I Gots 'Da Covid!

Canon Shooter

Diamond Member
Jan 7, 2020
So, last Thursday I started feeling mildly crappy, like I was coming down with a cold. Not wanting to take any chances, I scheduled a Covid test for this afternoon. It was one of the tests that gives you results in a few hours.

It came back positive.

I feel fine at the moment, maybe a little congestion. There's been no loss of smell or taste. I don't have any headaches or a sore throat. I did have a runny nose for a day or two but even that's subsided.

I have more than a few friends who did this same test and got false positives. Ergo, I'm going to schedule another test on Tuesday, but it'll be the test that has a 2-3 day turn-around on results. Those tests, from everything I've read, are far more accurate.

Either way, as long as my symptoms don't get worse (and they've actually gotten better), I can come out of isolation on Saturday.

Helluva' way to spend the week!
So, last Thursday I started feeling mildly crappy, like I was coming down with a cold. Not wanting to take any chances, I scheduled a Covid test for this afternoon. It was one of the tests that gives you results in a few hours.

It came back positive.

I feel fine at the moment, maybe a little congestion. There's been no loss of smell or taste. I don't have any headaches or a sore throat. I did have a runny nose for a day or two but even that's subsided.

I have more than a few friends who did this same test and got false positives. Ergo, I'm going to schedule another test on Tuesday, but it'll be the test that has a 2-3 day turn-around on results. Those tests, from everything I've read, are far more accurate.

Either way, as long as my symptoms don't get worse (and they've actually gotten better), I can come out of isolation on Saturday.

Helluva' way to spend the week!
Rapid tests have been pretty unreliable, yes you should take the PCR that takes a couple days.
So, last Thursday I started feeling mildly crappy, like I was coming down with a cold. Not wanting to take any chances, I scheduled a Covid test for this afternoon. It was one of the tests that gives you results in a few hours.

It came back positive.

I feel fine at the moment, maybe a little congestion. There's been no loss of smell or taste. I don't have any headaches or a sore throat. I did have a runny nose for a day or two but even that's subsided.

I have more than a few friends who did this same test and got false positives. Ergo, I'm going to schedule another test on Tuesday, but it'll be the test that has a 2-3 day turn-around on results. Those tests, from everything I've read, are far more accurate.

Either way, as long as my symptoms don't get worse (and they've actually gotten better), I can come out of isolation on Saturday.

Helluva' way to spend the week!
Vaccinated people are coming down with false positives.
So, last Thursday I started feeling mildly crappy, like I was coming down with a cold. Not wanting to take any chances, I scheduled a Covid test for this afternoon. It was one of the tests that gives you results in a few hours.

It came back positive.

I feel fine at the moment, maybe a little congestion. There's been no loss of smell or taste. I don't have any headaches or a sore throat. I did have a runny nose for a day or two but even that's subsided.

I have more than a few friends who did this same test and got false positives. Ergo, I'm going to schedule another test on Tuesday, but it'll be the test that has a 2-3 day turn-around on results. Those tests, from everything I've read, are far more accurate.

Either way, as long as my symptoms don't get worse (and they've actually gotten better), I can come out of isolation on Saturday.

Helluva' way to spend the week!
Oh dear, do you have the Fauci variant?
So, last Thursday I started feeling mildly crappy, like I was coming down with a cold. Not wanting to take any chances, I scheduled a Covid test for this afternoon. It was one of the tests that gives you results in a few hours.

It came back positive.

I feel fine at the moment, maybe a little congestion. There's been no loss of smell or taste. I don't have any headaches or a sore throat. I did have a runny nose for a day or two but even that's subsided.

I have more than a few friends who did this same test and got false positives. Ergo, I'm going to schedule another test on Tuesday, but it'll be the test that has a 2-3 day turn-around on results. Those tests, from everything I've read, are far more accurate.

Either way, as long as my symptoms don't get worse (and they've actually gotten better), I can come out of isolation on Saturday.

Helluva' way to spend the week!

So, last Thursday I started feeling mildly crappy, like I was coming down with a cold. Not wanting to take any chances, I scheduled a Covid test for this afternoon. It was one of the tests that gives you results in a few hours.

It came back positive.

I feel fine at the moment, maybe a little congestion. There's been no loss of smell or taste. I don't have any headaches or a sore throat. I did have a runny nose for a day or two but even that's subsided.

I have more than a few friends who did this same test and got false positives. Ergo, I'm going to schedule another test on Tuesday, but it'll be the test that has a 2-3 day turn-around on results. Those tests, from everything I've read, are far more accurate.

Either way, as long as my symptoms don't get worse (and they've actually gotten better), I can come out of isolation on Saturday.

Helluva' way to spend the week!
Good luck, I hope you're feeling better soon. I had it in January and I found that when I got outside and plowed the driveway, I felt better after the fresh air and light exercise. We treated it with D3 and zinc (from multi vitamins) and pedialyte. Fully recovered in a couple weeks with no after effects.
So, last Thursday I started feeling mildly crappy, like I was coming down with a cold. Not wanting to take any chances, I scheduled a Covid test for this afternoon. It was one of the tests that gives you results in a few hours.

It came back positive.

I feel fine at the moment, maybe a little congestion. There's been no loss of smell or taste. I don't have any headaches or a sore throat. I did have a runny nose for a day or two but even that's subsided.

I have more than a few friends who did this same test and got false positives. Ergo, I'm going to schedule another test on Tuesday, but it'll be the test that has a 2-3 day turn-around on results. Those tests, from everything I've read, are far more accurate.

Either way, as long as my symptoms don't get worse (and they've actually gotten better), I can come out of isolation on Saturday.

Helluva' way to spend the week!
That's not how it works. You're supposed to die so the leftists can mock you for your stupidity while pretending to care
Good luck, I hope you're feeling better soon. I had it in January and I found that when I got outside and plowed the driveway, I felt better after the fresh air and light exercise. We treated it with D3 and zinc (from multi vitamins) and pedialyte. Fully recovered in a couple weeks with no after effects.
That's what I've been doing, D3 and zinc. So far I've never had any problems
So, last Thursday I started feeling mildly crappy, like I was coming down with a cold. Not wanting to take any chances, I scheduled a Covid test for this afternoon. It was one of the tests that gives you results in a few hours.

It came back positive.

I feel fine at the moment, maybe a little congestion. There's been no loss of smell or taste. I don't have any headaches or a sore throat. I did have a runny nose for a day or two but even that's subsided.

I have more than a few friends who did this same test and got false positives. Ergo, I'm going to schedule another test on Tuesday, but it'll be the test that has a 2-3 day turn-around on results. Those tests, from everything I've read, are far more accurate.

Either way, as long as my symptoms don't get worse (and they've actually gotten better), I can come out of isolation on Saturday.

Helluva' way to spend the week!
So glad you’re soon to recover yet again! If I can ask, how long was it between the two positive results? Reportedly, natural immunity from produced antibodies (working in concert with T cells and memory B cells) has been suggested to stay effective for a predicted average around 8 months and at 11 months from one well-known study. Other studies support the older males who’ve been hospitalized with high viral loads have the longest immunity. A bonus they surely deserve after all of that. Some experts have stated that recovering from COVID-19 infection enhances one’s immunity for a lifetime also expressed in memory B cells. It seems at this point that out in the fields where info flows that natural immunity is going to outweigh length of current injection immunity.
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