I have no words for this AZ SC ruling

The AZ Supreme Court ruling on the Mormon Church is quite disturbing. Considering that LDS church is very strong in AZ factors in this situaiton.
The AZ Supreme Court ruling on the Mormon Church is quite disturbing. Considering that LDS church is very strong in AZ factors in this situaiton.

Again, I don't have a problem with this ruling unless the LDS was openly encouraging the abuse.

Usually, if someone confesses to a clergyman, they are seeking guidance how to resolve something they did wrong because they feel bad about it. That can't happen if you think your clergyman can't be trusted.

So if you have 10 pedophiles who confess to their clergyman, and nine of them turn themselves in after being counselled, it's a win.

If none of them turn themselves in because they were afraid that the Clergyman might turn them in, then that's a loss.
Again, I don't have a problem with this ruling unless the LDS was openly encouraging the abuse.

Usually, if someone confesses to a clergyman, they are seeking guidance how to resolve something they did wrong because they feel bad about it. That can't happen if you think your clergyman can't be trusted.

So if you have 10 pedophiles who confess to their clergyman, and nine of them turn themselves in after being counselled, it's a win.

If none of them turn themselves in because they were afraid that the Clergyman might turn them in, then that's a loss.
If the clergyman uses the info gained in confession to pick a victim pool..that's also a loss. How often do you think that's happened?
Ok, I do have words. And im sure many of you know what they are..

On April 7, the Arizona Supreme Court ruled that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints can refuse to report child sex abuse if the abuser confesses to the crime in a confessional setting.

This is one big load of BS. This is nothing more than special rights for the religious. AZ law requires you to report child abuse. Unless you tell a man in a robe in a church. SMH
The seal of the confessional is sacrosanct. It's upheld by law.
Might be sick, might be wrong but if you confess to a priest, it's like you told a member of the Illuminati.
It's the law in almost every state, though.

I am not so sure. Mind you, my perspective is from an atheist who has little use for men of the cloth... but...

If the purpose of confession is to be able to seek console, can you really do that if you have a suspicion the clergyman is going to run right off and report you to the cops?

Most religions require people to make amends when they confess to a sin. Again, no fan of the Mormons, but I'm sure even they get that right.

So a clergy-penitant privilege is meant to encourage resolving a problem. Just like you should be able to discuss your actions with a lawyer, without him turning you in. It's to encourage free communication.
The Mormon church has been corrupt for decades.... where do you think they got their power? In the 70s and 80s by overseeing Vegas .

They ALLOWED the mob to come in and do their thing.
But until the FBI finally infiltrated with Howard Hughes buying up casinos....etc.. the State of Nevada commissioners and other officials.... they were OWNED by the Mormons....they made billions....then branched off to real estate, healthcare and everything else.

While the mafia was literally laundering their money straight to the Vatican and kick back to Chicago and New York of course the Mormons were building a huge church of their own tax free empire .
Ok, I do have words. And im sure many of you know what they are..

On April 7, the Arizona Supreme Court ruled that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints can refuse to report child sex abuse if the abuser confesses to the crime in a confessional setting.

This is one big load of BS. This is nothing more than special rights for the religious. AZ law requires you to report child abuse. Unless you tell a man in a robe in a church. SMH
Money and power = political privilege and abuse.

It's not just government that does this.

They just can't make hell hot enough.

Then they will be sent to public schools to get groomed by Joe Biden and company.
Ok, I do have words. And im sure many of you know what they are..

On April 7, the Arizona Supreme Court ruled that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints can refuse to report child sex abuse if the abuser confesses to the crime in a confessional setting.

This is one big load of BS. This is nothing more than special rights for the religious. AZ law requires you to report child abuse. Unless you tell a man in a robe in a church. SMH
you would think conscience would compel you also if you knew of such. Bad look for any "church"
Money and power = political privilege and abuse.

It's not just government that does this.

They just can't make hell hot enough.

Then they will be sent to public schools to get groomed by Joe Biden and company.
Who will? The Republicans?
A drag show is not a strip show. How silly of you. And we should draw a line on all abusive clergy.
A drag show is about sex.

And if it is not about sex, it would not be about a man dressing as a woman

Children are not developed well enough to take sexual development, that comes later

They don't need to have a lap dance done by a man with an mustache dressed in a flimsy dress

Wait.................why am I even wasting my time here? This is just common sense and facts of science.

I'm talking to lunatics.

Never mind.
I'm all for confessions being kept private. But I think even Jesus would be willing to forgive a priest reporting someone diddling kids to the cops. I would imagine a priest would be morally compelled to do it regardless of his faith because that is one inexcusable crime.
As a Mormon, I have never been in the position of having to seek religious counsel with regard to a sin that involves serious illegality, so I can only speak in fairly abstract terms.

The Mormon view of repentance and salvation requires one to turn away from the sin, and to make every reasonable effort to make amends. It is not at all like how I perceive (possibly incorrectly) the Catholic idea that you can be absolved of a sin merely by confessing it to a priest and doing some minor penance. The Mormon needs for confidentiality between a confessed sinner and a clergyman is probably somewhat different than the Catholic version, but no less valid.

With regard to something as serious as sexual child abuse, this is not a matter over which a Mormon is going to find any easy absolution. The Bishop, in dealing with such a sin, will certainly offer what hep he can in helping the sinner to overcome it, to make whatever amends need to be made, and to prevent it from being repeated. It is very likely that this will require the offender to turn himself in to legal authorities, and face whatever legal consequence will result from his behavior. But that is his place to do, not the Bishop's.

And for a sin this serious, failure to fully repent, (which, again, may require submitting to legal justice) will very likely result in excommunication.

There's really not much more than that that the church can do, or should rationally be expected to do.
Ok, I do have words. And im sure many of you know what they are..

On April 7, the Arizona Supreme Court ruled that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints can refuse to report child sex abuse if the abuser confesses to the crime in a confessional setting.

This is one big load of BS. This is nothing more than special rights for the religious. AZ law requires you to report child abuse. Unless you tell a man in a robe in a church. SMH

If a person could not confess to a priest or pastor because it would have to be reported, obviously no one would ever confess. In the Catholic Church, the priest does not know who the penitent is anyway, unless it is a small parish and the priest knows the person by his/her voice, but many Catholics confess serious sins to an unknown priest for this reason.

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