I Have No Idea Why Bernie Supporters Are Seen As Clueless Nutters

All I can tell you is what I've seen.

So can I and factory farms are not the same as your locally sourced family farm. The cows have horrible lives.

I don't want people to stop eating meat or anything so ridiculous but I do think you should see an animal slaughtered so you know where your pretty packaged T bone comes from.
My father raises cattle for beef. I've seen plenty of animals slaughtered.

Good. You know what sacrifice the animal has made. Most people don't.

Re: the little cartoon on your sig line. Did you have a similar one for Obama and his "wing man" Holder? or for Lynch when she had a secret meeting with Bill Clinton on a remote runway?

your hypocrisy is not surprising and confirms what I have always thought about you.;

No because Holder was never Obama's Roy Cohn...unlike Barr.
What makes Bernie so threatening to the Democratic establishment is that he stands for what millions of Democrats thought their party stood for all along.⠀

There is an ideological struggle going on within the party, even if many ordinary Democrats hardly notice it. But it’s a struggle that dare not speak its name. Whatever popular legitimacy the party enjoys rests on the carefully cultivated misconception that it is committed to the very principles Bernie Sanders now articulates. That makes it excruciatingly difficult to craft an effective anti-Bernie appeal.⠀
All I can tell you is what I've seen.

So can I and factory farms are not the same as your locally sourced family farm. The cows have horrible lives.

I don't want people to stop eating meat or anything so ridiculous but I do think you should see an animal slaughtered so you know where your pretty packaged T bone comes from.
My father raises cattle for beef. I've seen plenty of animals slaughtered.

Good. You know what sacrifice the animal has made. Most people don't.
I just picked out my new calf last weekend. I named him "Sir loin".

I'm almost done eating T-bone so it's time to start feeding another one up.
i had friends that bought two pigs every year and named them the same so there was no confusion. They were named Pork and Chop. Most people have no idea where their meat and dairy comes from. It's not from the cows in fields they show you in commercials.
It is if you buy from the right place.
That's their cause. Protesting is their right.

Personally I don't think it really a big deal to the cows, my uncle is a dairy Farmer in OK. His cows at least live a pretty damn good life.

I'm more concerned about the folks who would take the right to protest from them.
Spoken like a true nutter
How? Because I refused to say they shouldn't protest? Because I didn't say there were crazy? How does my response make me a "nutter". PLEase explain.

protests should be tolerated and allowed. But when a protest destroys personal or public property, disrupts traffic, or puts others at risk, that protest should be stopped.

civil free speech is guaranteed, but civil unrest and destruction is a violation of law.
Destruction yes, "unrest" is far to vague a term to quantify.

I agree on unrest. bad choice of words.

When antifa destroys property and physically attacks people and the Portland cops just stand and watch, that is a much bigger problem that we must address.

I think everyone with a lick of common sense agrees with that
Let me be clear here and say that antifa does not represent me or my beliefs.
Spoken like a true nutter
How? Because I refused to say they shouldn't protest? Because I didn't say there were crazy? How does my response make me a "nutter". PLEase explain.

protests should be tolerated and allowed. But when a protest destroys personal or public property, disrupts traffic, or puts others at risk, that protest should be stopped.

civil free speech is guaranteed, but civil unrest and destruction is a violation of law.
Destruction yes, "unrest" is far to vague a term to quantify.

I agree on unrest. bad choice of words.

When antifa destroys property and physically attacks people and the Portland cops just stand and watch, that is a much bigger problem that we must address.

I think everyone with a lick of common sense agrees with that
Let me be clear here and say that antifa does not represent me or my beliefs.
No Democrat leader has even come close to denouncing ANTIFA.

They are your Brownshirt Corp.
You would be.....
Course you have to be joking....otherwise I think you need to be banned.
Of course I'm joking. I'm just poking at Stumpy over there.

For the record I do not really support beheading tRump supporters. Nor do I really support imprisoning them in reeducation camps. It's just fun to fuck with some of your more gullible conservative types.
"Out of The Abundance of The Heart, a Man Speaks."

We know what is in your heart, because you tell us, every day.
Muslims have a habit of saying what they really feel.....and liberals think they're just joking.
The vast majority of Muslims will tell you all they want is to live their lives, just like you and me.

yes, that's true. I lived and worked in a Muslim country for several years, so I speak from personal experience.

most do just want to live their lives in peace, BUT, and its a big BUT, their religion tells them otherwise, their religion tells them that if they are true believers that they MUST hate and destroy all non-muslims and that they MUST do whatever they are told to do so that Islam can rule the entire world.

the problem is not the people, the problem is the religion and the hold it has on the people.
It can be interpreted that way, just like some fools here do the bible.

It doesn't have to be.
Of course I'm joking. I'm just poking at Stumpy over there.

For the record I do not really support beheading tRump supporters. Nor do I really support imprisoning them in reeducation camps. It's just fun to fuck with some of your more gullible conservative types.
"Out of The Abundance of The Heart, a Man Speaks."

We know what is in your heart, because you tell us, every day.
Muslims have a habit of saying what they really feel.....and liberals think they're just joking.
The vast majority of Muslims will tell you all they want is to live their lives, just like you and me.

yes, that's true. I lived and worked in a Muslim country for several years, so I speak from personal experience.

most do just want to live their lives in peace, BUT, and its a big BUT, their religion tells them otherwise, their religion tells them that if they are true believers that they MUST hate and destroy all non-muslims and that they MUST do whatever they are told to do so that Islam can rule the entire world.

the problem is not the people, the problem is the religion and the hold it has on the people.
It can be interpreted that way, just like some fools here do the bible.

It doesn't have to be.
Wow, now attacking the REVEREND MLK now!
"Out of The Abundance of The Heart, a Man Speaks."

We know what is in your heart, because you tell us, every day.
Muslims have a habit of saying what they really feel.....and liberals think they're just joking.
The vast majority of Muslims will tell you all they want is to live their lives, just like you and me.

yes, that's true. I lived and worked in a Muslim country for several years, so I speak from personal experience.

most do just want to live their lives in peace, BUT, and its a big BUT, their religion tells them otherwise, their religion tells them that if they are true believers that they MUST hate and destroy all non-muslims and that they MUST do whatever they are told to do so that Islam can rule the entire world.

the problem is not the people, the problem is the religion and the hold it has on the people.
It can be interpreted that way, just like some fools here do the bible.

It doesn't have to be.
Wow, now attacking the REVEREND MLK now!
Of course I'm joking. I'm just poking at Stumpy over there.

For the record I do not really support beheading tRump supporters. Nor do I really support imprisoning them in reeducation camps. It's just fun to fuck with some of your more gullible conservative types.
"Out of The Abundance of The Heart, a Man Speaks."

We know what is in your heart, because you tell us, every day.
Muslims have a habit of saying what they really feel.....and liberals think they're just joking.
The vast majority of Muslims will tell you all they want is to live their lives, just like you and me.

yes, that's true. I lived and worked in a Muslim country for several years, so I speak from personal experience.

most do just want to live their lives in peace, BUT, and its a big BUT, their religion tells them otherwise, their religion tells them that if they are true believers that they MUST hate and destroy all non-muslims and that they MUST do whatever they are told to do so that Islam can rule the entire world.

the problem is not the people, the problem is the religion and the hold it has on the people.
It can be interpreted that way, just like some fools here do the bible.

It doesn't have to be.
I think God means what he says when He talks about The Earth being in travail like a woman having Birth Pains before Christ Returns for His Church, and I don't think He was lying about Judgment Day.

Maybe you should move to Egypt because you are in DeNile.
"Out of The Abundance of The Heart, a Man Speaks."

We know what is in your heart, because you tell us, every day.
Muslims have a habit of saying what they really feel.....and liberals think they're just joking.
The vast majority of Muslims will tell you all they want is to live their lives, just like you and me.

yes, that's true. I lived and worked in a Muslim country for several years, so I speak from personal experience.

most do just want to live their lives in peace, BUT, and its a big BUT, their religion tells them otherwise, their religion tells them that if they are true believers that they MUST hate and destroy all non-muslims and that they MUST do whatever they are told to do so that Islam can rule the entire world.

the problem is not the people, the problem is the religion and the hold it has on the people.
It can be interpreted that way, just like some fools here do the bible.

It doesn't have to be.
I think God means what he says when He talks about The Earth being in travail like a woman having Birth Pains before Christ Returns for His Church, and I don't think He was lying about Judgment Day.

Maybe you should move to Egypt because you are in DeNile.
I've been to Egypt. Don't drink the water.

For that matter don't even touch the Nile, it's that polluted.
All I can tell you is what I've seen.

So can I and factory farms are not the same as your locally sourced family farm. The cows have horrible lives.

I don't want people to stop eating meat or anything so ridiculous but I do think you should see an animal slaughtered so you know where your pretty packaged T bone comes from.
My father raises cattle for beef. I've seen plenty of animals slaughtered.

Good. You know what sacrifice the animal has made. Most people don't.

Re: the little cartoon on your sig line. Did you have a similar one for Obama and his "wing man" Holder? or for Lynch when she had a secret meeting with Bill Clinton on a remote runway?

your hypocrisy is not surprising and confirms what I have always thought about you.;

No because Holder was never Obama's Roy Cohn...unlike Barr.

horseshit, Holder and Lynch were there to protect Barry the Kenyan and to try to destroy his enemies.

Can you tell us what Lynch and B Clinton talked about at their "accidental" meeting on a remote runway? do ya think it could have had anything to do with Comey refusing to prosecute her for violating national security laws or calling an investigation a "matter".

Barr is his own man, he owes nothing to anyone. What you libs fear about him is he will reveal the corruption of the dems and the obama administration.
Spoken like a true nutter
How? Because I refused to say they shouldn't protest? Because I didn't say there were crazy? How does my response make me a "nutter". PLEase explain.

protests should be tolerated and allowed. But when a protest destroys personal or public property, disrupts traffic, or puts others at risk, that protest should be stopped.

civil free speech is guaranteed, but civil unrest and destruction is a violation of law.
Destruction yes, "unrest" is far to vague a term to quantify.

I agree on unrest. bad choice of words.

When antifa destroys property and physically attacks people and the Portland cops just stand and watch, that is a much bigger problem that we must address.

I think everyone with a lick of common sense agrees with that
Let me be clear here and say that antifa does not represent me or my beliefs.

good, but they do represent the beliefs of the DNC. so what are you doing about that?
How? Because I refused to say they shouldn't protest? Because I didn't say there were crazy? How does my response make me a "nutter". PLEase explain.

protests should be tolerated and allowed. But when a protest destroys personal or public property, disrupts traffic, or puts others at risk, that protest should be stopped.

civil free speech is guaranteed, but civil unrest and destruction is a violation of law.
Destruction yes, "unrest" is far to vague a term to quantify.

I agree on unrest. bad choice of words.

When antifa destroys property and physically attacks people and the Portland cops just stand and watch, that is a much bigger problem that we must address.

I think everyone with a lick of common sense agrees with that
Let me be clear here and say that antifa does not represent me or my beliefs.

good, but they do represent the beliefs of the DNC. so what are you doing about that?
No, they don't. I do.
Of course I'm joking. I'm just poking at Stumpy over there.

For the record I do not really support beheading tRump supporters. Nor do I really support imprisoning them in reeducation camps. It's just fun to fuck with some of your more gullible conservative types.
"Out of The Abundance of The Heart, a Man Speaks."

We know what is in your heart, because you tell us, every day.
Muslims have a habit of saying what they really feel.....and liberals think they're just joking.
The vast majority of Muslims will tell you all they want is to live their lives, just like you and me.

yes, that's true. I lived and worked in a Muslim country for several years, so I speak from personal experience.

most do just want to live their lives in peace, BUT, and its a big BUT, their religion tells them otherwise, their religion tells them that if they are true believers that they MUST hate and destroy all non-muslims and that they MUST do whatever they are told to do so that Islam can rule the entire world.

the problem is not the people, the problem is the religion and the hold it has on the people.
It can be interpreted that way, just like some fools here do the bible.

It doesn't have to be.

maybe so, but the vast majority of muslim clerics interpret it as I described. If you think some have a more tolerant view, give us a list of their names or which countries they represent
protests should be tolerated and allowed. But when a protest destroys personal or public property, disrupts traffic, or puts others at risk, that protest should be stopped.

civil free speech is guaranteed, but civil unrest and destruction is a violation of law.
Destruction yes, "unrest" is far to vague a term to quantify.

I agree on unrest. bad choice of words.

When antifa destroys property and physically attacks people and the Portland cops just stand and watch, that is a much bigger problem that we must address.

I think everyone with a lick of common sense agrees with that
Let me be clear here and say that antifa does not represent me or my beliefs.

good, but they do represent the beliefs of the DNC. so what are you doing about that?
No, they don't. I do.

which of the current crop of dem candidates have openly condemned the actions of Antifa? answer: none of them
"Out of The Abundance of The Heart, a Man Speaks."

We know what is in your heart, because you tell us, every day.
Muslims have a habit of saying what they really feel.....and liberals think they're just joking.
The vast majority of Muslims will tell you all they want is to live their lives, just like you and me.

yes, that's true. I lived and worked in a Muslim country for several years, so I speak from personal experience.

most do just want to live their lives in peace, BUT, and its a big BUT, their religion tells them otherwise, their religion tells them that if they are true believers that they MUST hate and destroy all non-muslims and that they MUST do whatever they are told to do so that Islam can rule the entire world.

the problem is not the people, the problem is the religion and the hold it has on the people.
It can be interpreted that way, just like some fools here do the bible.

It doesn't have to be.

maybe so, but the vast majority of muslim clerics interpret it as I described. If you think some have a more tolerant view, give us a list of their names or which countries they represent
I'm afraid that just isn't true.

Yes, the loud sensationalist ones tend to be anti-western, but that's a very few out of a very very many.
Destruction yes, "unrest" is far to vague a term to quantify.

I agree on unrest. bad choice of words.

When antifa destroys property and physically attacks people and the Portland cops just stand and watch, that is a much bigger problem that we must address.

I think everyone with a lick of common sense agrees with that
Let me be clear here and say that antifa does not represent me or my beliefs.

good, but they do represent the beliefs of the DNC. so what are you doing about that?
No, they don't. I do.

which of the current crop of dem candidates have openly condemned the actions of Antifa? answer: none of them
Antifa haven't been in the news for months. It's not topical at the moment and no one has asked them about it.

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