I have now turned on Sean Hannity and I'm a conservative

Judicial review

Gold Member
Oct 18, 2014
Anybody watch his program and when Karl Rove was telling him why the speaker did what he did, which was politically smart, and Hannity cut him off unpurpose? LOL!

Look conservatives,

The people elected us to take over Government. We don't have the 60 votes in the house on key issues like appealing Obamacare etc.. Therefore the politics continue till 2016. The ONLY way to win in 2016 is to pass legislation to Obama and you can't do that by moving to the extreme right. We would be blamed for a Government shut down and not doing what the voters in a general election would want which is for congress to pass bills by showing competency. Once we control the senate and Presidency in 2016 then everything Obama did will be reversed or severely revised so it fails on it's own and we can replace it.

The voters who voted for the GOP we both Independents and rw'rs. Independents aren't on board with conservatives and don't want a Gov shut down and more divide. They want passed bills sent to Obamas desk.

Hannity can't see the big picture and before hannity's show on the kelly file, which is a much better balanced show, she had a guy from capital hill who is an expert on procedure and getting to the root of all of this, and he said this bill provide no new funding for ACA. That the funding was already given to it months ago in September.

Hannity is about to get let go on Foxnews like Glenn Beck for being too radical and biased as he is a danger to the GOP and costing them the next election. Mark my words. That was why he was moved back to 10pm, and the fair and balanced Megan Kelly took his place.

Michelle Bachman and that other guy who tonight tried to attack the speaker don't realize that they will always be a minority in Congress and if the further divide the GOP, then they will lose elections and that means they all lose Michelle, Rush L, Hannity and everybody else including all americans GOP or liberal.

Time to face reality.
I like Hannity, and he makes a lot of sense on the issues, but what's scary is that the GOP could be as bad as the left are, because they are sell outs just like they have always been, in fact they are the ones who brought on Obama and his crew in the first place.
I like Hannity, and he makes a lot of sense on the issues, but what's scary is that the GOP could be as bad as the left are, because they are sell outs just like they have always been, in fact they are the ones who brought on Obama and his crew in the first place.

There's a big difference between the general election for president and congressional elections. In general independents matter and so do minorites. Th reason why Obama got elected was because of the congressional incompitency and close shut downs due to the GOP. They were obstructonists. Only republicans like that hence the big gains last NOV and lack of liberals voting. . Need more than republicans to win the Presidency. Fact of politics.
Anybody watch his program and when Karl Rove was telling him why the speaker did what he did, which was politically smart, and Hannity cut him off unpurpose? LOL!

Look conservatives,

The people elected us to take over Government. We don't have the 60 votes in the house on key issues like appealing Obamacare etc.. Therefore the politics continue till 2016. The ONLY way to win in 2016 is to pass legislation to Obama and you can't do that by moving to the extreme right. We would be blamed for a Government shut down and not doing what the voters in a general election would want which is for congress to pass bills by showing competency. Once we control the senate and Presidency in 2016 then everything Obama did will be reversed or severely revised so it fails on it's own and we can replace it.

The voters who voted for the GOP we both Independents and rw'rs. Independents aren't on board with conservatives and don't want a Gov shut down and more divide. They want passed bills sent to Obamas desk.

Hannity can't see the big picture and before hannity's show on the kelly file, which is a much better balanced show, she had a guy from capital hill who is an expert on procedure and getting to the root of all of this, and he said this bill provide no new funding for ACA. That the funding was already given to it months ago in September.

Hannity is about to get let go on Foxnews like Glenn Beck for being too radical and biased as he is a danger to the GOP and costing them the next election. Mark my words. That was why he was moved back to 10pm, and the fair and balanced Megan Kelly took his place.

Michelle Bachman and that other guy who tonight tried to attack the speaker don't realize that they will always be a minority in Congress and if the further divide the GOP, then they will lose elections and that means they all lose Michelle, Rush L, Hannity and everybody else including all americans GOP or liberal.

Time to face reality.

Hannity has appeared to be impatient for direct action to be taken against the President's initiatives.

I've listened to Sean for forever. 3 hours every day. Whenever possible. It seems he's playing bad cop versus good cop because he consistently has on individuals who tout Boehner's position.

And if you think Hannity is radical (he's not btw) you should tune into a thrash the Speaker a thon with Mark Levin :lol:.

Now as to being a danger to the GOP. Like hell. Like bloody hell.

If it wasn't for our talkers pushing the envelope day in and day out to drive the base to the polls the R's would not have swept to power like they did in the midterms.

Right across the board from Savage to Levin to Rush to Hannity to the B teams they turned out the base.

Not only did they push people to the polls but they gave airtime over and over and over to unknowns like Joannie and supported old warhorses in tough races after the primaries.

AND they got people to reach into their pockets and put their money where their conservative mouths were in the extra super duper tough races where the Dems were throwing quizzillions into the race.

Think North Carolina.
Anybody watch his program and when Karl Rove was telling him why the speaker did what he did, which was politically smart, and Hannity cut him off unpurpose? LOL!

Look conservatives,

The people elected us to take over Government. We don't have the 60 votes in the house on key issues like appealing Obamacare etc.. Therefore the politics continue till 2016. The ONLY way to win in 2016 is to pass legislation to Obama and you can't do that by moving to the extreme right. We would be blamed for a Government shut down and not doing what the voters in a general election would want which is for congress to pass bills by showing competency. Once we control the senate and Presidency in 2016 then everything Obama did will be reversed or severely revised so it fails on it's own and we can replace it.

The voters who voted for the GOP we both Independents and rw'rs. Independents aren't on board with conservatives and don't want a Gov shut down and more divide. They want passed bills sent to Obamas desk.

Hannity can't see the big picture and before hannity's show on the kelly file, which is a much better balanced show, she had a guy from capital hill who is an expert on procedure and getting to the root of all of this, and he said this bill provide no new funding for ACA. That the funding was already given to it months ago in September.

Hannity is about to get let go on Foxnews like Glenn Beck for being too radical and biased as he is a danger to the GOP and costing them the next election. Mark my words. That was why he was moved back to 10pm, and the fair and balanced Megan Kelly took his place.

Michelle Bachman and that other guy who tonight tried to attack the speaker don't realize that they will always be a minority in Congress and if the further divide the GOP, then they will lose elections and that means they all lose Michelle, Rush L, Hannity and everybody else including all americans GOP or liberal.

Time to face reality.

Hannity has appeared to be impatient for direct action to be taken against the President's initiatives.

I've listened to Sean for forever. 3 hours every day. It seems he's playing bad cop versus good cop because he consistently has on individuals who tout Boehner's position.

And if you think Hannity is radical (he's not btw) you should tune into a thrash the Speaker a thon with Mark Levin :lol:.

Now as to being a danger to the GOP. Like hell. Like bloody hell.

If it wasn't for our talkers pushing the envelope day in and day out to drive the base to the polls the R's would not have swept to power like they did in the midterms.

Right across the board from Savage to Levin to Rush to Hannity to the B teams they turned out the base.

Not only did they push people to the polls but they gave airtime over and over and over to unknowns like Joannie and supported old warhorses in tough races after the primaries.

AND they got people to reach into their pockets and put their money where their conservative mouths were in the extra super duper tough races where the Dems were throwing quizzillions into the race.

Think North Carolina.

You know much different voters turn out in Presidential elections than Congressional. Like I said, republicans are good at getting their base to turn out in this type of election, but more is needed in a General. That's why a Kasich or Gingrich type will win the Presidency. They can both garner support and relate to both sides. That's called breaking the divide and REAL leadership by bipartisanship, which is the number 1 thing needed in federal Government. That in no way means you compromise on core principles. This was the purpose of the legislative branch and Executive branch, and not to try to be divided on all issues like you want and have 1 party in control all the time to get things done.
I never watched him. And I actualy cant watch him.

It`s not because of his views, because I dont even know what they are.

I just can stand listening to people who have high pitched voices.

I dont know why that is to be honest, I just start feeling annoyed when someone talks to me in a high pitched voice.
I never watched him. And I actualy cant watch him.

It`s not because of his views, because I dont even know what they are.

I just can stand listening to people who have high pitched voices.

I dont know why that is to be honest, I just start feeling annoyed when someone talks to me in a high pitched voice.

or interrupts guests on his tv show like he can just hang up the phone on his radio show........ Everybody else on fox lets everybody talk or as bill says say their last piece for 30 seconds. Hannity has to shout over everybody and always has to have the last word.
Anybody watch his program and when Karl Rove was telling him why the speaker did what he did, which was politically smart, and Hannity cut him off unpurpose? LOL!

Look conservatives,

The people elected us to take over Government. We don't have the 60 votes in the house on key issues like appealing Obamacare etc.. Therefore the politics continue till 2016. The ONLY way to win in 2016 is to pass legislation to Obama and you can't do that by moving to the extreme right. We would be blamed for a Government shut down and not doing what the voters in a general election would want which is for congress to pass bills by showing competency. Once we control the senate and Presidency in 2016 then everything Obama did will be reversed or severely revised so it fails on it's own and we can replace it.

The voters who voted for the GOP we both Independents and rw'rs. Independents aren't on board with conservatives and don't want a Gov shut down and more divide. They want passed bills sent to Obamas desk.

Hannity can't see the big picture and before hannity's show on the kelly file, which is a much better balanced show, she had a guy from capital hill who is an expert on procedure and getting to the root of all of this, and he said this bill provide no new funding for ACA. That the funding was already given to it months ago in September.

Hannity is about to get let go on Foxnews like Glenn Beck for being too radical and biased as he is a danger to the GOP and costing them the next election. Mark my words. That was why he was moved back to 10pm, and the fair and balanced Megan Kelly took his place.

Michelle Bachman and that other guy who tonight tried to attack the speaker don't realize that they will always be a minority in Congress and if the further divide the GOP, then they will lose elections and that means they all lose Michelle, Rush L, Hannity and everybody else including all americans GOP or liberal.

Time to face reality.

Hannity has appeared to be impatient for direct action to be taken against the President's initiatives.

I've listened to Sean for forever. 3 hours every day. It seems he's playing bad cop versus good cop because he consistently has on individuals who tout Boehner's position.

And if you think Hannity is radical (he's not btw) you should tune into a thrash the Speaker a thon with Mark Levin :lol:.

Now as to being a danger to the GOP. Like hell. Like bloody hell.

If it wasn't for our talkers pushing the envelope day in and day out to drive the base to the polls the R's would not have swept to power like they did in the midterms.

Right across the board from Savage to Levin to Rush to Hannity to the B teams they turned out the base.

Not only did they push people to the polls but they gave airtime over and over and over to unknowns like Joannie and supported old warhorses in tough races after the primaries.

AND they got people to reach into their pockets and put their money where their conservative mouths were in the extra super duper tough races where the Dems were throwing quizzillions into the race.

Think North Carolina.

You know much different voters turn out in Presidential elections than Congressional. Like I said, republicans are good at getting their base to turn out in this type of election, but more is needed in a General. That's why a Kasich or Gingrich type will win the Presidency. They can both garner support and relate to both sides. That's called breaking the divide and REAL leadership by bipartisanship, which is the number 1 thing needed in federal Government. That in no way means you compromise on core principles. This was the purpose of the legislative branch and Executive branch, and not to try to be divided on all issues like you want and have 1 party in control all the time to get things done.

Well for starters it would be fabulous if the bloody GOP could get a Presidential candidate that isn't a "he's the only one that can beat .....................................................fill in the blank Democrat candidate".

And duly noted the "annointed" candidates are wearing thin with the electorate at large. Both sides of the aisle.

It was a rebellion against Hillary that gave Obama his candidacy and I believe we will see that come into play again in 2016. I don't know if she can take it.

And holy toledo R's are talking up Jeb Bush! Aye carumba someone slap them upside the head.

The dynasty bullshit is turning voters off.

And it was a rebellion against Romney that saw Republicans stay at home.

Not only was he the "chosen one" but the bloody fool didn't even attempt to reach out to most of the base. He was too busy going after independents and minorities which is all fine and dandy but that's after you secure your home team voters.

Cripes the only campaigns that were worse than Romney's or McCain's was freaking Bob Dole's for crying out loud.

So we shall see how 2016 shapes up. But for the here and now I'm still partying down at the massive wins in the mid terms.

I am one happy camper. :)
I never watched him. And I actualy cant watch him.

It`s not because of his views, because I dont even know what they are.

I just can stand listening to people who have high pitched voices.

I dont know why that is to be honest, I just start feeling annoyed when someone talks to me in a high pitched voice.

or interrupts guests on his tv show like he can just hang up the phone on his radio show........ Everybody else on fox lets everybody talk or as bill says say their last piece for 30 seconds. Hannity has to shout over everybody and always has to have the last word.

I can't speak to his tv show or anyone elses. I don't have television. I live radio 24/7.

His radio show is pretty fair and balanced and I don't catch him cutting off many people on air. Not like Mark. :lol:

His insider Jamie Dupree sets him straight on a daily basis. The show is worth listening to just for his segment getting the scoop inside the beltway. Dupree is really well connected.

Sean's radio guests are treated with great respect; Hannity always without fail boosts the profiles of new GOP Congress critters;
and I find him fairly bland compared to others in the R talk world.

I think he's still running second behind Rush. Haven't checked the stats in the last little bit.
Hannity is not some be all end all to conservatism and neither is Rush. The sooner people stop putting them & their ilk on pedestals the better. They are entertainers, and nothing more.
Hannity is not some be all end all to conservatism and neither is Rush. The sooner people stop putting them & their ilk on pedestals the better. They are entertainers, and nothing more.

The talkers inform me daily of what is really happening not only inside the beltway but across the country and internationally . They tackle political and social issues in depth. The guests are excellent.

I appreciate what they do.
Anybody watch his program and when Karl Rove was telling him why the speaker did what he did, which was politically smart, and Hannity cut him off unpurpose? LOL!

Look conservatives,

The people elected us to take over Government. We don't have the 60 votes in the house on key issues like appe..........................

Michelle Bachman and that other guy who tonight tried to attack the speaker don't realize that they will always be a minority in Congress and if the further divide the GOP, then they will lose elections and that means they all lose Michelle, Rush L, Hannity and everybody else including all americans GOP or liberal.

Time to face reality.

The old establishment Republicans that have been in office for decades are the solution? The Republicans who outspent Clinton when they gained power during the Bush years? They are now our saviors? If only we give Jeb Bush or Romney the Presidency?

The GOP deserves to lose, should lose, especially if they continue to be the problem.

Time for people to wise up and get behind Conservatives, not old tired Republicans who created the problem as much as Obama and the Democrats.
Hannity is not some be all end all to conservatism and neither is Rush. The sooner people stop putting them & their ilk on pedestals the better. They are entertainers, and nothing more.

The talkers inform me daily of what is really happening not only inside the beltway but across the country and internationally . They tackle political and social issues in depth. The guests are excellent.

I appreciate what they do.
I guess you're entertained then huh. Lol
I don't watch TV, let alone Fox News. Never liked him anyway, same with folks on CNN or MSNBC.
Hannity is not some be all end all to conservatism and neither is Rush. The sooner people stop putting them & their ilk on pedestals the better. They are entertainers, and nothing more.

The talkers inform me daily of what is really happening not only inside the beltway but across the country and internationally . They tackle political and social issues in depth. The guests are excellent.

I appreciate what they do.
I guess you're entertained then huh. Lol

That I am. :)

Rush is fabulously funny. Levin does my screaming for me. Hannity has excellent guests.

Savage brings an interesting intellectual twist. The Red Eye guys are my new two favorites at night.

I get channels coast to coast and I can listen wherever I am. Not stuck in front of a television. Joe Pags is excellent. Ditto Cunningham.

Charles Adler and Roy Green are two awesome Canuck talkers.

Beats the hell out of the tube. And the talkers make politics fun. Well most of the time.

“The people elected us to take over Government.”

Actually not.

Voter turnout of just 36.6 percent does not constitute 'the people.'

The republican Congressional majority is perfectly legitimate, no one is contesting that.

But don't be so naïve and delusional as to believe a majority of Americans endorse the republican/conservative agenda – they don't.

If republicans have any chance of retaining the Senate in 2016, when voter turnout will be closer to 60 percent, with a much more diverse voter population going to the polls, they need to demonstrate that they can engage in non-partisan, responsible governance. Given the rhetoric from the right thus far, that's likely not going to happen.
Anybody watch his program and when Karl Rove was telling him why the speaker did what he did, which was politically smart, and Hannity cut him off unpurpose? LOL!

Look conservatives,

The people elected us to take over Government. We don't have the 60 votes in the house on key issues like appe..........................

Michelle Bachman and that other guy who tonight tried to attack the speaker don't realize that they will always be a minority in Congress and if the further divide the GOP, then they will lose elections and that means they all lose Michelle, Rush L, Hannity and everybody else including all americans GOP or liberal.

Time to face reality.

The old establishment Republicans that have been in office for decades are the solution? The Republicans who outspent Clinton when they gained power during the Bush years? They are now our saviors? If only we give Jeb Bush or Romney the Presidency?

The GOP deserves to lose, should lose, especially if they continue to be the problem.

Time for people to wise up and get behind Conservatives, not old tired Republicans who created the problem as much as Obama and the Democrats.
Well written and I absolutely agree... thanks
“The people elected us to take over Government.”

Actually not.

Voter turnout of just 36.6 percent does not constitute 'the people.'

The republican Congressional majority is perfectly legitimate, no one is contesting that.

But don't be so naïve and delusional as to believe a majority of Americans endorse the republican/conservative agenda – they don't.

If republicans have any chance of retaining the Senate in 2016, when voter turnout will be closer to 60 percent, with a much more diverse voter population going to the polls, they need to demonstrate that they can engage in non-partisan, responsible governance. Given the rhetoric from the right thus far, that's likely not going to happen.
Here Here have a sour grape.. :mad-61:
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I can't say too much about the "talking heads" because I rarely hear them...I don't like Fox and I rarely watch the main stream mob...mostly inane chatter from them. I just don't like that loud style. I think some missed the message of the last election; the Tea Party is a subset of the GOP; not an offshoot or an alternative. They ARE informing the Party and solidifying its base. It has happened. I am pleased to see the Tea Party views being considered and treated honestly; very different from just a few years ago. And the GOP is the stronger for it. As Obama said he has heard all those who didn't vote: but he has not heard properly. They told him to sod off!!! The GOP will Govern sensibly until 2016 and beyond because it is what they do. Obama has nothing; I look forward to the Blue Dog Dems making up the 60 votes. Life is good!!

Now let the hard work continue so you can turn that ship around and get it back on course.

I agree with Hannity on getting rid of John Boehner, toooo toooo Establishment. We need a fiscal butt kicker that doesn't mind saying what they "truly" believe and following through on it honestly.

:laugh2: .. Boehner is a self made disappointment and a laughing stock ..:crybaby:
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