I Have Lost All Connection With US Politics

I simply can't stand it any more. Are Americans (Democrats) the biggest idiots in the world ? The polls dont make any sense. They overwhelmingly say that the country is headed in the wrong direction. OK. But together with that, they (some of them) say that most voters prefer Joe Biden to be president.

EARTH TO DEMOCRATS: if you think the country is headed in the wrong direction (the direction of making the Biden family rich, and really no other direction), then why do you support the guy who has the country drifting about, with no actual leadership ?

Crime is soaring in the blue cities, prices continue to rise after massive inflation, LGBT lunatics are grooming schoolkids, and some goofballs are wrecking police departments by defunding them.

When will Democrats come to the realization that they put a guy in the White House who isnt paying any attention to them (occasionally pretends to, like the Maui visit), doesn't care one iota about them, and whose one track mind is on making money (FOR HIMSELF). Sheeesh!
One of the most useless poll questions ever concocted. No matter who is in the WH. No matter how good things are, there will always be roughly half the country who doesn't think it's going in the right direction. That's just the nature of politics in this country.
Again, I'm not sure why it is you can't let Donald John Trump go. There are plenty of Republican candidates with bonafide conservative credentials yet you cling to this man like a life preserver. He essentially lived off and coasted on the economy handed to him by his predecessor for three years until his presidency was tested for the first time....and he promptly threw up all over his shoes. :)
Take this opportunity to state your opinion on Biden and what he said in Hawaii.

And the big $700 to help.
I don't know what he said in Hawaii.

My opinion on Biden is that he is a standard, glad-handing professional politician, mediocre on his best day, and too old to be President.

Anything else?
I don't know what he said in Hawaii.

My opinion on Biden is that he is a standard, glad-handing professional politician, mediocre on his best day, and too old to be President.

Anything else?
Nope . Typical you dont know what he said or the $700 bs.

Typical in selective information by you and normal bs tactics.
I simply can't stand it any more. Are Americans (Democrats) the biggest idiots in the world ? The polls dont make any sense. They overwhelmingly say that the country is headed in the wrong direction. OK. But together with that, they (some of them) say that most voters prefer Joe Biden to be president.

EARTH TO DEMOCRATS: if you think the country is headed in the wrong direction (the direction of making the Biden family rich, and really no other direction), then why do you support the guy who has the country drifting about, with no actual leadership ?

Crime is soaring in the blue cities, prices continue to rise after massive inflation, LGBT lunatics are grooming schoolkids, and some goofballs are wrecking police departments by defunding them.

When will Democrats come to the realization that they put a guy in the White House who isnt paying any attention to them (occasionally pretends to, like the Maui visit), doesn't care one iota about them, and whose one track mind is on making money (FOR HIMSELF). Sheeesh!
You have lost all connection with facts and the truth – this post is nothing but lies.

For example:

Violent Crime Reports In Major U.S. Cities Fell In 2023's First Six Months

“Reports to police in all four major categories of violent crime declined in the first half of 2023 compared with the similar period last year in a survey answered by 69 large police departments, reports the Major Cities Chiefs Association.”

Meanwhile, in red America:

Rural America Reels From Violent Crime.

“Homicide rates in rural America rose 25% in 2020, the largest rural increase since the CDC began tracking such data in 1999.”

I dont remember seeing any poll that said the country was going in the wrong direction when Trump was president, I highly doubt that. Inflation was 1.4%, GDP has just risen to its higher point (35.3%) in US history, crime was down, and the border was secure.

Yes it IS about the White House occupant, and very much so.

And I'm not viewing "the world". I'm talking about viewing the USA. And if you want a good view of that, take a look at the train wreck we have now, with a "president" who isn't even interested in the country, or what happens to it, and compare that with THIS >>> MAGAPILL
I don't know what he said in Hawaii.

My opinion on Biden is that he is a standard, glad-handing professional politician, mediocre on his best day, and too old to be President.

Anything else?

Ukraine grifter, corrupt, biden cartel, sniffs young underage girls hair, took showers with underage daughter. You're slipping mac. You left out a few.
Politics inundates everything now. People are on information overload and most frankly don't care all that much. Truth be told. Most americans are overworked and stressed because of it. Can we expect them to keep up with things?
You have lost all connection with facts and the truth – this post is nothing but lies.

For example:

Violent Crime Reports In Major U.S. Cities Fell In 2023's First Six Months

“Reports to police in all four major categories of violent crime declined in the first half of 2023 compared with the similar period last year in a survey answered by 69 large police departments, reports the Major Cities Chiefs Association.”

Meanwhile, in red America:

Rural America Reels From Violent Crime.

“Homicide rates in rural America rose 25% in 2020, the largest rural increase since the CDC began tracking such data in 1999.”

You have lost all connection with facts and the truth – this post is nothing but lies. And what a "source" to use to report on crime stats > major cities'police chiefs, HA HA HA. OMG, could anybody come up with a more subjective party ?

EARTH TO CCJ: To have an ounce of credibiity, your sources need to be DISINTERESTED parties. Nobody has a greater vested interest in making crime stats look low, than highly paid police chefs. Sheeesh!

And what a surprise! Leftist-liberal shows up with a STUDY to tell us what he wants us to believe.

EARTH TO CCJ: Noting is more common than leftists study-shopping, and once finding the one they want, plopping thm doen right here in USMB, Oh how impressive. Like we are all snookered, right ?

Not just "democracy"; every society throughout time has consisted of somewhat intelligent sociopaths and psychopaths exploiting the intellectually challenged. We must realize that those who are more gifted protect and aid our brothers and sisters from the avaricious, inhuman minority.
Every past 'democracy' on this rock devolved and degraded into something far less than it started out as.....



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