I have a question....

If you want me to accept the reality of Hell, show it to me. There are simply too many I mythologies competing for me to just blindly accept one as the right one without proof.

I'm willing to concede the possibility of it, but until it is shown, I just discount it. Your hell is no more valid than Hel or Hades or wherever bad Buhddists go.
My advice to you is do your own investigation, like I did.

The reason I believe in hell is because Jesus Christ assured us there was a hell.

The reason I believe Jesus Christ is qualified to tell us about hell is that he suffered, died, and on the third day he rose again.

The reason I believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead is because I was taught to believe in him by my parents and the Roman Catholic Church.

The reason I believe my parents and the Catholic Church are teaching me the truth about Jesus Christ is because of various miracles that have proven they are telling the truth, in particular the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima, the Shroud of Turin, the miracles of Lourdes, and the miracles of Padre Pio, among others.

Like I've said before several times on this forum, I do not believe in Catholicism because of blind faith. I have actually seen enough evidence to convince me that it is true, and I weighed it all when I was in law school and had learned how to evaluate evidence.
That's why Jesus took YOUR sins away that have contributed to world evil.
And don't tell us you've never sinned.

Mankind choose the course of events, we make the mess, God simply honoring our choice.

It is nice to hear the Name of Jesus once in a while... hmm.. Jesus took MY sins away that have contributed to the world evil... and still there is enough evil to feed the world?
Because at best 20% of the world follows Jesus.

and the other 80% go around breaking noses.....
Everyone sins. Everyone.
But only a few salivate over the chance to cast the first stone

The reason I believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead is because I was taught to believe in him by my parents and the Roman Catholic Church.

Have you ever objectively sought proof personally for what you were told was the truth? And I'm not talking about stories told by other people. And if you are going to use the word evidence provide it.
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The reason I believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead is because I was taught to believe in him by my parents and the Roman Catholic Church.

Have you ever sought proof personally for what you were told was the truth? And I'm not talking about stories told by other people.
I have personal proof -- three experiences that convinced me that God loves me, and answers my prayers.
The reason I believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead is because I was taught to believe in him by my parents and the Roman Catholic Church.

Have you ever sought proof personally for what you were told was the truth? And I'm not talking about stories told by other people.
I have personal proof -- three experiences that convinced me that God loves me, and answers my prayers.

OK. there you go, three chances for you to testify about what you have concluded that God has done for you.

I'm all ears.
The reason I believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead is because I was taught to believe in him by my parents and the Roman Catholic Church.

Have you ever sought proof personally for what you were told was the truth? And I'm not talking about stories told by other people.
I have personal proof -- three experiences that convinced me that God loves me, and answers my prayers.

OK. there you go, three chances for you to testify about what you have concluded that God has done for you.

I'm all ears.

The 2004 ALCS almost made me a believer.
The reason I believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead is because I was taught to believe in him by my parents and the Roman Catholic Church.

Have you ever sought proof personally for what you were told was the truth? And I'm not talking about stories told by other people.
I have personal proof -- three experiences that convinced me that God loves me, and answers my prayers.

OK. there you go, three chances for you to testify about what you have concluded that God has done for you.

I'm all ears.
These stories are very personal.
The reason I believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead is because I was taught to believe in him by my parents and the Roman Catholic Church.

Have you ever sought proof personally for what you were told was the truth? And I'm not talking about stories told by other people.
I have personal proof -- three experiences that convinced me that God loves me, and answers my prayers.

OK. there you go, three chances for you to testify about what you have concluded that God has done for you.

I'm all ears.
These stories are very personal.

I can respect that. But seriously where is all the whoosh of the Holy Spirit from someone touched by God himself?
The reason I believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead is because I was taught to believe in him by my parents and the Roman Catholic Church.

Have you ever sought proof personally for what you were told was the truth? And I'm not talking about stories told by other people.
I have personal proof -- three experiences that convinced me that God loves me, and answers my prayers.

OK. there you go, three chances for you to testify about what you have concluded that God has done for you.

I'm all ears.
These stories are very personal.

I can respect that. But seriously where is all the whoosh of the Holy Spirit from someone touched by God himself?
My stories would probably not convince you. I don't know that they would convince anyone. I do not think God intervened in my life on these three occasions so that I could tell stories about it to convince people he exists. I think he intervened in my life because I had, on these three occasions, sunk to such deep pits of despair that maybe he felt he had no choice but to lift me out. And that's what he did, he lifted me out, and he changed the course of my life in a dramatic way -- on three occasions.
Have you ever sought proof personally for what you were told was the truth? And I'm not talking about stories told by other people.
I have personal proof -- three experiences that convinced me that God loves me, and answers my prayers.

OK. there you go, three chances for you to testify about what you have concluded that God has done for you.

I'm all ears.
These stories are very personal.

I can respect that. But seriously where is all the whoosh of the Holy Spirit from someone touched by God himself?
My stories would probably not convince you. I don't know that they would convince anyone. I do not think God intervened in my life on these three occasions so that I could tell stories about it to convince people he exists. I think he intervened in my life because I had, on these three occasions, sunk to such deep pits of despair that maybe he felt he had no choice but to lift me out. And that's what he did, he lifted me out, and he changed the course of my life in a dramatic way -- on three occasions.

Have you ever considered the possibility that since scripture teaches that worshiping the lifeless work of human hands is forbidden by divine law under penalty death that you repeatedly have sunk into such deep and dark despair as a consequence of continuing to do that which is under the condemnation of God?

Think about it. The more you seek communion with God by eating a matzo the further from God you will continue to recede if scripture is true.

Why not take a break from the eating of the triune mangod ritual for a while and see if you don't improve naturally.

Then, when you come to your senses, get out of your death bed, stand up, and walk like a man.
I have personal proof -- three experiences that convinced me that God loves me, and answers my prayers.
You can only tease them so much B/R, and then they are going to want you to cough it up.

Best not to cast your pearls before them in the first place.

That which you know, you know, and no one can take that from you.

Be glad you know it, and rejoice with God and his angels.
I have personal proof -- three experiences that convinced me that God loves me, and answers my prayers.
You can only tease them so much B/R, and then they are going to want you to cough it up.

Best not to cast your pearls before them in the first place.

That which you know, you know, and no one can take that from you.

Be glad you know it, and rejoice with God and his angels.

Sure, take your life changing experience, carefully wrap it up in a napkin and bury it. When the master of the house arrives and asks what you have done with what he gave you, you can tell him nothing.
Sure, take your life changing experience, carefully wrap it up in a napkin and bury it. When the master of the house arrives and asks what you have done with what he gave you, you can tell him nothing.
Thank you Lucifer. Now go bug somebody else.
Demons know that they are going to lose this battle. They want to inflict as much pain on God's children as they can in the time that they have left. They know better than we children, that Christ is coming back. They just don't know when. They want as many humans as they can collect to join them in the Lake of Fire when it is time.
There is one hell of a battle going on all around us and we can't even see it. Elijiah could see it. When all nations come against Israel, it will be the ultimate battle between good and evil. It will be Christ and his followers against Satan and his followers. Christ wins. :)
It is amazing to think about how many demons can enter a human. Once you kick one out, it creates a void. Filling that void with the Holy Spirit is tantamount, because a void can quickly be filled with the same demon and a legion of his friends. We are warned to always keep our mind on Christ. That is for our protection. Good and evil can not co-habit the same area.
One way I enjoy keeping my mind on the Lord is Christian music.
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Demons know that they are going to lose this battle. They want to inflict as much pain on God's children as they can in the time that they have left. They know better than we children, that Christ is coming back. They just don't know when. They want as many humans as they can collect to join them in the Lake of Fire when it is time.
There is one hell of a battle going on all around us and we can't even see it. Elijiah could see it. When all nations come against Israel, it will be the ultimate battle between good and evil. It will be Christ and his followers against Satan and his followers. Christ wins. :)
It is amazing to think about how many demons can enter a human. Once you kick one out, it creates a void. Filling that void with the Holy Spirit is tantamount, because a void can quickly be filled with the same demon and a legion of his friends. We are warned to always keep our mind on Christ. That is for our protection. Good and evil can not co-habit the same area.
One way I enjoy keeping my mind on the Lord is Christian music.
christain retards.jpg
Before I started participating in forums like this, I thought such people were a myth, seriously. Lol.

If there was no internet, would these be the same people walking the streets with signs on them about demons and the end of the world and stuff? We used to have a crazy guy in town who did that stuff. He would walk around quoting scripture to nobody in particular, just whoever would listen. :cuckoo:
Before I started participating in forums like this, I thought such people were a myth, seriously. Lol.

If there was no internet, would these be the same people walking the streets with signs on them about demons and the end of the world and stuff? We used to have a crazy guy in town who did that stuff. He would walk around quoting scripture to nobody in particular, just whoever would listen. :cuckoo:

You just described the disciples. And Paul.

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