I have a nazi-like idea in regard to mooches

you can use your EBT card if you get benefits such as SSI or TIA or something that allows for other purchases or even cash withdrawals.

quit being so god damned stupid you have the fucking link right in front of you.
You can use SNAP, as it says in the link I gave you, to withdraw CASH from BOTH SNAP, or ALSO your cash accounts. BOTH. Therefore, you CAN use SNAP money to buy booze/ciggs/etc.

Don't call me the retard, I linked it for you.

Here is the text in the CASH WITHDRAWALS section:

If you use both a SNAP benefit account and a cash benefit account at the same time, your card will be swiped through the machine twice and you must enter your PIN twice.

My God you are are illiterate. Read your own link again. IT CLEARLY states that if you use your card for SNAP and for a cash benefit you must swipe your card twice.

SNAP is NOT a cash benefit, and there is NO legal way to get cash off your SNAP benefits. If SNAP is the only benefit you have you will NEVER get cash from an ATM with your card, NEVER

SNAP benefits can only be used for food and for plants and seeds to grow food for your household to eat.

Sales tax cannot be charged on items bought with SNAP benefits.

SNAP benefits cannot be used to buy:

  • Any nonfood item, such as pet foods; soaps, paper products, and household supplies; grooming items, toothpaste, and cosmetics
  • Alcoholic beverages and tobacco
  • Vitamins and medicines
  • Any food that will be eaten in the store
  • Hot foods
Facts About SNAP Food and Nutrition Service

Fucking retard[/QUOTE]
you can be right and wrong about things....which here I was the latter

and great!

but listen dude

resorting to being a complete dick about it? go suck an egg (to quote dick tracy the movie)
I know it's not the most logically sound argument, but do you really want to implement something that is a "Nazi-like idea"???

You mean like Vegetarianism is a "Nazi-like" idea because Hitler was a vocal proponent?
Or do you mean like Environmentalism is a "Nazi-like" idea because Hitler was pushing a preservation of nature program?
no, we can simply make whatever nefarious thing theyre doing illegal and then prosecute
How do you prosecute people who have corporate lobbyists to write our laws and make all the rules? I'm afraid we have no alternative but to put them in a camp.

I disagree that that's the only alternative.

You seem much less concerned with a class of moochers who cost this nation many billions of dollars every year. I guess it's just easier to overlook moochers who have money, power, and influence. People who have nothing are apparently a much easier target.
much less concerned with a very important caveat:

in a thread that has nothing to do with that totally separate issue

No I think you're really on to something here........we should have camps for all kinds of people.
In my opinion, it should be a new crime and written into law. Living off of Taxpayer money while able, and choosing not to, seek your own sustainability.

To me it is already criminal morally, and should be civilly.

So you're officially criminalizing poverty. And being poor isn't a crime morally. Damn, every major religion on earth lauds alms to the poor. Even Jesus took a side on this one.

There's no criminalization going on. Hey, two can play at your game of bombastic comments.

Liberals are criminalizing freedom. If I don't pay my taxes because I object to having to support strangers, then liberals send the police to arrest me and I eventually end up in jail for simply exercising freedom.

How's that work for you?
but it would be disengenuous

I don't think it would be.

Responding to what's not there isn't really helping out any conversation, 1.

2 - - > this was just some thought experiment I had and the idea was like 40 seconds worth of thought and you all act like it's my plan to run for something.

chill the fugg out god damn

Dude, you chose to put this out there. Then gave it the title "nazi like idea." Did you think everyone was going to shout "Bravo! Elect this man immediately to a high office!"???
You mean like Vegetarianism is a "Nazi-like" idea because Hitler was a vocal proponent?
Or do you mean like Environmentalism is a "Nazi-like" idea because Hitler was pushing a preservation of nature program?

Nope. I was thinking more along the lines of how Putting People in Large Camps is "Nazi-like."

Call me crazy, but it's right there in the title.
but it would be disengenuous

I don't think it would be.

Responding to what's not there isn't really helping out any conversation, 1.

2 - - > this was just some thought experiment I had and the idea was like 40 seconds worth of thought and you all act like it's my plan to run for something.

chill the fugg out god damn

Dude, you chose to put this out there. Then gave it the title "nazi like idea." Did you think everyone was going to shout "Bravo! Elect this man immediately to a high office!"???
kay since you've turned into a jerk as well, peace to you, assa lamma lakeum
The welfare state is a natural component of capitalism. Welfare payments provide a means of dampening worker outrage when wealth becomes concentrated into the hands of owners/masters. Without welfare, you get revolution.
Providing a place to live and eat is not an elimination of welfare, just a change in the way it's implemented to further incentivize those who "like" that way of living now, thus exacerbate themselves as being a problem, raising kids who become criminals............kill ppl, end up supported in prison, etc etc

There's a horrible cycle going on right now and nobody is offering solutions except "throw money at it!"
Who will run the camps? Private companies? My goodness, look at all the problems we have with privately owned prisons now.
I don't disagree, and I'm not sure who would run the camps. I also think they'd need their own constitutions so that the intention is never side-stepped as a power grab.

The only way you're kept - is this:

you showed up to the camp for gov't assistance with eating and housing
you are able to work or go to school in order to work towards supporting yourself
you do not

you can always leave once you do that, as well. no time limit on standing up
So you can just check in and live out your entire life there being fed, clothed, and housed?

the food isn't pleasant.

but yes.

and no.

you cant check out unless youre working towards sustaining yourself. otherwise, you were negligent with other people's money and you don't / shouldn't possess the right to be.
Not grasping why you'd want to do that. If they checked out without being able to sustain themselves they'd no longer be getting welfare, correct? Seems to me that would be one of your end goals.

first off, thanks for having an honest conversation about a very hypothetical fucking 45 second idea that I had.

god damn some people are hard headed

anyhoo - the idea is that poverty leads to crime

if you leave before you can support your life, legally, what are you going to do? crime or die.

Actually poverty doesn't lead to crime. Don't be confused by the fact that most criminals are poor people.
The point I am making in this topic is that just about every single American receives a government handout in one form or another. So it is the most vile form of hypocrisy to sneer at others who receive a handout just because it is not the same kind of handout you get. And it is especially egregious that tax expenditures are the biggest handout of all, and many of them are highly regressive. So to hear people like Romney moan about "the 47%" while they benefit from gigantic government handouts is simply disgusting to the informed ear.

It isn't 47%. It's damn near 100%.

America: Gimme, gimme, gimme and make that guy over there pay for it.

The handout debate is just a thin veneer to cover up a naked bigotry against the poor, especially blacks. The right is becoming more and more totalitarian every day. Today, it's a half-serious topic about concentration camps. Tomorrow, it won't be half, it will be the full monte. The mask is really starting to slip.
You mean like Vegetarianism is a "Nazi-like" idea because Hitler was a vocal proponent?
Or do you mean like Environmentalism is a "Nazi-like" idea because Hitler was pushing a preservation of nature program?

Nope. I was thinking more along the lines of how Putting People in Large Camps is "Nazi-like."

Call me crazy, but it's right there in the title.
except with the Nazis.......many went involuntarily and were not given good living conditions and a very simplistic opportunity to leave if they wanted to

that's where it fails as a comparison
I could see some kind of CCC camp, but these people are bums. It's why they don't work. Just tear town public housing and when they commit crimes incarcerate them. Lower the bar for capital crimes as well.
Poor people don't suffer enough

If we don't make them suffer they will not want to stop being poor

He'll also want the disabled to toil also...maybe break limestone with a sledge hammer? Yeah,,,that's the ticket.. And all you old folks, euthanize at GT's request to eliminate their parasitic nature...

Everyone knows that the way to get poor people to succeed is to humiliate them and make them suffer..........I mean it has worked......like.....like........never
ebt cards that can buy beer and ciggs works, too huh?
More conservative urban legends

It is not an urban legend.

It's people not understanding that an EBT card is NOT a food stamp card, it is for ALL benefits. So even if you got SSI but NOT SNAP, you would have the EXACT same card that a person with SNAP would have.

Damn, I wish people would educate themselves before mouthing off.
No beer, no cigs
no, we can simply make whatever nefarious thing theyre doing illegal and then prosecute
How do you prosecute people who have corporate lobbyists to write our laws and make all the rules? I'm afraid we have no alternative but to put them in a camp.

I disagree that that's the only alternative.

You seem much less concerned with a class of moochers who cost this nation many billions of dollars every year. I guess it's just easier to overlook moochers who have money, power, and influence. People who have nothing are apparently a much easier target.
much less concerned with a very important caveat:

in a thread that has nothing to do with that totally separate issue

No I think you're really on to something here........we should have camps for all kinds of people.
we disagree.

the camps for those you're referring to is called prison, once it's made illegal

and if you and enough people (me included) cared enough to be loud enough about the issue, those in power would cower.

but youre just babbling about it on the internet like everyone else and wondering why nobody does anything, correct?
Identity papers, "Homeland" Security, waterboarding, concentration camps for the poor. A definite trend. You can hear the jackboots.
Welfare should be unpleasant, yes?

No, it shouldn't be. The whole point of having welfare is so that your fellow humyn being don't suffer--why would you want to spend money to make them suffer in a more expensive manner? It's irrational and a complete waste of money.

Glad we got that out of the way to start with.
The point I am making in this topic is that just about every single American receives a government handout in one form or another. So it is the most vile form of hypocrisy to sneer at others who receive a handout just because it is not the same kind of handout you get. And it is especially egregious that tax expenditures are the biggest handout of all, and many of them are highly regressive. So to hear people like Romney moan about "the 47%" while they benefit from gigantic government handouts is simply disgusting to the informed ear.

It isn't 47%. It's damn near 100%.

America: Gimme, gimme, gimme and make that guy over there pay for it.

The handout debate is just a thin veneer to cover up a naked bigotry against the poor, especially blacks. The right is becoming more and more totalitarian every day. Today, it's a half-serious topic about concentration camps. Tomorrow, it won't be half, it will be the full monte. The mask is really starting to slip.
if you pay in more then you get back, it is not a handout. so not every single American gets handouts.
except with the Nazis.......many went involuntarily and were not given good living conditions and a very simplistic opportunity to leave if they wanted to

that's where it fails as a comparison

No, they had freedom to either go.....or get shot.

In your scenario, apparently they have freedom to go......or starve in their car.
A mooch is a mooch is a mooch.

We can ban all tax expenditures, lower tax rates, and pay down the debt.

But where's the fun in that when you can throw the poor into concentration camps instead!
this is disingenuous

there is no concentration camp

there is free food and shelter in return for working towards getting yourself ready to sustain your own food and shelter

hyperbole isn't an argument, cmon dude.

Hey, you're dealing with liberals, this is how they roll, this is them at their intellectual best.
The point I am making in this topic is that just about every single American receives a government handout in one form or another. So it is the most vile form of hypocrisy to sneer at others who receive a handout just because it is not the same kind of handout you get. And it is especially egregious that tax expenditures are the biggest handout of all, and many of them are highly regressive. So to hear people like Romney moan about "the 47%" while they benefit from gigantic government handouts is simply disgusting to the informed ear.

It isn't 47%. It's damn near 100%.

America: Gimme, gimme, gimme and make that guy over there pay for it.

The handout debate is just a thin veneer to cover up a naked bigotry against the poor, especially blacks. The right is becoming more and more totalitarian every day. Today, it's a half-serious topic about concentration camps. Tomorrow, it won't be half, it will be the full monte. The mask is really starting to slip.
im not within a million yards of being a right winger, and I think you knew that

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