'I got this' -- Obama LIES, Veterans DIE!

Social Security has stated that in 2013, there was 13 billion paid into the system by non citizens who will never get any of that money back. It was all through payroll deduction. 13 billion is not chump change, bro

One state alone, NY, paid over $5 BBN in one year - 2015 - to educate illegal alien children.

The salaries of the jobs illegals work in are barely $20K/year, which is the cost to educate a single child in NYS.

Do the math over the rest of the country, got it simple Jack?
so there was no 13 billion surplus in social security because of undocumented aliens?
In not one of the 3 instances you cited has a single illegal been PROVEN to have voted. Try again

"Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted announced Wednesday that his office found 17 non-citizens illegally cast ballots in the 2012 presidential election -- and has referred the case for possible prosecution. The alleged crime would be a notable case of voter fraud in a key swing state."

I guess reading was not fundamental in your family, bro.
I thought Barry said he had 'this', that he was going to correct this problem?! Yeah, just another Barry LIE at the expense of the lives of American Vets:

200 veterans die waiting for care as troubled Phoenix VA builds new backlog
-- Phoenix VA builds new backlog; 200 veterans die waiting for care

"Two years after they first sounded the alarm about secret waiting lists leaving veterans struggling for care at the Phoenix VA, investigators said some services have improved, and they cleared the clinic of allegations that top officials ordered staff to cancel appointments.

But confusion and bureaucratic bungling are still prevalent, some veterans are waiting a half-year or longer for treatment, and staff are still canceling appointments for questionable reasons.

More than 200 veterans died while waiting for appointments in 2015..."

I'm so glad Barry didn't let this get in the way of his golf games and trips to Martha's Vineyard!

Just another damning story the MSM can ignore keeping libs and progs in the dark...the way they like it.
In not one of the 3 instances you cited has a single illegal been PROVEN to have voted. Try again

"Ohio Secretary of State Jon Husted announced Wednesday that his office found 17 non-citizens illegally cast ballots in the 2012 presidential election -- and has referred the case for possible prosecution. The alleged crime would be a notable case of voter fraud in a key swing state."

I guess reading was not fundamental in your family, bro.
Obama won the state by 160,000 votes, so 17 aint such a deal. Furthermore your voter ID laws wouldn't have stopped them
Obama won the state by 160,000 votes, so 17 aint such a deal. Furthermore your voter ID laws wouldn't have stopped them

Oh, so now you admit it, we are making progress....dimwit, those were the ones THEY CAUGHT. I am certain there were FAR more.

Second, in the US a person needs a picture ID to practically breathe in 2016, ask yourself why the democrats fight voter IDs so hard if there are no / few illegals voting, or is that too hard a question to grasp for you?
Obama won the state by 160,000 votes, so 17 aint such a deal. Furthermore your voter ID laws wouldn't have stopped them

Oh, so now you admit it, we are making progress....dimwit, those were the ones THEY CAUGHT. I am certain there were FAR more.

Second, in the US a person needs a picture ID to practically breathe in 2016, ask yourself why the democrats fight voter IDs so hard if there are no / few illegals voting, or is that too hard a question to grasp for you?
Of those who were "caught" 4 were prosecuted. Thats out of 7 million eligible voters-4. The problem is much more than a picture ID, its red states who reduce voting hours, close polling places on Sunday, and even eliminate polling place entirely in minority neighborhoods.
I thought Barry said he had 'this', that he was going to correct this problem?! Yeah, just another Barry LIE at the expense of the lives of American Vets:

200 veterans die waiting for care as troubled Phoenix VA builds new backlog
-- Phoenix VA builds new backlog; 200 veterans die waiting for care

"Two years after they first sounded the alarm about secret waiting lists leaving veterans struggling for care at the Phoenix VA, investigators said some services have improved, and they cleared the clinic of allegations that top officials ordered staff to cancel appointments.

But confusion and bureaucratic bungling are still prevalent, some veterans are waiting a half-year or longer for treatment, and staff are still canceling appointments for questionable reasons.

More than 200 veterans died while waiting for appointments in 2015..."

I'm so glad Barry didn't let this get in the way of his golf games and trips to Martha's Vineyard!

Obama hates the military and its veterans.
I thought Barry said he had 'this', that he was going to correct this problem?! Yeah, just another Barry LIE at the expense of the lives of American Vets:

200 veterans die waiting for care as troubled Phoenix VA builds new backlog
-- Phoenix VA builds new backlog; 200 veterans die waiting for care

"Two years after they first sounded the alarm about secret waiting lists leaving veterans struggling for care at the Phoenix VA, investigators said some services have improved, and they cleared the clinic of allegations that top officials ordered staff to cancel appointments.

But confusion and bureaucratic bungling are still prevalent, some veterans are waiting a half-year or longer for treatment, and staff are still canceling appointments for questionable reasons.

More than 200 veterans died while waiting for appointments in 2015..."

I'm so glad Barry didn't let this get in the way of his golf games and trips to Martha's Vineyard!

Obama hates the military and its veterans.
Who passed the law that veterans do not automatically receive medical care. There are two, groups the first, are the service incurred medical problems and they are taken care of first. For the regular veteran with no service incurred problem they are taken If there is room. Should VA care be first come first served?

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