I guess Ukraine sucks

Dumb. You are a pussy. You can’t accept an opposing opinion so you scream TRAITOR. What a dumb puss.

I bet you love censorship. You Nazi.
Sorry Gipper, but Lakhota didn't censor anyone...

Someone professed their views and Lakhota pointed out insincerity of what he was saying...

Censorship is the Russian Media...
Sorry Gipper, but Lakhota didn't censor anyone...

Someone professed their views and Lakhota pointed out insincerity of what he was saying...

Censorship is the Russian Media...
Lol. Who said she censored anyone? She has no power to do that, though I suspect she’s fine with the ongoing censorship of anti-establishment opinions. Are you too?

Are you also guilty of labeling someone a traitor for voicing an opinion in opposition to the establishment?
DarthTraitor, how much does Butcher Putin pay you to spread his autocratic Nazi propaganda?

You have this totally wrong.
You clearly THINK you are a leftist, believe in rights, etc., but the US has been committing wholesale murder for over a century, and Russia is the only obstacle preventing the US enslaving the whole world.
Russia gets NOTHING at all out of defending countries like Vietnam from the US.
The US murdered over 3 million innocent people in Vietham.
We use tanks, planes, ships, missiles, napalm, mine, robots, chemical weapons, etc.

The US and Zelensky are the Nazis.
They are the ones who murdered thousands of unarmed ethnic Russians.
If you look closely at those bodies in Bucha, they were all murdered by Zelensky's nazi militia gangs, they were NOT murdered by Russians, and likely they spoke with a Russian accent.
Look at the way hands were bound.
Real soldiers would use zip ties instead.
Ukraine sucks. It did before the war, t does now, and it probably will after the war.


Ukraine is a sovereign nation that was invaded by an aggressive country with aims to put the USSR Back together. Citizens of Ukraine are volunteering to fight to the death to preserve their nation and keep their flag, and their anthem. and their heritage.

Ukrainians citizens are fighting the Russians with their hunting rifles, and Molotov cocktails.

View attachment 631750

Remember the 1984 movie Red Dawn? Graffiti tags are appearing on burnt out Russian tanks saying "wolverines". These people would rather die Ukrainian than Russian.

I will support these people and their fight for freedom. Even if their freedom isn't perfect, it is still freedom. Death to Tyranny, long live Ukraine!

The government in Kyiv does NOT represent the people at all, and the people in half the Ukraine are on record as preferring the Russians.

These are not images of hunting rifles or Molotof cocktails.
(Molotof cocktails have not worked since the 1950s, when vehicles sealed up to keep out radiation.)
These are images of expensive javelin missile hits, which the Ukrainian government is going to pay for, with interest.
You have this totally wrong.
You clearly THINK you are a leftist, believe in rights, etc., but the US has been committing wholesale murder for over a century, and Russia is the only obstacle preventing the US enslaving the whole world.
Russia gets NOTHING at all out of defending countries like Vietnam from the US.
The US murdered over 3 million innocent people in Vietham.
We use tanks, planes, ships, missiles, napalm, mine, robots, chemical weapons, etc.

The US and Zelensky are the Nazis.
They are the ones who murdered thousands of unarmed ethnic Russians.
If you look closely at those bodies in Bucha, they were all murdered by Zelensky's nazi militia gangs, they were NOT murdered by Russians, and likely they spoke with a Russian accent.
Look at the way hands were bound.
Real soldiers would use zip ties instead.
The power of statist propaganda is strong and many Americans are weak and feeble minded.
You think you know the truth, but your own eyes deceive you.

The truth is obvious.
The US bribed people in the Ukraine in 2014 so the US could take over.
Now besides stealing oil from Russia, the Kyiv is murdering ethnic Russians, trying to put NATO nukes on the Russian border, accumulating weapons, violating treaties, etc.
How could anyone excuse the criminal acts by Zelensky?
The government in Kyiv does NOT represent the people at all, and the people in half the Ukraine are on record as preferring the Russians.

These are not images of hunting rifles or Molotof cocktails.
(Molotof cocktails have not worked since the 1950s, when vehicles sealed up to keep out radiation.)
These are images of expensive javelin missile hits, which the Ukrainian government is going to pay for, with interest.

Please give us the truth.

These Ukrainian citizen volunteers speak the truth. The Donbass outliers can go to hell. They are traitors.

Any support for Putins unjustified invasion now, is direct support for Stalin and Lenin, who took countries by force and enslaved them.

These Ukrainian citizen volunteers speak the truth. The Donbass outliers can go to hell. They are traitors.

Any support for Putins unjustified invasion now, is direct support for Stalin and Lenin, who took countries by force and enslaved them.

That’s hilarious.
Ukraine lost it's sovereignty after the coup of 2014. (If we are being honest, they were a puppet.) The invasion was provoked. We are constantly being lied to.
How did it "lose it's sovereignty" misterSock?

And how was invasion provoked? Did you Ukraine pose any immideate threat to Russia?
The truth is obvious.
The US bribed people in the Ukraine in 2014 so the US could take over.
Now besides stealing oil from Russia, the Kyiv is murdering ethnic Russians, trying to put NATO nukes on the Russian border, accumulating weapons, violating treaties, etc.
How could anyone excuse the criminal acts by Zelensky?
The truth is obvious: hacks like you are oblivious to truth.
How did it "lose it's sovereignty" misterSock?

And how was invasion provoked? Did you Ukraine pose any immideate threat to Russia?
Those questions merely prove you’re uninformed. Get informed.
How did it "lose it's sovereignty" misterSock?

And how was invasion provoked? Did you Ukraine pose any immideate threat to Russia?
I can only lead you to water, I cannot make you drink.

You don't hear Russia begging to save the remaining 1500 soldiers of 6000 surrounded and killed.

Guess that results matters more than propaganda. Look at pyssy Zelensky beg. He really is a cuck for those Azov nazis that led his country to ruin. Isn't he?

Hey sock puppet...you told us a week ago that there was no one left in Mariupol.

Fuck off
The truth is obvious.
The US bribed people in the Ukraine in 2014 so the US could take over.
Now besides stealing oil from Russia, the Kyiv is murdering ethnic Russians, trying to put NATO nukes on the Russian border, accumulating weapons, violating treaties, etc.
How could anyone excuse the criminal acts by Zelensky?
You say you're a liberal progressive? I think we would throw you out of the club.

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