I Hate All Muslims, And Here's Why ~

I hope you are aware just how ridiculous your rantings are.


I am, actually.

Until I knew?

Until I understood?

It all sounded like bullshit to me, too.

Choose, CaliGirl:


CHOOSE how You'll deal with life.

If you Hate it? You won't think for more than a second about throwing

oops. I had to take a pause for ReFreshMent...
Neither can you.

Does that mean your God is false?

No. It means that if I were found a religion it would not be an Abrahamic religion because I cannot trace my line back to Abraham . The necessary requirement for a religion to be an Abrahamic religion,a connection to Abraham beyond an empty claim.
Luke and Matthew trace contradicting paths to Abraham, and do not even agree on Joseph's father.

Passage: Matthew 1 (ESV Bible Online)

Luke 3:21

Is Joseph the son of Heli, or the son of Jacob?

Don't you think that the early Christians should've known who Jesus's paternal grandfather is?


Is one correct, or are they both empty claims?

I do not care. I study Islam.
Mohammad cannot trace his line back to Abraham.
Islam is not an Abrahamic religion.
So let me get this right:

There is NOTHING YOU "hate?"

Do tell.

Oops. Your dog has rabies.

But you LURVE it, right? So IT has a "Right To Life," right?

And, oh well about your kids or anyone else that might get too close, eh?


You (please, dear God!) couldn't be that LIBERAL...

could you?...

You hate, too, sistah.

I have a terrible temper. I've been known to hold grudges. The point is I'm committed to working on this within myself.

These aren't qualities I'm satisfied with.

The problem with hatred is that it wastes much of your time and energy and the target of you hate either does not know or does not care. Either way they have wasted no time or energy on it. So ultimately they come out better off.
I do not care. I study Islam.
Mohammad cannot trace his line back to Abraham.
Islam is not an Abrahamic religion.



You MIGHT want to read up on Biblical history BEFORE replying,

unlike the Last Contestant!
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Christianity was NEVER of Abraham ~

the Jewish folks and even MORE especially,

the ARABS are the descendants of Abe.

Abraham's desendants?

Were tossed aside, CENTURIES AGO,

as the pretenders that they are.

*** God can raise up STONES to be descendants of Abraham,

and (this is just IMPLIED, but Still)

ROCKS found up-soil would have More Sense.
I hope you are aware just how ridiculous your rantings are.


I am, actually.

Until I knew?

Until I understood?

It all sounded like bullshit to me, too.

Choose, CaliGirl:


CHOOSE how You'll deal with life.

If you Hate it? You won't think for more than a second about throwing

oops. I had to take a pause for ReFreshMent...

Stop ranting. You're making an idiot of yourself.

And the SILLY use of CAPITALS just makes you look EVEN MORE foolish.

I don't hate people. I hate the actions of some people. Also, of course, I am capable of seeing the INDIVIDUAL and not lump people into groups. THAT is because I am GENUINELY accepting.... I don't pay lip service, nor do I use 'tolerance' as a banner to beat others... I accept individuals - based on the content of their character.
Keep saying that to yourself.

Perhaps, within the thousand repetitions? Even YOU'll believe yourself.

I won't.

Neither will anyone that has seen of you, nor heard of you.

It just sux being Wrong, doesn't it?
Keep saying that to yourself.

Perhaps, within the thousand repetitions? Even YOU'll believe yourself.

I won't.

Neither will anyone that has seen of you, nor heard of you.

It just sux being Wrong, doesn't it?

Go to bed, Frenzy. You're just being moronic and it's embarrassing. I feel sorry for you, whatever your individual issue is at the moment but, seriously, ranting on the net is not gonna make it better. Get help.
Islam is not an Abrahamic religion.
Christianity is not an Abrahamic religion, by your definition.
Christs line cannot not be traced to Abraham?
Not according to the Jewish record...tis why Hasidic Jews maintain that the genealogies in the Bible are fabricated, written to trick uneducated Jews into following a false messiah. Given how the first Christians were mostly poor, illiterate Jews (fishermen), this charge has merit.

This is also (one reason) why Christians have killed Jews over the years.
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but they were never allowed to invade.

Big diff between WELCOMING invaders,

or rebuffing them.
That's because we defeated them almost everywhere the Japanese Army landed.

China, Korea, and the Philippines also attempted to fight Japan, but they lost. Japanese society changed dramatically after WWII, for the better.

I think you'd agree?

And this is my point that fyrenza can't seem to grasp. She admittedly is a big fan of Japan.

At one time Japan was a violent and dangerous country that was griped by a doctrine of racist genocide and brutality and destruction to anyone that go in it's way.

They had a paradigm shift at the hands of of the allies in World War II and now is a peaceful nation.

Ironically, she thinks Islam is incapable of such a thing, though the zeitgeist that currently permeates Islam is nowhere near as cohesive as that of Japan under Hirohito.

That and she is relatively ignorant of history. Japan attacked and invaded us during World War II.

but they were never allowed to invade.

They did Invade. They invaded our territories in the Philippines and Alaska. They also invaded the territories of our Allies, the Australians. I've already linked it.

Big diff between WELCOMING invaders,

or rebuffing them.

I take it you're down for the ReBuffing thang? ;)



I won't live with that, and if you have to KILL me to "teach me the lesson?"

I'm gone

to MY God.

Your just being absurd. No one is forcing Islam on you in the least and no one is certainly forcing you to choose between Islam and your life.

Stop being a histrionic personality.

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