I Have Lost All Connection With US Politics

One of the most useless poll questions ever concocted. No matter who is in the WH. No matter how good things are, there will always be roughly half the country who doesn't think it's going in the right direction. That's just the nature of politics in this country.
Again, I'm not sure why it is you can't let Donald John Trump go. There are plenty of Republican candidates with bonafide conservative credentials yet you cling to this man like a life preserver. He essentially lived off and coasted on the economy handed to him by his predecessor for three years until his presidency was tested for the first time....and he promptly threw up all over his shoes. :)

The question is WHY the hell does anybody support JOE BIDEN ?..., who makes very little effort to pretend to care about America or the American people.

The dude is interested in ONE THING - MAKING MONEY & GETTING RICH - even if it compromises national security (which as a globalist, he has no interest in)

And your post >> "He essentially lived off and coasted on the economy handed to him by hs predecessor for 3 years..." it absolutly WRONG. Sounds like you've been watchung MSNBC or CNN. Yeah, that would do it all right.

Actually. the truth is exactly the opposite if what you said. In Obama's last 2 years his economy was SINKING badly with 2 consecutive recessions, and when Trump took over, the GDPs ROSE UP continually.



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When we prohibit Uber wealthy people from being the only candidates things will improve.
I simply can't stand it any more. Are Americans (Democrats) the biggest idiots in the world ? The polls dont make any sense. They overwhelmingly say that the country is headed in the wrong direction. OK. But together with that, they (some of them) say that most voters prefer Joe Biden to be president.

EARTH TO DEMOCRATS: if you think the country is headed in the wrong direction (the direction of making the Biden family rich, and really no other direction), then why do you support the guy who has the country drifting about, with no actual leadership ?

Crime is soaring in the blue cities, prices continue to rise after massive inflation, LGBT lunatics are grooming schoolkids, and some goofballs are wrecking police departments by defunding them.

When will Democrats come to the realization that they put a guy in the White House who isnt paying any attention to them (occasionally pretends to, like the Maui visit), doesn't care one iota about them, and whose one track mind is on making money (FOR HIMSELF). Sheeesh!
Does it occur to you at all that folks think the country is heading in the wrong direction because of what the republicans have done and are continuing to do?

The not so GOP is doing their level best to defend by any means legal or not a man who tried to overthrow the government and most of their national level politicians or candidates are competing to be crazier than the person they are defending.

That's why the country is heading in the wrong direction.
I don't know what he said in Hawaii.

My opinion on Biden is that he is a standard, glad-handing professional politician, mediocre on his best day, and too old to be President.

Anything else?
Yeah, you missed the most important thing. He's not really an American. He's a globalist-opportunist who doesnt care about the suckers who vote for him + he's a ruthless fascist, who will jail those who oppose him.
Try as I might, I may never understand partisan ideology.

You folks only see what you want to see. I don't get it.
To label this as partisan, shows that you are deep in denial. Try answering my question, and dont ask what question, when I asked it 7 times now.
Yeah, you missed the most important thing. He's not really an American. He's a globalist-opportunist who doesnt care about the suckers who vote for him + he's a ruthless fascist, who will jail those who oppose him.
He's an American who doesn't see things the way you do. Americans used to be able to disagree, communicate, collaborate, innovate. Back when we were exceptional.

Now, egos have taken over and the other tribe is evil and must be shunned. That is childish.
To label this as partisan, shows that you are deep in denial. Try answering my question, and dont ask what question, when I asked it 7 times now.
People voted for Biden for one of three reasons: He was closer to them on the issues, they voted specifically against Trump, or some combination therein.

I don't know how this could possibly be a mystery.

Perhaps if you made an honest and sincere effort to understand the perspectives, priorities and life experiences of others, this wouldn't be such a mystery for you.
I simply can't stand it any more. Are Americans (Democrats) the biggest idiots in the world ? The polls dont make any sense. They overwhelmingly say that the country is headed in the wrong direction. OK. But together with that, they (some of them) say that most voters prefer Joe Biden to be president.

EARTH TO DEMOCRATS: if you think the country is headed in the wrong direction (the direction of making the Biden family rich, and really no other direction), then why do you support the guy who has the country drifting about, with no actual leadership ?

Crime is soaring in the blue cities, prices continue to rise after massive inflation, LGBT lunatics are grooming schoolkids, and some goofballs are wrecking police departments by defunding them.

When will Democrats come to the realization that they put a guy in the White House who isnt paying any attention to them (occasionally pretends to, like the Maui visit), doesn't care one iota about them, and whose one track mind is on making money (FOR HIMSELF). Sheeesh!

What makes you think that when people say the country is headed in the wrong direction they are only talking about democrats ?
He's an American who doesn't see things the way you do. Americans used to be able to disagree, communicate, collaborate, innovate. Back when we were exceptional.

Now, egos have taken over and the other tribe is evil and must be shunned. That is childish.
No. This isnt a case of partisanship and you cant make into one. Biden is a selfish opportunist, only in it for the money. Doesn't care about America, or the suckers who vote for him.

THAT is the topic here, and you can't change the truth.
It shows exactly what I said. That numbskulls sometime support an opportunist who has no interest in the country whatsoever. And that while being dissatisfied (20% are satisfied now) they still support Biden. The question is WHY ?

Part of the answer may lie in the lopsidedness of polls in general. Generally, Republicans don't answer polls (because they consider them to be akin to the media, which they don't trust)

So while we look at polls thinking they are representitive of the whole country, most often they constitute the replies of 70% or more of Democrats. This is why Hillary Clinton was shocked that she lost. Skewed polls said she was going to win in a landslide.
Polls in 2020 showed Biden would beat Trump
He did
What makes you think that when people say the country is headed in the wrong direction they are only talking about democrats ?
Because that is who is putting it in that wrong direction (inflation, crime, LGBT lunacy, illegal immigration gone wild, energy policy, etc)
I simply can't stand it any more. Are Americans (Democrats) the biggest idiots in the world ? The polls dont make any sense. They overwhelmingly say that the country is headed in the wrong direction. OK. But together with that, they (some of them) say that most voters prefer Joe Biden to be president.

EARTH TO DEMOCRATS: if you think the country is headed in the wrong direction (the direction of making the Biden family rich, and really no other direction), then why do you support the guy who has the country drifting about, with no actual leadership ?

Crime is soaring in the blue cities, prices continue to rise after massive inflation, LGBT lunatics are grooming schoolkids, and some goofballs are wrecking police departments by defunding them.

When will Democrats come to the realization that they put a guy in the White House who isnt paying any attention to them (occasionally pretends to, like the Maui visit), doesn't care one iota about them, and whose one track mind is on making money (FOR HIMSELF). Sheeesh!
The left will tell you that the reason the country is headed in the wrong direction is due to the MAGAs. The Supreme Court is 6-3 Conservative, Republican led states are denying access to a woman's right to choose, Republicans in the House are anti-Democrat policies (even though when Democrats had the House under Biden 70% of the country still thought we were headed in the wrong direction), and inflation is high and people can't pay their bills, which Democrats say has nothing to do with Biden, it was going to happen anyway, and that Biden has made things better in that regard. To condense it all down, Democratic voters are blind to the real truth, which is why people are fleeing Democrat controlled states and cities in record numbers.
People voted for Biden for one of three reasons: He was closer to them on the issues, they voted specifically against Trump, or some combination therein.

I don't know how this could possibly be a mystery.

Perhaps if you made an honest and sincere effort to understand the perspectives, priorities and life experiences of others, this wouldn't be such a mystery for you.
Biden is not anything on "issues" He HAS NO ISSUES. He's 100% OPPORTUNIST. You are lost.
Polls are nonsense (I already explained why) and Trump actually won.


Polls are nonsense
Elections are fake
The media is fake
COVID was a hoax
Climate change doesn’t exist

Conservative alternate reality

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