I have decided who I will support in November

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Evan McMullin for President

He is actually tied for first in Utah in the polls and more closely aligns with what I believe despite his religious views.
A vote for Trump will change very little because even if by some miracle he won the GOP hates him near as much as the left. Voting for Trump to merely send a message can also be accomplished by voting for McMullin and you don't have to violate your own sense of dignity or principles to do it.
Worst case scenario is if he won enough states the election would goto the House.

Consider your options. The election is not a binary choice as some would have you believe. This is my choice and will result in no regrets afterwards
The election is a binary choice and probaly always will be in this country.

Yours is a protest vote .. no problem with that, I often cast protest votes myself .. but I also recognize that's all it is. A protest. It accomplishes nothing outside of my head.
The election is a binary choice and probaly always will be in this country.

Yours is a protest vote .. no problem with that, I often cast protest votes myself .. but I also recognize that's all it is. A protest. It accomplishes nothing outside of my head.

Not my way to protest personally, but we should all be protesting this power structure and politcal system in some manner.
The election is a binary choice and probaly always will be in this country.

Yours is a protest vote .. no problem with that, I often cast protest votes myself .. but I also recognize that's all it is. A protest. It accomplishes nothing outside of my head.
It's only a binary choice because WE ARE SUCKERED INTO BELIEVING that it is. In the age of social media that myth could be easily disproven if enough people put it to the test on election day
The election is a binary choice and probaly always will be in this country.

Yours is a protest vote .. no problem with that, I often cast protest votes myself .. but I also recognize that's all it is. A protest. It accomplishes nothing outside of my head.

Not my way to protest personally, but we should all be protesting this power structure and politcal system in some manner.

Americans are a colonized people .. scared of everything .. including their government.

I've lost all faith that Americans have the will to do much of anything other than what they're told.

But in principle I agree with you.
Evan McMullin for President

He is actually tied for first in Utah in the polls and more closely aligns with what I believe despite his religious views.
A vote for Trump will change very little because even if by some miracle he won the GOP hates him near as much as the left. Voting for Trump to merely send a message can also be accomplished by voting for McMullin and you don't have to violate your own sense of dignity or principles to do it.
Worst case scenario is if he won enough states the election would goto the House.

Consider your options. The election is not a binary choice as some would have you believe. This is my choice and will result in no regrets afterwards

I like his immigration policy stance- it is actually rational.
He actually IS a plant<hehe>, but at least you aint voting at the top of the ticket..
Like Jill stein, she might be a crazy lunatic fringe wackjob, but at least she aint in the duopoly.
The election is a binary choice and probaly always will be in this country.

Yours is a protest vote .. no problem with that, I often cast protest votes myself .. but I also recognize that's all it is. A protest. It accomplishes nothing outside of my head.

Not my way to protest personally, but we should all be protesting this power structure and politcal system in some manner.

Yes, we should absolutely. But putting a despotic, sociopathic voyeuristic, sex-obsessed misogynist in the White House is not the way to go.
The election is a binary choice and probaly always will be in this country.

Yours is a protest vote .. no problem with that, I often cast protest votes myself .. but I also recognize that's all it is. A protest. It accomplishes nothing outside of my head.
It's only a binary choice because WE ARE SUCKERED INTO BELIEVING that it is. In the age of social media that myth could be easily disproven if enough people put it to the test on election day

I don't disagree with you .. but a colonized mind can be made to believe anything .. like giant buildings can fall straight down.

Anyone who believes that can be made to believe ANYTHING.
Evan McMullin for President

He is actually tied for first in Utah in the polls and more closely aligns with what I believe despite his religious views.
A vote for Trump will change very little because even if by some miracle he won the GOP hates him near as much as the left. Voting for Trump to merely send a message can also be accomplished by voting for McMullin and you don't have to violate your own sense of dignity or principles to do it.
Worst case scenario is if he won enough states the election would goto the House.

Consider your options. The election is not a binary choice as some would have you believe. This is my choice and will result in no regrets afterwards

I like his immigration policy stance- it is actually rational.
I don't. Its incentive. Incentive is the problem. You cant fix a problem when you don't attack the cause.
The election is a binary choice and probaly always will be in this country.

Yours is a protest vote .. no problem with that, I often cast protest votes myself .. but I also recognize that's all it is. A protest. It accomplishes nothing outside of my head.

Not my way to protest personally, but we should all be protesting this power structure and politcal system in some manner.

Yes, we should absolutely. But putting a despotic, sociopathic voyeuristic, sex-obsessed misogynist in the White House is not the way to go.

I agree with that as well .. which is why I'm voting for Clinton although I'm not a democrat.

I had the luxury of not voting for Obama .. and I didn't either time he ran. He's a corporatist and I don't vote for corporatists. However, had he been running against Donald Trump, I would have voted for Obama.

Voting 3rd party is a luxury, that we sometimes don't have.
I'm surprised that during this election cycle a group didn't form to support and promote a national write-in candidate. Like using a Go-Fund Me campaign and put out commercials urging people to write this candidate in on election day. I believe by law the candidate has to file papers declaring they are a write-in candidate before a deadline and there are other state rules that have to be met, but it is possible. Of all elections to have tried this, this is the one.

Ah well.
I'm surprised that during this election cycle a group didn't form to support and promote a national write-in candidate. Like using a Go-Fund Me campaign and put out commercials urging people to write this candidate in on election day. I believe by law the candidate has to file papers declaring they are a write-in candidate before a deadline and there are other state rules that have to be met, but it is possible. Of all elections to have tried this, this is the one.

Ah well.

Evan McMullin for President

He is actually tied for first in Utah in the polls and more closely aligns with what I believe despite his religious views.
A vote for Trump will change very little because even if by some miracle he won the GOP hates him near as much as the left. Voting for Trump to merely send a message can also be accomplished by voting for McMullin and you don't have to violate your own sense of dignity or principles to do it.
Worst case scenario is if he won enough states the election would goto the House.

Consider your options. The election is not a binary choice as some would have you believe. This is my choice and will result in no regrets afterwards

Why not just write your own name down, that's just as effective.

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