I Have Lost All Connection With US Politics


Polls are nonsense
Elections are fake
The media is fake
COVID was a hoax
Climate change doesn’t exist

Conservative alternate reality
Didn't read my post about polls apparently. It's best to read the thread before posting.
The left will tell you that the reason the country is headed in the wrong direction is due to the MAGAs. The Supreme Court is 6-3 Conservative, Republican led states are denying access to a woman's right to choose, Republicans in the House are anti-Democrat policies (even though when Democrats had the House under Biden 70% of the country still thought we were headed in the wrong direction), and inflation is high and people can't pay their bills, which Democrats say has nothing to do with Biden, it was going to happen anyway, and that Biden has made things better in that regard. To condense it all down, Democratic voters are blind to the real truth, which is why people are fleeing Democrat controlled states and cities in record numbers.
People are tired of both parties
People are tired of an inability to compromise
People are tired of petty feuding
People are tired of a Government that can’t get things done
No it's not. It's also not nice to pretend that the person to blame for your problems, isnt to blame. Please accept REALITY.
The only person to blame for your alleged problems is you.

Take some responsibility for a change.
Does it occur to you at all that folks think the country is heading in the wrong direction because of what the republicans have done and are continuing to do?

The not so GOP is doing their level best to defend by any means legal or not a man who tried to overthrow the government and most of their national level politicians or candidates are competing to be crazier than the person they are defending.

That's why the country is heading in the wrong direction.
Trump did not try to overthrow the govt. That is left media propaganda, and you fall for it.

If anybody tried (and secceeeded) to overthrow the govt, and the will of the people, it is Biden, who was fuly comolicit in all the fraud that overthreww the 2020 election (which Trumo onky sought to rectify)

It is evident that Biden was in in the big STEAL, right from the beginning, when we all saw that he didnt campaign and just sat in his basement doing nothing. Who in the world runs for POTUS, and doesnt campaign ?
Answer: A guy who is confident that his "most extensive & inclusive voter fraud organization in US history" would carry him to "win" the election.
People are tired of both parties
People are tired of an inability to compromise
People are tired of petty feuding
People are tired of a Government that can’t get things done
Jesus, you finally made a post I can like. I would have bet money against that. But, I don't understand then why you are constantly attacking the right and constantly backing up the left if you feel this way.
I simply can't stand it any more. Are Americans (Democrats) the biggest idiots in the world ? The polls dont make any sense. They overwhelmingly say that the country is headed in the wrong direction. OK. But together with that, they (some of them) say that most voters prefer Joe Biden to be president.

EARTH TO DEMOCRATS: if you think the country is headed in the wrong direction (the direction of making the Biden family rich, and really no other direction), then why do you support the guy who has the country drifting about, with no actual leadership ?

Crime is soaring in the blue cities, prices continue to rise after massive inflation, LGBT lunatics are grooming schoolkids, and some goofballs are wrecking police departments by defunding them.

When will Democrats come to the realization that they put a guy in the White House who isnt paying any attention to them (occasionally pretends to, like the Maui visit), doesn't care one iota about them, and whose one track mind is on making money (FOR HIMSELF). Sheeesh!
WTF are you doing on USMB if you can't stand it!?
People are tired of both parties
People are tired of an inability to compromise
People are tired of petty feuding
People are tired of a Government that can’t get things done
Everything in deflection of the fact that we have a US president who is all OPPORTUNI$T, and zero president.
Jesus, you finally made a post I can like. I would have bet money against that. But, I don't understand then why you are constantly attacking the right and constantly backing up the left if you feel this way.
Because this is USMB
There is no room for moderate discussion of the issues and seeking a common ground

USMB is about talking smack 24/7
Your guy sucks, my guy is great
Because this is USMB
There is no room for moderate discussion of the issues and seeking a common ground

USMB is about talking smack 24/7
Your guy sucks, my guy is great
There IS NO common ground on Joe Biden. He is all OPPORTUNI$T, AND zero president. Can't accept that ?

Let's see Biden come up with something like this >> MAGAPILL

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