I have a question....

Hell doesn't exist any more than heaven does. It's all just mythology. You have an much likelihood of going to Heaven as you do to Valhalla or the Death Star.
Well then, what would be your concern about having a party there? if you're into Saturday night frat parties, go to Saturday night frat parties?
Hell doesn't exist any more than heaven does. It's all just mythology. You have an much likelihood of going to Heaven as you do to Valhalla or the Death Star.
Well then, what would be your concern about having a party there? if you're into Saturday night frat parties, go to Saturday night frat parties?

Don't forget to pay tuition and books and room and board, though.. Otherwise, you may miss out on the party life there.
Are you sure 'hell' is not a bad place but a party place where people should invite other people to go to and have a good night?
This whole topic is called by Aristotle "metaphysics" because it is beyond physics.

Theology is a part of metaphysics.

Aristotle mostly speculates logically about "The Prime Mover", which is a corollary to San Tomas Aquinas' "First Cause".

Aristotle noticed that planets, the Sun, the Moon, comets, and asteroids all move through the heavens, therefore he surmised that Someone must have put these all into motion, Someone greater than them all.

San Tomas Aquinas noticed that all living things on this Earth die eventually, therefore he speculated logically that all things were created by Someone that cannot die.

The Two are Both related. They are essentially the same phenomenon.

In modern times you can believe in The Big Bang if you want, but you must also then ask philosophically, who caused it? That which caused it is the First Cause and Prime Mover -- a God.

Jewish, Christian, and Muslim (in that order) theology each tell us there are daemons which are diabolical (these are Greek words from The New Testament) and which were cast down to the Earth from God's Heaven where they originally were created with all the other angels and The Seven Archangels, Seraphim, and Cherubim of God.

The daemons are immortal, same as our own souls, same as the angels and the Seven Archangels, Seraphim, and Cherubim of God, and God himself.

The daemons try us to see if we will act diabolical just like them, or if we will act instead like the other angels of God.

The reward for us is then based on our works. Not on our faith alone. Faith without works is dead. See Matthew Chapter 25 starting at verse 31:

"When the Son Of Man (Jesus) shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall He sit upon the thrown of his glory. And before Him shall be gathered all nations. And He shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats ... ."
I'm sure Hell is just a piece of mythology.

I have yet to see any proof of the existence of Heaven or Hell and defy anyone to show me proof of their existence.
Satan has convinced most of us that he's not real anymore, so now we're not as careful as we should be. We relax our guard, and slip easily into sin. It's a very painless process.

The Hebrew Tenakh (Old Testament) calls the head daemon Satan -- a Hebrew word meaning false accuser.

The Greek New Testament calls him Diablos -- the devil -- meaning diabolical.
I'm sure Hell is just a piece of mythology.

I have yet to see any proof of the existence of Heaven or Hell and defy anyone to show me proof of their existence.
Fallacy of affirmation of the consequent and also argument from ignorance.

You don't know one way or the other therefor you know nothing.

Please refer to the complete list of fallacies below and look up "affirmation of the consequent" and also "argument from ignorance".

List of fallacies - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If God allowed demons and devils to walk on His Earth Freely, and if the demons and devils supposedly don't care about people's lives, then wouldn't it make sense that they wouldn't care if the world is going bankrupt in morals and every good thing? So to think that they care, would be wrong. Because they really don't. So if they see people dying and being in horrendous pain, even though they are smiling and bright eyed and appear to be loving people, they really don't care if the whole entire planet blows up with everything in it. Whether they have an active part in leading the world into destruction, I don't know. But they don't care that people have pain and cry out for help..
That's why Jesus took YOUR sins away that have contributed to world evil.
And don't tell us you've never sinned.

Mankind choose the course of events, we make the mess, God simply honoring our choice.

It is nice to hear the Name of Jesus once in a while... hmm.. Jesus took MY sins away that have contributed to the world evil... and still there is enough evil to feed the world?
Because at best 20% of the world follows Jesus.

and the other 80% go around breaking noses.....
Everyone sins. Everyone.
But only a few salivate over the chance to cast the first stone
If you want me to accept the reality of Hell, show it to me. There are simply too many mythologies competing for me to just blindly accept one as the right one without proof.

I'm willing to concede the possibility of it, but until it is shown, I just discount it. Your hell is no more valid than Hel or Hades or wherever bad Buhddists go.
If you want me to accept the reality of Hell, show it to me. There are simply too many mythologies competing for me to just blindly accept one as the right one without proof.

I'm willing to concede the possibility of it, but until it is shown, I just discount it. Your hell is no more valid than Hel or Hades or wherever bad Buhddists go.
You will be shown it soon enough.
Why would it be dreaded? It's full of all the people Satan wanted in the first place. Drunks, whores, rockers, you know people who like to party.

Hell is more like a frat party on a Saturday night than anything else. I can't wait.
Donald Trump is the richest meanest frat boy that I have ever seen.

I am sure he will want some of Lucifer's action.

(Lucifer is a Latin name chosen by St. Gerome when he translated Diablos from Greek into Latin.)
If you want me to accept the reality of Hell, show it to me. There are simply too many mythologies competing for me to just blindly accept one as the right one without proof.

I'm willing to concede the possibility of it, but until it is shown, I just discount it. Your hell is no more valid than Hel or Hades or wherever bad Buhddists go.

You are right that no such place exists as described by the faithful, but, if you had all of that crap in your head perverting every thought,perception, and emotion to the point where you became so confused that you couldn't distinguish reality from a fantasy or the truth from a lie what would you call that if not hell?

Wouldn't life in this world, reality itself, seem like a never ending torment day and night, like a consuming fire that will never go out?

You want someone to show you what is right before your eyes?

Be opened and see.
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