I Have No Idea Why Bernie Supporters Are Seen As Clueless Nutters

Practical. Like stripping your clothes off in public and pouring red fluid over yourself because you think the biggest tragedy in the world today is cows being milked.
That's their cause. Protesting is their right.

Personally I don't think it really a big deal to the cows, my uncle is a dairy Farmer in OK. His cows at least live a pretty damn good life.

I'm more concerned about the folks who would take the right to protest from them.
Dairy cows have a great life. They eat all day long and they get milked a couple of times a day.
That's a pretty good life.
I wish I could get that kind of treatment.
Lol, that was kinda my point. Uncle Bill's cows just spend their days ambling around this huge pasture, plenty to eat and drink, no predators, not a care in the world. Hell they don't even have to wait to be milked. When the feel like it they mosey up to the barn and the whole thing is automatic.

So yes, that was a pretty damn silly thing to protest about.

However I fully support their right to do it, and of course I'm fine with them getting naked.

Except that isn't the way it goes for most dairy cows...

18 Images Big Dairy Doesn't Want You to See (but PETA Will Show You) | PETA
All I can tell you is what I've seen.

So can I and factory farms are not the same as your locally sourced family farm. The cows have horrible lives.

I don't want people to stop eating meat or anything so ridiculous but I do think you should see an animal slaughtered so you know where your pretty packaged T bone comes from.
Huh? Who said anything about Christians?

I'm talking about you bloody tRumplings.
Most of President Trump's Supporters are Christians. And yes, you are Insane, poisoned by your own lies, and by your own hatred. The curse of insanity, and blindness to Truth is promised people such as you.

You can read all about yourself right here. I provided a couple snippets.

Why is God going to send a strong delusion in the end times? | GotQuestions.org

Question: "Why is God going to send a strong delusion in the end times?"

Answer: The Bible makes it clear why God is sending a strong delusion in the end times: “They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness” (2 Thessalonians 2:10-12). Simply put, God sends a strong delusion to those who chose not to believe the gospel of Christ. Those who take delight in mocking and rejecting Him, He will condemn.

As a result of man’s foolishness and his arrogant disdain of the things of God, “God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done” (Romans 1:28). And correspondingly, “Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things, but also approve of those who practice them” (Romans 1:32).

Isaiah puts it succinctly: “They have chosen their own ways, and their souls delight in their abominations; so I [God] also will choose harsh treatment for them and bring upon them what they dread. For when I called, no one answered, when I spoke, no one listened. They did evil in My sight and chose what displeases Me” (Isaiah 66:3-4).

When men know the truth and refuse to receive it, when they refuse to obey it and hold it in unrighteousness, “they will be condemned for enjoying evil rather than believing the truth” (2 Thessalonians 2:12 NLT).

“God is love” (1 John 4:16). He is not some cruel monster who deliberately and inwardly delights in preparing people for everlasting condemnation. But He earnestly and lovingly proclaims the gospel of Christ, “not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9).
Naw, real christians don't act that way.

Hell, I'm more "Christian" than you and I'm an atheist.

But you love your sins, and you have no one to pay for your crimes against man and God in the Heavenly Court House. How will you then avoid the Sentence that you shall receive for your life spent in wickedness, disbelief and unrepentance?

Just because you are in denial about your court date, does not mean that there won't be a bench warrant sworn out for your arrest and imprisonment.

The First thing an Atheist does when he gets sent to Hell is kneel before God, and acknowledge He is God in Hell, but God no longer hears them, as they have chosen their fate, and their case is closed, and sentence already passed. So yes, Atheist, You Will Believe in God, but you will be In Hell by the time you acknowledge God.

Too Little Too Late.
What crimes are those?
You don't read the Bible do you? Everyone sins, including me. But you have to resist temptation and not do those things you did before and be in repentance. I would liken being a Sinner to being any number of persons addicted to any number of things. Being a Christian is like being a member of AA. You reject sin, and combat it, instead of giving in to it, and it is a daily battle for the rest of your life. They more you reject it and walk in Christ, the stronger you get at resisting it and making yourself acceptable to God through Christ.

Look man, Hell is a nasty place, and you don't have to go there. None of you leftists on this forum who preach hate, slander and who daily lie and promote ungodliness have to. Christ paid the price, wrestled back the keys to Hell and Death and then rose again....for you. I see you all as lost souls, who maybe some might be able to still find God through Christ, and be a Warrior for God and for Good, instead of a Soldier for Sin.

Everything you see around you, The Government of Men, all of our buildings, our machines, our roads, dams, bridges, will be Burnt Up, when The Earth is Reborn and Remade like The Garden of Eden. Then Christ will be The Government and No Injustice, or War, or Death, or Sickness, or Strife will exist upon Earth.

So will your agendas, be burnt up during the Restoration of Earth after The Judgment Day. There is no reason for you to engage in daily slander and vitriol for something just temporary. And also I might remind you, EVIL does win in The End for a short time. God removes "Good" from The Earth and gives The Evil one 7 Years of Absolute Rule to make The World in to what he wants it to look like, and it becomes a complete disaster.

But if you want to be here when that happens, want to see The Global Government Come, and all the plagues that come with it, no one is stopping you. Globalism is Evil.

Anyone with sense should fight it, and delay it to give people a chance to repent before it is implemented.
I've read it. I've also read the Koran and the Torah. Interesting works of fiction one and all.

None of them pushes the terrible behaviors I see from all points on the religious spectrum.

That's one of the reasons I'm an atheist.
"Out of The Abundance of The Heart, a Man Speaks."

We know what is in your heart, because you tell us, every day.
Muslims have a habit of saying what they really feel.....and liberals think they're just joking.
The vast majority of Muslims will tell you all they want is to live their lives, just like you and me.
While the plow airplanes into buildings and behead Christians....
While RWNJ christians shoot up.churches and blow up daycare centers.

What's your point? That people do bad things sometimes?

I think we all already knew that.
My point is you are a fool.
Ah, so you don't have one.

You coulda just said so and saved us all a lotta time.
That's their cause. Protesting is their right.

Personally I don't think it really a big deal to the cows, my uncle is a dairy Farmer in OK. His cows at least live a pretty damn good life.

I'm more concerned about the folks who would take the right to protest from them.
Dairy cows have a great life. They eat all day long and they get milked a couple of times a day.
That's a pretty good life.
I wish I could get that kind of treatment.
Lol, that was kinda my point. Uncle Bill's cows just spend their days ambling around this huge pasture, plenty to eat and drink, no predators, not a care in the world. Hell they don't even have to wait to be milked. When the feel like it they mosey up to the barn and the whole thing is automatic.

So yes, that was a pretty damn silly thing to protest about.

However I fully support their right to do it, and of course I'm fine with them getting naked.

Except that isn't the way it goes for most dairy cows...

18 Images Big Dairy Doesn't Want You to See (but PETA Will Show You) | PETA
All I can tell you is what I've seen.

So can I and factory farms are not the same as your locally sourced family farm. The cows have horrible lives.

I don't want people to stop eating meat or anything so ridiculous but I do think you should see an animal slaughtered so you know where your pretty packaged T bone comes from.
My father raises cattle for beef. I've seen plenty of animals slaughtered.
I'm ok with that.
You would be.....
Course you have to be joking....otherwise I think you need to be banned.
Of course I'm joking. I'm just poking at Stumpy over there.

For the record I do not really support beheading tRump supporters. Nor do I really support imprisoning them in reeducation camps. It's just fun to fuck with some of your more gullible conservative types.
"Out of The Abundance of The Heart, a Man Speaks."

We know what is in your heart, because you tell us, every day.
Muslims have a habit of saying what they really feel.....and liberals think they're just joking.
The vast majority of Muslims will tell you all they want is to live their lives, just like you and me.
There are good people within The Muslim Population. The Prophesies say for instance That Iran, despite it's being part of an alliance with Russia and Turkey, and attempts to destroy Israel, and loses 90% of their entire military force, The Remaining People turn to God, and have a Zeal for God, and accept Jesus as their Savior and Reject Allah. There will be a Christian Revival in Iran per The Scriptures and Prophecies.

It is not The Race of a People that are Wicked. It is what people believe that makes them Wicked. There will be Many Arabs in Heaven and on The Restored Earth after the 2nd coming, but all of them will be Believers in Christ as God, The Son of God, The Messiah, and The Prince of Peace.

Islam denies The Messiah, and is therefore a false religion. Many in The Arab World have turned from Islam and towards Messiah even refusing to Deny Christ while being beheaded, burned alive, drowned, and shot and buried in mass graves.

What person would die for a lie knowing it will cost them their life?

Believers in Christ do this for their Love of God who first loved them.
Dairy cows have a great life. They eat all day long and they get milked a couple of times a day.
That's a pretty good life.
I wish I could get that kind of treatment.
Lol, that was kinda my point. Uncle Bill's cows just spend their days ambling around this huge pasture, plenty to eat and drink, no predators, not a care in the world. Hell they don't even have to wait to be milked. When the feel like it they mosey up to the barn and the whole thing is automatic.

So yes, that was a pretty damn silly thing to protest about.

However I fully support their right to do it, and of course I'm fine with them getting naked.

Except that isn't the way it goes for most dairy cows...

18 Images Big Dairy Doesn't Want You to See (but PETA Will Show You) | PETA
All I can tell you is what I've seen.

So can I and factory farms are not the same as your locally sourced family farm. The cows have horrible lives.

I don't want people to stop eating meat or anything so ridiculous but I do think you should see an animal slaughtered so you know where your pretty packaged T bone comes from.
My father raises cattle for beef. I've seen plenty of animals slaughtered.

Good. You know what sacrifice the animal has made. Most people don't.
Lol, that was kinda my point. Uncle Bill's cows just spend their days ambling around this huge pasture, plenty to eat and drink, no predators, not a care in the world. Hell they don't even have to wait to be milked. When the feel like it they mosey up to the barn and the whole thing is automatic.

So yes, that was a pretty damn silly thing to protest about.

However I fully support their right to do it, and of course I'm fine with them getting naked.

Except that isn't the way it goes for most dairy cows...

18 Images Big Dairy Doesn't Want You to See (but PETA Will Show You) | PETA
All I can tell you is what I've seen.

So can I and factory farms are not the same as your locally sourced family farm. The cows have horrible lives.

I don't want people to stop eating meat or anything so ridiculous but I do think you should see an animal slaughtered so you know where your pretty packaged T bone comes from.
My father raises cattle for beef. I've seen plenty of animals slaughtered.

Good. You know what sacrifice the animal has made. Most people don't.
I just picked out my new calf last weekend. I named him "Sir loin".

I'm almost done eating T-bone so it's time to start feeding another one up.
I'm ok with that.
You would be.....
Course you have to be joking....otherwise I think you need to be banned.
Of course I'm joking. I'm just poking at Stumpy over there.

For the record I do not really support beheading tRump supporters. Nor do I really support imprisoning them in reeducation camps. It's just fun to fuck with some of your more gullible conservative types.
"Out of The Abundance of The Heart, a Man Speaks."

We know what is in your heart, because you tell us, every day.
Muslims have a habit of saying what they really feel.....and liberals think they're just joking.
The vast majority of Muslims will tell you all they want is to live their lives, just like you and me.
There are good people within The Muslim Population. The Prophesies say for instance That Iran, despite it's being part of an alliance with Russia and Turkey, and attempts to destroy Israel, and loses 90% of their entire military force, The Remaining People turn to God, and have a Zeal for God, and accept Jesus as their Savior and Reject Allah.

It is not The Race of People that are Wicked. It is what people believe that makes them Wicked. There will be Many Arabs in Heaven and on The Restored Earth, but all of them will be Believers in Christ as God, The Son of God, The Messiah, and The Prince of Peace.

Islam denies The Messiah, and is therefore a false religion. Many in The Arab World have turned from Islam even refusing to Deny Christ while being beheaded, burned alive drowned, and shot and burie

Most of President Trump's Supporters are Christians. And yes, you are Insane, poisoned by your own lies, and by your own hatred. The curse of insanity, and blindness to Truth is promised people such as you.

You can read all about yourself right here. I provided a couple snippets.

Why is God going to send a strong delusion in the end times? | GotQuestions.org

Question: "Why is God going to send a strong delusion in the end times?"

Answer: The Bible makes it clear why God is sending a strong delusion in the end times: “They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness” (2 Thessalonians 2:10-12). Simply put, God sends a strong delusion to those who chose not to believe the gospel of Christ. Those who take delight in mocking and rejecting Him, He will condemn.

As a result of man’s foolishness and his arrogant disdain of the things of God, “God gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done” (Romans 1:28). And correspondingly, “Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things, but also approve of those who practice them” (Romans 1:32).

Isaiah puts it succinctly: “They have chosen their own ways, and their souls delight in their abominations; so I [God] also will choose harsh treatment for them and bring upon them what they dread. For when I called, no one answered, when I spoke, no one listened. They did evil in My sight and chose what displeases Me” (Isaiah 66:3-4).

When men know the truth and refuse to receive it, when they refuse to obey it and hold it in unrighteousness, “they will be condemned for enjoying evil rather than believing the truth” (2 Thessalonians 2:12 NLT).

“God is love” (1 John 4:16). He is not some cruel monster who deliberately and inwardly delights in preparing people for everlasting condemnation. But He earnestly and lovingly proclaims the gospel of Christ, “not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance” (2 Peter 3:9).
Naw, real christians don't act that way.

Hell, I'm more "Christian" than you and I'm an atheist.

But you love your sins, and you have no one to pay for your crimes against man and God in the Heavenly Court House. How will you then avoid the Sentence that you shall receive for your life spent in wickedness, disbelief and unrepentance?

Just because you are in denial about your court date, does not mean that there won't be a bench warrant sworn out for your arrest and imprisonment.

The First thing an Atheist does when he gets sent to Hell is kneel before God, and acknowledge He is God in Hell, but God no longer hears them, as they have chosen their fate, and their case is closed, and sentence already passed. So yes, Atheist, You Will Believe in God, but you will be In Hell by the time you acknowledge God.

Too Little Too Late.
What crimes are those?
You don't read the Bible do you? Everyone sins, including me. But you have to resist temptation and not do those things you did before and be in repentance. I would liken being a Sinner to being any number of persons addicted to any number of things. Being a Christian is like being a member of AA. You reject sin, and combat it, instead of giving in to it, and it is a daily battle for the rest of your life. They more you reject it and walk in Christ, the stronger you get at resisting it and making yourself acceptable to God through Christ.

Look man, Hell is a nasty place, and you don't have to go there. None of you leftists on this forum who preach hate, slander and who daily lie and promote ungodliness have to. Christ paid the price, wrestled back the keys to Hell and Death and then rose again....for you. I see you all as lost souls, who maybe some might be able to still find God through Christ, and be a Warrior for God and for Good, instead of a Soldier for Sin.

Everything you see around you, The Government of Men, all of our buildings, our machines, our roads, dams, bridges, will be Burnt Up, when The Earth is Reborn and Remade like The Garden of Eden. Then Christ will be The Government and No Injustice, or War, or Death, or Sickness, or Strife will exist upon Earth.

So will your agendas, be burnt up during the Restoration of Earth after The Judgment Day. There is no reason for you to engage in daily slander and vitriol for something just temporary. And also I might remind you, EVIL does win in The End for a short time. God removes "Good" from The Earth and gives The Evil one 7 Years of Absolute Rule to make The World in to what he wants it to look like, and it becomes a complete disaster.

But if you want to be here when that happens, want to see The Global Government Come, and all the plagues that come with it, no one is stopping you. Globalism is Evil.

Anyone with sense should fight it, and delay it to give people a chance to repent before it is implemented.
I've read it. I've also read the Koran and the Torah. Interesting works of fiction one and all.

None of them pushes the terrible behaviors I see from all points on the religious spectrum.

That's one of the reasons I'm an atheist.
So when you see say a group like ISIS beheading 100s of thousands of Christians who have done No Evil thing to them. And they refuse to deny Christ, what does that say to you, Atheist?

Where do you go when you die? Where does your spirit go? There is no such thing as an Atheist, because it takes just as much faith to deny there is a God as it does to believe in one, in fact, I'd challenge that it takes more faith to refuse to believe in God, than it does to believe in God, because we have historical accounts of the existence of God.
All I can tell you is what I've seen.

So can I and factory farms are not the same as your locally sourced family farm. The cows have horrible lives.

I don't want people to stop eating meat or anything so ridiculous but I do think you should see an animal slaughtered so you know where your pretty packaged T bone comes from.
My father raises cattle for beef. I've seen plenty of animals slaughtered.

Good. You know what sacrifice the animal has made. Most people don't.
I just picked out my new calf last weekend. I named him "Sir loin".

I'm almost done eating T-bone so it's time to start feeding another one up.
i had friends that bought two pigs every year and named them the same so there was no confusion. They were named Pork and Chop. Most people have no idea where their meat and dairy comes from. It's not from the cows in fields they show you in commercials.
Practical. Like stripping your clothes off in public and pouring red fluid over yourself because you think the biggest tragedy in the world today is cows being milked.
That's their cause. Protesting is their right.

Personally I don't think it really a big deal to the cows, my uncle is a dairy Farmer in OK. His cows at least live a pretty damn good life.

I'm more concerned about the folks who would take the right to protest from them.
Spoken like a true nutter
How? Because I refused to say they shouldn't protest? Because I didn't say there were crazy? How does my response make me a "nutter". PLEase explain.

protests should be tolerated and allowed. But when a protest destroys personal or public property, disrupts traffic, or puts others at risk, that protest should be stopped.

civil free speech is guaranteed, but civil unrest and destruction is a violation of law.
Destruction yes, "unrest" is far to vague a term to quantify.

I agree on unrest. bad choice of words.

When antifa destroys property and physically attacks people and the Portland cops just stand and watch, that is a much bigger problem that we must address.

I think everyone with a lick of common sense agrees with that
Lol, that was kinda my point. Uncle Bill's cows just spend their days ambling around this huge pasture, plenty to eat and drink, no predators, not a care in the world. Hell they don't even have to wait to be milked. When the feel like it they mosey up to the barn and the whole thing is automatic.

So yes, that was a pretty damn silly thing to protest about.

However I fully support their right to do it, and of course I'm fine with them getting naked.

Except that isn't the way it goes for most dairy cows...

18 Images Big Dairy Doesn't Want You to See (but PETA Will Show You) | PETA
All I can tell you is what I've seen.

So can I and factory farms are not the same as your locally sourced family farm. The cows have horrible lives.

I don't want people to stop eating meat or anything so ridiculous but I do think you should see an animal slaughtered so you know where your pretty packaged T bone comes from.
My father raises cattle for beef. I've seen plenty of animals slaughtered.

Good. You know what sacrifice the animal has made. Most people don't.

the animal "makes a sacrifice"??? God put animals on earth for humans to eat or keep as pets. He put plants on earth for humans and animals to eat and to create oxygen that humans and animals need to survive. Its a balance and it was designed to be so. Does a head of cabbage "make a sacrifice" when you pull it from the ground and chop it up for cole slaw?

I do think that we should use humane ways to slaughter animals for food, and we do, processing plants are predominately clean and the kills are quick and painless. but the bottom line is that humans need protein to survive and animals ;provide the best source of protein.
All I can tell you is what I've seen.

So can I and factory farms are not the same as your locally sourced family farm. The cows have horrible lives.

I don't want people to stop eating meat or anything so ridiculous but I do think you should see an animal slaughtered so you know where your pretty packaged T bone comes from.
My father raises cattle for beef. I've seen plenty of animals slaughtered.

Good. You know what sacrifice the animal has made. Most people don't.
I just picked out my new calf last weekend. I named him "Sir loin".

I'm almost done eating T-bone so it's time to start feeding another one up.
i had friends that bought two pigs every year and named them the same so there was no confusion. They were named Pork and Chop. Most people have no idea where their meat and dairy comes from. It's not from the cows in fields they show you in commercials.

yeah, so what? What point are you laboring to make this morning?
I'm ok with that.
You would be.....
Course you have to be joking....otherwise I think you need to be banned.
Of course I'm joking. I'm just poking at Stumpy over there.

For the record I do not really support beheading tRump supporters. Nor do I really support imprisoning them in reeducation camps. It's just fun to fuck with some of your more gullible conservative types.
"Out of The Abundance of The Heart, a Man Speaks."

We know what is in your heart, because you tell us, every day.
Muslims have a habit of saying what they really feel.....and liberals think they're just joking.
The vast majority of Muslims will tell you all they want is to live their lives, just like you and me.

yes, that's true. I lived and worked in a Muslim country for several years, so I speak from personal experience.

most do just want to live their lives in peace, BUT, and its a big BUT, their religion tells them otherwise, their religion tells them that if they are true believers that they MUST hate and destroy all non-muslims and that they MUST do whatever they are told to do so that Islam can rule the entire world.

the problem is not the people, the problem is the religion and the hold it has on the people.
Lol, that was kinda my point. Uncle Bill's cows just spend their days ambling around this huge pasture, plenty to eat and drink, no predators, not a care in the world. Hell they don't even have to wait to be milked. When the feel like it they mosey up to the barn and the whole thing is automatic.

So yes, that was a pretty damn silly thing to protest about.

However I fully support their right to do it, and of course I'm fine with them getting naked.

Except that isn't the way it goes for most dairy cows...

18 Images Big Dairy Doesn't Want You to See (but PETA Will Show You) | PETA
All I can tell you is what I've seen.

So can I and factory farms are not the same as your locally sourced family farm. The cows have horrible lives.

I don't want people to stop eating meat or anything so ridiculous but I do think you should see an animal slaughtered so you know where your pretty packaged T bone comes from.
My father raises cattle for beef. I've seen plenty of animals slaughtered.

Good. You know what sacrifice the animal has made. Most people don't.
I sacrifice the cows to save your precious vegan food.
Lol, that was kinda my point. Uncle Bill's cows just spend their days ambling around this huge pasture, plenty to eat and drink, no predators, not a care in the world. Hell they don't even have to wait to be milked. When the feel like it they mosey up to the barn and the whole thing is automatic.

So yes, that was a pretty damn silly thing to protest about.

However I fully support their right to do it, and of course I'm fine with them getting naked.

Except that isn't the way it goes for most dairy cows...

18 Images Big Dairy Doesn't Want You to See (but PETA Will Show You) | PETA
All I can tell you is what I've seen.

So can I and factory farms are not the same as your locally sourced family farm. The cows have horrible lives.

I don't want people to stop eating meat or anything so ridiculous but I do think you should see an animal slaughtered so you know where your pretty packaged T bone comes from.
My father raises cattle for beef. I've seen plenty of animals slaughtered.

Good. You know what sacrifice the animal has made. Most people don't.

Re: the little cartoon on your sig line. Did you have a similar one for Obama and his "wing man" Holder? or for Lynch when she had a secret meeting with Bill Clinton on a remote runway?

your hypocrisy is not surprising and confirms what I have always thought about you.;
We know that. I already figured out long ago you were mentally Ill and or Demon Possessed. No one can be filled with such illogical hate unless it comes from Hell and mental illness.
Naw, just being practical. Some people can't be saved, so might as well.get rid of them quickly.
Practical. Like stripping your clothes off in public and pouring red fluid over yourself because you think the biggest tragedy in the world today is cows being milked.
That's their cause. Protesting is their right.

Personally I don't think it really a big deal to the cows, my uncle is a dairy Farmer in OK. His cows at least live a pretty damn good life.

I'm more concerned about the folks who would take the right to protest from them.
Dairy cows have a great life. They eat all day long and they get milked a couple of times a day.
That's a pretty good life.
I wish I could get that kind of treatment.
Lol, that was kinda my point. Uncle Bill's cows just spend their days ambling around this huge pasture, plenty to eat and drink, no predators, not a care in the world. Hell they don't even have to wait to be milked. When the feel like it they mosey up to the barn and the whole thing is automatic.

So yes, that was a pretty damn silly thing to protest about.

However I fully support their right to do it, and of course I'm fine with them getting naked.
So you fully support grabbing the mic at Bernie rally’s and disruption of the rally’s.

Good to know, needs to occur every time he shows up.
All I can tell you is what I've seen.

So can I and factory farms are not the same as your locally sourced family farm. The cows have horrible lives.

I don't want people to stop eating meat or anything so ridiculous but I do think you should see an animal slaughtered so you know where your pretty packaged T bone comes from.
My father raises cattle for beef. I've seen plenty of animals slaughtered.

Good. You know what sacrifice the animal has made. Most people don't.
I sacrifice the cows to save your precious vegan food.

good for you, cows and vegans eat the same things--------------the poor little helpless plants and grasses.
All I can tell you is what I've seen.

So can I and factory farms are not the same as your locally sourced family farm. The cows have horrible lives.

I don't want people to stop eating meat or anything so ridiculous but I do think you should see an animal slaughtered so you know where your pretty packaged T bone comes from.
My father raises cattle for beef. I've seen plenty of animals slaughtered.

Good. You know what sacrifice the animal has made. Most people don't.

the animal "makes a sacrifice"??? God put animals on earth for humans to eat or keep as pets. He put plants on earth for humans and animals to eat and to create oxygen that humans and animals need to survive. Its a balance and it was designed to be so. Does a head of cabbage "make a sacrifice" when you pull it from the ground and chop it up for cole slaw?

I do think that we should use humane ways to slaughter animals for food, and we do, processing plants are predominately clean and the kills are quick and painless. but the bottom line is that humans need protein to survive and animals ;provide the best source of protein.

"God" didn't do diddly. And no, the "kills" are not predominately quick and painless. People get their meats nicely packaged at the store with no idea how ugly, bloody and messy slaughtering an animal actually is. I just think people should see it done so they can appreciate the sacrifice.
All I can tell you is what I've seen.

So can I and factory farms are not the same as your locally sourced family farm. The cows have horrible lives.

I don't want people to stop eating meat or anything so ridiculous but I do think you should see an animal slaughtered so you know where your pretty packaged T bone comes from.
My father raises cattle for beef. I've seen plenty of animals slaughtered.

Good. You know what sacrifice the animal has made. Most people don't.
I sacrifice the cows to save your precious vegan food.

I'm not vegan or even vegetarian. I just made some delicious venison jerkey. The key is to marinate it in Dale's.

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