I have come to conclusion that USA and the international bankers are Gods.


VIP Member
Nov 17, 2013
Only that explains why Putin still did not tell USA to fuck off and send in army to liberate Syria from foreign backed insurgents. Either that, or he is simply a dip shit like Obama. None of these people are real leaders - they are all a FRAUD, because a leader must have control of the media and the money supply, and the dingbats on this forum and the majority of Americans (educated by MSNBC and FOX NEWS owned by the likes of Saudis) may not understand it, but I have American founding fathers behind me on this:

Thomas Jefferson
"I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.
Already they have raised up a monied aristocracy that has set the government at defiance. The
issuing power (of money) should be taken away from the banks and restored to the people to
whom it properly belongs." — Thomas Jefferson, U.S. President.

Andrew Jackson
"If Congress has the right [it doesn't] to issue paper money [currency], it was given to them to be used by...[the government] and not to be delegated to individuals or corporations" — President Andrew Jackson, Vetoed Bank Bill of 1836

James Madison
"History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and it's issuance." — James Madison

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So you think that while Putin is currently marching into the Ukraine with no fear of the United States, he is somehow so afraid of us that he doesn't intervene in Syria...

Do you know how stupid that sounds? Did it ever occur to you that Putin really doesn't give a damn what happens in Syria?
So you think that while Putin is currently marching into the Ukraine with no fear of the United States, he is somehow so afraid of us that he doesn't intervene in Syria...
Putin is clueless as Obama. Both want to remain leaders, both full of fear and no logic, no understanding. One likes golfing, the other one likes fishing.
So you think that while Putin is currently marching into the Ukraine with no fear of the United States, he is somehow so afraid of us that he doesn't intervene in Syria...
Putin is clueless as Obama. Both want to remain leaders, both full of fear and no logic, no understanding. One likes golfing, the other one likes fishing.

And you're full of courage, logic, and understanding, right? That's why you have been made the leader of your own country.
So you think that while Putin is currently marching into the Ukraine with no fear of the United States, he is somehow so afraid of us that he doesn't intervene in Syria...
Putin is clueless as Obama. Both want to remain leaders, both full of fear and no logic, no understanding. One likes golfing, the other one likes fishing.

And you're full of courage, logic, and understanding, right? That's why you have been made the leader of your own country.
Your love for your president Obama and Russia's president Putin is overflowing in every one of your posts.
So the International Bankers are now backing your Messiah?
Putin is clueless as Obama. Both want to remain leaders, both full of fear and no logic, no understanding. One likes golfing, the other one likes fishing.

And you're full of courage, logic, and understanding, right? That's why you have been made the leader of your own country.
Your love for your president Obama and Russia's president Putin is overflowing in every one of your posts.

yeah I know. Everyone is clueless but you.
So the International Bankers are now backing your Messiah?

He was being ironic. And don't ask him what exactly he means by 'international bankers." We know how this will turn out.
They DO hide behind religions, which DOES include but is not limited to Jews. Many claim to be Christians and Muslims.
And if you want SYNONYMS...
- Tea party and Occupy wall street are a SYNONYM.
- Bush, Obama, Romney and Clinton are a SYNONYM.
........................................ The same circus, different playing positions, but synonyms.
They DO hide behind religions, which DOES include but is not limited to Jews. Many claim to be Christians and Muslims.
And if you want SYNONYMS...
- Tea party and Occupy wall street are a SYNONYM.
- Bush, Obama, Romney and Clinton are a SYNONYM.
........................................ The same circus, different playing positions, but synonyms.

Altering a user's quotes within the quote box in order to change the meaning is not allowed. Please do not do this.

I want to know, how did this Zionist appointed "leader" came to power in Ukraine? I know ousted president was democratically elected

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It's because Da Joose control everything. Didnt you know that?

Post reported.
It's because Da Joose control everything. Didnt you know that?

Post reported.

LMAO you reported a post in which I turned your own insult on you hahaha, how old are you? 7? oh, and don't forget to get back on topic and answer my question, I'm not interested about your "jooose"
I have come to conclusion that USA and the international bankers are Gods.

I came to the conclusion awhile ago that you're a drooling retard.

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