I have never seen so many ignorant people about immigration in my life

There is a large portion of American citizens who never took advantage of our free education, and ended up in no future jobs, living in trailer parks, looking for someone to blame. Trump explained to them that it was all the fault of the Latinos, and they bought it. The same thing happened in Germany in the 1930's.

Yeah, Trump was what three? Germany exterminated the Latinos too....

...and Democrats continue to tell the subsidized housing city dwellers with no jobs to blame Trump.
They don't even know what "seeking asylum" means. They think it is some sort of illegal act.

The Republican leadership has done a fantastic job of keeping their base so misinformed, that they could easily tell them to follow Trump off a cliff, and they would certainly do it.

I was in total shock when I watched that video. The alarming gross stupidity was off the chain.

Folks, this country is in trouble.
Before I even clicked on your thread I figured your must be fairly new here if you're suprised by the ignorance on display. Welcome to USMB.
For every dumbass being interviewed as a conservative, 50 more liberals idiots can be found. OP means nothing, just another troll thread.
Lol! That is until we come across another Trump/Bubba rally. Since the Right's ignorance about asylum seekers is well known, what will you all rally for next? Brawndo?

Your denial is to be expected. Lying libs deny everything they don't want to see.
I listen to the TED talks. Noam Chomsky, and free thinkers. NPR. But I still see illegal aliens and I see the harm they do. Call them "immigrants". Don't immigrants actually immigrate legally and get visas and stuff?
But sill. If illegals aliens are victims, I have a bridge in Brooklyn I can sell ya cheap, because you look like an gullible fool, er I mean a compassionate human being.
I have a better idea, since you have no evidence they are receiving welfare, why not lock up and fine the enablers? Your illegal immigration problem would be 100% solved within a year or two, if we did what we knew would work. But you know why we don't? Because it's a money maker. Good business. They want the illegals here, because there good business. And as long as they have the willful idiots believing the problem is the illegals, they'll use them as the scapegoats for private contracting to have them processed. Big Money As Private Immigrant Jails Boom

Sure they get welfare. They come here, they have kids, and they become eligible to apply for food stamps on their behalf. Then their kids ultimately end up with Social Security, free medical care, free education and amnesty.

The solution is to amend the 14th to end birthright citizenship and lock the invaders up when they illegaly cross the border to come over here and breed and milk our economy, like the law states.

If the government subsidizes something,in this case illegal immigration, it's guaranteed that we'll get more of whatever it's subsidizing. And all we have to do is look at how many are crosssing illegally to see the result of what subsizing it does.

Amending the 14th will go a long way in deterring the welfare seekers. Guaranteed.

That's the quick route to ending that particular strain of welfare.

This needs to be treated like an invasion. Economic terrorists...
I find it amazing the sheer cowardice by Republicans on this board, who are scared to death to address a problem so easily fixable. And the bottomless pits of lies to keep all their bs going. "Sure they get welfare". You haven't proven that, because you can't. You also dodged what is the simplest solution to illegal immigration. Lock up and fine the enablers, and illegal immigration is no more.
I listen to the TED talks. Noam Chomsky, and free thinkers. NPR. But I still see illegal aliens and I see the harm they do. Call them "immigrants". Don't immigrants actually immigrate legally and get visas and stuff?
But sill. If illegals aliens are victims, I have a bridge in Brooklyn I can sell ya cheap, because you look like an gullible fool, er I mean a compassionate human being.
You are totally incapable of addressing my posts. See you later.
They don't even know what "seeking asylum" means. They think it is some sort of illegal act.

The Republican leadership has done a fantastic job of keeping their base so misinformed, that they could easily tell them to follow Trump off a cliff, and they would certainly do it.

I was in total shock when I watched that video. The alarming gross stupidity was off the chain.

Folks, this country is in trouble.
Before I even clicked on your thread I figured your must be fairly new here if you're suprised by the ignorance on display. Welcome to USMB.
For every dumbass being interviewed as a conservative, 50 more liberals idiots can be found. OP means nothing, just another troll thread.
Lol! That is until we come across another Trump/Bubba rally. Since the Right's ignorance about asylum seekers is well known, what will you all rally for next? Brawndo?

Your denial is to be expected. Lying libs deny everything they don't want to see.

One can only wonder what you are talking about.
I am like Woody Allen in a way. Myopic and glasses. Neurotic as heck. Phobias up the yingyang. Heights, spiders, you name it. I despise, I loathe liars above all. Frauds, posers, phonies. We are all human, we make mistakes. But illegal aliens, good lord, how I despise them. If there is a hell, there is a special place for these scazwags. I despise these jerks, because they aren't what they are made out to be, far from it. Poor witto victims of wacim' boo hoo...not in a million years.
I find it amazing the sheer cowardice by Republicans on this board, who are scared to death to address a problem so easily fixable. And the bottomless pits of lies to keep all their bs going. "Sure they get welfare". You haven't proven that, because you can't. You also dodged what is the simplest solution to illegal immigration. Lock up and fine the enablers, and illegal immigration is no more.

Heh heh. Firstly, I'm a libertarian. A real one. Not one of the fake me out neconon hacks who like to claim to be libertarian just because they think it's cool. I'll take you to levels in the discussion that you likely haven't even thought about yet. So be careful what you ask for. You might just get it. Heck, I wouldn't give a nickle for a Democrat or a Republican. There is not a nickle's worth of difference between them aside from fighting over who gets to redistribute the wealth to their favorite cause, whether it be entitlement or the war machine.

Secondly, the information is freely available.

That said, and technically, if we lived in an actual free society, I'd be fine with open borders. But we don't live in a free society, thanks to the Democrat and Republican socialists in DC. Therefore there cannot be open borders. Freedom is not popular among either party and by and large it is rejected by the electorate itself. It's why we see Americans with their pants pulled down around their ankles in the airports while a man from the government with a gun molests them. The electorate, unfortunately, loves them for it. But, I digress. Makes me want to vomit.

In the mean time, your proposal is irrelevant and it trivializes the issue entirely.

Amend the 14th to end birthright citizenship, and they will stop coming over the border illegally. This is the most efficent means to stop subsidizing illegal immigration.
Last edited:
And they're all Trump supporters.

They don't even know what "seeking asylum" means. They think it is some sort of illegal act.

The Republican leadership has done a fantastic job of keeping their base so misinformed, that they could easily tell them to follow Trump off a cliff, and they would certainly do it.

I was in total shock when I watched that video. The alarming gross stupidity was off the chain.

Folks, this country is in trouble.

If you are seeking asylum there is the right way to do it by going to a port of entry and filing for asylum.

Now if someone illegally enters our nation by bypassing the port of entry then they are illegally here and no they should not be allow to stay and have to go back to the end of the line and file correctly to enter this country.

Now please tell me I am wrong and another Trump supporter because Trump is a moron in my eyes but the reality is illegally entering this country is against the law and those that break the law need to be sent back to their country of origin and come here by going through the proper channels and vetting process...

"Going to the port and filing for asylum". And? What about it? Have you seen any of my posts contesting that? Of course not. Which begs the question, why bring it up to begin with? Because I never brought it up.

These Trump idiots who come by the cases at these rallies keep implying that the one's seeking asylum are illegal, while the rest admit they actually do not have a clue what is going on with these family separations, or they are simply guessing. And why is that? No natural curiosity perhaps? Do not care what happens to these kids? I suspect both. In the meantime, we have to deal with this collection of Trump ignoramus's who haven't the foggiest idea what an "asylum seeker" is. All they know is, is what their neighbor or Trump, or their preacher told them. Their illegal immigrants. Lol! What a bunch of straight dumb asses.
I never had psoriasis, until Trump started telling us about illegal immigrants when he started his campaign...
They don't even know what "seeking asylum" means. They think it is some sort of illegal act.

The Republican leadership has done a fantastic job of keeping their base so misinformed, that they could easily tell them to follow Trump off a cliff, and they would certainly do it.

I was in total shock when I watched that video. The alarming gross stupidity was off the chain.

Folks, this country is in trouble.
Before I even clicked on your thread I figured your must be fairly new here if you're suprised by the ignorance on display. Welcome to USMB.
Because trespassing is legal...moron.
What trespassing moron?
Give us your address and we’ll be happy to show you.
I find it amazing the sheer cowardice by Republicans on this board, who are scared to death to address a problem so easily fixable. And the bottomless pits of lies to keep all their bs going. "Sure they get welfare". You haven't proven that, because you can't. You also dodged what is the simplest solution to illegal immigration. Lock up and fine the enablers, and illegal immigration is no more.

Heh heh. Firstly, I'm a libertarian. A real one. Not one of the fake me out neconon hacks who like to claim to be libertarian just because they think it's cool. I'll take you to levels in the discussion that you likely haven't even thought about yet. So be careful what you ask for. You might just get it. Heck, I wouldn't give a nickle for a Democrat or a Republican. There is not a nickle's worth of difference between them aside from fighting over who gets to redistribute the wealth to their favorite cause.

Secondly, the information is freely available.

That said, and technically, if we lived in an actual free society, I'd be fine with open borders. But we don't live in a free society, thanks to the Democrat and Republican socialists in DC. Therefore there cannot be open borders.

In the mean time, your proposal is irrelevant and it trivializes the issue entirely.

Amend the 14th to end birthright citizenship, and they will stop coming over the border illegally. This is the most efficent means to stop subsidizing illegal immigration.
My proposal is not trivial. It simply isn't obtainable. And here's why:

That act, the 1996 Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act, also barred unauthorized immigrants from drawing benefits.

Title IV of the act, subheaded "restricting welfare and public benefits for aliens," states that "aliens who are not qualified aliens" are ineligible for "federal public benefits" and for "state and local public benefits." The act defines qualified aliens as people with certain legal documented immigration status, meaning unauthorized immigrants are not eligible.

We confirmed from eligibility rules posted on government websites that unauthorized immigrants aren’t eligible for major aid programs including Medicaid, the joint federal-state health coverage for people in poverty; Supplemental Security Income (SSI), which provides cash assistance to the impoverished elderly or disabled; Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), which used to be food stamps; housing assistance from the Department of Housing and Urban Development; and Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), which provides grants for state-administered family assistance programs like child care, cash assistance or counseling.

Separately, Broder and Randy Capps of the Migration Policy Institute, a think tank that believes in the benefits of well-managed immigration, each told us federal welfare benefits aren’t available to unauthorized immigrants.

And you're right. The information is freely available. That's why it is such a non-starter for those who live in lala land.

And the fourteenth was never their long term goal. Survival was/is. They don't have the luxury to think that far ahead. Why? Because of our government; CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor Central and South America for decades have been too busy reeling from the takeover by the U.S. That's the source of the problem.

As for open borders, these people never wanted to come here to begin with. But we stole their governments, their resources, and their livelihoods. And what was left? The drug gangs! And if you didn't join them, you were probably going to be killed. All of this, WE DID.
I find it amazing the sheer cowardice by Republicans on this board, who are scared to death to address a problem so easily fixable. And the bottomless pits of lies to keep all their bs going. "Sure they get welfare". You haven't proven that, because you can't. You also dodged what is the simplest solution to illegal immigration. Lock up and fine the enablers, and illegal immigration is no more.

Heh heh. Firstly, I'm a libertarian. A real one. Not one of the fake me out neconon hacks who like to claim to be libertarian just because they think it's cool. I'll take you to levels in the discussion that you likely haven't even thought about yet. So be careful what you ask for. You might just get it. Heck, I wouldn't give a nickle for a Democrat or a Republican. There is not a nickle's worth of difference between them aside from fighting over who gets to redistribute the wealth to their favorite cause.

Secondly, the information is freely available.

That said, and technically, if we lived in an actual free society, I'd be fine with open borders. But we don't live in a free society, thanks to the Democrat and Republican socialists in DC. Therefore there cannot be open borders.

In the mean time, your proposal is irrelevant and it trivializes the issue entirely.

Amend the 14th to end birthright citizenship, and they will stop coming over the border illegally. This is the most efficent means to stop subsidizing illegal immigration.
My proposal is not trivial. It simply isn't obtainable. And here's why:

That act, the 1996 Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act, also barred unauthorized immigrants from drawing benefits.

Title IV of the act, subheaded "restricting welfare and public benefits for aliens," states that "aliens who are not qualified aliens" are ineligible for "federal public benefits" and for "state and local public benefits." The act defines qualified aliens as people with certain legal documented immigration status, meaning unauthorized immigrants are not eligible.

We confirmed from eligibility rules posted on government websites that unauthorized immigrants aren’t eligible for major aid programs including Medicaid, the joint federal-state health coverage for people in poverty; Supplemental Security Income (SSI), which provides cash assistance to the impoverished elderly or disabled; Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), which used to be food stamps; housing assistance from the Department of Housing and Urban Development; and Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF), which provides grants for state-administered family assistance programs like child care, cash assistance or counseling.

Separately, Broder and Randy Capps of the Migration Policy Institute, a think tank that believes in the benefits of well-managed immigration, each told us federal welfare benefits aren’t available to unauthorized immigrants.

And you're right. The information is freely available. That's why it is such a non-starter for those who live in lala land.

And the fourteenth was never their long term goal. Survival was/is. They don't have the luxury to think that far ahead. Why? Because of our government; CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor Central and South America for decades have been too busy reeling from the takeover by the U.S. That's the source of the problem.

As for open borders, these people never wanted to come here to begin with. But we stole their governments, their resources, and their livelihoods. And what was left? The drug gangs! And if you didn't join them, you were probably going to be killed. All of this, WE DID.

As I said they can apply for welfare in the name of their children. That makes them eligible. And they do apply. Then their children grow up with all of the entitlement programs. That's why they come here and that's why it's wise to amend the 14th to abololish birthright citizenship. That'll solve the problem.

Some of that in the latter part of your posting, I agree with you about. I want to abolish all of those agencies. But, like I was saying, freedom isn't popular in America anymore. For some reason the electorate loves those fuckers. They've been indoctrinated like trained monkeys to be so afraid of anything they tell them to be afraid of that they'll worship the government and practically beg them to take away our liberties in the name of that ruse they call security.
Turn them away at the border. Problem solved.
But Trump didn't do that. He instead arrested people who had done nothing illegal, then kidnapped their children.

That an immigrant is undocumented doesn’t mean he’s ‘illegal.’

All persons in the United States are entitled to due process of the law, including those undocumented.

An undocumented immigrant has the right to apply for asylum and refugee status, and is not illegal until such time as he has been found guilty in a court of law of entering the country absent authorization, having failed to justify refugee status.

There is not justification for the sharp rise in asylum seekers. There are no wars in Central America. There are no erupting volcanoes.

This is just a new tactic in the Left's War against America, to overload a crap system they set up to fail in the first place.

It is bullshit, and those abusing the system, and those encouraging such abuse, should be held accountable.
Negative! Decades of taking over lands, resources, governments, and opportunities, have taken its toll on the most vulnerable. And this is the result; CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor

Dude. Cold War have been over for over twenty years.

You can't use the Cold War as an excuse for seeking asylum today.

Seriously. YOu libs start with "America is at fault" and then just make up shit to justify it.
And they're all Trump supporters.

They don't even know what "seeking asylum" means. They think it is some sort of illegal act.

The Republican leadership has done a fantastic job of keeping their base so misinformed, that they could easily tell them to follow Trump off a cliff, and they would certainly do it.

I was in total shock when I watched that video. The alarming gross stupidity was off the chain.

Folks, this country is in trouble.

If you are seeking asylum there is the right way to do it by going to a port of entry and filing for asylum.

Now if someone illegally enters our nation by bypassing the port of entry then they are illegally here and no they should not be allow to stay and have to go back to the end of the line and file correctly to enter this country.

Now please tell me I am wrong and another Trump supporter because Trump is a moron in my eyes but the reality is illegally entering this country is against the law and those that break the law need to be sent back to their country of origin and come here by going through the proper channels and vetting process...

"Going to the port and filing for asylum". And? What about it? Have you seen any of my posts contesting that? Of course not. Which begs the question, why bring it up to begin with? Because I never brought it up.

These Trump idiots who come by the cases at these rallies keep implying that the one's seeking asylum are illegal, while the rest admit they actually do not have a clue what is going on with these family separations, or they are simply guessing. And why is that? No natural curiosity perhaps? Do not care what happens to these kids? I suspect both. In the meantime, we have to deal with this collection of Trump ignoramus's who haven't the foggiest idea what an "asylum seeker" is. All they know is, is what their neighbor or Trump, or their preacher told them. Their illegal immigrants. Lol! What a bunch of straight dumb asses.

Again, those that illegally enter the country and have their kids taken away have no real rights.

You open the door when you just mentioned kids and those that properly seek asylum at port of enteries are not having their kids stripped away but those that crossed cartel lands are, and why?

1. Would you allow a U.S. Citizen to keep their child after they edangered their child life by crossing a region of the world that is so dangerous that even the Mexian Police and it Military fear for their lives?

I know for a fact that CPS would remove the kid, so let cut the bullshit here!

2. Illegal Aliens that bypass the port of entry are no long asylum seekers but in fact law breaking individuals.

If you break the law here in the States while your kid is with you the government will call CPS to hold you child until you are seen fit or find the next of kin.

So if Asylum seekers are wanting to keep their kids, well follow the rules and if not then yes your kid should be taken from you because of the fact you endangered their life and are not fit to take care of them.

So as you bash Trump voters maybe you should not open the door for me to point out you are claiming illegal entry aliens are the same as asylum seekers to you which they should not be seeing the illegal entry alien is breaking the law.
And they're all Trump supporters.

They don't even know what "seeking asylum" means. They think it is some sort of illegal act.

The Republican leadership has done a fantastic job of keeping their base so misinformed, that they could easily tell them to follow Trump off a cliff, and they would certainly do it.

I was in total shock when I watched that video. The alarming gross stupidity was off the chain.

Folks, this country is in trouble.

If you are seeking asylum there is the right way to do it by going to a port of entry and filing for asylum.

Now if someone illegally enters our nation by bypassing the port of entry then they are illegally here and no they should not be allow to stay and have to go back to the end of the line and file correctly to enter this country.

Now please tell me I am wrong and another Trump supporter because Trump is a moron in my eyes but the reality is illegally entering this country is against the law and those that break the law need to be sent back to their country of origin and come here by going through the proper channels and vetting process...

"Going to the port and filing for asylum". And? What about it? Have you seen any of my posts contesting that? Of course not. Which begs the question, why bring it up to begin with? Because I never brought it up.

These Trump idiots who come by the cases at these rallies keep implying that the one's seeking asylum are illegal, while the rest admit they actually do not have a clue what is going on with these family separations, or they are simply guessing. And why is that? No natural curiosity perhaps? Do not care what happens to these kids? I suspect both. In the meantime, we have to deal with this collection of Trump ignoramus's who haven't the foggiest idea what an "asylum seeker" is. All they know is, is what their neighbor or Trump, or their preacher told them. Their illegal immigrants. Lol! What a bunch of straight dumb asses.

Again, those that illegally enter the country and have their kids taken away have no real rights.

You open the door when you just mentioned kids and those that properly seek asylum at port of enteries are not having their kids stripped away but those that crossed cartel lands are, and why?

1. Would you allow a U.S. Citizen to keep their child after they edangered their child life by crossing a region of the world that is so dangerous that even the Mexian Police and it Military fear for their lives?

I know for a fact that CPS would remove the kid, so let cut the bullshit here!

2. Illegal Aliens that bypass the port of entry are no long asylum seekers but in fact law breaking individuals.

If you break the law here in the States while your kid is with you the government will call CPS to hold you child until you are seen fit or find the next of kin.

So if Asylum seekers are wanting to keep their kids, well follow the rules and if not then yes your kid should be taken from you because of the fact you endangered their life and are not fit to take care of them.

So as you bash Trump voters maybe you should not open the door for me to point out you are claiming illegal entry aliens are the same as asylum seekers to you which they should not be seeing the illegal entry alien is breaking the law.

You are exhibit A why I created this thread, and posted the video. You do not know what "seeking asylum" means.
And they're all Trump supporters.

They don't even know what "seeking asylum" means. They think it is some sort of illegal act.

The Republican leadership has done a fantastic job of keeping their base so misinformed, that they could easily tell them to follow Trump off a cliff, and they would certainly do it.

I was in total shock when I watched that video. The alarming gross stupidity was off the chain.

Folks, this country is in trouble.

If you are seeking asylum there is the right way to do it by going to a port of entry and filing for asylum.

Now if someone illegally enters our nation by bypassing the port of entry then they are illegally here and no they should not be allow to stay and have to go back to the end of the line and file correctly to enter this country.

Now please tell me I am wrong and another Trump supporter because Trump is a moron in my eyes but the reality is illegally entering this country is against the law and those that break the law need to be sent back to their country of origin and come here by going through the proper channels and vetting process...

"Going to the port and filing for asylum". And? What about it? Have you seen any of my posts contesting that? Of course not. Which begs the question, why bring it up to begin with? Because I never brought it up.

These Trump idiots who come by the cases at these rallies keep implying that the one's seeking asylum are illegal, while the rest admit they actually do not have a clue what is going on with these family separations, or they are simply guessing. And why is that? No natural curiosity perhaps? Do not care what happens to these kids? I suspect both. In the meantime, we have to deal with this collection of Trump ignoramus's who haven't the foggiest idea what an "asylum seeker" is. All they know is, is what their neighbor or Trump, or their preacher told them. Their illegal immigrants. Lol! What a bunch of straight dumb asses.

Again, those that illegally enter the country and have their kids taken away have no real rights.
Wrong! By law, if they are seeking asylum as refugees, they have rights.

You open the door when you just mentioned kids and those that properly seek asylum at port of enteries are not having their kids stripped away but those that crossed cartel lands are, and why?
Where on any of my posts did I say that? That's right, no where. You made that lie up.

1. Would you allow a U.S. Citizen to keep their child after they edangered their child life by crossing a region of the world that is so dangerous that even the Mexian Police and it Military fear for their lives?
We'll, didn't you just make the best case for them to come here? "Even the police and military fear for their lives." Lol! You answered your own ridiculous question.

I know for a fact that CPS would remove the kid, so let cut the bullshit here!
Did you happen to read the bs from your first quote?

2. Illegal Aliens that bypass the port of entry are no long asylum seekers but in fact law breaking individuals.
Where did I say they weren't?

If you break the law here in the States while your kid is with you the government will call CPS to hold you child until you are seen fit or find the next of kin.
There's a difference between that and kidnapping where the government doesn't know where the kid is, and or deports the parents. That's kidnapping.

So if Asylum seekers are wanting to keep their kids, well follow the rules and if not then yes your kid should be taken from you because of the fact you endangered their life and are not fit to take care of them.
Wrong! That's against the law. It's kidnapping.

So as you bash Trump voters maybe you should not open the door for me to point out you are claiming illegal entry aliens are the same as asylum seekers to you which they should not be seeing the illegal entry alien is breaking the law.
That's why we bash Trump voters. Because they lie for one, like you, and the rest are too stupid to know the difference. Your lie has me claiming "illegal entry aliens" are the same as "asylum seekers." I never said that. How do I know? Because you will never show me where I said it. That makes you a liar, and a great candidate for Trump's rally full of ignoramus's.
Reading thru this thread I wonder how many people remember their forefathers being immigrants.
Most of the white folks came from the now EU and the Latin american population has their origin in the EU.
Reading thru this thread I wonder how many people remember their forefathers being immigrants.
Most of the white folks came from the now EU and the Latin american population has their origin in the EU.

So, your argument is that since we are descendants from immigrants, that we do not have the same rights as older nations?

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