" I got a better deal through Obamacare"

Begala: I got a better deal through Obamacare - CNN.com

The website, which received so much (well-deserved) negative publicity when it failed to launch, is now easy-peasy. The options it generated for us were more clearly delineated than those we'd been given in the past by a private-sector insurance broker. The benefits were plainly spelled out, as were the deductibles and co-pays. We are fortunate in that we do not need subsidies, and yet the Obama exchange still found us a better deal than we had found on our own.

Let me be clear: this was not a political statement. This is my family's health. If I got the best care by going through Sarah Palin's website I would do so. Besides, the business decisions in our family are made by my wife, who has both an MBA and a Masters in Public Administration. I haven't had a checkbook since the Reagan administration, but because this decision was so personal and consequential, we made it as a team.

In the end, it was not a tough choice. On the one hand, we got better coverage under the ACA. On the other, it cost less. I'm not exactly a believer in Republican talking points, but even I was surprised at how obviously superior my choices are under the new law

Okay Norton, so trixie went and got herself a Masters and you're still drudging in the sewers. As far as his horseshit being spewed aboiut Obamcare, personally I don't believe i - I think its just more propaganda from a desperate liberal machine that has lost all credibility.
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My sister in law isn't happy with it. She says she's going to just stop seeing doctors and stop her meds...She's diabetic and it's costing her too much now. I can only say what she said....

I cancelled an appointment with my Doctor and have no immediate plans to see him any time soon...Just hope my BP meds continue to keep things in line.

I now have a $6,000.00 deductible and can't pay out of pocket for things that cost me
$80.00 for an office visit with tests...Now the visit will cost me at least $1000.00

Oh yeah you know I love that ObamaCare. :lol:
My sister in law isn't happy with it. She says she's going to just stop seeing doctors and stop her meds...She's diabetic and it's costing her too much now. I can only say what she said....

What insurance did she have before?

I haven't a clue. And i don't know what she has now or what she pays. All I know is when they stopped at the house yesterday she cussed Obama out and said she was just going to quit everything....Of course I hope my brother talks some sense into her. But he probably screwed the paperwork up....And she wouldn't know any better...
My sister in law isn't happy with it. She says she's going to just stop seeing doctors and stop her meds...She's diabetic and it's costing her too much now. I can only say what she said....

I cancelled an appointment with my Doctor and have no immediate plans to see him any time soon...Just hope my BP meds continue to keep things in line.

I now have a $6,000.00 deductible and can't pay out of pocket for things that cost me
$80.00 for an office visit with tests...Now the visit will cost me at least $1000.00

Oh yeah you know I love that ObamaCare. :lol:
Doesn't sound credible.
Begala, the bagdad bob of the Progressive/commie party

good ole CNN, pimping for Democrats and Obama again
My sister in law isn't happy with it. She says she's going to just stop seeing doctors and stop her meds...She's diabetic and it's costing her too much now. I can only say what she said....

I cancelled an appointment with my Doctor and have no immediate plans to see him any time soon...Just hope my BP meds continue to keep things in line.

I now have a $6,000.00 deductible and can't pay out of pocket for things that cost me
$80.00 for an office visit with tests...Now the visit will cost me at least $1000.00

Oh yeah you know I love that ObamaCare. :lol:
Doesn't sound credible.

Of course it doesn't. you haven't come up for air in 5 years.......
I cancelled an appointment with my Doctor and have no immediate plans to see him any time soon...Just hope my BP meds continue to keep things in line.

I now have a $6,000.00 deductible and can't pay out of pocket for things that cost me
$80.00 for an office visit with tests...Now the visit will cost me at least $1000.00

Oh yeah you know I love that ObamaCare. :lol:
Doesn't sound credible.

Of course it doesn't. you haven't come up for air in 5 years.......
He's saying that he has no co-pay? He's on the hook for the entire $1000 office visit?

And you believe him. :lol:
Begala: I got a better deal through Obamacare - CNN.com

The website, which received so much (well-deserved) negative publicity when it failed to launch, is now easy-peasy. The options it generated for us were more clearly delineated than those we'd been given in the past by a private-sector insurance broker. The benefits were plainly spelled out, as were the deductibles and co-pays. We are fortunate in that we do not need subsidies, and yet the Obama exchange still found us a better deal than we had found on our own.

Let me be clear: this was not a political statement. This is my family's health. If I got the best care by going through Sarah Palin's website I would do so. Besides, the business decisions in our family are made by my wife, who has both an MBA and a Masters in Public Administration. I haven't had a checkbook since the Reagan administration, but because this decision was so personal and consequential, we made it as a team.

In the end, it was not a tough choice. On the one hand, we got better coverage under the ACA. On the other, it cost less. I'm not exactly a believer in Republican talking points, but even I was surprised at how obviously superior my choices are under the new law

Okay Norton, so trixie went and got herself a Masters and you're still drudging in the sewers. As far as his horseshit being spewed aboiut Obamcare, personally I don't believe i - I think its just more propaganda from a desperate liberal machine that has lost all credibility.

Should be simple to prove wrong then. All those sob stories Fox trotted out were debunked. Go ahead and disprove the CNN story
Show where there are plenty of policies on the open market that are better than that Obamacare policy

Boy will I be embarrassed
My sister in law isn't happy with it. She says she's going to just stop seeing doctors and stop her meds...She's diabetic and it's costing her too much now. I can only say what she said....

What insurance did she have before?

I haven't a clue. And i don't know what she has now or what she pays. All I know is when they stopped at the house yesterday she cussed Obama out and said she was just going to quit everything....Of course I hope my brother talks some sense into her. But he probably screwed the paperwork up....And she wouldn't know any better...

Makes no sense then. If she had a great policy before, what happened to it? Did she change jobs? If she can get a better policy on the open market, why doesn't she take it?
Obamacare policies are an option. Nobody has to take it
Whoohoo!! Obamacare is winning!! :cuckoo:

Of course, at this time there are no measurable results to prove or disprove anything. We will not see anything "official" for a very long time.....probably after the midterms......:lol:
Begala: I got a better deal through Obamacare - CNN.com

The website, which received so much (well-deserved) negative publicity when it failed to launch, is now easy-peasy. The options it generated for us were more clearly delineated than those we'd been given in the past by a private-sector insurance broker. The benefits were plainly spelled out, as were the deductibles and co-pays. We are fortunate in that we do not need subsidies, and yet the Obama exchange still found us a better deal than we had found on our own.

Let me be clear: this was not a political statement. This is my family's health. If I got the best care by going through Sarah Palin's website I would do so. Besides, the business decisions in our family are made by my wife, who has both an MBA and a Masters in Public Administration. I haven't had a checkbook since the Reagan administration, but because this decision was so personal and consequential, we made it as a team.

In the end, it was not a tough choice. On the one hand, we got better coverage under the ACA. On the other, it cost less. I'm not exactly a believer in Republican talking points, but even I was surprised at how obviously superior my choices are under the new law

Okay Norton, so trixie went and got herself a Masters and you're still drudging in the sewers. As far as his horseshit being spewed aboiut Obamcare, personally I don't believe i - I think its just more propaganda from a desperate liberal machine that has lost all credibility.

Should be simple to prove wrong then. All those sob stories Fox trotted out were debunked. Go ahead and disprove the CNN story
Show where there are plenty of policies on the open market that are better than that Obamacare policy

Boy will I be embarrassed

Of course there aren't obamacare killed them all -- and very few of the "Sob" stories Fox presented were debunked - I can't fathom how wantonly ignorant to reality people like you have become. Anuses such as yourself would blindly follow the Liberal Piper over the cliff simply out of shear ignorance - you are absolutely un-fucking-believable - you can't be so stupid , and mind controlled as to actually believe the bullshit you spew - are you ? Good Lord pleasetell me that you're not that fucking stupid !!!!
Whoohoo!! Obamacare is winning!! :cuckoo:

Of course, at this time there are no measurable results to prove or disprove anything. We will not see anything "official" for a very long time.....probably after the midterms......:lol:

Not even then.
Begala: I got a better deal through Obamacare - CNN.com

The website, which received so much (well-deserved) negative publicity when it failed to launch, is now easy-peasy. The options it generated for us were more clearly delineated than those we'd been given in the past by a private-sector insurance broker. The benefits were plainly spelled out, as were the deductibles and co-pays. We are fortunate in that we do not need subsidies, and yet the Obama exchange still found us a better deal than we had found on our own.

Let me be clear: this was not a political statement. This is my family's health. If I got the best care by going through Sarah Palin's website I would do so. Besides, the business decisions in our family are made by my wife, who has both an MBA and a Masters in Public Administration. I haven't had a checkbook since the Reagan administration, but because this decision was so personal and consequential, we made it as a team.

In the end, it was not a tough choice. On the one hand, we got better coverage under the ACA. On the other, it cost less. I'm not exactly a believer in Republican talking points, but even I was surprised at how obviously superior my choices are under the new law

Obamacare works great for people who get it for free--and or their insurance is subsidized by others that aren't so lucky. Those working--middle class Americans--through higher premiums are paying for all the rest. This isn't a rich versus a poor--as the rich can afford any premium--this is your next door neighbor who works hard--makes a little more than you do that is now looking at double to triple what they were paying for insurance.

A good look at what is going is--is coming from Blue State Pennyslvania--when small business employees get a look at their new premiums.

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What insurance did she have before?

I haven't a clue. And i don't know what she has now or what she pays. All I know is when they stopped at the house yesterday she cussed Obama out and said she was just going to quit everything....Of course I hope my brother talks some sense into her. But he probably screwed the paperwork up....And she wouldn't know any better...

Makes no sense then. If she had a great policy before, what happened to it? Did she change jobs? If she can get a better policy on the open market, why doesn't she take it?
Obamacare policies are an option. Nobody has to take it

Hmmm let me think. It probably got fucking cancelled.
... Obama's solicitor general told the Supreme Court that without the individual mandate, ObamaCare would fail. But after winning that victory, the administration itself has effectively killed the mandate.

In his oral arguments before the court, Donald Verrilli made it abundantly clear that, without the individual mandate, ObamaCare would "make matters worse, not better."

As he told the justices, the "guaranteed issue" and "community rating" regulations at the heart of ObamaCare won't work if you let the young and healthy choose not to buy insurance.

States that tried it, he explained, found these regulations to be "highly counterproductive," noting that insurance rates in New Jersey doubled, causing its market to collapse. He also noted that after Kentucky tried these reforms, "virtually every insurer left the market."

It turns out that if healthy people can wait until after they get sick to buy insurance, and get it guaranteed at a subsidized rate, most will do so, resulting in an insurance premium "death spiral."

ObamaCare was supposed to avoid this mainly through the mandate and the tax penalty on those who went uninsured. But after the cancellation fiasco last year, Obama added a one-year expansion to the mandate's "hardship exemption," to include anyone who'd had policies canceled.

Then, just last week, Obama quietly extended this massive loophole for two more years, as the Wall Street Journal discovered. So for the next three years, people can claim an exemption if they've had their previous plan canceled and "consider the other plans available unaffordable." They just need a copy of the cancellation notice.

But insurance refuseniks can also get an exemption if they claim "another hardship in obtaining health insurance." For that, they only need documentation "if possible."

The exemption standards were ridiculously loose to begin with. Someone claiming to have "experienced domestic violence" is automatically exempt, without submitting any documentation whatsoever.

Another easy out: Just fail to pay a utility bill until a shut-off notice arrives. Send that in and — poof! — hardship exemption.

Democrats also neutered the IRS's ability to collect the penalty — to avoid political blowback — giving the uninsured little incentive to pay.

The latest extension puts the final nail in the mandate coffin, since now only a fool would pay the penalty. And so, as Verrilli warned, ObamaCare will "make matters worse, not better."

Time to start over, Mr. President.

Obama Latest Exemption Just Guaranteed ObamaCare's Failure - Investors.com

Read More At Investor's Business Daily: Obama Latest Exemption Just Guaranteed ObamaCare's Failure - Investors.com
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Okay Norton, so trixie went and got herself a Masters and you're still drudging in the sewers. As far as his horseshit being spewed aboiut Obamcare, personally I don't believe i - I think its just more propaganda from a desperate liberal machine that has lost all credibility.

Should be simple to prove wrong then. All those sob stories Fox trotted out were debunked. Go ahead and disprove the CNN story
Show where there are plenty of policies on the open market that are better than that Obamacare policy

Boy will I be embarrassed

Of course there aren't obamacare killed them all -- and very few of the "Sob" stories Fox presented were debunked - I can't fathom how wantonly ignorant to reality people like you have become. Anuses such as yourself would blindly follow the Liberal Piper over the cliff simply out of shear ignorance - you are absolutely un-fucking-believable - you can't be so stupid , and mind controlled as to actually believe the bullshit you spew - are you ? Good Lord pleasetell me that you're not that fucking stupid !!!!

Is that what passes as facts in your world?

When challenged, reply with Obama hatred, that usually works well
Begala: I got a better deal through Obamacare - CNN.com

The website, which received so much (well-deserved) negative publicity when it failed to launch, is now easy-peasy. The options it generated for us were more clearly delineated than those we'd been given in the past by a private-sector insurance broker. The benefits were plainly spelled out, as were the deductibles and co-pays. We are fortunate in that we do not need subsidies, and yet the Obama exchange still found us a better deal than we had found on our own.

Let me be clear: this was not a political statement. This is my family's health. If I got the best care by going through Sarah Palin's website I would do so. Besides, the business decisions in our family are made by my wife, who has both an MBA and a Masters in Public Administration. I haven't had a checkbook since the Reagan administration, but because this decision was so personal and consequential, we made it as a team.

In the end, it was not a tough choice. On the one hand, we got better coverage under the ACA. On the other, it cost less. I'm not exactly a believer in Republican talking points, but even I was surprised at how obviously superior my choices are under the new law
one of the things I notice about the ACA .... I had some people tell me that their insurance doubled ... I thought to myself WFT why did theirs double an mine was cut in half ???

so I started asking these people every time ... here's what I asked them ... what web site did you go to ??? or who did you call in too ??? everyone of them said they didn't go to the web site, they didn't call in to their states health care system ...

they said they just went directly to their current health care insurer ... that's what I found out ... every person who went to their insurance company instead of going through the state got their rates double by their provider ...

ever person who went through the state to get their insurance not only did some of them get their cost cut in half, but is some cased 2/3 ... its their own damn fault that they didn't go or refused to go to the web site ... it amazes me how pig headed republiecans can be ...
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Begala: I got a better deal through Obamacare - CNN.com

The website, which received so much (well-deserved) negative publicity when it failed to launch, is now easy-peasy. The options it generated for us were more clearly delineated than those we'd been given in the past by a private-sector insurance broker. The benefits were plainly spelled out, as were the deductibles and co-pays. We are fortunate in that we do not need subsidies, and yet the Obama exchange still found us a better deal than we had found on our own.

Let me be clear: this was not a political statement. This is my family's health. If I got the best care by going through Sarah Palin's website I would do so. Besides, the business decisions in our family are made by my wife, who has both an MBA and a Masters in Public Administration. I haven't had a checkbook since the Reagan administration, but because this decision was so personal and consequential, we made it as a team.

In the end, it was not a tough choice. On the one hand, we got better coverage under the ACA. On the other, it cost less. I'm not exactly a believer in Republican talking points, but even I was surprised at how obviously superior my choices are under the new law

I call this............................


that's why we call you ignorant... you can'tr tell facts from fiction ... but you keep trying

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