I have a nazi-like idea in regard to mooches

It would be 1,000s of times more efficient to remove any government related welfare services of any kind altogether and leave it where it was before the LOLberal fucktards decided other people should pay for the slugs.
no, we can simply make whatever nefarious thing theyre doing illegal and then prosecute
How do you prosecute people who have corporate lobbyists to write our laws and make all the rules? I'm afraid we have no alternative but to put them in a camp.

I disagree that that's the only alternative.

You seem much less concerned with a class of moochers who cost this nation many billions of dollars every year. I guess it's just easier to overlook moochers who have money, power, and influence. People who have nothing are apparently a much easier target.
much less concerned with a very important caveat:

in a thread that has nothing to do with that totally separate issue

No I think you're really on to something here........we should have camps for all kinds of people.
we disagree.

the camps for those you're referring to is called prison, once it's made illegal

and if you and enough people (me included) cared enough to be loud enough about the issue, those in power would cower.

but youre just babbling about it on the internet like everyone else and wondering why nobody does anything, correct?

But by contrast you've really committed yourself to doing something about it, you're a real crusader for change, a man of action. I can tell by how fast you type and post......a real inspiration.
It seems that the only way you can engage his idea is by WILLFULLY misreading him and then arguing a strawman. Have you no shame? I mean really, you're so transparent that I'm laughing at you for being an idiot.

There is nothing involuntary here - if you want taxpayer funds to live the condition is that you live in the camp. If you don't want t live in the camp, fine, don't take taxpayer funds. What's a matter with you, can't you read? Or do you have a reading comprehension problem? Where you the kid in school who sat in the corner with the Dunce Cap on his head?

Freedom for those who can afford it.

Hmmmmm, I see a new signature in my future.

You think there is freedom in being forced to support the welfare of strangers? Being sent to jail if you refuse to provide support for strangers. That's what freedom tastes like to you?
Freaking terrific, so now that we've established what you want, share with us how much of your income you voluntarily commit to furthering this goal of yours.

You think it's an insurmountable goal? Ordinary people put in a good week's labor and can't enjoy a decent standard of living?
no, we can simply make whatever nefarious thing theyre doing illegal and then prosecute
How do you prosecute people who have corporate lobbyists to write our laws and make all the rules? I'm afraid we have no alternative but to put them in a camp.

I disagree that that's the only alternative.

You seem much less concerned with a class of moochers who cost this nation many billions of dollars every year. I guess it's just easier to overlook moochers who have money, power, and influence. People who have nothing are apparently a much easier target.
much less concerned with a very important caveat:

in a thread that has nothing to do with that totally separate issue

No I think you're really on to something here........we should have camps for all kinds of people.
we disagree.

the camps for those you're referring to is called prison, once it's made illegal

and if you and enough people (me included) cared enough to be loud enough about the issue, those in power would cower.

but youre just babbling about it on the internet like everyone else and wondering why nobody does anything, correct?

But by contrast you've really committed yourself to doing something about it, you're a real crusader for change, a man of action. I can tell by how fast you type and post......a real inspiration.

you missed the (me included) part bud.
Freaking terrific, so now that we've established what you want, share with us how much of your income you voluntarily commit to furthering this goal of yours.

You think it's an insurmountable goal? Ordinary people put in a good week's labor and can't enjoy a decent standard of living?
I think anyone working should be paid enough to survive

I said as much in the OP

One can survive on less than minimum wage in this country. it just doesnt come with all the self entitled bells and whistles people want for being a slug.
You mean like Vegetarianism is a "Nazi-like" idea because Hitler was a vocal proponent?
Or do you mean like Environmentalism is a "Nazi-like" idea because Hitler was pushing a preservation of nature program?

Nope. I was thinking more along the lines of how Putting People in Large Camps is "Nazi-like."

Call me crazy, but it's right there in the title.

Your analogy is weak. Nazis had death camps. It was the communists who had the Gulag system. That's the better example.
You think there is freedom in being forced to support the welfare of strangers? Being sent to jail if you refuse to provide support for strangers. That's what freedom tastes like to you?

Come off it. Nobody has that kind of absolute freedom. I don't have freedom to refuse to provide support for wars I don't believe in, either. Neither one of us has the freedom to refuse to pay for the renaming of the Dumbfuck, Idaho post office to "Arthur T. Dimwiddy Post Office."
The point I am making in this topic is that just about every single American receives a government handout in one form or another. So it is the most vile form of hypocrisy to sneer at others who receive a handout just because it is not the same kind of handout you get. And it is especially egregious that tax expenditures are the biggest handout of all, and many of them are highly regressive. So to hear people like Romney moan about "the 47%" while they benefit from gigantic government handouts is simply disgusting to the informed ear.

It isn't 47%. It's damn near 100%.

America: Gimme, gimme, gimme and make that guy over there pay for it.

The handout debate is just a thin veneer to cover up a naked bigotry against the poor, especially blacks. The right is becoming more and more totalitarian every day. Today, it's a half-serious topic about concentration camps. Tomorrow, it won't be half, it will be the full monte. The mask is really starting to slip.

Keeping more of the money you earn is not a hand-out, you moron. When you take a deduction against your income, you're merely lowering your effective tax rate, the government isn't taking money from Peter to send to Paul.
So far, the only discourse here has been hyperbole and not much discussion of the actual idea, which has nothing to do with putting poor people into concentration camps indefinitely.

It's about continuing to give the poor food and shelter, and punishing the ones who take such - - - - - while able bodied to sustain THEMSELVES, and refuse to do so.

Such dishonesty in this whole thread, and from the people who I usually have good discourse with.

"poor into concentration camps!" - my ass.

Hang in there champ, I'm working my way through the morass of idiots and when I'm done I'll engage you on your ideas.
I already went over this. So, to paraphrase: only those who use taxpayer assistance when they are able bodied yet UNWILLING to work their way out of it.

But anyhoo. red herring post since I already addressed the elderly, veterans, etc.
Its impossible to read the l-o-n-g threaded posts so no, I didn't see that.

But, okay, "able bodied and unwilling to work".
Responding to what's not there isn't really helping out any conversation, 1.

2 - - > this was just some thought experiment I had and the idea was like 40 seconds worth of thought and you all act like it's my plan to run for something.

chill the fugg out god damn

40 seconds of thought.

Yep, that's exactly what we've come to expect from whiny RWs.


Well, at least you admit you like nazi concentration camps.

You mean like Vegetarianism is a "Nazi-like" idea because Hitler was a vocal proponent?
Or do you mean like Environmentalism is a "Nazi-like" idea because Hitler was pushing a preservation of nature program?

Nope. I was thinking more along the lines of how Putting People in Large Camps is "Nazi-like."

Call me crazy, but it's right there in the title.

Your analogy is weak. Nazis had death camps. It was the communists who had the Gulag system. That's the better example.

Considering what the OP suggests, do you really think death camps are that unlikely?

This whole line of "thinking" is very typical of the right. Dems need to pay very close attention because the right would completely rewrite the constitution if they could.
Im for the standardized lunches and also not a conservative...not even CLOSE. Ill bet you can find over A THOUSAND posts disparaging me as a liberal this or that.

Side swipe posts are so needless, they make this place a waste of fuckin time rlly
You think there is freedom in being forced to support the welfare of strangers? Being sent to jail if you refuse to provide support for strangers. That's what freedom tastes like to you?

Come off it. Nobody has that kind of absolute freedom. I don't have freedom to refuse to provide support for wars I don't believe in, either. Neither one of us has the freedom to refuse to pay for the renaming of the Dumbfuck, Idaho post office to "Arthur T. Dimwiddy Post Office."

A war is fought for the benefit of the country, to provide for the security of the nation, whether you agree with the President or not, he's acting for us all.

When you get a welfare check the nation doesn't benefit, you do. This is redistribution.

Government, since time immemorial, has existed to provide security for the polity, this is its reason for existing. Same too with providing policing, courts, roads, border security, all public goods.

Don't mistake legitimate government functions with redistributive functions.To be a good citizens one must contribute to the support of public goods, to pay for an army, etc, but it's a nonsensical formulation to claim that to be a good citizen I have to pay for your hemorrhoid operation in order to make your life better or to pay for your rent or food, cases where you are the only one to receive a benefit.

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