" I got a better deal through Obamacare"


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Begala: I got a better deal through Obamacare - CNN.com

The website, which received so much (well-deserved) negative publicity when it failed to launch, is now easy-peasy. The options it generated for us were more clearly delineated than those we'd been given in the past by a private-sector insurance broker. The benefits were plainly spelled out, as were the deductibles and co-pays. We are fortunate in that we do not need subsidies, and yet the Obama exchange still found us a better deal than we had found on our own.

Let me be clear: this was not a political statement. This is my family's health. If I got the best care by going through Sarah Palin's website I would do so. Besides, the business decisions in our family are made by my wife, who has both an MBA and a Masters in Public Administration. I haven't had a checkbook since the Reagan administration, but because this decision was so personal and consequential, we made it as a team.

In the end, it was not a tough choice. On the one hand, we got better coverage under the ACA. On the other, it cost less. I'm not exactly a believer in Republican talking points, but even I was surprised at how obviously superior my choices are under the new law
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Begala: I got a better deal through Obamacare - CNN.com

The website, which received so much (well-deserved) negative publicity when it failed to launch, is now easy-peasy. The options it generated for us were more clearly delineated than those we'd been given in the past by a private-sector insurance broker. The benefits were plainly spelled out, as were the deductibles and co-pays. We are fortunate in that we do not need subsidies, and yet the Obama exchange still found us a better deal than we had found on our own.

Let me be clear: this was not a political statement. This is my family's health. If I got the best care by going through Sarah Palin's website I would do so. Besides, the business decisions in our family are made by my wife, who has both an MBA and a Masters in Public Administration. I haven't had a checkbook since the Reagan administration, but because this decision was so personal and consequential, we made it as a team.

In the end, it was not a tough choice. On the one hand, we got better coverage under the ACA. On the other, it cost less. I'm not exactly a believer in Republican talking points, but even I was surprised at how obviously superior my choices are under the new law

I call this............................

Begala: I got a better deal through Obamacare - CNN.com

The website, which received so much (well-deserved) negative publicity when it failed to launch, is now easy-peasy. The options it generated for us were more clearly delineated than those we'd been given in the past by a private-sector insurance broker. The benefits were plainly spelled out, as were the deductibles and co-pays. We are fortunate in that we do not need subsidies, and yet the Obama exchange still found us a better deal than we had found on our own.

Let me be clear: this was not a political statement. This is my family's health. If I got the best care by going through Sarah Palin's website I would do so. Besides, the business decisions in our family are made by my wife, who has both an MBA and a Masters in Public Administration. I haven't had a checkbook since the Reagan administration, but because this decision was so personal and consequential, we made it as a team.

In the end, it was not a tough choice. On the one hand, we got better coverage under the ACA. On the other, it cost less. I'm not exactly a believer in Republican talking points, but even I was surprised at how obviously superior my choices are under the new law

I call this............................



Foxnews said it was so?

What is so hard to believe that anyone received better rates under Obamacare? Was it story after debunked story that aired on Fox? Want to debunk it Conservatives. Go out on the open market and show where you get a better rate with better coverage
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Despite spending millions on ads, the right is losing the debate. The latest Kaiser Family Fund poll shows that, even though the new health care law is still not popular, 59% of Americans want to keep the ACA as-is or modify it slightly. Only 18% want to repeal it altogether, and another 11% want to repeal it and replace it with a GOP alternative.

As more and more Americans actually deal with health reform firsthand, as they actually receive new rights and new benefits, and as the parade of right-wing horribles fails to materialize, I suspect support for the ACA will continue to grow.
Scott Brown Meets NH Republicans who "love Obamacare" - Boston.com

"Thank God for Health Insurance" - NC Council of Churches

Scott Brown Confounded By Republican Who Benefitted From Obamacare

During the meeting at Richardson's home, Brown called Obamacare a "monstrosity." But Richardson and his wife quickly interjected, according to the Democrat, saying that the law had been "a financial lifesaver."

After being injured on the job, Richardson had been forced to live on workers compensation for a while -- a situation so costly that the couple eventually had to move out of their house. They also had to pay $1,100 a month to keep their health insurance. But now that the Richardsons have signed up for health insurance through Obamacare and qualified for a tax subsidy, they're paying $136 a month for a plan that covers both of them.

"Thank God for Obamacare!" Richardson's wife Rita said, according to the Democrat.


Eventually, so many Republicans will sign up, Obamacare will become the new Social Security. Only the GOP leadership wants to destroy Social Security.
Despite spending millions on ads, the right is losing the debate. The latest Kaiser Family Fund poll shows that, even though the new health care law is still not popular, 59% of Americans want to keep the ACA as-is or modify it slightly. Only 18% want to repeal it altogether, and another 11% want to repeal it and replace it with a GOP alternative.

As more and more Americans actually deal with health reform firsthand, as they actually receive new rights and new benefits, and as the parade of right-wing horribles fails to materialize, I suspect support for the ACA will continue to grow.

Who are these Americans you speak of? Not one person I have talked to about this has anything good to say,as far as things not materializing,as you say,wonder how the millions that didn't get to keep what they wanted how will they vote this fall.,or the fact that prices havn't gone down,or the fact that they will never go down as promised,funny ,not one of the promises have materialized ether.

This midterm will make or break Obama care.
Despite spending millions on ads, the right is losing the debate. The latest Kaiser Family Fund poll shows that, even though the new health care law is still not popular, 59% of Americans want to keep the ACA as-is or modify it slightly. Only 18% want to repeal it altogether, and another 11% want to repeal it and replace it with a GOP alternative.

As more and more Americans actually deal with health reform firsthand, as they actually receive new rights and new benefits, and as the parade of right-wing horribles fails to materialize, I suspect support for the ACA will continue to grow.

Who are these Americans you speak of? Not one person I have talked to about this has anything good to say,as far as things not materializing,as you say,wonder how the millions that didn't get to keep what they wanted how will they vote this fall.,or the fact that prices havn't gone down,or the fact that they will never go down as promised,funny ,not one of the promises have materialized ether.

This midterm will make or break Obama care.

In spite of all their tantrums, the Republicans never did actually come up with an alternative to obamacare did they?
Despite spending millions on ads, the right is losing the debate. The latest Kaiser Family Fund poll shows that, even though the new health care law is still not popular, 59% of Americans want to keep the ACA as-is or modify it slightly. Only 18% want to repeal it altogether, and another 11% want to repeal it and replace it with a GOP alternative.

As more and more Americans actually deal with health reform firsthand, as they actually receive new rights and new benefits, and as the parade of right-wing horribles fails to materialize, I suspect support for the ACA will continue to grow.

Who are these Americans you speak of? Not one person I have talked to about this has anything good to say,as far as things not materializing,as you say,wonder how the millions that didn't get to keep what they wanted how will they vote this fall.,or the fact that prices havn't gone down,or the fact that they will never go down as promised,funny ,not one of the promises have materialized ether.

This midterm will make or break Obama care.

In spite of all their tantrums, the Republicans never did actually come up with an alternative to obamacare did they?

You people are really special,the repubs get locked out of the writing of the bill ,but when it fails they are blamed for it,and are then accused of not have a plan in place. Only the truly dishonest or ignorant would do that,which are you?
Who are these Americans you speak of? Not one person I have talked to about this has anything good to say,as far as things not materializing,as you say,wonder how the millions that didn't get to keep what they wanted how will they vote this fall.,or the fact that prices havn't gone down,or the fact that they will never go down as promised,funny ,not one of the promises have materialized ether.

This midterm will make or break Obama care.

In spite of all their tantrums, the Republicans never did actually come up with an alternative to obamacare did they?

You people are really special,the repubs get locked out of the writing of the bill ,but when it fails they are blamed for it,and are then accused of not have a plan in place. Only the truly dishonest or ignorant would do that,which are you?

Actually the Republicans were begged to get involved in the process. They refused

In any case, Obamacare is here, people are buying policies....and Republicans want to take them away
Despite spending millions on ads, the right is losing the debate. The latest Kaiser Family Fund poll shows that, even though the new health care law is still not popular, 59% of Americans want to keep the ACA as-is or modify it slightly. Only 18% want to repeal it altogether, and another 11% want to repeal it and replace it with a GOP alternative.

As more and more Americans actually deal with health reform firsthand, as they actually receive new rights and new benefits, and as the parade of right-wing horribles fails to materialize, I suspect support for the ACA will continue to grow.

MICHELE BACHMANN: That’s why we’re here because we’re saying let’s repeal this failure before it literally kills women, kills children, kills senior citizens. Let’s not do that. Let’s love people, let’s care about people. Let’s repeal it now while we can.
Despite spending millions on ads, the right is losing the debate. The latest Kaiser Family Fund poll shows that, even though the new health care law is still not popular, 59% of Americans want to keep the ACA as-is or modify it slightly. Only 18% want to repeal it altogether, and another 11% want to repeal it and replace it with a GOP alternative.

As more and more Americans actually deal with health reform firsthand, as they actually receive new rights and new benefits, and as the parade of right-wing horribles fails to materialize, I suspect support for the ACA will continue to grow.

Who are these Americans you speak of? Not one person I have talked to about this has anything good to say,as far as things not materializing,as you say,wonder how the millions that didn't get to keep what they wanted how will they vote this fall.,or the fact that prices havn't gone down,or the fact that they will never go down as promised,funny ,not one of the promises have materialized ether.

This midterm will make or break Obama care.

In spite of all their tantrums, the Republicans never did actually come up with an alternative to obamacare did they?
The most that they could muster as an idea was . . . wait for it . . . tax breaks! :lol:
Despite spending millions on ads, the right is losing the debate. The latest Kaiser Family Fund poll shows that, even though the new health care law is still not popular, 59% of Americans want to keep the ACA as-is or modify it slightly. Only 18% want to repeal it altogether, and another 11% want to repeal it and replace it with a GOP alternative.

As more and more Americans actually deal with health reform firsthand, as they actually receive new rights and new benefits, and as the parade of right-wing horribles fails to materialize, I suspect support for the ACA will continue to grow.

Who are these Americans you speak of? Not one person I have talked to about this has anything good to say,as far as things not materializing,as you say,wonder how the millions that didn't get to keep what they wanted how will they vote this fall.,or the fact that prices havn't gone down,or the fact that they will never go down as promised,funny ,not one of the promises have materialized ether.

This midterm will make or break Obama care.

In spite of all their tantrums, the Republicans never did actually come up with an alternative to obamacare did they?
There is no need. What Obamacare replaced was better than obamacare.
Who are these Americans you speak of? Not one person I have talked to about this has anything good to say,as far as things not materializing,as you say,wonder how the millions that didn't get to keep what they wanted how will they vote this fall.,or the fact that prices havn't gone down,or the fact that they will never go down as promised,funny ,not one of the promises have materialized ether.

This midterm will make or break Obama care.

In spite of all their tantrums, the Republicans never did actually come up with an alternative to obamacare did they?
There is no need. What Obamacare replaced was better than obamacare.
^^^ Now, that's some industrial-strength stupid, right there!
Who are these Americans you speak of? Not one person I have talked to about this has anything good to say,as far as things not materializing,as you say,wonder how the millions that didn't get to keep what they wanted how will they vote this fall.,or the fact that prices havn't gone down,or the fact that they will never go down as promised,funny ,not one of the promises have materialized ether.

This midterm will make or break Obama care.

In spite of all their tantrums, the Republicans never did actually come up with an alternative to obamacare did they?
There is no need. What Obamacare replaced was better than obamacare.

No coverage for pre-existing conditions, lifetime caps on coverage, people strapped to low paying jobs because they didn't want to lose their coverage, no low cost options for the self employed

What was better?
In spite of all their tantrums, the Republicans never did actually come up with an alternative to obamacare did they?
There is no need. What Obamacare replaced was better than obamacare.

No coverage for pre-existing conditions, lifetime caps on coverage, people strapped to low paying jobs because they didn't want to lose their coverage, no low cost options for the self employed

What was better?
I guess you stumped him.
My sister in law isn't happy with it. She says she's going to just stop seeing doctors and stop her meds...She's diabetic and it's costing her too much now. I can only say what she said....
My sister in law isn't happy with it. She says she's going to just stop seeing doctors and stop her meds...She's diabetic and it's costing her too much now. I can only say what she said....

What insurance did she have before?

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