I have noticed an undercurrent on this board, which is that Biden won, however most of the Biden supporters are miserable

Shouldn't the Biden crowd be happy? I mean you got what you wanted, we will all be paying more tax, Joe will let trannies back in the little girls room, illegal mexican women will be allowed to scrub the white house floor again. So why are you guys being so nasty? Be joyous

Perhaps because you can not really afford to pay more taxes and you know this. Or perhaps because I am going to the Little Wayne concert with 50 cent

Be happy, you had nothing and have less now

So smile nothing is changed for you
I'm really more just dismayed at the insanity that Trump is encouraging among his loyal base members.

LOL He doesn't have to encourage anything. This has been the shadiest election I've ever seen. I don't need anyone to encourage me to believe that. I've got two eyes and two ears. What a clusterfuck of an election.

Yes, I'm sure that's the way you would think. An election where everyone got to vote, and the votes were counted - on camera so no shenanigans. How insane is that? No voter suppression, no tossing ballots out.

It must have been painful for you to watch it.
Hope they enjoy Biden cause the rest of America sure won't.
That is the point, I do not really see any happiness from the biden crowd. Or at least when you read their post here there is an undercurrent of unhappiness or even rage. I seriously think many of these people know that they can not afford more taxes and that they just fucked themselves
They're unhappy and enraged by nature. A Trump win would have sent them over the edge - again.

will send
Hope they enjoy Biden cause the rest of America sure won't.
That is the point, I do not really see any happiness from the biden crowd. Or at least when you read their post here there is an undercurrent of unhappiness or even rage. I seriously think many of these people know that they can not afford more taxes and that they just fucked themselves

try to understand. Things will get really bad and there will be nobody to
Things will get really bad? :laughing0301:
Things are really bad today. Hopefully your Orange Lord will deliver on the miracle he promised before he`s evicted.

what miracle is that? What is bad in your life? In my life the BAD is the
unbridled crime in my city and sharply rising tax
Shouldn't the Biden crowd be happy? I mean you got what you wanted, we will all be paying more tax, Joe will let trannies back in the little girls room, illegal mexican women will be allowed to scrub the white house floor again. So why are you guys being so nasty? Be joyous

Perhaps because you can not really afford to pay more taxes and you know this. Or perhaps because I am going to the Little Wayne concert with 50 cent

Be happy, you had nothing and have less now

So smile nothing is changed for you
Why are you gonna pay more in taxes? And which kind of taxes will you pay more of
For you Billy K
On Thursday evening, multiple networks declared President-elect Joe Biden the winner of Arizona’s 11 electoral votes.

News networks do not name a president. Only the states do that. Not one has certified Biden the winner as yet.

News networks report on OFFICIAL voting results.

Based on those results and the number of remaining ballots they call the state.

Been done like that for over 50 years. Why are Republicans only now demanding official state certification before they concede?

They claimed the Presidency on election night in 2016.....what has changed?

Oh, I forgot ......Republicans are forced to believe whatever Trump tells them
In this time, no government agency or news source can be with any confidence believed. People of sound mind learned this long ago.
Great. So now we all believe nothing.

Wonderful. Can't imagine how y'all live your lives.

A sound education, personal research, logic and common sense.
Sure. Do research but don’t use any government or media sources. Okay. So, by research you mean, what exactly?
Shouldn't the Biden crowd be happy? I mean you got what you wanted, we will all be paying more tax, Joe will let trannies back in the little girls room, illegal mexican women will be allowed to scrub the white house floor again. So why are you guys being so nasty? Be joyous

Perhaps because you can not really afford to pay more taxes and you know this. Or perhaps because I am going to the Little Wayne concert with 50 cent

Be happy, you had nothing and have less now

So smile nothing is changed for you
FANTASTIC post. I've changed my mind about about you, esalla. Please disregard the crap I've given you on the Word Game threads in the past.
Shouldn't the Biden crowd be happy? I mean you got what you wanted, we will all be paying more tax, Joe will let trannies back in the little girls room, illegal mexican women will be allowed to scrub the white house floor again. So why are you guys being so nasty? Be joyous

Perhaps because you can not really afford to pay more taxes and you know this. Or perhaps because I am going to the Little Wayne concert with 50 cent

Be happy, you had nothing and have less now

So smile nothing is changed for you
I'm really more just dismayed at the insanity that Trump is encouraging among his loyal base members.

LOL He doesn't have to encourage anything. This has been the shadiest election I've ever seen. I don't need anyone to encourage me to believe that. I've got two eyes and two ears. What a clusterfuck of an election.

Yes, I'm sure that's the way you would think. An election where everyone got to vote, and the votes were counted - on camera so no shenanigans. How insane is that? No voter suppression, no tossing ballots out.

It must have been painful for you to watch it.

No shenanigans?? Guess you see only what you want to see. There are hundreds of signed affidavits some of them by Dem watchers who couldn't believe what they were seeing. MIT is investigating Dominion.

Why don't you clog up a Canadian Message board. You sure don't know anything about Americans. Dumbass.
Shouldn't the Biden crowd be happy? I mean you got what you wanted, we will all be paying more tax, Joe will let trannies back in the little girls room, illegal mexican women will be allowed to scrub the white house floor again. So why are you guys being so nasty? Be joyous

Perhaps because you can not really afford to pay more taxes and you know this. Or perhaps because I am going to the Little Wayne concert with 50 cent

Be happy, you had nothing and have less now

So smile nothing is changed for you

A) You don't know that. Upper income and corporations paying more taxes. Probably. B) The fact that you would make the rest of the comments says more about your proclivities than Biden's.
The Senate would have been nice. But the onus is completely on Republicans for the next two years. If they want to have a shot in 2022, they're going to have to show they can actually govern now.
They can't just be obstructionists. All that momentum they got last Tuesday will evaporate...quickly.

Should they retain the Senate, their job to block the Democrats will remain. If they do not, that job will fall to the people themselves.

Nope. This time, with avoiding the bloodbath, they'll have to govern. No more fat white guy shit show or black guy we hated in the WH as a distraction.
Seasoned politician there now. Time to govern....or get voted out in 2022.
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Shouldn't the Biden crowd be happy? I mean you got what you wanted, we will all be paying more tax, Joe will let trannies back in the little girls room, illegal mexican women will be allowed to scrub the white house floor again. So why are you guys being so nasty? Be joyous

Perhaps because you can not really afford to pay more taxes and you know this. Or perhaps because I am going to the Little Wayne concert with 50 cent

Be happy, you had nothing and have less now

So smile nothing is changed for you
Dems are indeed happy because Biden won and won handily. What they are miserable about is the way trump is behaving and once again undermining our Democracy. They are sick and tired of this grifter who is exhibiting his
lack of moral compass---again. He does not care what happens to America, but only cares about himself.
He says to his minions: "I'm working for you!" No, he is working for himself as he now fires capable government officials
and appoints weak loyalists to those positions so that he has freedom to run rampant. He could attack the pandemic
and have some kind of positive legacy but instead continues on his merry nefarious ways.
Shouldn't the Biden crowd be happy? I mean you got what you wanted,

That’s what I was wondering.

Mean and miserable. And defensive. Behaving as though they were losing.

Remind you of anyone? Oh yeah, Trump supporters four years ago.
But your unhappiness was caused by a man who couldn't get out of his own
way and made his own bad news and press...every day.
You Trump cultists are a funny bunch. You’ve spent the last four years cheering on the Orange buffoon’s Twitter rants, schoolyard nicknames, and overall abhorrent behavior that an 8 year old couldn’t get away with; and now you’re busting out the victim card after a week of a president-elect Biden.

We’re not miserable; we’re happy; and some of us (for better or for worse) are giving you a taste of your own medicine.

Stop projecting. The Trump train has reached its destination. It’s over. Put on your big boy pants and deal with it. And for Christ’s sake, have some self respect.

Here, go blow your nose:

Shouldn't the Biden crowd be happy? I mean you got what you wanted, we will all be paying more tax, Joe will let trannies back in the little girls room, illegal mexican women will be allowed to scrub the white house floor again. So why are you guys being so nasty? Be joyous

Perhaps because you can not really afford to pay more taxes and you know this. Or perhaps because I am going to the Little Wayne concert with 50 cent

Be happy, you had nothing and have less now

So smile nothing is changed for you
I'm really more just dismayed at the insanity that Trump is encouraging among his loyal base members.
Blaming everything on everyone else. How very liberal of you.
Shouldn't the Biden crowd be happy? I mean you got what you wanted, we will all be paying more tax, Joe will let trannies back in the little girls room, illegal mexican women will be allowed to scrub the white house floor again. So why are you guys being so nasty? Be joyous

Perhaps because you can not really afford to pay more taxes and you know this. Or perhaps because I am going to the Little Wayne concert with 50 cent

Be happy, you had nothing and have less now

So smile nothing is changed for you
I'm really more just dismayed at the insanity that Trump is encouraging among his loyal base members.
Blaming everything on everyone else. How very liberal of you.

That one has been in the cult so long it has simply consumed him.
He knows nothing that is not approved by the Cult leaders.

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