I have a nazi-like idea in regard to mooches

No, they show up voluntarily.

Nodding....but you hold them indefinitely *by force* (which I assume includes violence) without trial, counsel, crime or even charge unless they do exactly what you tell them to do.

This you define as 'freedom'.

As I said, you fail the 'freedom' test the moment you incarcerate them. That you've set narrow 'conditions for release' from incarceration you have no authority to impose only demonstrates how little you understand the meaning of the word you're trying to use.

You fail the freedom test by taking taxpayer dollars by force and using them to support those who can but will not support themselves.

In that situation ^, someone's freedom is already infringed upon.

It's time to mitigate that taking of freedom, and making those who take advantage work towards the betterment of the situation.

They can't support themselves.


And the above are the people who benefit the most from SNAP.
This thread is not about people who cannot support themselves.

It's about people who can but refuse to.

In my state, you only get 3 months of SNAP if you are a single adult. SNAP is mainly for the children and elderly, is it not?

Nowadays, single adults just go on SSI Disability.

It's that easy, huh?

apparently so, they are on my facebook every fucking day telling me how easy it is to get on disability.

That's odd, that you're on facebook every day.
Regarding the health and happiness of families:

I think that in comparison to what they're coming from and if properly regulated, yes it can far exceed the health and happiness of their current situation and offer them some stability and most likely a better future.


The ones who work and get out are self sustaining.
The ones who don't still live under better and healthier conditions then if they were allowed to continue their irresponsible road towards nothingness(again referring strictly to those who game the system).

"Irresponsible road towards nothingness" certainly sounds like they can't be parents worth a damn to you.
Tax expenditures account for $1.2 trillion a year. That's two thirds of what the government collects in revenue!

We are talking about SERIOUS mooching, kids.

These moochers are soaking up 2/3 of the revenues! Just how big a pair of blinders do you have to buy to willfully blind yourself to that? I mean, you practically have to grab your eyeballs and pop them out of your skull and stab knives into your eardrums to avoid it.

I get that this is really about finding an excuse to put the poor into concentration camps, but COME ON!!

Anyone else wish this idiot would shut the fuck up with his "people who use legal ways of lowering their taxes is a moocher" bullshit?

They force people to pay higher tax rates. Simple fact. That is mooching. Forcing other people to pay more taxes so you can get a deduction, credit, or exemption is mooching.

They are also government social behavioral experiments. The government openly admits this.

I'm sorry to inform you that you aren't a conservative. Nor are you smarter than the average bear. Not even smarter than a flea, sadly.

They do not FORCE anyone to do any such thing. THe government uses that as an excuse to tax people more.

Who the hell, besides the government could POSSIBLY claim that money they never had is lost revenue? LOL

Can you imagine if I had a slow night at dinner at my restaurant and a couple came in and I gave them a menu and said I'm sorry but I have to add 10% to my menu prices tonight, because revenue wasn't what I expected it to be "

I have provided many, many, many educational resources to help illuminate the darkness in which you dwell. It is clear you believe yourself to be a conservative, but you have a glaring entitlement attitude.

You have not provided a shred of evidence to support your amazingly deep ignorance, and you steadfastly refuse to come to the right side of conservatism and knowledge and intelligence.

I speak often of this kind of willful blindness. It is a horrible affliction from which you suffer.
Incarceration is involuntary, unless you count the crime as having been the voluntary part which is minutia.

Again, your proposal is to incarcerate people indefinitely without trial, without counsel, without charge and without any commission of any crime......unless they do exactly what you tell them.

You kinda fail the 'freedom' test the moment you imprison people without trial. The narrow conditions of their 'release' from unjustified incarceration are gravy.

It seems that the only way you can engage his idea is by WILLFULLY misreading him and then arguing a strawman. Have you no shame? I mean really, you're so transparent that I'm laughing at you for being an idiot.

There is nothing involuntary here - if you want taxpayer funds to live the condition is that you live in the camp. If you don't want t live in the camp, fine, don't take taxpayer funds. What's a matter with you, can't you read? Or do you have a reading comprehension problem? Where you the kid in school who sat in the corner with the Dunce Cap on his head?
Tax expenditures account for $1.2 trillion a year. That's two thirds of what the government collects in revenue!

We are talking about SERIOUS mooching, kids.

These moochers are soaking up 2/3 of the revenues! Just how big a pair of blinders do you have to buy to willfully blind yourself to that? I mean, you practically have to grab your eyeballs and pop them out of your skull and stab knives into your eardrums to avoid it.

I get that this is really about finding an excuse to put the poor into concentration camps, but COME ON!!

Anyone else wish this idiot would shut the fuck up with his "people who use legal ways of lowering their taxes is a moocher" bullshit?

They force people to pay higher tax rates. Simple fact. That is mooching. Forcing other people to pay more taxes so you can get a deduction, credit, or exemption is mooching.

They are also government social behavioral experiments. The government openly admits this.

I'm sorry to inform you that you aren't a conservative. Nor are you smarter than the average bear. Not even smarter than a flea, sadly.

They do not FORCE anyone to do any such thing. THe government uses that as an excuse to tax people more.

Who the hell, besides the government could POSSIBLY claim that money they never had is lost revenue? LOL

Can you imagine if I had a slow night at dinner at my restaurant and a couple came in and I gave them a menu and said I'm sorry but I have to add 10% to my menu prices tonight, because revenue wasn't what I expected it to be "

I have provided many, many, many educational resources to help illuminate the darkness in which you dwell. It is clear you believe yourself to be a conservative, but you have a glaring entitlement attitude.

You have not provided a shred of evidence to support your amazingly deep ignorance, and you steadfastly refuse to come to the right side of conservatism and knowledge and intelligence.

I speak often of this kind of willful blindness. It is a horrible affliction from which you suffer.

actually, I do NOT claim to be a conservative. I'm an open minded person who leans right, but certainly not a conservative.
There is no doubt in my mind that the US needs to overhaul its Safety Net again.

Nevertheless, the kind of country that the OP paints, is not the kind of America that I want to create nor live in.

Regarding the health and happiness of families:

I think that in comparison to what they're coming from and if properly regulated, yes it can far exceed the health and happiness of their current situation and offer them some stability and most likely a better future.


The ones who work and get out are self sustaining.
The ones who don't still live under better and healthier conditions then if they were allowed to continue their irresponsible road towards nothingness(again referring strictly to those who game the system).

"Irresponsible road towards nothingness" certainly sounds like they can't be parents worth a damn to you.
that's the road the parent is on being on welfare indefinitely

not the child, who could turn out either way

and in terms of health and happiness, that's the environment in general, not the parenting skills

you made assumptions and then several posts based on bad assumptions

a time waster !!!!

no harm no foul
Tax expenditures account for $1.2 trillion a year. That's two thirds of what the government collects in revenue!

We are talking about SERIOUS mooching, kids.

These moochers are soaking up 2/3 of the revenues! Just how big a pair of blinders do you have to buy to willfully blind yourself to that? I mean, you practically have to grab your eyeballs and pop them out of your skull and stab knives into your eardrums to avoid it.

I get that this is really about finding an excuse to put the poor into concentration camps, but COME ON!!

Anyone else wish this idiot would shut the fuck up with his "people who use legal ways of lowering their taxes is a moocher" bullshit?

They force people to pay higher tax rates. Simple fact. That is mooching. Forcing other people to pay more taxes so you can get a deduction, credit, or exemption is mooching.

They are also government social behavioral experiments. The government openly admits this.

I'm sorry to inform you that you aren't a conservative. Nor are you smarter than the average bear. Not even smarter than a flea, sadly.

They do not FORCE anyone to do any such thing. THe government uses that as an excuse to tax people more.

Who the hell, besides the government could POSSIBLY claim that money they never had is lost revenue? LOL

Can you imagine if I had a slow night at dinner at my restaurant and a couple came in and I gave them a menu and said I'm sorry but I have to add 10% to my menu prices tonight, because revenue wasn't what I expected it to be "

I have provided many, many, many educational resources to help illuminate the darkness in which you dwell. It is clear you believe yourself to be a conservative, but you have a glaring entitlement attitude.

You have not provided a shred of evidence to support your amazingly deep ignorance, and you steadfastly refuse to come to the right side of conservatism and knowledge and intelligence.

I speak often of this kind of willful blindness. It is a horrible affliction from which you suffer.

actually, I do NOT claim to be a conservative. I'm an open minded person who leans right, but certainly not a conservative.
You seem to have a strong desire to keep believing something that is untrue rather than read the informational sources I have provided.

That is far from open-mindedness. Quite the opposite.
It seems that the only way you can engage his idea is by WILLFULLY misreading him and then arguing a strawman. Have you no shame? I mean really, you're so transparent that I'm laughing at you for being an idiot.

There is nothing involuntary here - if you want taxpayer funds to live the condition is that you live in the camp. If you don't want t live in the camp, fine, don't take taxpayer funds. What's a matter with you, can't you read? Or do you have a reading comprehension problem? Where you the kid in school who sat in the corner with the Dunce Cap on his head?

Freedom for those who can afford it.

Hmmmmm, I see a new signature in my future.
What about the kids? You're gonna leave them living in a camp or take them away from their parents?

They can live there with their parents and also go to school.

Should they eat the shit food ebt allows them now, or a more nutritious but blander diet which is cheaper, better for them, and a way to mitigate their parents from spending our tax dollars, and their kids food money, on ciggs/beer/drugs, etc?
But you'd be holding children, probably involuntarily against their will for the sins of their parents.

I don't think there are really that many moochers. Most people on assistance are kids, mothers, elderly people, and Walmart employees.

I don't like your idea but I would go along with something like community food kitchens that served three healthy meals a day instead of handing out food stamps.

The whole point of his idea is to make life inconvenient and unpleasant in order to provide a powerful incentive to stop relying on government aid. Right now we have people who use welfare as a lifestyle.

There are people who are choosing to go on Social Security Disability instead of working. Illegal infiltrators are displacing a lot of these people out of the workforce because these people get "BETTER VALUE FOR MONEY" being on welfare than from working at low wage jobs.
It seems that the only way you can engage his idea is by WILLFULLY misreading him and then arguing a strawman. Have you no shame? I mean really, you're so transparent that I'm laughing at you for being an idiot.

There is nothing involuntary here - if you want taxpayer funds to live the condition is that you live in the camp. If you don't want t live in the camp, fine, don't take taxpayer funds. What's a matter with you, can't you read? Or do you have a reading comprehension problem? Where you the kid in school who sat in the corner with the Dunce Cap on his head?

Freedom for those who can afford it.

Hmmmmm, I see a new signature in my future.
but it would be disengenuous
Welfare should be unpleasant, yes? People need an incentive to work towards getting off of it.

So, my father in law and I were talking about solutions to all of the inner city crime, violence, high school drop-out and failure rate, women who cannot afford to but continue to have babies - - - - -

And it struck me that it seems to be getting worse, and all of this Partisan rivalry blah blah isn't offering up any solutions to the problem so here's one.

Skip ebt cards.
Skip section 8 living.

Let's make camps. Sort of like internment camps (except not really). If you want/need any Government assistance in a rough time, or if you're just a mooch in General, you'd have to go to the Camp and receive it or else fend for yourself and leave the taxpayers out of it. Within said camp, and with all of the savings for ebt, section 8, etc - - - - - there would be very bland, very minimalist and awful tasting food provided for you by the taxpayer. The only goal here is to keep you alive, not pleasurable eating.

There will be cots, and duties for the able. No cable. No celly. There will be phones, mind you. But lines to wait and use them for a certain amount of time.

Here's the uncomfortable kicker.

Once you come to Uncle Sam for help, you cannot leave to go on back out of the camp and become a gang-banger, druggie, drop-out, etc.

In order to leave, you need to stay in school or actively be seeking a job. Otherwise, you're held. By force.

Sounds like that's not freedom, right? It is. You are completely free to choose to go to school and get out. You are completely free to choose to actively search for employment. You are not free to be a leech.

I would obviously have to think of loopholes for the legitimately disabled, or the worker who works in good faith and still cannot make ends meet. For those, it is society's burden to develop a system where the worst of jobs provide at least some minimal quality of life. I don't support a Country without that as its goal, quality of life.

I don't see the current memes of throwing more money at education working. I don't see the current system of allowing ebt cards to buy anything under the sun as working. I don't see child tax credits for men and women who won't work but have continuous babies, as being a legitimate solution to Anything.


Cuz look how well that has worked in the past. but why stop at "camps"? How about poor houses? And debtor prisons?

Seriously comment:

Dems need to listen when nutters talk like this because, if they could, they would do exactly this. Fuck the constitution and throw people in jails.
Responding to what's not there isn't really helping out any conversation, 1.

2 - - > this was just some thought experiment I had and the idea was like 40 seconds worth of thought and you all act like it's my plan to run for something.

chill the fugg out god damn
What about the kids? You're gonna leave them living in a camp or take them away from their parents?

They can live there with their parents and also go to school.

Should they eat the shit food ebt allows them now, or a more nutritious but blander diet which is cheaper, better for them, and a way to mitigate their parents from spending our tax dollars, and their kids food money, on ciggs/beer/drugs, etc?
But you'd be holding children, probably involuntarily against their will for the sins of their parents.

I don't think there are really that many moochers. Most people on assistance are kids, mothers, elderly people, and Walmart employees.

I don't like your idea but I would go along with something like community food kitchens that served three healthy meals a day instead of handing out food stamps.

^ there can be middle ground like this.

It wasn't sat there and philosophized over for hours, it was an idea on a whim.

But the children would not be held against their will, they'd be able to run/play/do whatever the fuck they wanted that any other kid could do after school. We already don't let minors live without supervision. Same thing in this case.
Sorry, living in a FEMA camp isn't a good idea when it comes to children.

That's kind of the point, isn't it. Go out and support yourself and your family and then you don't have to live in a FEMA camp.
no, we can simply make whatever nefarious thing theyre doing illegal and then prosecute
How do you prosecute people who have corporate lobbyists to write our laws and make all the rules? I'm afraid we have no alternative but to put them in a camp.

I disagree that that's the only alternative.

You seem much less concerned with a class of moochers who cost this nation many billions of dollars every year. I guess it's just easier to overlook moochers who have money, power, and influence. People who have nothing are apparently a much easier target.
you can use your EBT card if you get benefits such as SSI or TIA or something that allows for other purchases or even cash withdrawals.

quit being so god damned stupid you have the fucking link right in front of you.
You can use SNAP, as it says in the link I gave you, to withdraw CASH from BOTH SNAP, or ALSO your cash accounts. BOTH. Therefore, you CAN use SNAP money to buy booze/ciggs/etc.
Don't call me the retard, I linked it for you.

Here is the text in the CASH WITHDRAWALS section:

If you use both a SNAP benefit account and a cash benefit account at the same time, your card will be swiped through the machine twice and you must enter your PIN twice.
My God you are are illiterate. Read your own link again. IT CLEARLY states that if you use your card for SNAP and for a cash benefit you must swipe your card twice.

SNAP is NOT a cash benefit, and there is NO legal way to get cash off your SNAP benefits. If SNAP is the only benefit you have you will NEVER get cash from an ATM with your card, NEVER

SNAP benefits can only be used for food and for plants and seeds to grow food for your household to eat.

Sales tax cannot be charged on items bought with SNAP benefits.

SNAP benefits cannot be used to buy:

  • Any nonfood item, such as pet foods; soaps, paper products, and household supplies; grooming items, toothpaste, and cosmetics
  • Alcoholic beverages and tobacco
  • Vitamins and medicines
  • Any food that will be eaten in the store
  • Hot foods
Facts About SNAP Food and Nutrition Service

Fucking retard
no, we can simply make whatever nefarious thing theyre doing illegal and then prosecute
How do you prosecute people who have corporate lobbyists to write our laws and make all the rules? I'm afraid we have no alternative but to put them in a camp.

I disagree that that's the only alternative.

You seem much less concerned with a class of moochers who cost this nation many billions of dollars every year. I guess it's just easier to overlook moochers who have money, power, and influence. People who have nothing are apparently a much easier target.
much less concerned with a very important caveat:

in a thread that has nothing to do with that totally separate issue
that's the road the parent is on being on welfare indefinitely

not the child, who could turn out either way

and in terms of health and happiness, that's the environment in general, not the parenting skills

you made assumptions and then several posts based on bad assumptions

a time waster !!!!

no harm no foul

Nobody is on welfare indefinitely anymore.

I don't think clarifying positions wastes anyone's time.

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