I got it wrong . . . bigly

In 2008 those like you wrote the GOP was dead, and in 2016 the GOP holds the House, Senate and the White House....

Yeah, and your Predictions will be wrong because Trump is not Hoover...

I didn't write anything of the sort. In fact, in 2008,I wrote that the GOP would probably do very well in 2010, and they did. (Not here, in other forums). Also, in 2008, I still voted Republican, but after Bush's disaster, I was rapidly rethinking that.

The thing is, 2018 is coming up, and normally, I'd say the GOP would be secure due to Gerrymandering in the House and the fact that so few GOP seats are up in the Senate. But I think Trump will be such an epic disaster for the GOP that it might not apply.

This is a guy who comes into office with a 60% negative rating and a majority that voted against him.

That's before he starts fucking things up, and we get the inevitable recession.
Yes, President Trump will inherit the Obama recession.....
You have to give Trump credit like him or not he did everything he had to do to win won all the Romney states of 2012 got the battle ground states and broke through Hillarys blue wall.

I do give him credit for the accomplishment, but not the way he did it.

He did it by pandering to racism and fear. The problem with doing that is that it never pays off. Hating people of color doesn't make life any better for the white people who lost their jobs to automation and globalization.

Now, that said, some of the things he's suggesting might help. for instance, he said yesterday that he would support a program of infrastructure building that will create jobs. And as often happens, all you "Supply Siders" will ignore this outbreak of Keynesian thinking when it happens.
I'm just hoping he doesn't crap on the poor people. Well, if he does build a "wall" that would mean jobs for American citizens. That is no easy task and would take years and years and years.

again, the wall is never getting built.

The other problem with that kind of thinking (besides being racist as shit) is that it cuts both ways.

Let's say Trump removes a substantial amount of the "Illegals". Okay, awesome, you maybe freed up a million jobs, but you've removed a few million consumers when they and their families go back where they came from.

Less consumers, less economic activity. That means companies that don't hire illegals will end up laying people off because they have - wait for it- less costumers. It also means that products that would normally be made by illegals would be more expensive if they have to be done by Americans who will be paid more and won't work nearly as hard.
I'm just hoping he doesn't crap on the poor people. Well, if he does build a "wall" that would mean jobs for American citizens. That is no easy task and would take years and years and years.

again, the wall is never getting built.

The other problem with that kind of thinking (besides being racist as shit) is that it cuts both ways.

Let's say Trump removes a substantial amount of the "Illegals". Okay, awesome, you maybe freed up a million jobs, but you've removed a few million consumers when they and their families go back where they came from.

Less consumers, less economic activity. That means companies that don't hire illegals will end up laying people off because they have - wait for it- less costumers. It also means that products that would normally be made by illegals would be more expensive if they have to be done by Americans who will be paid more and won't work nearly as hard.
The wall should be under construction sometime next year....
Over half the country uneducated? I would rather go back to the sixties than live in Obama's economy. At least one person back then working could support a family.

Yes, but what you don't get is back then, manufacturing was very labor intensive. So was construction, or for that matter, office work before you had computers. (I try to imagine what it would be like to do either of my two jobs without a computer, with maybe just a typewriter.)

Now, the thing is "back then", uneducated whites had things called "Unions" that made sure they got a fair wage. Even if you didn't belong to a union, non-union jobs paid competitively to attract talent.

Of course, the "Obama Economy" you whine about is the cumulation of 40 years of Republican policies of busting unions, free trade deals, as well as hyperinflation back in the 1970's and feminism.

(See, I'm a fair guy, I spread the blame around equally.)

The thing is, nothing Trumpenfuhrer is suggesting will really fix any of those problems.

Now he might be a lot more clever than we all thought, he said those things to get your votes, and then he'll turn around and do things that WILL work.

That works on the assumption he isn't the buffoon he appears to be.
That's another problem that needs to be tackled. Companies that hire illegals. The punishment needs to be swift and harsh and it needs to overshadow any kind of gains they get by hiring illegals.

Yeah. Um, so how has "swift and harsh" punishment done with ending drug abuse? Gun Crime? Financial Malfeasence on Wall Street?

I don't disagree that going after the companies that hire them is a better solution than building a wall that is impossible from an engineering solution, but this isn't going to bring the jobs back.
Hey Joe here is my double wide. It is being built as of right now. When you are your own boss, you don't have someone telling you what to do. The liberals hate me for my success, that is for sure.

Guy, you need to stop posting pictures of that McMansion you are building for a rich person. Did Naked Dude on a Stick tell you that Envy is a sin?
Well, maybe if we stop letting them come here for jobs, they will demand some things from their OWN government, which is really what needs to happen for those people.

'Those" people. Racist much?

Anyway, let's look at that. What caused the huge influx of illegals into this country?

There was a very interesting movie called "Food, Inc." that discussed this. The short version is this. When Ronald Reagan passed Amnesty in the 1980's, we only had about 3 million illegals in the country.

Then NAFTA passed. and, yes, a lot of good manufacturing jobs went to Mexico instead of China. But the other result was that when cheap, government subsized yellow corn became easily available to Mexican consumers, a lot of Mexican farmers of traditional white corn were displaced from their agricultural jobs. And guess where they ended up?
Disappointed, yes; enraged and hissing as you would have if Trump lost, no.

Trump's first order of business legislatively is also executive: how far will McConnell and Ryan support him and his policies?

The second order of business will be Trump and McConnell trying to ensure the support of the GOP senators who sense there is opportunity in playing Trump off the Dems. The Dems need two, and they will try everything in the book and beyond to get them.

Ryan von Papen has done a shitty job of standing up to Trump before he got nukes. I don't think he's going to grow a spine now.

The reality is that Ryan will probably go along with everything stupid his Fuhrer wants to do. Just like Von Papen did.
Hey Joe here is my double wide. It is being built as of right now. When you are your own boss, you don't have someone telling you what to do. The liberals hate me for my success, that is for sure.

Guy, you need to stop posting pictures of that McMansion you are building for a rich person. Did Naked Dude on a Stick tell you that Envy is a sin?
Was just showing you my double wide. You bragged that your 2 houses, with double your carbon footprint, you wont share with some illegal just looking for FREE stuff, i never said i was a global warming alarmist as my 5,300 sq foot house isn't GW friendly.
i still think he should dig out a one mile wide moat and fill it with very pissed off and hungry alligators

Maybe we should just crucify illegals along the border and leave their bodies as a warning to others.

It's totally what Jesus would do.
Oh, boy , Joe does the "lets use Jesus" again. Fucking hypocrite. But i do like your idea but with a stipulation.
1. Start with a National I.D. Card - requiring all US citizens to be identified by a 3 year census.
2. Those not found to be US citizens have to give up fingerprints, photo, and DNA.
3. The illegals that do not have a National I.D. have 30 days to leave this country and will be registered for a lottery that one day they could be asked to come back legally to the US.
4. Those that done leave, when found out they do not have the I.D. or falsified the I.D. are taken to the border, given number 2 treatment and sent over the wall, warned that if they come back across, and are found that they were warned.
5. They are executed and left in Mexico, as a warning that the US will not allow the invasion of this country to continue.
6. If a bleeding heart liberal doesn't like this, then they can be treated as a fellow criminal who has aided and abetted the illegal crimes against this country.

I will be approaching Trump with this idea shortly after his acceptance of the Presidency. Joe, you might want to pack up and head to Cuba, your time is coming.
^^^^^ Fascists R Us, as described by sturmleader andaronjim
Was just showing you my double wide. You bragged that your 2 houses, with double your carbon footprint, you wont share with some illegal just looking for FREE stuff, i never said i was a global warming alarmist as my 5,300 sq foot house isn't GW friendly.

again, guy, you need to stop showing us pictures of other people's stuff you envy.

1. Start with a National I.D. Card - requiring all US citizens to be identified by a 3 year census.

While I'm not against that, what do you do to the guy who lost his ID Card? Do you ship him out of the country without a hearing? Or do you only do that if he isn't white?

Obviously, you never worked a census before. I have in 2000 (in a mostly hispanic neighborhood) and 2010 (in a mostly white suburb). You would be amazed that, even with the promise that none of the information will be shared with any other agency, how many people of all colors avoided the census, slammed doors in our faces, or were generally rude to us. And yes, White People were the worst offenders.

Now, imagine if you are doing a census with the intent of identify and gathering information for other agencies to act on.

I will be approaching Trump with this idea shortly after his acceptance of the Presidency. Joe, you might want to pack up and head to Cuba, your time is coming.

Trump is going to be a fine case of "Be careful what you wish for". He's going to remind people why they vote Republicans out to start with.
^^^^^ Fascists R Us, as described by sturmleader andaronjim
Get back to your corner Jake, no one asked you.

Was just showing you my double wide. You bragged that your 2 houses, with double your carbon footprint, you wont share with some illegal just looking for FREE stuff, i never said i was a global warming alarmist as my 5,300 sq foot house isn't GW friendly.

again, guy, you need to stop showing us pictures of other people's stuff you envy.

1. Start with a National I.D. Card - requiring all US citizens to be identified by a 3 year census.

While I'm not against that, what do you do to the guy who lost his ID Card? Do you ship him out of the country without a hearing? Or do you only do that if he isn't white?

Obviously, you never worked a census before. I have in 2000 (in a mostly hispanic neighborhood) and 2010 (in a mostly white suburb). You would be amazed that, even with the promise that none of the information will be shared with any other agency, how many people of all colors avoided the census, slammed doors in our faces, or were generally rude to us. And yes, White People were the worst offenders.

Now, imagine if you are doing a census with the intent of identify and gathering information for other agencies to act on.

I will be approaching Trump with this idea shortly after his acceptance of the Presidency. Joe, you might want to pack up and head to Cuba, your time is coming.

Trump is going to be a fine case of "Be careful what you wish for". He's going to remind people why they vote Republicans out to start with.
If he lost the ID, Joe just go down to your local DMV where you got it the first time, there should be records of who you are there? Not really complicated Joe. As for other agencies acting out on US citizens, it has been going on since the IRS attacked conservatives who spoke out against Obama. Should the right start doing that to your side Joe, you guys set the precedence, now we should treat you the same?

Sorry Joe, but I am building that dream home and it will be finished in the summer of 2017. And guess what, I can afford it because I wont be paying stupid state taxes like the idiots who still live in Illinois which is going bankrupt.
If he lost the ID, Joe just go down to your local DMV where you got it the first time, there should be records of who you are there? Not really complicated Joe.

So you are willing to trust a government agency? Is this what you are saying.

What happens if the person at the DMV decides you're a jerk and loses your information?

As for other agencies acting out on US citizens, it has been going on since the IRS attacked conservatives who spoke out against Obama. Should the right start doing that to your side Joe, you guys set the precedence, now we should treat you the same?

I'm sure Trump will try... until he crashes the economy and all those dumb uneducated whites turn on him.

so keep babbling about your imaginary dream home, I don't give a shit.

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