I got it wrong . . . bigly

If he lost the ID, Joe just go down to your local DMV where you got it the first time, there should be records of who you are there? Not really complicated Joe.

So you are willing to trust a government agency? Is this what you are saying.

What happens if the person at the DMV decides you're a jerk and loses your information?

As for other agencies acting out on US citizens, it has been going on since the IRS attacked conservatives who spoke out against Obama. Should the right start doing that to your side Joe, you guys set the precedence, now we should treat you the same?

I'm sure Trump will try... until he crashes the economy and all those dumb uneducated whites turn on him.

so keep babbling about your imaginary dream home, I don't give a shit.
Joe, under Obama I have seen many government agencies that were corrupted to Fascism. Under Trump it could happen, but I don't think President Trump will want that, wont know but if he acts on his promises, then the Republican Brand will be in power for the next 20 years. We the People will hold the Republicans accountable also, not like you Nazi's that had the Democrats screw US over. It is a shame that under Ronald Reagan which created the greatest economic recovery ever, the liberals ended up getting rewarded also. I think, those that voted for Hillary should not get rewarded when this economy starts to recover. Would teach you libidiots right.
andaronjim is building the great double wide lot (good on him) and JoeB is being a hissy.

When I am being hit from far left and far right, I know I am in the right place.
Yep you are in the right place, now stay there.

A solid Trump victory, over a solid portion of the country in denial of Trump's populist up swell.

The Trump faction has control of the country and the government.

The American people have spoken.

Congratulations to Trump, his perseverance, and his victory.

JakeStarkey at his best.

Well done, Jake. life goes on
andaronjim is building the great double wide lot (good on him) and JoeB is being a hissy.

When I am being hit from far left and far right, I know I am in the right place.
If it was a popular vote only, far more conservatives would vote in Dem strongholds like CA and NY. So you can't just say if it was a popular vote Clinton would win, the results would be different.

Actually, that cuts both ways. If it were popular vote only, a lot of liberals would vote in conservative strongholds as well.

The thing is, this really came down to about six states. Now, I give Trumpenfuhrer kudos for expanding the map to the Rust Belt by lying to uneducated whites that he could bring their good factory jobs back. (He won't.) He manage to do this without the guys who run those states helping him. (Although I'm sure Scott Walkers voter suppression efforts helped in WI).

Ironically, those will be the guys who will get nailed when you have the anti-Trump backlash in 2018. Walker, Snyder, Kasich, Rauner.

Had the Democrats not put out the worst candidate in the history of the US, they would have the WH, instead they wanted crime syndicate boss Hillary and they lost.

Now go cry because the lady who called Trump supporters "deplorable" lost and you are left with not understanding why the hell the Republican Party, the one we heard was dead for the last eight years, has come back to haunt your ugly ass.
You got to give it to Donald. He won is Big! He needs to be given a chance. I do think he will moderate and be reasonable about the issues he brought up in his campaign.

This is America! We congratulate the winners, say thank you to the losers, and move along.

Nate Silver and Wang are idiots!
Are serious Jimbo? Months of you shitting on Trump with numerous posts every F-ing day. Explain yourself.

Look gipper, I still think he is a Fake, a Carnival Barker. But we need to at least give him a chance. As I said, this is America. We congratulate winners, thank loser for their efforts, and we come back together. I wish him well.
I find that very hard to believe. NOW YOU MAKE SENSE!!!

You have posted for months all sorts of absurd phony anti-Trump propaganda and now you go silently into the night. WTF man! Are you a propagandist? Are you admitting to posting lies?

Come on Jimbo...there is no f-ing way a LWNJ like you just accepts the vote. Not after all the hateful nasty shit you have posted.

I think Comrade Trump needs to be given a chance. Then when he starts screwing up, we will point it out. Simple as that.

I do not agree with the demonstrators. They have the right to demonstrate, but they should wait until there is a reason.

I think and hope he will moderate his views, but that is to be seen.
A solid Trump victory, over a solid portion of the country in denial of Trump's populist up swell.

The Trump faction has control of the country and the government.

The American people have spoken.

Congratulations to Trump, his perseverance, and his victory.

JakeStarkey at his best.

Well done, Jake. life goes on
You are repeating yourself like a little spoiled brat, Jake you still cant come out of the corner.

You got to give it to Donald. He won is Big! He needs to be given a chance. I do think he will moderate and be reasonable about the issues he brought up in his campaign.

This is America! We congratulate the winners, say thank you to the losers, and move along.

Nate Silver and Wang are idiots!
Are serious Jimbo? Months of you shitting on Trump with numerous posts every F-ing day. Explain yourself.

Look gipper, I still think he is a Fake, a Carnival Barker. But we need to at least give him a chance. As I said, this is America. We congratulate winners, thank loser for their efforts, and we come back together. I wish him well.
I find that very hard to believe. NOW YOU MAKE SENSE!!!

You have posted for months all sorts of absurd phony anti-Trump propaganda and now you go silently into the night. WTF man! Are you a propagandist? Are you admitting to posting lies?

Come on Jimbo...there is no f-ing way a LWNJ like you just accepts the vote. Not after all the hateful nasty shit you have posted.

I think Comrade Trump needs to be given a chance. Then when he starts screwing up, we will point it out. Simple as that.

I do not agree with the demonstrators. They have the right to demonstrate, but they should wait until there is a reason.

I think and hope he will moderate his views, but that is to be seen.
WTF Jimbo???

I think I prefer you as the irrational Never Trumper we all know you to be...rather than this new logical rational poster.

PS...Trump is a progressive. What views should he moderate?
You got to give it to Donald. He won is Big! He needs to be given a chance. I do think he will moderate and be reasonable about the issues he brought up in his campaign.

This is America! We congratulate the winners, say thank you to the losers, and move along.

Nate Silver and Wang are idiots!
Are serious Jimbo? Months of you shitting on Trump with numerous posts every F-ing day. Explain yourself.

Look gipper, I still think he is a Fake, a Carnival Barker. But we need to at least give him a chance. As I said, this is America. We congratulate winners, thank loser for their efforts, and we come back together. I wish him well.
I find that very hard to believe. NOW YOU MAKE SENSE!!!

You have posted for months all sorts of absurd phony anti-Trump propaganda and now you go silently into the night. WTF man! Are you a propagandist? Are you admitting to posting lies?

Come on Jimbo...there is no f-ing way a LWNJ like you just accepts the vote. Not after all the hateful nasty shit you have posted.

I think Comrade Trump needs to be given a chance. Then when he starts screwing up, we will point it out. Simple as that.

I do not agree with the demonstrators. They have the right to demonstrate, but they should wait until there is a reason.

I think and hope he will moderate his views, but that is to be seen.

Calling him Comrade Trump, then you claim to give him a chance? Lol! You have no intention of giving him a chance, you are a fake and a fraud.
You got to give it to Donald. He won is Big! He needs to be given a chance. I do think he will moderate and be reasonable about the issues he brought up in his campaign.

This is America! We congratulate the winners, say thank you to the losers, and move along.

Nate Silver and Wang are idiots!
Are serious Jimbo? Months of you shitting on Trump with numerous posts every F-ing day. Explain yourself.

Look gipper, I still think he is a Fake, a Carnival Barker. But we need to at least give him a chance. As I said, this is America. We congratulate winners, thank loser for their efforts, and we come back together. I wish him well.
I find that very hard to believe. NOW YOU MAKE SENSE!!!

You have posted for months all sorts of absurd phony anti-Trump propaganda and now you go silently into the night. WTF man! Are you a propagandist? Are you admitting to posting lies?

Come on Jimbo...there is no f-ing way a LWNJ like you just accepts the vote. Not after all the hateful nasty shit you have posted.

I think Comrade Trump needs to be given a chance. Then when he starts screwing up, we will point it out. Simple as that.

I do not agree with the demonstrators. They have the right to demonstrate, but they should wait until there is a reason.

I think and hope he will moderate his views, but that is to be seen.

Calling him Comrade Trump, then you claim to give him a chance? Lol! You have no intention of giving him a chance, you are a fake and a fraud.
You got to give it to Donald. He won is Big! He needs to be given a chance. I do think he will moderate and be reasonable about the issues he brought up in his campaign.

This is America! We congratulate the winners, say thank you to the losers, and move along.

Nate Silver and Wang are idiots!
Are serious Jimbo? Months of you shitting on Trump with numerous posts every F-ing day. Explain yourself.

Look gipper, I still think he is a Fake, a Carnival Barker. But we need to at least give him a chance. As I said, this is America. We congratulate winners, thank loser for their efforts, and we come back together. I wish him well.
I find that very hard to believe. NOW YOU MAKE SENSE!!!

You have posted for months all sorts of absurd phony anti-Trump propaganda and now you go silently into the night. WTF man! Are you a propagandist? Are you admitting to posting lies?

Come on Jimbo...there is no f-ing way a LWNJ like you just accepts the vote. Not after all the hateful nasty shit you have posted.

I think Comrade Trump needs to be given a chance. Then when he starts screwing up, we will point it out. Simple as that.

I do not agree with the demonstrators. They have the right to demonstrate, but they should wait until there is a reason.

I think and hope he will moderate his views, but that is to be seen.

Calling him Comrade Trump, then you claim to give him a chance? Lol! You have no intention of giving him a chance, you are a fake and a fraud.

Valid point, but Comrade President Elect Trump is tiring...:biggrin:
I'm just hoping he doesn't crap on the poor people. Well, if he does build a "wall" that would mean jobs for American citizens. That is no easy task and would take years and years and years.

again, the wall is never getting built.

The other problem with that kind of thinking (besides being racist as shit) is that it cuts both ways.

Let's say Trump removes a substantial amount of the "Illegals". Okay, awesome, you maybe freed up a million jobs, but you've removed a few million consumers when they and their families go back where they came from.

Less consumers, less economic activity. That means companies that don't hire illegals will end up laying people off because they have - wait for it- less costumers. It also means that products that would normally be made by illegals would be more expensive if they have to be done by Americans who will be paid more and won't work nearly as hard.

WE have PLENTY of consumers. Besides, I know some immigrant families who send their paychecks to their families in whatever country they reside in. Most of them are living 10-12 in small apartments because they can't even afford to pay their rent!

There is nothing "racist" about it. I don't think you even know what "racist" means. In fact, I would say the people who are racists are the ones who want to use these people for their own good!
I'm just hoping he doesn't crap on the poor people. Well, if he does build a "wall" that would mean jobs for American citizens. That is no easy task and would take years and years and years.

again, the wall is never getting built.

The other problem with that kind of thinking (besides being racist as shit) is that it cuts both ways.

Let's say Trump removes a substantial amount of the "Illegals". Okay, awesome, you maybe freed up a million jobs, but you've removed a few million consumers when they and their families go back where they came from.

Less consumers, less economic activity. That means companies that don't hire illegals will end up laying people off because they have - wait for it- less costumers. It also means that products that would normally be made by illegals would be more expensive if they have to be done by Americans who will be paid more and won't work nearly as hard.

Americans work hard and have a great work ethic.
You got to give it to Donald. He won is Big! He needs to be given a chance. I do think he will moderate and be reasonable about the issues he brought up in his campaign.

This is America! We congratulate the winners, say thank you to the losers, and move along.

Nate Silver and Wang are idiots!
Are serious Jimbo? Months of you shitting on Trump with numerous posts every F-ing day. Explain yourself.

Look gipper, I still think he is a Fake, a Carnival Barker. But we need to at least give him a chance. As I said, this is America. We congratulate winners, thank loser for their efforts, and we come back together. I wish him well.
I find that very hard to believe. NOW YOU MAKE SENSE!!!

You have posted for months all sorts of absurd phony anti-Trump propaganda and now you go silently into the night. WTF man! Are you a propagandist? Are you admitting to posting lies?

Come on Jimbo...there is no f-ing way a LWNJ like you just accepts the vote. Not after all the hateful nasty shit you have posted.

I think Comrade Trump needs to be given a chance. Then when he starts screwing up, we will point it out. Simple as that.

I do not agree with the demonstrators. They have the right to demonstrate, but they should wait until there is a reason.

I think and hope he will moderate his views, but that is to be seen.

Calling him Comrade Trump, then you claim to give him a chance? Lol! You have no intention of giving him a chance, you are a fake and a fraud.

All social justice warriors are fakes and frauds. These were people who were teased in high school so now they have giant chips on their shoulders.
Well, maybe if we stop letting them come here for jobs, they will demand some things from their OWN government, which is really what needs to happen for those people.

'Those" people. Racist much?

Anyway, let's look at that. What caused the huge influx of illegals into this country?

There was a very interesting movie called "Food, Inc." that discussed this. The short version is this. When Ronald Reagan passed Amnesty in the 1980's, we only had about 3 million illegals in the country.

Then NAFTA passed. and, yes, a lot of good manufacturing jobs went to Mexico instead of China. But the other result was that when cheap, government subsized yellow corn became easily available to Mexican consumers, a lot of Mexican farmers of traditional white corn were displaced from their agricultural jobs. And guess where they ended up?

What caused the giant influx is that their own countries suck and they won't do anything to change it if we keep allowing them to come here.

Oh well. Such is life. These are things their governments should be taking care of. Not the American taxpayers responsibility!
Over half the country uneducated? I would rather go back to the sixties than live in Obama's economy. At least one person back then working could support a family.

Yes, but what you don't get is back then, manufacturing was very labor intensive. So was construction, or for that matter, office work before you had computers. (I try to imagine what it would be like to do either of my two jobs without a computer, with maybe just a typewriter.)

Now, the thing is "back then", uneducated whites had things called "Unions" that made sure they got a fair wage. Even if you didn't belong to a union, non-union jobs paid competitively to attract talent.

Of course, the "Obama Economy" you whine about is the cumulation of 40 years of Republican policies of busting unions, free trade deals, as well as hyperinflation back in the 1970's and feminism.

(See, I'm a fair guy, I spread the blame around equally.)

The thing is, nothing Trumpenfuhrer is suggesting will really fix any of those problems.

Now he might be a lot more clever than we all thought, he said those things to get your votes, and then he'll turn around and do things that WILL work.

That works on the assumption he isn't the buffoon he appears to be.

Office work is labor intensive? Good lord. You must be one lazy arse.

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