I got fired for kicking my supervisor's ass!

Definitely brag to the cops and when the DA talks with you be sure you tell him how you planned it out and executed it perfectly.

After my trial...sentencing...jailtime...I will sue for employee abuse and get millions. Isn't justice sweet in this country.

Another manager sexually harassed me. This is actually true. The girl is young and I think is what we use to call easy. She came up to me at night with her dress undone at the top. Her boobs were covered but if you happen to look down you could see everything. She was stretched on box like a cat wanting to be petted. That night she insisted on giving me a ride home because I didn't have access to my truck. I'm sure to other people it might have seemed like an accident that I locked my keys out of my car that night but it really was. I already made plans to be picked up by a family member but she insisted on giving me a ride home. Things got a little steamy in the ride home...
Cool story, bro...do you write for Penthouse Forums?

I'm not making this up. The girl seemed to have gotten lonely since she was away from one of her other 'friend' on another shift. Maybe she just got horny because she didn't have access to a penis on that shift. It is pretty obvious that he and this girl are screwing each other which kind of makes her move on me sexual harassment. Mananger, manager, employee love triangles are huge bucks for trial lawyers.
that's ok

when I was in High School I hit the Director woman....

she pulled my hair because I was laughing with some other girls...the other girls were punished too....

I did not like it. :dunno:

They called mom...they explained to her and told mom I better find another school!:lmao:

the Director is dead now .....

Oh dear ....I love the past :mm:

You want to elaborate on how the Director died? Or maybe you shouldn't. We already have one confession in the thread..

I was not going to let her pull my hair....Director of the School and all....ok?

No way...what a bitch she was.... I slapped her on the face

Next they call my poor mother

and she has to find a new High School for me :lmao::lmao::lmao:

love love love!!!!

I almost got tossed from High School.. Honor student and all. The vice principal said that "if it was up to him -- he'd take me outside and beat me to a bloody pulp": That's an exact quote. Don't ask -- it's a different thread !!!!!

that's ok

when I was in High School I hit the Director woman....

she pulled my hair because I was laughing with some other girls...the other girls were punished too....

I did not like it. :dunno:

They called mom...they explained to her and told mom I better find another school!:lmao:

the Director is dead now .....

Oh dear ....I love the past :mm:

You want to elaborate on how the Director died? Or maybe you shouldn't. We already have one confession in the thread..

I was not going to let her pull my hair....Director of the School and all....ok?

No way...what a bitch she was.... I slapped her on the face

Next they call my poor mother

and she has to find a new High School for me :lmao::lmao::lmao:

love love love!!!!

I had a female teacher run her hands through my hair once in high school. It wasn't sexual but it still felt like 'bad touch' if you know what I mean. I told her to stop and she said OK but your hair is so fine that I had to run my hands through it. I thought that was weird but I never said anything because it wasn't a big deal.
Definitely brag to the cops and when the DA talks with you be sure you tell him how you planned it out and executed it perfectly.

After my trial...sentencing...jailtime...I will sue for employee abuse and get millions. Isn't justice sweet in this country.

Another manager sexually harassed me. This is actually true. The girl is young and I think is what we use to call easy. She came up to me at night with her dress undone at the top. Her boobs were covered but if you happen to look down you could see everything. She was stretched on box like a cat wanting to be petted. That night she insisted on giving me a ride home because I didn't have access to my truck. I'm sure to other people it might have seemed like an accident that I locked my keys out of my car that night but it really was. I already made plans to be picked up by a family member but she insisted on giving me a ride home. Things got a little steamy in the ride home...
Cool story, bro...do you write for Penthouse Forums?

I'm not making this up. The girl seemed to have gotten lonely since she was away from one of her other 'friend' on another shift. Maybe she just got horny because she didn't have access to a penis on that shift. It is pretty obvious that he and this girl are screwing each other which kind of makes her move on me sexual harassment. Mananger, manager, employee love triangles are huge bucks for trial lawyers.
Sure you're not.
I got fired for beating the crap out of my supervisor. It was a pretty bad fight that I won and it made me feel great. The down side is I got fired. I knew I was going to get fired and their was absolutely nothing I could do about it. I didn't bother defending myself either. I was straight up with my employer and she basically told me not to return...like ever. I was cool with that because I absolutely hated the job anyways. The hours were shit and the managers walked around like they were royalty and we were like serfs on a plantation. One particular person who was in charge seemed to be extra annoyed with anything I did. I got along with a lot of my bosses so I'm not the type of person who tells his boss to F'off at all but this particular one really had no right to treat me the way he did. I thought of a plan in my mind and executed perfectly. He was on the ground in less than five seconds and he was crying when he was done. Don't ever cry if you get your assed kicked in a fight! It just makes it worse. It is already humuliating enough losing but crying makes it worse. I also believe he wet his pants but I have no evidence to support that. I just speculate he did. Oh yah...he might have got his arm broken but who cares at this point. I just got fired so who cares what happens to him. Security comes out and I told them the truth about what happen and before I knew it I was surrendering my badge and being walked out by the plant managers. I suppose I should not have glouted about kicking his ass to them but I couldn't help myself. Kicking someone's ass is one awesome feeling especially if they deserved it. This particular person has had issues with other employees in the past. One time six people quite for unknown reasons in his area. They all walked out at once and I saw him trying to explain it to his boss so I am not some kind of psychopath. That weekend I waited for the official verdict which I knew wasn't going to be good but I waited for the phone call. I got it and before she said I was being let go. She was being nice and she would pay the price for her niceness because I hung up. She called back and said their was an interuption in the phone call. Yah right...she knew I hung up on purpose but she just wanted to finish her speech about why I was being fired. Maybe it gave her a power trip but before she could say anything I told her that hanging up was the only way I could keep the phone call civilized you damn bitch. I then hung. She didn't call back. I got an email saying I was fired..blah blah blah.
How old are you?
that's ok

when I was in High School I hit the Director woman....

she pulled my hair because I was laughing with some other girls...the other girls were punished too....

I did not like it. :dunno:

They called mom...they explained to her and told mom I better find another school!:lmao:

the Director is dead now .....

Oh dear ....I love the past :mm:

You want to elaborate on how the Director died? Or maybe you shouldn't. We already have one confession in the thread..

I was not going to let her pull my hair....Director of the School and all....ok?

No way...what a bitch she was.... I slapped her on the face

Next they call my poor mother

and she has to find a new High School for me :lmao::lmao::lmao:

love love love!!!!

I almost got tossed from High School.. Honor student and all. The vice principal said that "if it was up to him -- he'd take me outside and beat me to a bloody pulp": That's an exact quote. Don't ask -- it's a different thread !!!!!


In jr High I had a teacher grab me by the shirt and yell 'you little shit..I'm tired of you hearing your mouth'. Apparently I had a mouth back in those days.
that's ok

when I was in High School I hit the Director woman....

she pulled my hair because I was laughing with some other girls...the other girls were punished too....

I did not like it. :dunno:

They called mom...they explained to her and told mom I better find another school!:lmao:

the Director is dead now .....

Oh dear ....I love the past :mm:

You want to elaborate on how the Director died? Or maybe you shouldn't. We already have one confession in the thread..

I was not going to let her pull my hair....Director of the School and all....ok?

No way...what a bitch she was.... I slapped her on the face

Next they call my poor mother

and she has to find a new High School for me :lmao::lmao::lmao:

love love love!!!!

I almost got tossed from High School.. Honor student and all. The vice principal said that "if it was up to him -- he'd take me outside and beat me to a bloody pulp": That's an exact quote. Don't ask -- it's a different thread !!!!!


I knowwwwww...... all those teachers and Directors were a pain in the ass.....LOL....they really were...I'm so proud of myself now.....i should have hit the Director harder LOL!!:laugh::lmao::laugh:
that's ok

when I was in High School I hit the Director woman....

she pulled my hair because I was laughing with some other girls...the other girls were punished too....

I did not like it. :dunno:

They called mom...they explained to her and told mom I better find another school!:lmao:

the Director is dead now .....

Oh dear ....I love the past :mm:

You want to elaborate on how the Director died? Or maybe you shouldn't. We already have one confession in the thread..

I was not going to let her pull my hair....Director of the School and all....ok?

No way...what a bitch she was.... I slapped her on the face

Next they call my poor mother

and she has to find a new High School for me :lmao::lmao::lmao:

love love love!!!!

I almost got tossed from High School.. Honor student and all. The vice principal said that "if it was up to him -- he'd take me outside and beat me to a bloody pulp": That's an exact quote. Don't ask -- it's a different thread !!!!!


I knowwwwww...... all those teachers and Directors were a pain in the ass.....LOL....they really were...I'm so proud of myself now.....i should have hit the Director harder LOL!!:laugh::lmao::laugh:
I'm sure you are.
I got fired for beating the crap out of my supervisor. It was a pretty bad fight that I won and it made me feel great. The down side is I got fired. I knew I was going to get fired and their was absolutely nothing I could do about it. I didn't bother defending myself either. I was straight up with my employer and she basically told me not to return...like ever. I was cool with that because I absolutely hated the job anyways. The hours were shit and the managers walked around like they were royalty and we were like serfs on a plantation. One particular person who was in charge seemed to be extra annoyed with anything I did. I got along with a lot of my bosses so I'm not the type of person who tells his boss to F'off at all but this particular one really had no right to treat me the way he did. I thought of a plan in my mind and executed perfectly. He was on the ground in less than five seconds and he was crying when he was done. Don't ever cry if you get your assed kicked in a fight! It just makes it worse. It is already humuliating enough losing but crying makes it worse. I also believe he wet his pants but I have no evidence to support that. I just speculate he did. Oh yah...he might have got his arm broken but who cares at this point. I just got fired so who cares what happens to him. Security comes out and I told them the truth about what happen and before I knew it I was surrendering my badge and being walked out by the plant managers. I suppose I should not have glouted about kicking his ass to them but I couldn't help myself. Kicking someone's ass is one awesome feeling especially if they deserved it. This particular person has had issues with other employees in the past. One time six people quite for unknown reasons in his area. They all walked out at once and I saw him trying to explain it to his boss so I am not some kind of psychopath. That weekend I waited for the official verdict which I knew wasn't going to be good but I waited for the phone call. I got it and before she said I was being let go. She was being nice and she would pay the price for her niceness because I hung up. She called back and said their was an interuption in the phone call. Yah right...she knew I hung up on purpose but she just wanted to finish her speech about why I was being fired. Maybe it gave her a power trip but before she could say anything I told her that hanging up was the only way I could keep the phone call civilized you damn bitch. I then hung. She didn't call back. I got an email saying I was fired..blah blah blah.
How old are you?

Old enough to know when not to take it from a manager. I had a manager at a pizza place grab me by my shirt once. I never did anything about it and I bet he continued until an employee popped him one.
that's ok

when I was in High School I hit the Director woman....

she pulled my hair because I was laughing with some other girls...the other girls were punished too....

I did not like it. :dunno:

They called mom...they explained to her and told mom I better find another school!:lmao:

the Director is dead now .....

Oh dear ....I love the past :mm:

You want to elaborate on how the Director died? Or maybe you shouldn't. We already have one confession in the thread..

I was not going to let her pull my hair....Director of the School and all....ok?

No way...what a bitch she was.... I slapped her on the face

Next they call my poor mother

and she has to find a new High School for me :lmao::lmao::lmao:

love love love!!!!

I almost got tossed from High School.. Honor student and all. The vice principal said that "if it was up to him -- he'd take me outside and beat me to a bloody pulp": That's an exact quote. Don't ask -- it's a different thread !!!!!


I knowwwwww...... all those teachers and Directors were a pain in the ass.....LOL....they really were...I'm so proud of myself now.....i should have hit the Director harder LOL!!:laugh::lmao::laugh:
I'm sure you are.

Do I know you?????

I got fired for beating the crap out of my supervisor. It was a pretty bad fight that I won and it made me feel great. The down side is I got fired. I knew I was going to get fired and their was absolutely nothing I could do about it. I didn't bother defending myself either. I was straight up with my employer and she basically told me not to return...like ever. I was cool with that because I absolutely hated the job anyways. The hours were shit and the managers walked around like they were royalty and we were like serfs on a plantation. One particular person who was in charge seemed to be extra annoyed with anything I did. I got along with a lot of my bosses so I'm not the type of person who tells his boss to F'off at all but this particular one really had no right to treat me the way he did. I thought of a plan in my mind and executed perfectly. He was on the ground in less than five seconds and he was crying when he was done. Don't ever cry if you get your assed kicked in a fight! It just makes it worse. It is already humuliating enough losing but crying makes it worse. I also believe he wet his pants but I have no evidence to support that. I just speculate he did. Oh yah...he might have got his arm broken but who cares at this point. I just got fired so who cares what happens to him. Security comes out and I told them the truth about what happen and before I knew it I was surrendering my badge and being walked out by the plant managers. I suppose I should not have glouted about kicking his ass to them but I couldn't help myself. Kicking someone's ass is one awesome feeling especially if they deserved it. This particular person has had issues with other employees in the past. One time six people quite for unknown reasons in his area. They all walked out at once and I saw him trying to explain it to his boss so I am not some kind of psychopath. That weekend I waited for the official verdict which I knew wasn't going to be good but I waited for the phone call. I got it and before she said I was being let go. She was being nice and she would pay the price for her niceness because I hung up. She called back and said their was an interuption in the phone call. Yah right...she knew I hung up on purpose but she just wanted to finish her speech about why I was being fired. Maybe it gave her a power trip but before she could say anything I told her that hanging up was the only way I could keep the phone call civilized you damn bitch. I then hung. She didn't call back. I got an email saying I was fired..blah blah blah.
Thanks for the story it was welcome relief from the normal "gee you look nice let's hook up" shit that is rampant.

Sadly, you are full of shit. Based on your rendition of what occurred the police would have been called and you would have been typing this nonsense with your nose while performing various functions as Bubba's jail wife. Perhaps you may want to take counsel from fbj he writes similar bullshit purely for the attention seeking it garners him.
that's ok

when I was in High School I hit the Director woman....

she pulled my hair because I was laughing with some other girls...the other girls were punished too....

I did not like it. :dunno:

They called mom...they explained to her and told mom I better find another school!:lmao:

the Director is dead now .....

Oh dear ....I love the past :mm:

You want to elaborate on how the Director died? Or maybe you shouldn't. We already have one confession in the thread..

I was not going to let her pull my hair....Director of the School and all....ok?

No way...what a bitch she was.... I slapped her on the face

Next they call my poor mother

and she has to find a new High School for me :lmao::lmao::lmao:

love love love!!!!

I had a female teacher run her hands through my hair once in high school. It wasn't sexual but it still felt like 'bad touch' if you know what I mean. I told her to stop and she said OK but your hair is so fine that I had to run my hands through it. I thought that was weird but I never said anything because it wasn't a big deal.

It wasn't. A big deal..
You want to elaborate on how the Director died? Or maybe you shouldn't. We already have one confession in the thread..

I was not going to let her pull my hair....Director of the School and all....ok?

No way...what a bitch she was.... I slapped her on the face

Next they call my poor mother

and she has to find a new High School for me :lmao::lmao::lmao:

love love love!!!!

I almost got tossed from High School.. Honor student and all. The vice principal said that "if it was up to him -- he'd take me outside and beat me to a bloody pulp": That's an exact quote. Don't ask -- it's a different thread !!!!!


I knowwwwww...... all those teachers and Directors were a pain in the ass.....LOL....they really were...I'm so proud of myself now.....i should have hit the Director harder LOL!!:laugh::lmao::laugh:
I'm sure you are.

Do I know you?????


Watch out.. Bode is a real hair-puller..
that's ok

when I was in High School I hit the Director woman....

she pulled my hair because I was laughing with some other girls...the other girls were punished too....

I did not like it. :dunno:

They called mom...they explained to her and told mom I better find another school!:lmao:

the Director is dead now .....

Oh dear ....I love the past :mm:

You want to elaborate on how the Director died? Or maybe you shouldn't. We already have one confession in the thread..

I was not going to let her pull my hair....Director of the School and all....ok?

No way...what a bitch she was.... I slapped her on the face

Next they call my poor mother

and she has to find a new High School for me :lmao::lmao::lmao:

love love love!!!!

I had a female teacher run her hands through my hair once in high school. It wasn't sexual but it still felt like 'bad touch' if you know what I mean. I told her to stop and she said OK but your hair is so fine that I had to run my hands through it. I thought that was weird but I never said anything because it wasn't a big deal.

It wasn't. A big deal..
I was not going to let her pull my hair....Director of the School and all....ok?

No way...what a bitch she was.... I slapped her on the face

Next they call my poor mother

and she has to find a new High School for me :lmao::lmao::lmao:

love love love!!!!

I almost got tossed from High School.. Honor student and all. The vice principal said that "if it was up to him -- he'd take me outside and beat me to a bloody pulp": That's an exact quote. Don't ask -- it's a different thread !!!!!


I knowwwwww...... all those teachers and Directors were a pain in the ass.....LOL....they really were...I'm so proud of myself now.....i should have hit the Director harder LOL!!:laugh::lmao::laugh:
I'm sure you are.

Do I know you?????


Watch out.. Bode is a real hair-puller..

It wasn't a big deal because she didn't grab my crotch or make funny noises while she did it. It just came off as weird.
I got fired for beating the crap out of my supervisor. It was a pretty bad fight that I won and it made me feel great. The down side is I got fired. I knew I was going to get fired and their was absolutely nothing I could do about it. I didn't bother defending myself either. I was straight up with my employer and she basically told me not to return...like ever. I was cool with that because I absolutely hated the job anyways. The hours were shit and the managers walked around like they were royalty and we were like serfs on a plantation. One particular person who was in charge seemed to be extra annoyed with anything I did. I got along with a lot of my bosses so I'm not the type of person who tells his boss to F'off at all but this particular one really had no right to treat me the way he did. I thought of a plan in my mind and executed perfectly. He was on the ground in less than five seconds and he was crying when he was done. Don't ever cry if you get your assed kicked in a fight! It just makes it worse. It is already humuliating enough losing but crying makes it worse. I also believe he wet his pants but I have no evidence to support that. I just speculate he did. Oh yah...he might have got his arm broken but who cares at this point. I just got fired so who cares what happens to him. Security comes out and I told them the truth about what happen and before I knew it I was surrendering my badge and being walked out by the plant managers. I suppose I should not have glouted about kicking his ass to them but I couldn't help myself. Kicking someone's ass is one awesome feeling especially if they deserved it. This particular person has had issues with other employees in the past. One time six people quite for unknown reasons in his area. They all walked out at once and I saw him trying to explain it to his boss so I am not some kind of psychopath. That weekend I waited for the official verdict which I knew wasn't going to be good but I waited for the phone call. I got it and before she said I was being let go. She was being nice and she would pay the price for her niceness because I hung up. She called back and said their was an interuption in the phone call. Yah right...she knew I hung up on purpose but she just wanted to finish her speech about why I was being fired. Maybe it gave her a power trip but before she could say anything I told her that hanging up was the only way I could keep the phone call civilized you damn bitch. I then hung. She didn't call back. I got an email saying I was fired..blah blah blah.
Thanks for the story it was welcome relief from the normal "gee you look nice let's hook up" shit that is rampant.

Sadly, you are full of shit. Based on your rendition of what occurred the police would have been called and you would have been typing this nonsense with your nose while performing various functions as Bubba's jail wife. Perhaps you may want to take counsel from fbj he writes similar bullshit purely for the attention seeking it garners him.

"this nonsense with your nose while performing various functions as Bubba's jail wife."

Sadly, the truely violent people in this world are not called out.
I got fired for beating the crap out of my supervisor. It was a pretty bad fight that I won and it made me feel great. The down side is I got fired. I knew I was going to get fired and their was absolutely nothing I could do about it. I didn't bother defending myself either. I was straight up with my employer and she basically told me not to return...like ever. I was cool with that because I absolutely hated the job anyways. The hours were shit and the managers walked around like they were royalty and we were like serfs on a plantation. One particular person who was in charge seemed to be extra annoyed with anything I did. I got along with a lot of my bosses so I'm not the type of person who tells his boss to F'off at all but this particular one really had no right to treat me the way he did. I thought of a plan in my mind and executed perfectly. He was on the ground in less than five seconds and he was crying when he was done. Don't ever cry if you get your assed kicked in a fight! It just makes it worse. It is already humuliating enough losing but crying makes it worse. I also believe he wet his pants but I have no evidence to support that. I just speculate he did. Oh yah...he might have got his arm broken but who cares at this point. I just got fired so who cares what happens to him. Security comes out and I told them the truth about what happen and before I knew it I was surrendering my badge and being walked out by the plant managers. I suppose I should not have glouted about kicking his ass to them but I couldn't help myself. Kicking someone's ass is one awesome feeling especially if they deserved it. This particular person has had issues with other employees in the past. One time six people quite for unknown reasons in his area. They all walked out at once and I saw him trying to explain it to his boss so I am not some kind of psychopath. That weekend I waited for the official verdict which I knew wasn't going to be good but I waited for the phone call. I got it and before she said I was being let go. She was being nice and she would pay the price for her niceness because I hung up. She called back and said their was an interuption in the phone call. Yah right...she knew I hung up on purpose but she just wanted to finish her speech about why I was being fired. Maybe it gave her a power trip but before she could say anything I told her that hanging up was the only way I could keep the phone call civilized you damn bitch. I then hung. She didn't call back. I got an email saying I was fired..blah blah blah.
Thanks for the story it was welcome relief from the normal "gee you look nice let's hook up" shit that is rampant.

Sadly, you are full of shit. Based on your rendition of what occurred the police would have been called and you would have been typing this nonsense with your nose while performing various functions as Bubba's jail wife. Perhaps you may want to take counsel from fbj he writes similar bullshit purely for the attention seeking it garners him.

"this nonsense with your nose while performing various functions as Bubba's jail wife."

Sadly, the truely violent people in this world are not called out.
Who are the truly violent?
and nowadays I wonder often....why is it

my mother loves my sister and brother more than me?

LOL love love love:laugh::lmao::dunno:
I got fired for beating the crap out of my supervisor. It was a pretty bad fight that I won and it made me feel great. The down side is I got fired. I knew I was going to get fired and their was absolutely nothing I could do about it. I didn't bother defending myself either. I was straight up with my employer and she basically told me not to return...like ever. I was cool with that because I absolutely hated the job anyways. The hours were shit and the managers walked around like they were royalty and we were like serfs on a plantation. One particular person who was in charge seemed to be extra annoyed with anything I did. I got along with a lot of my bosses so I'm not the type of person who tells his boss to F'off at all but this particular one really had no right to treat me the way he did. I thought of a plan in my mind and executed perfectly. He was on the ground in less than five seconds and he was crying when he was done. Don't ever cry if you get your assed kicked in a fight! It just makes it worse. It is already humuliating enough losing but crying makes it worse. I also believe he wet his pants but I have no evidence to support that. I just speculate he did. Oh yah...he might have got his arm broken but who cares at this point. I just got fired so who cares what happens to him. Security comes out and I told them the truth about what happen and before I knew it I was surrendering my badge and being walked out by the plant managers. I suppose I should not have glouted about kicking his ass to them but I couldn't help myself. Kicking someone's ass is one awesome feeling especially if they deserved it. This particular person has had issues with other employees in the past. One time six people quite for unknown reasons in his area. They all walked out at once and I saw him trying to explain it to his boss so I am not some kind of psychopath. That weekend I waited for the official verdict which I knew wasn't going to be good but I waited for the phone call. I got it and before she said I was being let go. She was being nice and she would pay the price for her niceness because I hung up. She called back and said their was an interuption in the phone call. Yah right...she knew I hung up on purpose but she just wanted to finish her speech about why I was being fired. Maybe it gave her a power trip but before she could say anything I told her that hanging up was the only way I could keep the phone call civilized you damn bitch. I then hung. She didn't call back. I got an email saying I was fired..blah blah blah.
Thanks for the story it was welcome relief from the normal "gee you look nice let's hook up" shit that is rampant.

Sadly, you are full of shit. Based on your rendition of what occurred the police would have been called and you would have been typing this nonsense with your nose while performing various functions as Bubba's jail wife. Perhaps you may want to take counsel from fbj he writes similar bullshit purely for the attention seeking it garners him.

"this nonsense with your nose while performing various functions as Bubba's jail wife."

Sadly, the truely violent people in this world are not called out.
Who are the truly violent?


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