I hate to admit it, but

The Democratic Party is attacking our democracy.
Trump has a right to select USSC Judges.
The Dems made the confirmation hearings a total farce of lies against Kavanaugh.
Trump has elected to select new USSC judges.
Hahahahahahaha. Nigga please. Your mimimimi warrants at least 2 mockeries by me. Get a grip, troll.
Cons have ZERO credibility to complain about Supreme Court shenanigans after what they did to Merrick Garland .

The Republicans didn't do anything to Merrick Garland at all.

No character assassination whatsoever.

And if Hillary Clinton had won the election in 2016, he would have been on the court by Thanksgiving.

Of course, that all the past. Any future nominee for any position by a future Democrat President will have to show and explain their yearbook notations as well

Did nothing to Garland ? They stole his seat ! Shit, Kavanaugh wouldn’t have that open spot if it weren’t for the Gops disgusting behavior .

The Democrats DID NOT have the votes to seat Garland. Period. The Republican respect for the Biden Rule allowed Garland's nomination to stay in abeyance and he would have been seated had Clinton won. But she didn't.

There's no fucking 'abeyance'. His nomination expired January 3rd, 2017. He would have to be re-nominated by the elected president again to be considered. Your partisan spin is worthless.

No he wouldn't have, because Garland would have been confirmed right after the election, in the Lame Duck session. No one would have waited until January, what would be the point of that?
The Democratic Party is attacking our democracy.
Trump has a right to select USSC Judges.
The Dems made the confirmation hearings a total farce of lies against Kavanaugh.
Trump has elected to select new USSC judges.

Like obama has a right ? And they left thy spot open for a year .
Ford has been telling people about Kavanaugh's assault for many years. Her friends, her husband, and her shrink.

She did not make it up. Kavanaugh is lying.

You can bury your heads in the sand and pretend he isn't, but you already know the truth.
Her friend said she’s full of shit.
No she didn't, and you cannot prove your lie.
The hate machine was getting warmed up to go after Garland with a vengeance. I wouldn't be surprised if they accused him of being raised by Saul Alinsky in the jungles of Kenya.

Bullshit. The "hate machine" didn't go after Sotomayor, or Kangan or Ginzberg. Garland would have been moved right through, based on past experience.
Kavanaugh and Ford lived in Maryland at the time of the alleged assault.

Maryland Statutes of Limitations for Sexual Abuse | LegalMatch Law Library

In Maryland, the criminal statute of limitations varies depending on the severity of the offense. The criminal statutes of limitations include:
  • Felony sexual offenses: no statute of limitations, and
  • Misdemeanor offenses: one year from the event.

Ford says Kavanaugh threw her on a bed, laid on top of her, and grabbed her breast. Felony or misdemeanor?
ford never said this. as you like to say - stop your lies.
From Ford's opening statement:

I was pushed onto the bed and Brett got on top of me. He began running his hands over my body and grinding his hips into me. I yelled, hoping someone downstairs might hear me, and tried to get away from him, but his weight was heavy.

Analysis | ‘Seared into my memory’: Christine Blasey Ford’s opening statement to the Senate, annotated
my bad - i was thinking "judge" so i stand corrected that *ford* did say this. however, she did NOT say "grabbed my breast" now did she? that was your addition and since you just got done telling someone they lied cause they "paraphrased" it's quite funny you decided to do it yourself.

as for the bet - up for it? *POLICE* not FBI? and i'll even be up for sending the $ to a neutral person (if there is one in here) to hold until this is over.
The FBI are the top cops in the country. Don't tell me you are already welching on your bet!!!
Ford has been telling people about Kavanaugh's assault for many years. Her friends, her husband, and her shrink.

She did not make it up. Kavanaugh is lying.

You can bury your heads in the sand and pretend he isn't, but you already know the truth.
Her friend said she’s full of shit.
No she didn't, and you cannot prove your lie.
ford also never said that he grabbed her breast now did she? or can you prove that one? while you're calling people out and trying to cleverly wordsmith your way around this, you're doing the same thing you're bitching at others for.

how...leftist of you.
Kavanaugh and Ford lived in Maryland at the time of the alleged assault.

Maryland Statutes of Limitations for Sexual Abuse | LegalMatch Law Library

In Maryland, the criminal statute of limitations varies depending on the severity of the offense. The criminal statutes of limitations include:
  • Felony sexual offenses: no statute of limitations, and
  • Misdemeanor offenses: one year from the event.

Ford says Kavanaugh threw her on a bed, laid on top of her, and grabbed her breast. Felony or misdemeanor?
ford never said this. as you like to say - stop your lies.
From Ford's opening statement:

I was pushed onto the bed and Brett got on top of me. He began running his hands over my body and grinding his hips into me. I yelled, hoping someone downstairs might hear me, and tried to get away from him, but his weight was heavy.

Analysis | ‘Seared into my memory’: Christine Blasey Ford’s opening statement to the Senate, annotated
my bad - i was thinking "judge" so i stand corrected that *ford* did say this. however, she did NOT say "grabbed my breast" now did she? that was your addition and since you just got done telling someone they lied cause they "paraphrased" it's quite funny you decided to do it yourself.

as for the bet - up for it? *POLICE* not FBI? and i'll even be up for sending the $ to a neutral person (if there is one in here) to hold until this is over.
The FBI are the top cops in the country. Don't tell me you are already welching on your bet!!!
first of all - you know full good and well i am talking local police and "law" process. not political.

second - she's not going to the FBI, she's demanding the FBI come to her. so, if they go talk to her she didn't go to them now did she? you really want to get cute with words here?
Ford has been telling people about Kavanaugh's assault for many years. Her friends, her husband, and her shrink.

She did not make it up. Kavanaugh is lying.

You can bury your heads in the sand and pretend he isn't, but you already know the truth.
Her friend said she’s full of shit.
No she didn't, and you cannot prove your lie.
ford also never said that he grabbed her breast now did she? or can you prove that one? while you're calling people out and trying to cleverly wordsmith your way around this, you're doing the same thing you're bitching at others for.

how...leftist of you.
Do you suppose he missed her breast while he was running his hands over her body?

tycho cannot prove his lie that her best friend said Ford was full of shit.

So...is what Kavanaugh did a felony or misdemeanor in your opinion? Stop trying to dodge the point and the question.
The Democratic Party is attacking our democracy.
Trump has a right to select USSC Judges.
The Dems made the confirmation hearings a total farce of lies against Kavanaugh.
Trump has elected to select new USSC judges.

Like obama has a right ? And they left thy spot open for a year .

Year, my ass. It was 10 months. If Kavanaugh's confirmation extends past the election, the Democrats will keep it open until 2025 and the end of Trump's 2nd term if they can.
Kavanaugh and Ford lived in Maryland at the time of the alleged assault.

Maryland Statutes of Limitations for Sexual Abuse | LegalMatch Law Library

In Maryland, the criminal statute of limitations varies depending on the severity of the offense. The criminal statutes of limitations include:
  • Felony sexual offenses: no statute of limitations, and
  • Misdemeanor offenses: one year from the event.

Ford says Kavanaugh threw her on a bed, laid on top of her, and grabbed her breast. Felony or misdemeanor?
ford never said this. as you like to say - stop your lies.
From Ford's opening statement:

I was pushed onto the bed and Brett got on top of me. He began running his hands over my body and grinding his hips into me. I yelled, hoping someone downstairs might hear me, and tried to get away from him, but his weight was heavy.

Analysis | ‘Seared into my memory’: Christine Blasey Ford’s opening statement to the Senate, annotated
my bad - i was thinking "judge" so i stand corrected that *ford* did say this. however, she did NOT say "grabbed my breast" now did she? that was your addition and since you just got done telling someone they lied cause they "paraphrased" it's quite funny you decided to do it yourself.

as for the bet - up for it? *POLICE* not FBI? and i'll even be up for sending the $ to a neutral person (if there is one in here) to hold until this is over.
The FBI are the top cops in the country. Don't tell me you are already welching on your bet!!!
first of all - you know full good and well i am talking local police and "law" process. not political.

second - she's not going to the FBI, she's demanding the FBI come to her. so, if they go talk to her she didn't go to them now did she? you really want to get cute with words here?
Ford has been asking to talk to the FBI. The top police agency in America.

She will be talking to them next week.

It should be now noted that you welch on your bets.

She did not go to the police she went to dog shit dirty democrats!
Most of Bill Cosby's victims never went to the police, and stayed silent for decades.

Most of Weinstein's victims never went to the police, and stayed silent for decades.

Most of Spacey's victims never went to the police, and stayed silent for decades.

Most of Clinton's victims never went to the police, and stayed silent for decades.

Most of Trump's victims never went to the police, and stayed silent for decades.

See a pattern?
I am talking about right now dumbass! After 36 years, no statute of limitations! She did not go to the police she went to dog shit dirty democrats! Period!

She'll be going to the police next week. The Effen Bee Eye! Happy now? :lol:
betcha $50 she doesn't ever go to the police.
No! She won’t. She’s got her money!

Lol . So now she did this for what? A go fund me account to hire security?
Ford has been telling people about Kavanaugh's assault for many years. Her friends, her husband, and her shrink.

She did not make it up. Kavanaugh is lying.

You can bury your heads in the sand and pretend he isn't, but you already know the truth.
Her friend said she’s full of shit.
No she didn't, and you cannot prove your lie.
ford also never said that he grabbed her breast now did she? or can you prove that one? while you're calling people out and trying to cleverly wordsmith your way around this, you're doing the same thing you're bitching at others for.

how...leftist of you.
Do you suppose he missed her breast while he was running his hands over her body?

tycho cannot prove his lie that her best friend said Ford was full of shit.

So...is what Kavanaugh did a felony or misdemeanor in your opinion? Stop trying to dodge the point and the question.

You lie . Her friend said that she didn’t remember what happened , but believes Ford .
Ford has been telling people about Kavanaugh's assault for many years. Her friends, her husband, and her shrink.

She did not make it up. Kavanaugh is lying.

You can bury your heads in the sand and pretend he isn't, but you already know the truth.
Her friend said she’s full of shit.
No she didn't, and you cannot prove your lie.
ford also never said that he grabbed her breast now did she? or can you prove that one? while you're calling people out and trying to cleverly wordsmith your way around this, you're doing the same thing you're bitching at others for.

how...leftist of you.
Do you suppose he missed her breast while he was running his hands over her body?

tycho cannot prove his lie that her best friend said Ford was full of shit.

So...is what Kavanaugh did a felony or misdemeanor in your opinion? Stop trying to dodge the point and the question.
and you can't prove what was gropped cause it was never said.

like i am saying - you're bitching at people for loosely wording the story and finding a missed "fact" then turn around and do it yourself but when you do it, you justify it with emo-feelz and raging. most people grow out of that by the time their age hits double digits.
If the our nation's top cops find some or all of the accusations by all the accusers are true, I wonder if they will arrest Kavanaugh.

Should they?

They should, if he participated in drugging and gang raping girls.
ford never said this. as you like to say - stop your lies.
From Ford's opening statement:

I was pushed onto the bed and Brett got on top of me. He began running his hands over my body and grinding his hips into me. I yelled, hoping someone downstairs might hear me, and tried to get away from him, but his weight was heavy.

Analysis | ‘Seared into my memory’: Christine Blasey Ford’s opening statement to the Senate, annotated
my bad - i was thinking "judge" so i stand corrected that *ford* did say this. however, she did NOT say "grabbed my breast" now did she? that was your addition and since you just got done telling someone they lied cause they "paraphrased" it's quite funny you decided to do it yourself.

as for the bet - up for it? *POLICE* not FBI? and i'll even be up for sending the $ to a neutral person (if there is one in here) to hold until this is over.
The FBI are the top cops in the country. Don't tell me you are already welching on your bet!!!
first of all - you know full good and well i am talking local police and "law" process. not political.

second - she's not going to the FBI, she's demanding the FBI come to her. so, if they go talk to her she didn't go to them now did she? you really want to get cute with words here?
Ford has been asking to talk to the FBI. The top police agency in America.

She will be talking to them next week.

It should be now noted that you welch on your bets.

it is noted you are a dickhead.


talk to me when she goes into the local FBI office and files a complaint. we'll go from there. if that never happens, then i guess you welch on your bets.
"Outfoxed"? Is that what the game is about ?
What, as opposed to "PLOWING THROUGH?!?!?"

How do you plow through confirming a man to the SC whose credentials are impeccable and had been exhaustively vetted? Kavanaugh was like the Who's Who of judges: 13 out 14 times the SC has sided with his position. Oh wait, some ditzy broad comes along with the claim that Brett grabbed her through her bathing suit at a beer party she crashed when she was 15, forty years ago and gets caught in a half dozen lies telling us this??

WHERE WERE YOU when a whole roomful of women were testifying that Bill Clinton raped and brutalized them while Hillary trashed their lives? Where was the morals of the democrats THEN as they blocked his removal from office then tried to put her in office as well?
If the our nation's top cops find some or all of the accusations by all the accusers are true, I wonder if they will arrest Kavanaugh.

Should they?

They should, if he participated in drugging and gang raping girls.
then we need to fire these "top cops" cause none of this activity came in out in 6 background checks.

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