I Have Lost All Connection With US Politics

The only person to blame for your alleged problems is you.

Take some responsibility for a change.
FALSE! and STUPID as well. Biden's opportunism and lack of concern for America, is as apparent as anything ever has been in US politics.

The reaction posts I'm seeing in this thread, go beyond stupid. They are at the highest levels of IDIOCY.

The question is WHY the hell does anybody support JOE BIDEN ?..., who makes very little effort to pretend to care about America or the American people.

The dude is interested in ONE THING - MAKING MONEY & GETTING RICH - even if it compromises national security (which as a globalist, he has no interest in)

And your post >> "He essentially lived off and coasted on the economy handed to him by hs predecessor for 3 years..." it absolutly WRONG. Sounds like you've been watchung MSNBC or CNN. Yeah, that would do it all right.

Actually. the truth is exactly the opposite if what you said. In Obama's last 2 years his economy was SINKING badly with 2 consecutive recessions, and when Trump took over, the GDPs ROSE UP continually.

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This is from your OP

"EARTH TO DEMOCRATS: if you think the country is headed in the wrong direction (the direction of making the Biden family rich, and really no other direction), then why do you support the guy who has the country drifting about, with no actual leadership?"

I believe the country is not heading in the wrong direction. And the wrong direction would be to re-elected The Orange Roughy. See how that works? Yeah look. I get this OP is just an excuse for a continued defense of Donald John Trump (who also made himself rich at the country's expense). But the bottom line here is that the man was and still is an absolute cancer to this country. And yes, he coasted off the growth and falling unemployment that began in his predecessor's administration. All he had to do was not screw it up...and he did. If Biden and Trump are the nominees, I will choose Biden. And so will a majority of other Americans. Not happily, with a smile, but because we know the alternative means the end of this country as we know it.
FALSE! and STUPID as well. Biden's opportunism and lack of concern for America, is as apparent as anything ever has been in US politics.

The reaction posts I'm seeing in this thread, go beyond stupid. They are at the highest levels of IDIOCY.
So all your problems are Biden’s fault?
So at this point, it is apparent that the reason that Biden voters vote for him, is because they (not wanting to face reality) pretend that he is just an ordinary president, who has concern for America.

EARTH TO BIDEN VOTERS. He cares as much about you, as a rock in the bottom of a pond.
Whatever he said previously, it had nothing to do with a rigged election.

Trump is a punk. He lost the election. He sabotaged his presidency and reelection because he's dumb as hell and can't keep his mouth shut.
Trump is a punk. He lost the election. He sabotaged his presidency and reelection because he's dumb as hell and can't keep his mouth shut.
He didn’t even have the decency to attend His successor’s’ inauguration.
He didn’t even have the decency to attend His successor’s’ inauguration.
His successor didn't have the decency to allow himself to lose, and thereby honor the will of the voters, There shouldn't HAVE EVER BEEN an inauguration for Biden - it was fraudulent.

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