I hate to admit it, but

Ford has been asking to talk to the FBI.

She's had a chance to talk to them since last July.

What held her up?

The Democrat strategery was to wait until the last possible moment, a plan B to delay the nomination.

Going to the FBI in July wouldn't have been fruitful in conjunction with the plan.
Oh, there is no doubt Feinstein deliberately delayed dropping the bombshell as late as possible in order to affect the midterm elections.

But that was the only tool left in the Democratic tool bag after the Republicans denied Merrick Garland's nomination and then changed the Senate rules to ram through Gorsuch.

Let's not pretend the Democrats are the only sleazebag shitbird scum in this picture.
so you admit the democrats are "sleezebag shitbird scum"?
Kavanaugh talked about the sexual assault with her family counselor. She has produced the therapy notes from 2012.

She told her husband about it back then, too.

You can bury your heads in the sand, but you know she is telling the truth..

Ah , bullshit.

Since she erased all of her social media, in anticipation of this, we really don't know what she did, or how deeply involved in this scheme she was.

What are the odds that Kavanaugh, who admitted to his chaste High School years would have attempted to rape a budding Feminazi broad as a teenager? Of all the broads , at all of the Rape Train Parties in Maryland, it was a helluva coincidence that the alleged victim happens to be so politically connected.

Smells like bullshit.
We will see once the cops investigate.
Are you sure that if confirmed Kavanaugh can't take his seat as soon as he's sworn in and participate in and vote on any cases that have not been heard yet at that point? Say the confirmation happens on Tuesday, 9 Oct and he gets sworn in the next day. So on 11 Oct he takes his seat on the SCOTUS and hears the cases not already started. I have not seen the rules for that but I do know he has to hear the case arguments from the beginning or he can't vote on them.

BTW, the Dems have already been exposed as unethical scoundrels. One hopes the voters will make them pay dearly for the shitty way they treated Kavanaugh.

A Blue wave is coming, this sad affair with brett o'kavanaugh doesn't change any math.
The Audacity of Hype and the Pomposity of Popcorn

Self-inflated Dhimmicrat dollboys watching a childish superhero movie starring themselves

Speak in adult language.
Ford has been asking to talk to the FBI.

She's had a chance to talk to them since last July.

What held her up?

The Democrat strategery was to wait until the last possible moment, a plan B to delay the nomination.

Going to the FBI in July wouldn't have been fruitful in conjunction with the plan.
Oh, there is no doubt Feinstein deliberately delayed dropping the bombshell as late as possible in order to affect the midterm elections.

But that was the only tool left in the Democratic tool bag after the Republicans denied Merrick Garland's nomination and then changed the Senate rules to ram through Gorsuch.

Let's not pretend the Democrats are the only sleazebag shitbird scum in this picture.
so you admit the democrats are "sleezebag shitbird scum"?
I see what you did there.

I admit the Republicans and the Democrats are sleazebag shitbird scum. Hell yes.
It’s been reported that her friend said she doesn’t know Kavanaugh and doesn’t recall being at any party Ford describes.

I’m sorry if that tidbit of info chaps your ass.
Saying she does not recall is not the same thing of saying she is full of shit.

I'm sorry the echo chamber filled your head with shit, your dumb parroting rube.
ford saying hec groped her is not the same as he grabbed her breast.
I'll expect you to be contacting me so you can send me the $50 after Ford talks to the cops.
as soon as she goes and files the report.
Nope. Too late to move the goalposts now.

But don't worry. There will be a report.

You won't read it, though. You will just parrot what your propagandists tell you to parrot about it.
likecyou wont even read your own two posts when you call ford kavanaugh.
ford also never said that he grabbed her breast now did she? or can you prove that one? while you're calling people out and trying to cleverly wordsmith your way around this, you're doing the same thing you're bitching at others for.

how...leftist of you.
Do you suppose he missed her breast while he was running his hands over her body?

tycho cannot prove his lie that her best friend said Ford was full of shit.

So...is what Kavanaugh did a felony or misdemeanor in your opinion? Stop trying to dodge the point and the question.
It’s been reported that her friend said she doesn’t know Kavanaugh and doesn’t recall being at any party Ford describes.

I’m sorry if that tidbit of info chaps your ass.
Saying she does not recall is not the same thing of saying she is full of shit.

I'm sorry the echo chamber filled your head with shit, your dumb parroting rube.
ford saying hec groped her is not the same as he grabbed her breast.
I'll expect you to be contacting me so you can send me the $50 after Ford talks to the cops.
And finally tells who drove her to the party?
This should be good. :)
The Dems have outfoxed the GOP once again. It is now too late to seat Judge Kavanaugh for the current SCOTUS term, so there is no hurry to confirm him until the end of this year. Not knowing what further dirty tricks the Dems have up their sleeves, the prudent thing for the GOP is probably to allow an FBI investigation of Dr. Ford's accusation and then use its inconclusive results to expose the Dems as unethical scoundrels. Who knows, the voters might recognize the unfairness with which Judge Kavanaugh has been treated and throw the bums out.
You don’t believe women?
I've felt the Democrats are sleazebag shitbird scum for...oh...at least forty years.

It wasn't until 2006 that I began to feel the same about the Republican party. And my opinion has gotten much worse since then about both parties.
Ford has been asking to talk to the FBI.

She's had a chance to talk to them since last July.

What held her up?
What held up Cosby's victims from going to the cops?

What held up Weinstein's victims from going to the cops?

What held up Trump's victims from going to the cops?

What held up Clinton's victims from going to the cops?

What held up Spacey's victims from going to the cops?

Have you never had a conversation with a victim of sexual assault who kept it a secret for years?

You should.

She wrote the letter in July, and got it to her Congressperson.

the FBI could have begun their investigation then, and this bullshit would be over.
I've felt the Democrats are sleazebag shitbird scum for...oh...at least forty years.

It wasn't until 2006 that I began to feel the same about the Republican party. And my opinion has gotten much worse since then about both parties.
Don’t try making excuses for your BS.
Ford has been telling people about Kavanaugh's assault for many years. Her friends, her husband, and her shrink.

She did not make it up. Kavanaugh is lying.

You can bury your heads in the sand and pretend he isn't, but you already know the truth.
Of course we need to completely disregard the three people, one a friend of hers, who she claimed were there that say it never happened, there was never a party like that.
None of her friends said it never happened. They said they don't recall.

I don't recall the specifics of parties I attended in high school, either. If someone told me they were assaulted at one of those parties, I would not be able to corroborate, but I would not be able to say it never happened, either.

All caught up now?

Your propagandists are lying to you.
They say that they do not recall her being at a party with Kavanaugh.

If you are going to pretend to quote something get it right. You somehow are conveniently forgetting King which was supposed to have been in the room at the time who says he never saw Kavanaugh act that way. You are forgetting about the two guys that say they may have been the ones. You are somehow forgetting that the FBI who did six background investigations were so incompetent that they came away with no whiff of any disqualifying rumors. Now you want them to do it a seventh time, because they are so incompetent they might get it right.

Or have you not been to the latest DNC deflection meeting?
The Dems have outfoxed the GOP once again. It is now too late to seat Judge Kavanaugh for the current SCOTUS term, so there is no hurry to confirm him until the end of this year. Not knowing what further dirty tricks the Dems have up their sleeves, the prudent thing for the GOP is probably to allow an FBI investigation of Dr. Ford's accusation and then use its inconclusive results to expose the Dems as unethical scoundrels. Who knows, the voters might recognize the unfairness with which Judge Kavanaugh has been treated and throw the bums out.
Nope, Turtle doin work


Kavanaugh talked about the sexual assault with her family counselor. She has produced the therapy notes from 2012.

She told her husband about it back then, too.

You can bury your heads in the sand, but you know she is telling the truth.

By this time next week, your propagandists will be claiming the FBI is working for George Soros.
Kavanaugh talked to her family counselor? Why?
The Dems have outfoxed the GOP once again. It is now too late to seat Judge Kavanaugh for the current SCOTUS term, so there is no hurry to confirm him until the end of this year. Not knowing what further dirty tricks the Dems have up their sleeves, the prudent thing for the GOP is probably to allow an FBI investigation of Dr. Ford's accusation and then use its inconclusive results to expose the Dems as unethical scoundrels. Who knows, the voters might recognize the unfairness with which Judge Kavanaugh has been treated and throw the bums out.

Why don't you wait until the FBI report is out before you label the Dems 'dirty' in this case?

If the FBI report reveals/confirms suspicions...then it would have been a delay well worth the wait.

I assume the Dems started this whole thing in a desperate attempt to sabotage Kavanaugh. But the Reps have been just as bad by trying to railroad this thing so that they can get their man in the SCOTUS before the mid-terms. Neither party is wholly innocent on this.

But now that the information is out, I want it FULLY investigated. Maybe you don't care if a scumbag ends up in the SCOTUS (if the accusations are true about Kavanaugh)...but I do.

Once again, I despise both parties.

The dems are dog shit dirty! Period.

And...that's an understatement.

but....like Judge Kavanaugh said.....what goes around comes around.

this is NOT the end of the story.
Kavanaugh talked about the sexual assault with her family counselor. She has produced the therapy notes from 2012.

She told her husband about it back then, too.

You can bury your heads in the sand, but you know she is telling the truth.

By this time next week, your propagandists will be claiming the FBI is working for George Soros.
Kavanaugh talked to her family counselor? Why?
ive tried several times to point this out but he cant stop getting shots in long enough to see it.

kinda funny.
Ford has been telling people about Kavanaugh's assault for many years. Her friends, her husband, and her shrink.

She did not make it up. Kavanaugh is lying.

You can bury your heads in the sand and pretend he isn't, but you already know the truth.
Of course we need to completely disregard the three people, one a friend of hers, who she claimed were there that say it never happened, there was never a party like that.
None of her friends said it never happened. They said they don't recall.

I don't recall the specifics of parties I attended in high school, either. If someone told me they were assaulted at one of those parties, I would not be able to corroborate, but I would not be able to say it never happened, either.

All caught up now?

Your propagandists are lying to you.
They say that they do not recall her being at a party with Kavanaugh.

If you are going to pretend to quote something get it right. You somehow are conveniently forgetting King which was supposed to have been in the room at the time who says he never saw Kavanaugh act that way. You are forgetting about the two guys that say they may have been the ones. You are somehow forgetting that the FBI who did six background investigations were so incompetent that they came away with no whiff of any disqualifying rumors. Now you want them to do it a seventh time, because they are so incompetent they might get it right.

Or have you not been to the latest DNC deflection meeting?

if you are going to be a stickler for quotes n call people liars, own up to your own "groped breast" lie.
I still want to know why Kavanaugh talked to her family counselor! That’s a game changer innit?

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