to RATIONALIZE YOUR INABILITY to ever offer up a sanguine and erudite defense to any of your claims.
The astonishing thing to me is that, after all these years, after all the threads and posts and examples and specifics that have been provided, you STILL somehow don't know what I'm talking about. That's just incredible to me.

It's a perfect example of how you have made absolutely zero (0) effort to accurately understand the perspectives and opinions of others. You just remain in your little orange ideological ecosystem, oblivious to the rest of the world.

You're incurious. That's a terribly boring, disqualifying characteristic for a person, especially an adult, to have.
The astonishing thing to me is that, after all these years, after all the threads and posts and examples and specifics that have been provided, you STILL somehow don't know what I'm talking about. That's just incredible to me.

GROW UP, man. You've provided nothing but the same song and dance time and again---- vague grumbles about how this country is just DOOMED if the sleeping unwashed don't wake up and stop supporting the ONE THING that actually HAS worked, except for you dolling lefties. You complain about the bad choices, et al, yet you never seem to realize much less concede that it is the POLITICS and our CORRUPT SYSTEM which has gotten so bad, so corrupt, that good, better people are simply driven away! They are unwilling to put themselves through the mess and even if they were, they don't get the backing of lobbies to FINANCE a good campaign because they are trying to FIX a system that the lobbyists DON'T want fixed. I mean, who but a crook like Biden or a maniac rich-man like Trump would be willing to put themselves through the cost, trouble, expense and media mudslinging to get there!

Worse, you ignore the even BIGGER problem, the MONEY. It is all about THE MONEY, Washington is driven by lobbyists who stuff dollar bills into the back pocket of greedy corrupt politicians which is what REALLY guides their agenda! Not the good of the people or country, and these lobbyists are increasingly GLOBALLY connected to GLOBAL interests. Except Trump--- Trump is rich enough that he doesn't need or isn't swayed by these special interests, instead, he is crazy enough to be driven instead by a real desire to see the economic potential of the American people prosper as he has, as well as the satisfaction he gets from being the one doing it while beating the pants off all of the idiots who have detracted from and attacked him for years and years. He is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

What is amazing is that YOU don't get it. Trump is an outsider bucking a broken corrupt system you ADMIT is broke, while Biden and EVERYONE ELSE is just another pressed suit, poll-tested, glad-hander insider. Either that or they simply have NO CHANCE of ever winning election.
What is amazing is that YOU don't get it. Trump is an outsider bucking a broken corrupt system you ADMIT is broke, while Biden and EVERYONE ELSE is just another pressed suit, poll-tested, glad-hander insider. Either that or they simply have NO CHANCE of ever winning election.
The system might be broke, but Trump isn't the guy to fix it.

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