I Have Lost All Connection With US Politics

examined two threads today. Both totally infested with Libstain. Those Libstain seem to think collapse of the Nation is OK as long as they get entertainment value? No denying every possible measure is heading in the wrong direction as soon as the pen hit the slew of EO.

A hopeless situation exists here with Leftist idiots always spewing nonsense. Worthless pknopp gives fake news on two early post, then vanishes when he was questioned (as always). It has a child level brain, as do 99% of these verminous filth. There is little hope to save what is left short of mass slaughter in a Civil War.

examined two threads today. Both totally infested with Libstain. Those Libstain seem to think collapse of the Nation is OK as long as they get entertainment value? No denying every possible measure is heading in the wrong direction as soon as the pen hit the slew of EO.

A hopeless situation exists here with Leftist idiots always spewing nonsense. Worthless pknopp gives fake news on two early post, then vanishes when he was questioned (as always). It has a child level brain, as do 99% of these verminous filth. There is little hope to save what is left short of mass slaughter in a Civil War.

2aguy is a Conservative
I simply can't stand it any more. Are Americans (Democrats) the biggest idiots in the world ? The polls dont make any sense. They overwhelmingly say that the country is headed in the wrong direction. OK. But together with that, they (some of them) say that most voters prefer Joe Biden to be president.

EARTH TO DEMOCRATS: if you think the country is headed in the wrong direction (the direction of making the Biden family rich, and really no other direction), then why do you support the guy who has the country drifting about, with no actual leadership ?

Crime is soaring in the blue cities, prices continue to rise after massive inflation, LGBT lunatics are grooming schoolkids, and some goofballs are wrecking police departments by defunding them.

When will Democrats come to the realization that they put a guy in the White House who isnt paying any attention to them (occasionally pretends to, like the Maui visit), doesn't care one iota about them, and whose one track mind is on making money (FOR HIMSELF). Sheeesh!

Bub...you need to study politics to keep up with the destruction. You can go to bed fine and wake up a felon the next day...thanks to the dems.

Study your enemies...and prepare. Yes, stressful, but the flip side of the coin is much worse.

Diversity is our stregth.png
2aguy is a Conservative
Nice try but so is Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney cocaine Mitch on and on and on and you know that tired old game Yet you keep saying it there’s only about five reasonable politicians, in all of DC apparently. I can’t name any of them anymore, but I can name Trump, results matter.
Nice try but so is Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney cocaine Mitch on and on and on and you know that tired old game Yet you keep saying it there’s only about five reasonable politicians, in all of DC apparently. I can’t name any of them anymore, but I can name Trump, results matter.
...and they aren't part of any one party.
examined two threads today. Both totally infested with Libstain. Those Libstain seem to think collapse of the Nation is OK as long as they get entertainment value? No denying every possible measure is heading in the wrong direction as soon as the pen hit the slew of EO.

A hopeless situation exists here with Leftist idiots always spewing nonsense. Worthless pknopp gives fake news on two early post, then vanishes when he was questioned (as always). It has a child level brain, as do 99% of these verminous filth. There is little hope to save what is left short of mass slaughter in a Civil War.

Lol....I didn't even comment on that thread. Lol
I simply can't stand it any more. Are Americans (Democrats) the biggest idiots in the world ? The polls dont make any sense. They overwhelmingly say that the country is headed in the wrong direction. OK. But together with that, they (some of them) say that most voters prefer Joe Biden to be president.

This isn't hard to understand at all......
I simply can't stand it any more. Are Americans (Democrats) the biggest idiots in the world ? The polls dont make any sense. They overwhelmingly say that the country is headed in the wrong direction. OK. But together with that, they (some of them) say that most voters prefer Joe Biden to be president.

EARTH TO DEMOCRATS: if you think the country is headed in the wrong direction (the direction of making the Biden family rich, and really no other direction), then why do you support the guy who has the country drifting about, with no actual leadership ?

Crime is soaring in the blue cities, prices continue to rise after massive inflation, LGBT lunatics are grooming schoolkids, and some goofballs are wrecking police departments by defunding them.

When will Democrats come to the realization that they put a guy in the White House who isnt paying any attention to them (occasionally pretends to, like the Maui visit), doesn't care one iota about them, and whose one track mind is on making money (FOR HIMSELF). Sheeesh!
Biden saw how fast Obama got very rich and he decided to cut himself in. Notice now Biden owns a good many large homes.
FALSE! and STUPID as well. Biden's opportunism and lack of concern for America, is as apparent as anything ever has been in US politics.

The reaction posts I'm seeing in this thread, go beyond stupid. They are at the highest levels of IDIOCY.
Notice how the phrase 'take responsibility' triggers the shit out of magaturds? They refuse to do it, and it's why we're in the mess we're in. Dude, STFU already.
you did here you spinning dumb OX. as far as i saw? You never explained your fake news BS habit donkey balled fork.

So as I said, I didn't even comment earlier in this thread. It was nothing more than old rehashed crap that has been covered over and over. There is no reason to continue to comment on it.
Voters with extreme superiority complexes is the trouble with US politics today.
Barely American voters who don’t know about or care about our founding principles, single issue voters voting on social issues and voters voting on free shit is the trouble with U.S. politics today.
Notice how the phrase 'take responsibility' triggers the shit out of magaturds? They refuse to do it, and it's why we're in the mess we're in. Dude, STFU already.
hahaha…all you leftists do is prove you hate accountability and responsibility….you have never been taught the causation principle…none of you loons have.
Biden saw how fast Obama got very rich and he decided to cut himself in. Notice now Biden owns a good many large homes.
So the answer is to elect another Uber wealthy person? Ummm people are tired of those types. Run an average paycheck to paycheck person and the nation immediately is on track.

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