I have a question for you hunter's out there!

OCA said:
Remie buddy how ya doing? How was the hunting down your way? The doves were excellent this year couldn't have been better, resident geese out of this world! Quail were good too but the ducks, damn the ducks sucked ass! Went 5 times got 1, count it 1 greenhead. There were no storms moving across Canada until like the last week of the season to freeze the ponds and move the ducks off the ponds and down into the states. Sucked my left nut! Spring turkey is coming and hopefully that will be good.
hell i aint had time to do anything this year! BUT spring turkey is coming as you said, need to bag one. thinking about getting a license in IL, alway turkeys over there. Jessie's relatives have some land there too....

something else thats fucked up, i bought a new england arms slug gun with a 4X scope a couple years ago for deer. marvelous piece of equipment, shoots 3 inch groups at 100m. problem is, i aint had the chance to get into the woods yet!!
OCA said:
Remie buddy how ya doing? How was the hunting down your way? The doves were excellent this year couldn't have been better, resident geese out of this world! Quail were good too but the ducks, damn the ducks sucked ass! Went 5 times got 1, count it 1 greenhead. There were no storms moving across Canada until like the last week of the season to freeze the ponds and move the ducks off the ponds and down into the states. Sucked my left nut! Spring turkey is coming and hopefully that will be good.

Doves were as good as they could be. We killed limits right up to closing day of the season. I spent a week in Arkansas duck hunting and we killed our limits every day, but the greenheads were not there in the numbers you would like to see. Went to Georgia quail hunting and it was awesome. Here in KY you can set your calander that the ducks will show up the day after the season closes and that is just how it went this year. The damn geese are so thick they are a pain in the ass. I am hoping to tag a turkey this spring if I can get away to hunt.
remie said:
Doves were as good as they could be. We killed limits right up to closing day of the season. I spent a week in Arkansas duck hunting and we killed our limits every day, but the greenheads were not there in the numbers you would like to see. Went to Georgia quail hunting and it was awesome. Here in KY you can set your calander that the ducks will show up the day after the season closes and that is just how it went this year. The damn geese are so thick they are a pain in the ass. I am hoping to tag a turkey this spring if I can get away to hunt.
ever notice all the squriels and rabbit in town when that season hits?
when we were down in the macon area in GA we went to some mall in town there. there was a sporting store there and i wanted to inquire about buying a shotgun. talk about being treated like i had the plague! dude asked if i was a resident and i said no. he was like sorry cant help ya, then immediatly started to help the guy behind me, with me in the way with more questions.
rude butthole
dilloduck said:
In about we'll have our annual white bass and hybrid striper run !! :thewave:

Yeah we have a pretty good run that starts between the third week of march and the first of april. Now that hunting is done I am ready for some warm spring fishing weather!!!
remie said:
Yeah we have a pretty good run that starts between the third week of march and the first of april. Now that hunting is done I am ready for some warm spring fishing weather!!!
id settle for jsut the warm weather right now! im tired of being down with the freakin flu!!
What is it with you guy's that hunt, why do you need to stuff this poor dead animal? that you have just killed, then hang it on a wall? I don't get it. The reason I ask, is because my husband hunts and yes I have dead animals hanging on my wall that I absolutley hate!!! He has never given me a good answer. So maybe someone here could explain the trophy thing to me. I personally would rather see them in my backyard then hanging dead on my wall. Why can't you just take a picture of it? Instead of having to mount it.

I'm looking for good answers here, not just it's a guy thing!

Most hunters, like myself, hunt for the thrill of providing ones own food. I hunt, fish, raise a garden and have all my life. I am 76, have to use electric mobility to get around and day after tomorrow I will be in the woods waiting near a big oak or hickory tree for a deer or hog to come out near dusk to eat the nuts.

I have mounted 1 head as a memory of a particularly grueling hunt which ended successfully. I have hunted big game at a time when it was necessary to protect people from big cats marauding after too much habitat was destroyed to relocate the millions of Hindu refugees fleeing the Muslims in Pakistan after the partition. It is unfortunate that when the population of tiger and leopard was reduced to dangerous levels by poachers selling their parts for Oriental medicines. But at the time it was essential. I did not have either tiger or the leopard mounted as a trophy. It was 58 years ago, and now I wish I had as it still makes shivers go up and down my spine when I think of the risky things I did back then and the memories are fantastic.
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What is it with you guy's that hunt, why do you need to stuff this poor dead animal? that you have just killed, then hang it on a wall? I don't get it. The reason I ask, is because my husband hunts and yes I have dead animals hanging on my wall that I absolutley hate!!! He has never given me a good answer. So maybe someone here could explain the trophy thing to me. I personally would rather see them in my backyard then hanging dead on my wall. Why can't you just take a picture of it? Instead of having to mount it.

I'm looking for good answers here, not just it's a guy thing!

Most hunters, like myself, hunt for the thrill of providing ones own food. I hunt, fish, raise a garden and have all my life. I am 76, have to use electric mobility to get around and day after tomorrow I will be in the woods waiting near a big oak or hickory tree for a deer or hog to come out near dusk to eat the nuts.

I have mounted 1 head as a memory of a particularly grueling hunt which ended successfully. I have hunted big game at a time when it was necessary to protect people from big cats marauding after too much habitat was destroyed to relocate the millions of Hindu refugees fleeing the Muslims in Pakistan after the partition. It is unfortunate that when the population of tiger and leopard was reduced to dangerous levels by poachers selling their parts for Oriental medicines. But at the time it was essential. I did not have either tiger or the leopard mounted as a trophy. It was 58 years ago, and now I wish I had as it still makes shivers go up and down my spine when I think of the risky things I did back then and the memories are fantastic.

Almost all of the people that had posted on this thread back in 2005 have gone to a board that was started by the previous owner of this one.
Anybody who doesn't hunt cannot possibly ever understand the feeling of cameraderie, of getting back to basics that one gets when out in the field. Now I personally don't hunt big game but I can see the reason why people mount trophies, hell most of the time they aren't even trophies but an accomplishment that they want to remember. It reminds them of a simpler time.
The root goes deep but you've uncovered it.

In 1991, anthropoligists recovered the perfectly preserved body of a man who was killed there in the Italian Alps during the Neolithic era (over 5,000 years ago). In addition to his clothing, which included a bearskin cap, and his weapon, a primitive bow, were several claws and teeth believed to be taken from a massive bear.

The teeth and claws were trophies, badges as it were, that identify the "Ice Man" as a proficient hunter, probably an exalted status in those primitive times. The relevance of such trophies and what they represent has survived the test of time as a primal memory and is represented in advanced taxidermic form by modern hunters.

Because the importance of hunting prevailed through the ages and the proficiency of a hunter was the measure of a man it may be said with some obvious certainty that trophies of animal kills are symbols of masculinity.
What is it with you guy's that hunt, why do you need to stuff this poor dead animal? that you have just killed, then hang it on a wall? I don't get it. The reason I ask, is because my husband hunts and yes I have dead animals hanging on my wall that I absolutley hate!!! He has never given me a good answer. So maybe someone here could explain the trophy thing to me. I personally would rather see them in my backyard then hanging dead on my wall. Why can't you just take a picture of it? Instead of having to mount it.

I'm looking for good answers here, not just it's a guy thing!

That really IS the best answer, though.

Its like me asking Why do so many girls like horses and unicorns?

The answer? It's a gal thing.
What is it with you guy's that hunt, why do you need to stuff this poor dead animal? that you have just killed, then hang it on a wall? I don't get it. The reason I ask, is because my husband hunts and yes I have dead animals hanging on my wall that I absolutley hate!!! He has never given me a good answer. So maybe someone here could explain the trophy thing to me. I personally would rather see them in my backyard then hanging dead on my wall. Why can't you just take a picture of it? Instead of having to mount it.

I'm looking for good answers here, not just it's a guy thing!

It's not just a guy thing. It's an instinctive provider thing, intricately tied in psychologically with fitness to survive.
I think game trophies are stupid. Most women hate em and it's expensive as hell
to have something mounted...What's the point, Proof?..Well heck, a $10 disposable camera will do that.
IMO, it's nothing more than an ego thing...Ole bubba can stand around with the other bubbas, scratch his nuts, crack a beer and say, "yep I kilt it, aren't I da man"? Then ya have the meek lil accountant that takes a
guided trip to Alaska an shoots a bear. Has it mounted and on display to prove what a "MAN" he really is!
That's the way I see it.

Let me guess. You can't hit shit with a rifle, right?
I think trophies are kinda stupid and pretty ugly and I hunt alot. The camera is always a better way to go. As for the act of hunting...It is fucking exciting and damn near impossible to explain to folks who have never done it.

The only mounts I have are a wood duck and a bear skin rug. The wood duck is an amazing looking bird and the rug used to get me laid a lot.
OCA...Bubba says, BS..
He says if it were just to remind us of a simpler time, he'd have Billy Jeans' ass mounted on the wall. ;)

It's ego..and that's what Bubba said, while he scatched his nuts and cracked his beer. :)

Not all hunters are Bubba. I go every year, and hunt pigs all year. Its rare that I dont kill the pigs, as its my civic duty to do so. I dont mount the big ones, but I will pull the cutter's and wetter's and keep them as MY trophy's. I also have a pile of racks on the floor of my closet from the deer I have collected. I make stuff out of those. I feel no comrade when I hunt, as I go alone 99% of the time. Anymore, its rare that I shoot deer, and rarely keep fish. I even pinch my barbs so I can get them in the water faster. I hunt because I want to and I can.
From Dr. Charles Kay,
Wolves lowered the elk population by 80-90%-------Elk STOPPED migrating due to wolf-bear predation------wolves wiped out the moose-------wolves wiped out the caribou------wolves stole 57% of the ungulates killed by grizzlies-------"maintaini​ng prewolf ungulate regimes may be a FANTASY in postwolf landscapes"(emphasis added)--------nearly 80 square miles of burns had no positive effect on elk numbers and actually REDUCED elk population growth-----That is to say, habitat and habitat improvements are IRRELEVANT-------and you will need to kill 70% of a wolf population every year FOREVER to have any significant effect on prey numbers and you wonder why none of the feds or greens down here have EVER cited ANY of the Canadian data !!-​---You do NOT manage wolves, wolves manage you....


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