I have a question....

Satan has convinced most of us that he's not real anymore, so now we're not as careful as we should be. We relax our guard, and slip easily into sin. It's a very painless process.
If God allowed demons and devils to walk on His Earth Freely, and if the demons and devils supposedly don't care about people's lives, then wouldn't it make sense that they wouldn't care if the world is going bankrupt in morals and every good thing? So to think that they care, would be wrong. Because they really don't. So if they see people dying and being in horrendous pain, even though they are smiling and bright eyed and appear to be loving people, they really don't care if the whole entire planet blows up with everything in it. Whether they have an active part in leading the world into destruction, I don't know. But they don't care that people have pain and cry out for help..
That's why Jesus took YOUR sins away that have contributed to world evil.
And don't tell us you've never sinned.

Mankind choose the course of events, we make the mess, God simply honoring our choice.

It is nice to hear the Name of Jesus once in a while... hmm.. Jesus took MY sins away that have contributed to the world evil... and still there is enough evil to feed the world?
Because at best 20% of the world follows Jesus.

and the other 80% go around breaking noses.....
I pray that God puts the evil ones in the place where they are supposed to be in the Truth of His Holy Bible. In Jesus' Name, I ask, Amen.
2 Peter 2:4

"For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment;"

Please Lord, keep to Thy Word. In Jesus' Name, I ask and pray. Amen.
If God allowed demons and devils to walk on His Earth Freely, and if the demons and devils supposedly don't care about people's lives, then wouldn't it make sense that they wouldn't care if the world is going bankrupt in morals and every good thing? So to think that they care, would be wrong. Because they really don't. So if they see people dying and being in horrendous pain, even though they are smiling and bright eyed and appear to be loving people, they really don't care if the whole entire planet blows up with everything in it. Whether they have an active part in leading the world into destruction, I don't know. But they don't care that people have pain and cry out for help..
That's why Jesus took YOUR sins away that have contributed to world evil.
And don't tell us you've never sinned.

Mankind choose the course of events, we make the mess, God simply honoring our choice.

It is nice to hear the Name of Jesus once in a while... hmm.. Jesus took MY sins away that have contributed to the world evil... and still there is enough evil to feed the world?
Because at best 20% of the world follows Jesus.

and the other 80% go around breaking noses.....
Everyone sins. Everyone.
Just because you may side with the evil and tell others to break noses while you do the same, does not mean you are greater than any Christian person. IN Jesus' Name, OUT!

That girl in the front by the lady in the gold dress is wearing purple pants!!! Starting from 13 seconds into the clip.
Why would it be dreaded? It's full of all the people Satan wanted in the first place. Drunks, whores, rockers, you know people who like to party.

Hell is more like a frat party on a Saturday night than anything else. I can't wait.
Why would it be dreaded? It's full of all the people Satan wanted in the first place. Drunks, whores, rockers, you know people who like to party.

Hell is more like a frat party on a Saturday night than anything else. I can't wait.

That's only if they serve alcohol there. I highly doubt there is any partying going on in hell. It would get too dangerous.
Hell doesn't exist any more than heaven does. It's all just mythology. You have an much likelihood of going to Heaven as you do to Valhalla or the Death Star.
Why would it be dreaded? It's full of all the people Satan wanted in the first place. Drunks, whores, rockers, you know people who like to party.

Hell is more like a frat party on a Saturday night than anything else. I can't wait.

That's only if they serve alcohol there. I highly doubt there is any partying going on in hell. It would get too dangerous.

I know that certain people who may be in 'hell' will regret ever being there and would probably loathe the day they agreed with the devil.

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