I have never seen so many ignorant people about immigration in my life

Since you will not answer Iwill. They want to get on the American tit!
First off, there is no teat. They pay there way. Secondly, there is a price for decades worth of invasion; CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor The only teat in this game comes from our own stealing from them.
Bs! Horseshit and cowshit too.
Typed by a true loser. If that's all you got, you just made one piss poor counter argument their boss. Try and keep it out of the ditches next time.

You've already been teetering on intellectual bankruptcy, since you started posting about this subject. But ha, anything that proves you have no skin in this game, is a notch for the opposite side. Keep up the good work loser.
You are the living proof that supports the validity of my OP.

With all the illegal crossing by immigrants to sneak across the border in order to get in this country, you don’t get to decide AFTER getting caught in another state deep within the United States to say.. “oh by the way, I’m seeking asylum”. It doesn’t work that way. It’s also quite interesting, all this talk about seeking asylum and illegal immigration yet progressives still supported Elián González being deported out of this country.
And it hasn't been carried out that way. They are turning themselves in at the border.
After crossing the entire safe Spanish speaking country of Mexico! The refugee stuff is BS.
If they turned themselves in to authorities, prove it is bs?
If they are merely seeking refuge why cross the entire country of Mexico to get here? Remember now what a shitty country this is to people of color and how America was never that great! So why? Tell us why they didn’t seek refuge in Mexico? Why?

Well, for one thing foreigners are treated as second class citizens in Mexico. You can’t even run a business in that country unless you and your parents are born there. This is why I have to laugh every time their president wants to put his two cents in with regard to how the United States ought to run their OWN immigration policy, that government goes WELL beyond calling the kettle black. This would also explain why Mexico wants the United States to have an open border policy, so that they don’t have to deal with foreigners or refugees on their own soil. However, Mexico doesn’t shy away from receiving MILLIONS in government assistance from us. If progressives want a clue as to what REAL racism looks like, one only has to only look at the Mexican Constitution. Quite honestly liberals don’t have the slightest clue, it’s hilarious to hear them talk about Republicans that way.
With all the illegal crossing by immigrants to sneak across the border in order to get in this country, you don’t get to decide AFTER getting caught in another state deep within the United States to say.. “oh by the way, I’m seeking asylum”. It doesn’t work that way. It’s also quite interesting, all this talk about seeking asylum and illegal immigration yet progressives still supported Elián González being deported out of this country.
And it hasn't been carried out that way. They are turning themselves in at the border.
After crossing the entire safe Spanish speaking country of Mexico! The refugee stuff is BS.
If they turned themselves in to authorities, prove it is bs?
If they are merely seeking refuge why cross the entire country of Mexico to get here?
Wow, that is definitely a dumb question that will be hard to beat. Do you still want to lay claim to that question?
Remember now what a shitty country this is to people of color and how America was never that great! So why? Tell us why they didn’t seek refuge in Mexico? Why?
Remember how the U.S. holds all the power, resources, and controls all the politics? Remember not too long ago Trump wanting to invade Venezuela? Do you know why? The reason is the same reason that applies with all the rest of these countries. That reason has been the policy for the U.S. for decades, and nothing has changed; CIA in South America | Geopolitical Monitor

Venezuela is the result of a failed progressive socialist policy. That nation is falling apart, their people are starving, which is why you HAVE refugees fleeing in the first place. Have you actually read about Venezuala’s economy lately? Why else are they leaving? Are you kidding me, this is all Trump’s fault? Ignorance is bliss is suppose.
With all the illegal crossing by immigrants to sneak across the border in order to get in this country, you don’t get to decide AFTER getting caught in another state deep within the United States to say.. “oh by the way, I’m seeking asylum”. It doesn’t work that way. It’s also quite interesting, all this talk about seeking asylum and illegal immigration yet progressives still supported Elián González being deported out of this country.
And it hasn't been carried out that way. They are turning themselves in at the border.
After crossing the entire safe Spanish speaking country of Mexico! The refugee stuff is BS.
If they turned themselves in to authorities, prove it is bs?
If they are merely seeking refuge why cross the entire country of Mexico to get here? Remember now what a shitty country this is to people of color and how America was never that great! So why? Tell us why they didn’t seek refuge in Mexico? Why?

Well, for one thing foreigners are treated as second class citizens in Mexico. You can’t even run a business in that country unless you and your parents are born there. This is why I have to laugh every time their president wants to put his two cents in with regard to how the United States ought to run their OWN immigration policy, that government goes WELL beyond calling the kettle black. This would also explain why Mexico wants the United States to have an open border policy, so that they don’t have to deal with foreigners or refugees on their own soil. However, Mexico doesn’t shy away from receiving MILLIONS in government assistance from us. If progressives want a clue as to what REAL racism looks like, one only has to only look at the Mexican Constitution. Quite honestly liberals don’t have the slightest clue, it’s hilarious to hear them talk about Republicans that way.
Mexico uses us as their welfare system! So do the other Sout and Central Americans! Because the democrats have rolled out the welcome mat!
And it hasn't been carried out that way. They are turning themselves in at the border.
After crossing the entire safe Spanish speaking country of Mexico! The refugee stuff is BS.
If they turned themselves in to authorities, prove it is bs?
If they are merely seeking refuge why cross the entire country of Mexico to get here? Remember now what a shitty country this is to people of color and how America was never that great! So why? Tell us why they didn’t seek refuge in Mexico? Why?

Well, for one thing foreigners are treated as second class citizens in Mexico. You can’t even run a business in that country unless you and your parents are born there. This is why I have to laugh every time their president wants to put his two cents in with regard to how the United States ought to run their OWN immigration policy, that government goes WELL beyond calling the kettle black. This would also explain why Mexico wants the United States to have an open border policy, so that they don’t have to deal with foreigners or refugees on their own soil. However, Mexico doesn’t shy away from receiving MILLIONS in government assistance from us. If progressives want a clue as to what REAL racism looks like, one only has to only look at the Mexican Constitution. Quite honestly liberals don’t have the slightest clue, it’s hilarious to hear them talk about Republicans that way.
Mexico uses us as their welfare system! So do the other Sout and Central Americans! Because the democrats have rolled out the welcome mat!

All I can say is Mexico WANTS an open border
They aren’t willing to take on refugees or immigrants if it means they can’t have entry into the United States. That’s why the Mexican President is so critical of Trump, because he knows what a closed tight order would mean to his country.
And they're all Trump supporters.

They don't even know what "seeking asylum" means. They think it is some sort of illegal act.

The Republican leadership has done a fantastic job of keeping their base so misinformed, that they could easily tell them to follow Trump off a cliff, and they would certainly do it.

I was in total shock when I watched that video. The alarming gross stupidity was off the chain.

Folks, this country is in trouble.

maybe You should take a lesson in history, when it comes to separating families. In the 1940s, "Japanese Americans" were not only separated they were stripped of their property there constitutional rights, and imprisoned by FDR a Democrat. These people were legal US citizens not Illegals
who creeped into this country carrying loads of drugs guns and violence. If they don't want to be separated and detained they should come here through the legal means afforded by our government. Period
Turn them away at the border. Problem solved.
But Trump didn't do that. He instead arrested people who had done nothing illegal, then kidnapped their children.

So did FDR only he kidnapped Legal Us citizens many of whom were never able to recover or reclaim their property or jobs check your facts on The internment of Japanese Americans in the 1940s. FDR the Ultimate Dem who brought Us , Social Security and The Welfare state that has blossomed into what it is today. You are obviously misinformed as a democrat so go check your history books Knucklehead
Turn them away at the border. Problem solved.
But Trump didn't do that. He instead arrested people who had done nothing illegal, then kidnapped their children.

So did FDR only he kidnapped Legal Us citizens many of whom were never able to recover or reclaim their property or jobs check your facts on The internment of Japanese Americans in the 1940s. FDR the Ultimate Dem who brought Us , Social Security and The Welfare state that has blossomed into what it is today. You are obviously misinformed as a democrat so go check your history books Knucklehead

Well, by god, I will never vote for FDR again!
After crossing the entire safe Spanish speaking country of Mexico! The refugee stuff is BS.
If they turned themselves in to authorities, prove it is bs?
If they are merely seeking refuge why cross the entire country of Mexico to get here? Remember now what a shitty country this is to people of color and how America was never that great! So why? Tell us why they didn’t seek refuge in Mexico? Why?

Well, for one thing foreigners are treated as second class citizens in Mexico. You can’t even run a business in that country unless you and your parents are born there. This is why I have to laugh every time their president wants to put his two cents in with regard to how the United States ought to run their OWN immigration policy, that government goes WELL beyond calling the kettle black. This would also explain why Mexico wants the United States to have an open border policy, so that they don’t have to deal with foreigners or refugees on their own soil. However, Mexico doesn’t shy away from receiving MILLIONS in government assistance from us. If progressives want a clue as to what REAL racism looks like, one only has to only look at the Mexican Constitution. Quite honestly liberals don’t have the slightest clue, it’s hilarious to hear them talk about Republicans that way.
Mexico uses us as their welfare system! So do the other Sout and Central Americans! Because the democrats have rolled out the welcome mat!

All I can say is Mexico WANTS an open border
They aren’t willing to take on refugees or immigrants if it means they can’t have entry into the United States. That’s why the Mexican President is so critical of Trump, because he knows what a closed tight order would mean to his country.

Mexico dumps its unemployed on the U.S., has for decades now; it has lowered their poverty rate by a substantial margin, which allows them to keep on being a narco state and not having to behave like adults.

In any case, most of them look well dressed, obese, and clearly had excellent dental care where they came from, plus they have thousands in cash to lay on smugglers, and then there is the fact that the trip from Central America is so safe people just send their kids up here by themselves.
If they turned themselves in to authorities, prove it is bs?
If they are merely seeking refuge why cross the entire country of Mexico to get here? Remember now what a shitty country this is to people of color and how America was never that great! So why? Tell us why they didn’t seek refuge in Mexico? Why?

Well, for one thing foreigners are treated as second class citizens in Mexico. You can’t even run a business in that country unless you and your parents are born there. This is why I have to laugh every time their president wants to put his two cents in with regard to how the United States ought to run their OWN immigration policy, that government goes WELL beyond calling the kettle black. This would also explain why Mexico wants the United States to have an open border policy, so that they don’t have to deal with foreigners or refugees on their own soil. However, Mexico doesn’t shy away from receiving MILLIONS in government assistance from us. If progressives want a clue as to what REAL racism looks like, one only has to only look at the Mexican Constitution. Quite honestly liberals don’t have the slightest clue, it’s hilarious to hear them talk about Republicans that way.
Mexico uses us as their welfare system! So do the other Sout and Central Americans! Because the democrats have rolled out the welcome mat!

All I can say is Mexico WANTS an open border
They aren’t willing to take on refugees or immigrants if it means they can’t have entry into the United States. That’s why the Mexican President is so critical of Trump, because he knows what a closed tight order would mean to his country.

Mexico dumps its unemployed on the U.S., has for decades now; it has lowered their poverty rate by a substantial margin, which allows them to keep on being a narco state and not having to behave like adults.

In any case, most of them look well dressed, obese, and clearly had excellent dental care where they came from, plus they have thousands in cash to lay on smugglers, and then there is the fact that the trip from Central America is so safe people just send their kids up here by themselves.

I can't help but wonder. What color is the sky on your planet?
They don't even know what "seeking asylum" means. They think it is some sort of illegal act.
Some people are so fucking stupid that they cannot comprehend the fact that "seeking asylum" and "illegally crossing the border" are not mutually exclusive terms.
Turn them away at the border. Problem solved.
But Trump didn't do that. He instead arrested people who had done nothing illegal, then kidnapped their children.

Trump can't do that. The law, idiots wrote, says he has to let them in, for "due process".

I know that you libs like Presidents who ignore the law. But we republicans expect more.
Why are you people so damn ignorant, and detached from intelligent debate? Your response makes no sense.

No intelligent talk coming from your end to be sure. Can't even grasp simple legal concepts and terms.
Really? You have my undivided attention then. Please, will you explain the "legal concepts and terms' for "illegals" versus "asylum seekers then?" Now we can find out who's talking intelligent and who isn't. And don't magically disappear, or you are nothing more than a liar.

What part of that filthy shithole Mehico are you from and how long have you been fucking REAL Americans over?
So wetbacks in Mehico fucked their own country up so bad that not even the cockroaches from El Salvador and Honduras want to stay there...yet ignorant fools like you want to take in those very wetbacks by the millions?
“Seeking asylum” really means “seeking U.S taxpayer cash”
NO good, real American is buying this retarded bullshit engineered by the filthy fucks on the Left.
But Trump didn't do that. He instead arrested people who had done nothing illegal, then kidnapped their children.

Trump can't do that. The law, idiots wrote, says he has to let them in, for "due process".

I know that you libs like Presidents who ignore the law. But we republicans expect more.
Why are you people so damn ignorant, and detached from intelligent debate? Your response makes no sense.

No intelligent talk coming from your end to be sure. Can't even grasp simple legal concepts and terms.
Really? You have my undivided attention then. Please, will you explain the "legal concepts and terms' for "illegals" versus "asylum seekers then?" Now we can find out who's talking intelligent and who isn't. And don't magically disappear, or you are nothing more than a liar.

What part of that filthy shithole Mehico are you from and how long have you been fucking REAL Americans over?
So wetbacks in Mehico fucked their own country up so bad that not even the cockroaches from El Salvador and Honduras want to stay there...yet ignorant fools like you want to take in those very wetbacks by the millions?
“Seeking asylum” really means “seeking U.S taxpayer cash”
NO good, real American is buying this retarded bullshit engineered by the filthy fucks on the Left.

Oh look, the ignorant little girl is hiding behind slurs again. Poor, frightened little thing.
Trump can't do that. The law, idiots wrote, says he has to let them in, for "due process".

I know that you libs like Presidents who ignore the law. But we republicans expect more.
Why are you people so damn ignorant, and detached from intelligent debate? Your response makes no sense.

No intelligent talk coming from your end to be sure. Can't even grasp simple legal concepts and terms.
Really? You have my undivided attention then. Please, will you explain the "legal concepts and terms' for "illegals" versus "asylum seekers then?" Now we can find out who's talking intelligent and who isn't. And don't magically disappear, or you are nothing more than a liar.

What part of that filthy shithole Mehico are you from and how long have you been fucking REAL Americans over?
So wetbacks in Mehico fucked their own country up so bad that not even the cockroaches from El Salvador and Honduras want to stay there...yet ignorant fools like you want to take in those very wetbacks by the millions?
“Seeking asylum” really means “seeking U.S taxpayer cash”
NO good, real American is buying this retarded bullshit engineered by the filthy fucks on the Left.

Oh look, the ignorant little girl is hiding behind slurs again. Poor, frightened little thing.

Oh look...a nutless wetback lover gets his fragile little feelings hurt when he reads adult language. Find your nuts once bud.
Why are you people so damn ignorant, and detached from intelligent debate? Your response makes no sense.

No intelligent talk coming from your end to be sure. Can't even grasp simple legal concepts and terms.
Really? You have my undivided attention then. Please, will you explain the "legal concepts and terms' for "illegals" versus "asylum seekers then?" Now we can find out who's talking intelligent and who isn't. And don't magically disappear, or you are nothing more than a liar.

What part of that filthy shithole Mehico are you from and how long have you been fucking REAL Americans over?
So wetbacks in Mehico fucked their own country up so bad that not even the cockroaches from El Salvador and Honduras want to stay there...yet ignorant fools like you want to take in those very wetbacks by the millions?
“Seeking asylum” really means “seeking U.S taxpayer cash”
NO good, real American is buying this retarded bullshit engineered by the filthy fucks on the Left.

Oh look, the ignorant little girl is hiding behind slurs again. Poor, frightened little thing.

Oh look...a nutless wetback lover gets his fragile little feelings hurt when he reads adult language. Find your nuts once bud.

Did the other girls on the playground teach you any new ‘bad’ words to shock mommy with?
No intelligent talk coming from your end to be sure. Can't even grasp simple legal concepts and terms.
Really? You have my undivided attention then. Please, will you explain the "legal concepts and terms' for "illegals" versus "asylum seekers then?" Now we can find out who's talking intelligent and who isn't. And don't magically disappear, or you are nothing more than a liar.

What part of that filthy shithole Mehico are you from and how long have you been fucking REAL Americans over?
So wetbacks in Mehico fucked their own country up so bad that not even the cockroaches from El Salvador and Honduras want to stay there...yet ignorant fools like you want to take in those very wetbacks by the millions?
“Seeking asylum” really means “seeking U.S taxpayer cash”
NO good, real American is buying this retarded bullshit engineered by the filthy fucks on the Left.

Oh look, the ignorant little girl is hiding behind slurs again. Poor, frightened little thing.

Oh look...a nutless wetback lover gets his fragile little feelings hurt when he reads adult language. Find your nuts once bud.

Did the other girls on the playground teach you any new ‘bad’ words to shock mommy with?

Exposing you as the wetback loving ignorant fool you are is played out bud....go find someone else’s heels to nip at.
Really? You have my undivided attention then. Please, will you explain the "legal concepts and terms' for "illegals" versus "asylum seekers then?" Now we can find out who's talking intelligent and who isn't. And don't magically disappear, or you are nothing more than a liar.

What part of that filthy shithole Mehico are you from and how long have you been fucking REAL Americans over?
So wetbacks in Mehico fucked their own country up so bad that not even the cockroaches from El Salvador and Honduras want to stay there...yet ignorant fools like you want to take in those very wetbacks by the millions?
“Seeking asylum” really means “seeking U.S taxpayer cash”
NO good, real American is buying this retarded bullshit engineered by the filthy fucks on the Left.

Oh look, the ignorant little girl is hiding behind slurs again. Poor, frightened little thing.

Oh look...a nutless wetback lover gets his fragile little feelings hurt when he reads adult language. Find your nuts once bud.

Did the other girls on the playground teach you any new ‘bad’ words to shock mommy with?

Exposing you as the wetback loving ignorant fool you are is played out bud....go find someone else’s heels to nip at.

There she goes again; the frightened little girl and her slurs.

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