I Gots 'Da Covid!

So, last Thursday I started feeling mildly crappy, like I was coming down with a cold. Not wanting to take any chances, I scheduled a Covid test for this afternoon. It was one of the tests that gives you results in a few hours.

It came back positive.

I feel fine at the moment, maybe a little congestion. There's been no loss of smell or taste. I don't have any headaches or a sore throat. I did have a runny nose for a day or two but even that's subsided.

I have more than a few friends who did this same test and got false positives. Ergo, I'm going to schedule another test on Tuesday, but it'll be the test that has a 2-3 day turn-around on results. Those tests, from everything I've read, are far more accurate.

Either way, as long as my symptoms don't get worse (and they've actually gotten better), I can come out of isolation on Saturday.

Helluva' way to spend the week!
I heard you can get a free ticket across our Southern Border now ....
I haven't had Ovaltine since I was a kid in the early 60s. I liked it then, LOL, how's it mix with Crown Royal LOL?
Noooo say that’s a joke CA! Ovaltine might be OK in a hot toddy made with whiskey, but just thinking of CR on ice with Ovaltine- I’d have to go the vodka route like a White Russian:)
Noooo say that’s a joke CA! Ovaltine might be OK in a hot toddy made with whiskey, but just thinking of CR on ice with Ovaltine- I’d have to go the vodka route like a White Russian:)
Naw, I don't want anything ruining my crown--ice is even stretching it. LOL
D3, zinc, magnesium, calcium, VC and ....drumroll....Ovaltine. Chocolate Malt. It has ALL that shit in there and tastes wonderful.
Thanks Gracie! I have not had that in my cabinet for years and I need to go search for it- if it can be found due to half stocked, less than half stocked in some stores. Since it’s still summer I’m even thinking of how a few scoops would add additional nutrients to a banana/strawberry smoothie :)
They have anything else worth going for?

Shit, I got this. I'm honestly not that concerned. When I had it the first time, I was ready to take my own life after getting four days in.

So far, this is a walk in the park...
So, you've had covid before, and have caught it again? But this time its not as bad as the first time?

Likely cuz you have built up antibodies, so this time the antibodies are fighting this version of covid, off.

Much like those vaccinated....you can still catch covid even if you've had it, just like vaccinated can get it but they won't be really sick, for the most part?

Hope you stay ok, and it's gone soon!
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So, last Thursday I started feeling mildly crappy, like I was coming down with a cold. Not wanting to take any chances, I scheduled a Covid test for this afternoon. It was one of the tests that gives you results in a few hours.

It came back positive.

I feel fine at the moment, maybe a little congestion. There's been no loss of smell or taste. I don't have any headaches or a sore throat. I did have a runny nose for a day or two but even that's subsided.

I have more than a few friends who did this same test and got false positives. Ergo, I'm going to schedule another test on Tuesday, but it'll be the test that has a 2-3 day turn-around on results. Those tests, from everything I've read, are far more accurate.

Either way, as long as my symptoms don't get worse (and they've actually gotten better), I can come out of isolation on Saturday.

Helluva' way to spend the week!
I'm glad to hear it's not a severe case.
You probably have delta, so if your reading was positive there's probably no ifs ands or buts about it. Good to hear that it's not a bad case, but maybe that's how they all start out. If you've been vaccinated i wouldn't worry. It's always the unvaccinated who have a chance of it becoming way worse.
Thanks Gracie! I have not had that in my cabinet for years and I need to go search for it- if it can be found due to half stocked, less than half stocked in some stores. Since it’s still summer I’m even thinking of how a few scoops would add additional nutrients to a banana/strawberry smoothie :)
I order my ovaltine from Amazon. 6 pack, and cheaper than buying at the market. Also got the other stuff at amazon..gummies! Every morning...as I am cooking breakfast...down they go, along with a nice...big....tall....glass of Ovaltine in cold milk. Yum!
I order my ovaltine from Amazon. 6 pack, and cheaper than buying at the market. Also got the other stuff at amazon..gummies! Every morning...as I am cooking breakfast...down they go, along with a nice...big....tall....glass of Ovaltine in cold milk. Yum!
I hope you’re eating more than an egg and coffee each morning Gracie…. ever since you posted that I wondered if you might add some fruit with that, but now you have your plan to boost it with the nutrients in a nice cold beverage!
So, last Thursday I started feeling mildly crappy, like I was coming down with a cold. Not wanting to take any chances, I scheduled a Covid test for this afternoon. It was one of the tests that gives you results in a few hours.

It came back positive.

I feel fine at the moment, maybe a little congestion. There's been no loss of smell or taste. I don't have any headaches or a sore throat. I did have a runny nose for a day or two but even that's subsided.

I have more than a few friends who did this same test and got false positives. Ergo, I'm going to schedule another test on Tuesday, but it'll be the test that has a 2-3 day turn-around on results. Those tests, from everything I've read, are far more accurate.

Either way, as long as my symptoms don't get worse (and they've actually gotten better), I can come out of isolation on Saturday.

Helluva' way to spend the week!

Hope you continue on recovery.

Not all have it so easy.
I hope you’re eating more than an egg and coffee each morning Gracie…. ever since you posted that I wondered if you might add some fruit with that, but now you have your plan to boost it with the nutrients in a nice cold beverage!
Egg...maybe a small handful of hashbrowns, 1 slice bacon cut in half. DECAF coffee. One cup. Ovaltine. BIG glass.

Gotta get some weight off. 7lbs. So....going easy on food. No lunch. One small talapia for dinner and maybe a slice of cheese. That's it. Or a handful of baby carrots.

2am, a cup of hot milk with..yep...OVALTINE in it. Nice cup of hot chocolate puts me back to sleep, lol.
So, last Thursday I started feeling mildly crappy, like I was coming down with a cold. Not wanting to take any chances, I scheduled a Covid test for this afternoon. It was one of the tests that gives you results in a few hours.

It came back positive.

I feel fine at the moment, maybe a little congestion. There's been no loss of smell or taste. I don't have any headaches or a sore throat. I did have a runny nose for a day or two but even that's subsided.

I have more than a few friends who did this same test and got false positives. Ergo, I'm going to schedule another test on Tuesday, but it'll be the test that has a 2-3 day turn-around on results. Those tests, from everything I've read, are far more accurate.

Either way, as long as my symptoms don't get worse (and they've actually gotten better), I can come out of isolation on Saturday.

Helluva' way to spend the week!

Didn't you just go on a road trip or something?

Anyway, hope you feel better.
Shake n Steak, on Dale Mabry in Tampa, had the worst greasy hamburgers, but had the best chocolate malt milk shakes evah! Co-workers went to eat there once a week, and I went for the malted shake and skipped the food.... :) Ovaltine as a child began me on my chocolate malt addiction.... I have to stay away from it now...especially malted milk balls...I can't eat just one, or two, or three, or 10!!! :eek:

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