I Gots 'Da Covid!

So, last Thursday I started feeling mildly crappy, like I was coming down with a cold. Not wanting to take any chances, I scheduled a Covid test for this afternoon. It was one of the tests that gives you results in a few hours.

It came back positive.

I feel fine at the moment, maybe a little congestion. There's been no loss of smell or taste. I don't have any headaches or a sore throat. I did have a runny nose for a day or two but even that's subsided.

I have more than a few friends who did this same test and got false positives. Ergo, I'm going to schedule another test on Tuesday, but it'll be the test that has a 2-3 day turn-around on results. Those tests, from everything I've read, are far more accurate.

Either way, as long as my symptoms don't get worse (and they've actually gotten better), I can come out of isolation on Saturday.

Helluva' way to spend the week!

You know you're going to die, right? :(
Didn't read a word of your own link, did ya? Let's clarify this:

“Dr. Anthony Fauci appeared to acknowledge that large numbers of positive COVID-19 cases may arise from oversensitive tests that pick up mere fragments of the virus rather than active, viable infections. If true, many patients may have been receiving false-positive test results”

SOURCE: Daniel Payne, Just the News, 8 Nov. 2020
Incorrect: Regardless of whether a person tested positive with a high or low viral load, a positive test indicates that the person is or has been infected with the virus, which qualifies them as a COVID-19 case. The high number of COVID-19 cases reported in the U.S. is due to a large number of infected people, not the PCR test's sensitivity.

Not true at all total nonsense.

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