I Hate to Say It, But the January 6 Committee Has Proved that Trump Committed a Serious Crime on January 6, 2021

The only way he wins is if he cheats.
An den? An what? We have a little dilemma, neighbor. Roughly the other HALF of America thinks Democrats cheated and the ballot is no longer legitimate. Do you GET that? The fact that you strongly believe we're wrong won't make the slightest difference to us. That leaves us all in a bit of a quandary. We are all at a turning point. Does America continue or do we fall into prolonged sectarian conflict, including the possibility of a smoldering level of violence?

Those who say the changes to the election procedures are a form of "cheating" are essentially saying that unless we do everything the Democrat party is demanding, we are cheating voters. Even if the rules are no different than they've been for DECADES. You are supporting a system where no one can ask for an ID, signature, or other verification that a ballot was being returned by someone QUALIFIED TO VOTE. That is unacceptable.
I really hate to say this, and I fully acknowledge that Schumer and Pelosi committed their share of wrongdoing in the matter, but the January 6 committee has found clear evidence that Trump purposely allowed the January 6 riot to continue by refusing to immediately call on his supporters to stand down after the riot began.

This is a two-edged sword that cuts at both sides. Chuck Schumer sat on vital intel about plans to storm the Capitol, and Nancy Pelosi twice turned down requests to use National Guard troops to guard the Capitol on January 6, even though Trump had approved their use. However, the January 6 committee has found clear evidence that Trump purposely allowed the riot to continue, that he purposely delayed telling his supporters to stand down after the riot began.

Trump clearly acted as an accessory to the riot after it began. He never called for violence before it occurred; in fact, he urged his supporters to protest peacefully, and he authorized 20,000 NG troops to guard the Capitol. But once the riot began, he acted as an accessory to a felony by refusing to immediately call on his supporters to cease and desist. This was a serious criminal action, and the GOP should repudiate Trump and expel him from the party over it.

At the other end, Schumer's failure to act on the FBI intel, or even to ensure that the capitol police received the intel, is inexcusable and suggests that he wanted the riot to occur so he could use it for propaganda purposes against the Republicans. The Democrats should force Schumer to resign over his failure to act on the FBI intel.

Similarly, Nancy Pelosi's inexplicable failure to allow NG troops to help guard the Capitol on January 6 suggests that she, too, wanted the riot to occur so it could be used for propaganda purposes. The claim that she refused to use the troops because this would have been "bad optics" is lame, given that she had no problem forcing the troops to guard the Capitol for five months after the riot, long after there was any credible need for them to be there. Pelosi should be forced to resign because of her refusal to allow NG troops to guard the Capitol on January 6.

From John Solomon's second blockbuster article based on newly obtained documents:

FBI intelligence warning that Jan. 6 protesters might violently storm the Capitol, target lawmakers and blockade Democrats in tunnels was never sent to frontline police commanders and officers, but was quietly emailed the night before to a top aide to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, according to documents that raise new concern that politics trumped security preparedness in the fateful hours before the riot.

Capitol Police Deputy Chief Sean Gallagher emailed top Schumer aide Kelly Fado, now the Senate's deputy sergeant of arms, at about 9:40 p.m. on Jan. 5, 2021 saying he wanted to "provide you visibility" to new intelligence that an FBI threat analysis center had received from a website owner, according to documents obtained by Just the News.

The information explicitly warned that demonstrators had detailed maps of the tunnel systems around the Capitol frequented by lawmakers and their staffs and they were plotting to create a "perimeter" for potential violence and to find "Democratic members early to block them from entering the Capitol." One point of entry the rioters were targeting was the Library of Congress, he warned.(Jan. 6 Bombshell: Schumer team received FBI intel about possible violence, frontline cops didn't)
With all due respect, Mike...it isn't a "crime" to tell someone to peacefully protest and then not tell them again if they don't comply! That's on the people who rioted...not on Trump.
How was he supposed to stop anything? They were blocking cell signals. There were hundreds of thousands of people.
How does 1 person attempt to stop this?

Trumps tweets were being read by the mob
Rather than tweet for peace and asking them to disperse, Trump tweeted about how disloyal Mike Pence was which enraged the mob

They were a TRUMPmob, to assume Trump had no influence is naive

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If you fill a mob with lies to enrage them
Tell them they need to do something about the election
Send them to the Capitol

That is incitement
Not when you tell them to do so peacefully, Winger!
Now when Chuck Schumer incites a crowd to take action against sitting members of the Supreme Court...now THAT is incitement!
Yeah, she did, actually. There is clear documentation of that. She thought the "optics" would be bad. Or so she said.

If you have to lie, tell a whopper and tell it often. You can thank Himmler for this.
What if Trump had sent out a tweet and had an emergency press conference? Do you think those in the act of running into the Capitol would have said, "hey Jimmy, look, it's our brave leader on da TV set in da corner, if I can read correctly, it says that he is telling us to stop. Guys, hey, let's stop. Trump told us to stop"

Even in the unlikely scenario that they had seen any such message while running through the halls, they wouldn't have stopped.

Second, if he did so they would STILL be having this Hearing, Instead, this time they would say "if Trump wasn't guilty than why did he take the extreme and unusual step of holding a press conference and telling these people to stop? He did so because he knew he was responsible for the violence".

You can't win. The Neo-Cons will stop at nothing to weaken America First policies, even if it means being close pals with the Dems. If the GOP held a counter Hearing after the mid-terms, I wonder how much interest the media would have?

If Trump is responsible for this then all Dem leaders are responslble for the riots and dozens of murders after the George Floyd event. All the athletes who wore BLM attire during the riots are also responsible.
tramp was responsible for the violence done at the capital Jan 6th.
I really hate to say this, and I fully acknowledge that Schumer and Pelosi committed their share of wrongdoing in the matter, but the January 6 committee has found clear evidence that Trump purposely allowed the January 6 riot to continue by refusing to immediately call on his supporters to stand down after the riot began.

This is a two-edged sword that cuts at both sides. Chuck Schumer sat on vital intel about plans to storm the Capitol, and Nancy Pelosi twice turned down requests to use National Guard troops to guard the Capitol on January 6, even though Trump had approved their use. However, the January 6 committee has found clear evidence that Trump purposely allowed the riot to continue, that he purposely delayed telling his supporters to stand down after the riot began.

Trump clearly acted as an accessory to the riot after it began. He never called for violence before it occurred; in fact, he urged his supporters to protest peacefully, and he authorized 20,000 NG troops to guard the Capitol. But once the riot began, he acted as an accessory to a felony by refusing to immediately call on his supporters to cease and desist. This was a serious criminal action, and the GOP should repudiate Trump and expel him from the party over it.

At the other end, Schumer's failure to act on the FBI intel, or even to ensure that the capitol police received the intel, is inexcusable and suggests that he wanted the riot to occur so he could use it for propaganda purposes against the Republicans. The Democrats should force Schumer to resign over his failure to act on the FBI intel.

Similarly, Nancy Pelosi's inexplicable failure to allow NG troops to help guard the Capitol on January 6 suggests that she, too, wanted the riot to occur so it could be used for propaganda purposes. The claim that she refused to use the troops because this would have been "bad optics" is lame, given that she had no problem forcing the troops to guard the Capitol for five months after the riot, long after there was any credible need for them to be there. Pelosi should be forced to resign because of her refusal to allow NG troops to guard the Capitol on January 6.

From John Solomon's second blockbuster article based on newly obtained documents:

FBI intelligence warning that Jan. 6 protesters might violently storm the Capitol, target lawmakers and blockade Democrats in tunnels was never sent to frontline police commanders and officers, but was quietly emailed the night before to a top aide to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, according to documents that raise new concern that politics trumped security preparedness in the fateful hours before the riot.

Capitol Police Deputy Chief Sean Gallagher emailed top Schumer aide Kelly Fado, now the Senate's deputy sergeant of arms, at about 9:40 p.m. on Jan. 5, 2021 saying he wanted to "provide you visibility" to new intelligence that an FBI threat analysis center had received from a website owner, according to documents obtained by Just the News.

The information explicitly warned that demonstrators had detailed maps of the tunnel systems around the Capitol frequented by lawmakers and their staffs and they were plotting to create a "perimeter" for potential violence and to find "Democratic members early to block them from entering the Capitol." One point of entry the rioters were targeting was the Library of Congress, he warned.(Jan. 6 Bombshell: Schumer team received FBI intel about possible violence, frontline cops didn't)

Trump did tell his followers to fight and take back their country.
What if Trump had sent out a tweet and had an emergency press conference? Do you think those in the act of running into the Capitol would have said, "hey Jimmy, look, it's our brave leader on da TV set in da corner, if I can read correctly, it says that he is telling us to stop. Guys, hey, let's stop. Trump told us to stop"

Even in the unlikely scenario that they had seen any such message while running through the halls, they wouldn't have stopped.

Second, if he did so they would STILL be having this Hearing, Instead, this time they would say "if Trump wasn't guilty than why did he take the extreme and unusual step of holding a press conference and telling these people to stop? He did so because he knew he was responsible for the violence".

You can't win. The Neo-Cons will stop at nothing to weaken America First policies, even if it means being close pals with the Dems. If the GOP held a counter Hearing after the mid-terms, I wonder how much interest the media would have?

If Trump is responsible for this then all Dem leaders are responslble for the riots and dozens of murders after the George Floyd event. All the athletes who wore BLM attire during the riots are also responsible.
I don't recall any Democratic leaders coming out to condemn the riots of 2020. In fact Harris was behind a fund to bail out rioters that were arrested. The double standard seen in the Democrats is intentional. The MSM won't call them out on it and they know it.
The only thing I can concentrate on about Jan 6th, was that gas was three bucks a gallon cheaper.

The rest is just noise.
Chuck Shumer and Nancy Pelosi never turned down requests for the NG for a watchful eye. You have to blame it on someone else besides Republicans.

This whole Pelosi/National Guard stuff is the rubbish that just makes me shake my head at how idiotic the FOX news crowd can be. At no point in the history of the nation has the Speaker of the House had any sway over the national guard. Never. Yet FOX puts this shit out there and they have believed it since day one.

Don't bother with your asinine retort, I really don't care what you believe.
Try again

Says nothing about Pelosi turning it down or referring to optics
Trumps tweets were being read by the mob
Rather than tweet for peace and asking them to disperse, Trump tweeted about how disloyal Mike Pence was which enraged the mob

They were a TRUMPmob, to assume Trump had no influence is naive

View attachment 656515

Trump can be judged by the electorate accordingly, but he did nothing legally wrong. Even morally, even if distasteful, he didn't commit any offense that encouraged violence.

The more important question might be, "why did it take so long to decide the winner of a federal election"? How can anyone blame the outrage of some when a landslide victory for Trump shifted so dramatically just a few hours later, in the wee hours of the night.

Go and watch the reaction from the Talking Heads on CNN and elsewhere. It went from resignation that Trump had won to elation that Biden pulled off the amazing, record number upset.

ANY voters would have been upset. When Hillary lost, people took to the streets and threatened violence. It wasn't the Capitol building, but it was still outrage and that election only took a few hours to get right.

What in the hell is going on with federal elections in the U.S that cause such great delays while other First World nations have their decision completed almost immediately?
He never called for violence before it occurred;

While it is true he never specifically called for violence before it occurred, he did spend 2 months telling these same people they were the last hope for America, that only they could stop what was happening, that they had to "fight" for their country. Then those connected to him said that Pence should be taken out and hanged.
The more important question might be, "why did it take so long to decide the winner of a federal election"? How can anyone blame the outrage of some when a landslide victory for Trump shifted so dramatically just a few hours later, in the wee hours of the night.

The election was called in less than a week
It took so long because of massive amounts of mail in ballots and the refusal of Republican Legislatures to allow mail in ballots to be counted before the polls were closed
Trump can be judged by the electorate accordingly, but he did nothing legally wrong. Even morally, even if distasteful, he didn't commit any offense that encouraged violence.

The more important question might be, "why did it take so long to decide the winner of a federal election"? How can anyone blame the outrage of some when a landslide victory for Trump shifted so dramatically just a few hours later, in the wee hours of the night.

Go and watch the reaction from the Talking Heads on CNN and elsewhere. It went from resignation that Trump had won to elation that Biden pulled off the amazing, record number upset.

ANY voters would have been upset. When Hillary lost, people took to the streets and threatened violence. It wasn't the Capitol building, but it was still outrage and that election only took a few hours to get right.

What in the hell is going on with federal elections in the U.S that cause such great delays while other First World nations have their decision completed almost immediately?

Hillary conceded the election very quickly.. she didn't carry on like a lunatic for 8 weeks.
Go and watch the reaction from the Talking Heads on CNN and elsewhere. It went from resignation that Trump had won to elation that Biden pulled off the amazing, record number upset.
That is a lie

Every talking head made it clear that Trumps lead was just temporary and that the numbers would shift once urban areas tabulated their votes and mail in ballots were counted

Trump called for Republicans to vote in person so their votes would be reported first

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