I got it wrong . . . bigly

The average BUILDING takes more than a year to complete.
i think many will have to go back home, what are they going to do? share a one bedroom apt with ten others??

That's what they do now, isn't it?
i know,,,,god, and probably in the most awful living conditions out in the west. they probably use the yards as toilets

Well, maybe if we stop letting them come here for jobs, they will demand some things from their OWN government, which is really what needs to happen for those people.

agree, its called enforcing our borders and immigration laws.
A solid Trump victory, over a solid portion of the country in denial of Trump's populist up swell.

The Trump faction has control of the country and the government.

The American people have spoken.

Congratulations to Trump, his perseverance, and his victory.

Another gracious response.... thanks to you and NAT.
A solid Trump victory, over a solid portion of the country in denial of Trump's populist up swell.

The Trump faction has control of the country and the government.

The American people have spoken.

Congratulations to Trump, his perseverance, and his victory.

Another gracious response.... thanks to you and NAT.

You'll probably be wanting to take that back in less than a month's time! :lol:

You can only read their words. What you can't see is them stomping around and throwing themselves on the floor having hissy fits. :D
A solid Trump victory, over a solid portion of the country in denial of Trump's populist up swell.

The Trump faction has control of the country and the government.

The American people have spoken.

Congratulations to Trump, his perseverance, and his victory.

Another gracious response.... thanks to you and NAT.

You'll probably be wanting to take that back in less than a month's time! :lol:

You can only read their words. What you can't see is them stomping around and throwing themselves on the floor having hissy fits. :D
Disappointed, yes; enraged and hissing as you would have if Trump lost, no.

Trump's first order of business legislatively is also executive: how far will McConnell and Ryan support him and his policies?

The second order of business will be Trump and McConnell trying to ensure the support of the GOP senators who sense there is opportunity in playing Trump off the Dems. The Dems need two, and they will try everything in the book and beyond to get them.
A solid Trump victory, over a solid portion of the country in denial of Trump's populist up swell.

The Trump faction has control of the country and the government.

The American people have spoken.

Congratulations to Trump, his perseverance, and his victory.

Another gracious response.... thanks to you and NAT.

You'll probably be wanting to take that back in less than a month's time! :lol:

You can only read their words. What you can't see is them stomping around and throwing themselves on the floor having hissy fits. :D
Disappointed, yes; enraged and hissing as you would have if Trump lost, no.

Trump's first order of business legislatively is also executive: how far will McConnell and Ryan support him and his policies?

The second order of business will be Trump and McConnell trying to ensure the support of the GOP senators who sense there is opportunity in playing Trump off the Dems. The Dems need two, and they will try everything in the book and beyond to get them.

Who are kidding? Not me. Lol. :D
A solid Trump victory, over a solid portion of the country in denial of Trump's populist up swell.

The Trump faction has control of the country and the government.

The American people have spoken.

Congratulations to Trump, his perseverance, and his victory.

Nice to see you've m oved on directly to the grovelling, Fake Snarkey.

So once again, an 18th Century Anachronism has managed to flaunt the will of the people. (Hillary got more votes, but, man, fuck those voters!) and we now have to hope that the angry buffoon is just faking it.
Yes, let the butthurt flow through you!

After Trump wrecks the economy and all you stupid uneducated White Trash figure out that he's not going to make extinct jobs reappear, you are going to see a Hoover-level disaster for the GOP.

Sure thing dad.
A solid Trump victory, over a solid portion of the country in denial of Trump's populist up swell.

The Trump faction has control of the country and the government.

The American people have spoken.

Congratulations to Trump, his perseverance, and his victory.

Another gracious response.... thanks to you and NAT.

You'll probably be wanting to take that back in less than a month's time! :lol:

You can only read their words. What you can't see is them stomping around and throwing themselves on the floor having hissy fits. :D
Disappointed, yes; enraged and hissing as you would have if Trump lost, no.

Trump's first order of business legislatively is also executive: how far will McConnell and Ryan support him and his policies?

The second order of business will be Trump and McConnell trying to ensure the support of the GOP senators who sense there is opportunity in playing Trump off the Dems. The Dems need two, and they will try everything in the book and beyond to get them.

Who are kidding? Not me. Lol. :D
ChrisL, enjoy the moment. Things change, and your issues is that you mix the feelz witht the reelz.

I am hoping (if not expecting) that Trump will work with GOP leadership and the dems to fashion a majority that can pass good legislation.

ACA will be morphed into something more palatable to the American people. Business will want to go back to make money off denying health care to sick people.

Mass deportation will not occur. I have always believed a stronger border with penalties on businesses and implementation of e-verify is the way to go. Many, particularly those who have citizen families here, will stay, because poverty here is better than in Mexico, but many may leave, as well.

All of this can be done if people will build consensus.

Time will tell.
A solid Trump victory, over a solid portion of the country in denial of Trump's populist up swell.
The Trump faction has control of the country and the government.
The American people have spoken.
Congratulations to Trump, his perseverance, and his victory.
Graciously stated.

He was able to do that because before Republicans fucked everything up, you could get a good union job that paid a good wage without an education. Those jobs are gone. They aren't ever, ever coming back. At least not with the policies Trump advocates.
You have to love JoeB131 "logic"! Instead of creating an economy built on education, he wants an economy which incentivizes people not to work hard for an education because "good wage" jobs are readily available to the high school dropout.

Why would anyone listen to this loon considering he emphatically stated that Republicans would never win another election?!? Meanwhile, back in reality, Republicans own the House, the Senate, and the White House!!!
A solid Trump victory, over a solid portion of the country in denial of Trump's populist up swell.

The Trump faction has control of the country and the government.

The American people have spoken.

Congratulations to Trump, his perseverance, and his victory.

Another gracious response.... thanks to you and NAT.

You'll probably be wanting to take that back in less than a month's time! :lol:

You can only read their words. What you can't see is them stomping around and throwing themselves on the floor having hissy fits. :D

Meh... they're so rarely gracious, I'll give them a shout out when it is due. But yes, I give them til Friday before they amp it up.
A solid Trump victory, over a solid portion of the country in denial of Trump's populist up swell.

The Trump faction has control of the country and the government.

The American people have spoken.

Congratulations to Trump, his perseverance, and his victory.

Flake trying to bluff his way through another day at USMB after adding more scar-tissue to his wrists last night.
A solid Trump victory, over a solid portion of the country in denial of Trump's populist up swell.

The Trump faction has control of the country and the government.

The American people have spoken.

Congratulations to Trump, his perseverance, and his victory.

Flake trying to bluff his way through another day at USMB after adding more scar-tissue to his wrists last night.

very perceptive. jakey boi is the most disingenuous poster on this forum. He will be back to posting talking points by this time next week.
A solid Trump victory, over a solid portion of the country in denial of Trump's populist up swell.

The Trump faction has control of the country and the government.

The American people have spoken.

Congratulations to Trump, his perseverance, and his victory.

Flake trying to bluff his way through another day at USMB after adding more scar-tissue to his wrists last night.
Being generous and gracious is what I try to do when I can. But I have no trouble slapping down twits:

You got to give it to Donald. He won is Big! He needs to be given a chance. I do think he will moderate and be reasonable about the issues he brought up in his campaign.

This is America! We congratulate the winners, say thank you to the losers, and move along.

Nate Silver and Wang are idiots!
Are serious Jimbo? Months of you shitting on Trump with numerous posts every F-ing day. Explain yourself.

Look gipper, I still think he is a Fake, a Carnival Barker. But we need to at least give him a chance. As I said, this is America. We congratulate winners, thank loser for their efforts, and we come back together. I wish him well.
I find that very hard to believe. NOW YOU MAKE SENSE!!!

You have posted for months all sorts of absurd phony anti-Trump propaganda and now you go silently into the night. WTF man! Are you a propagandist? Are you admitting to posting lies?

Come on Jimbo...there is no f-ing way a LWNJ like you just accepts the vote. Not after all the hateful nasty shit you have posted.
If it was a popular vote only, far more conservatives would vote in Dem strongholds like CA and NY. So you can't just say if it was a popular vote Clinton would win, the results would be different.

Actually, that cuts both ways. If it were popular vote only, a lot of liberals would vote in conservative strongholds as well.

The thing is, this really came down to about six states. Now, I give Trumpenfuhrer kudos for expanding the map to the Rust Belt by lying to uneducated whites that he could bring their good factory jobs back. (He won't.) He manage to do this without the guys who run those states helping him. (Although I'm sure Scott Walkers voter suppression efforts helped in WI).

Ironically, those will be the guys who will get nailed when you have the anti-Trump backlash in 2018. Walker, Snyder, Kasich, Rauner.
Construction jobs are gone? Yeah, to illegal immigrants. Are you a union member?

No, Im not. My brothers are. My career path involved the military, college and the private sector...

But it's really not the Construction jobs that are the issue here. It's the manufacturing jobs, that Trump says he's going to bring back and won't.
If it was a popular vote only, far more conservatives would vote in Dem strongholds like CA and NY. So you can't just say if it was a popular vote Clinton would win, the results would be different.

Actually, that cuts both ways. If it were popular vote only, a lot of liberals would vote in conservative strongholds as well.

The thing is, this really came down to about six states. Now, I give Trumpenfuhrer kudos for expanding the map to the Rust Belt by lying to uneducated whites that he could bring their good factory jobs back. (He won't.) He manage to do this without the guys who run those states helping him. (Although I'm sure Scott Walkers voter suppression efforts helped in WI).

Ironically, those will be the guys who will get nailed when you have the anti-Trump backlash in 2018. Walker, Snyder, Kasich, Rauner.
We rejected your fascist mob rule at our founding.....

As for the GOP'ers? They are done....
In 2008 those like you wrote the GOP was dead, and in 2016 the GOP holds the House, Senate and the White House....

Yeah, and your Predictions will be wrong because Trump is not Hoover...

I didn't write anything of the sort. In fact, in 2008,I wrote that the GOP would probably do very well in 2010, and they did. (Not here, in other forums). Also, in 2008, I still voted Republican, but after Bush's disaster, I was rapidly rethinking that.

The thing is, 2018 is coming up, and normally, I'd say the GOP would be secure due to Gerrymandering in the House and the fact that so few GOP seats are up in the Senate. But I think Trump will be such an epic disaster for the GOP that it might not apply.

This is a guy who comes into office with a 60% negative rating and a majority that voted against him.

That's before he starts fucking things up, and we get the inevitable recession.

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