I have now turned on Sean Hannity and I'm a conservative

I like Hannity, and he makes a lot of sense on the issues, but what's scary is that the GOP could be as bad as the left are, because they are sell outs just like they have always been, in fact they are the ones who brought on Obama and his crew in the first place.

There's a big difference between the general election for president and congressional elections. In general independents matter and so do minorites. Th reason why Obama got elected was because of the congressional incompitency and close shut downs due to the GOP. They were obstructonists. Only republicans like that hence the big gains last NOV and lack of liberals voting. . Need more than republicans to win the Presidency. Fact of politics.
You stopped sounding smart as soon as you spewed that the GOP shut down the government. It takes two parties to shut down the government, something anyone except a complete Leftist hack like yourself understands. And anyway the government never actually shuts down; I could only wish it actually did and no back pay was given to furloughed employees. And we don't take advice from our enemies.

Never said that.

The Repubs have shut down the government twice. That threat has completely replaced legislating for them.
I like Hannity, and he makes a lot of sense on the issues, but what's scary is that the GOP could be as bad as the left are, because they are sell outs just like they have always been, in fact they are the ones who brought on Obama and his crew in the first place.

Let's get this straight, the American people are sell outs. Both parties are what they are because of the population that elects them. The irony here is that Rove of all people is the one blasting the slide into deeper extremism and polarization. He was the primary architect.
“The people elected us to take over Government.”

Actually not.

Voter turnout of just 36.6 percent does not constitute 'the people.'

The republican Congressional majority is perfectly legitimate, no one is contesting that.

But don't be so naïve and delusional as to believe a majority of Americans endorse the republican/conservative agenda – they don't.

If republicans have any chance of retaining the Senate in 2016, when voter turnout will be closer to 60 percent, with a much more diverse voter population going to the polls, they need to demonstrate that they can engage in non-partisan, responsible governance. Given the rhetoric from the right thus far, that's likely not going to happen.
The voter stats say it ..the majority of Americans are apathetic and complacent..and the country is weaker for it.
Wake up Americans!
Hannity is not some be all end all to conservatism and neither is Rush. The sooner people stop putting them & their ilk on pedestals the better. They are entertainers, and nothing more.

The talkers inform me daily of what is really happening not only inside the beltway but across the country and internationally . They tackle political and social issues in depth. The guests are excellent.

I appreciate what they do.
The "talkers" merely tell you what you already believe to be true.
Anybody watch his program and when Karl Rove was telling him why the speaker did what he did, which was politically smart, and Hannity cut him off unpurpose? LOL!

Look conservatives,

The people elected us to take over Government. We don't have the 60 votes in the house on key issues like appealing Obamacare etc.. Therefore the politics continue till 2016. The ONLY way to win in 2016 is to pass legislation to Obama and you can't do that by moving to the extreme right. We would be blamed for a Government shut down and not doing what the voters in a general election would want which is for congress to pass bills by showing competency. Once we control the senate and Presidency in 2016 then everything Obama did will be reversed or severely revised so it fails on it's own and we can replace it.

The voters who voted for the GOP we both Independents and rw'rs. Independents aren't on board with conservatives and don't want a Gov shut down and more divide. They want passed bills sent to Obamas desk.

Hannity can't see the big picture and before hannity's show on the kelly file, which is a much better balanced show, she had a guy from capital hill who is an expert on procedure and getting to the root of all of this, and he said this bill provide no new funding for ACA. That the funding was already given to it months ago in September.

Hannity is about to get let go on Foxnews like Glenn Beck for being too radical and biased as he is a danger to the GOP and costing them the next election. Mark my words. That was why he was moved back to 10pm, and the fair and balanced Megan Kelly took his place.

Michelle Bachman and that other guy who tonight tried to attack the speaker don't realize that they will always be a minority in Congress and if the further divide the GOP, then they will lose elections and that means they all lose Michelle, Rush L, Hannity and everybody else including all americans GOP or liberal.

Time to face reality.
Everything you're saying is essentially admitting today's republicans are the greater of two evils. People like Ted Cruz are soulless scumbags who should have never even be considered for public office.
Anybody watch his program and when Karl Rove was telling him why the speaker did what he did, which was politically smart, and Hannity cut him off unpurpose? LOL!

Look conservatives,

The people elected us to take over Government. We don't have the 60 votes in the house on key issues like appealing Obamacare etc.. Therefore the politics continue till 2016. The ONLY way to win in 2016 is to pass legislation to Obama and you can't do that by moving to the extreme right. We would be blamed for a Government shut down and not doing what the voters in a general election would want which is for congress to pass bills by showing competency. Once we control the senate and Presidency in 2016 then everything Obama did will be reversed or severely revised so it fails on it's own and we can replace it.

The voters who voted for the GOP we both Independents and rw'rs. Independents aren't on board with conservatives and don't want a Gov shut down and more divide. They want passed bills sent to Obamas desk.

Hannity can't see the big picture and before hannity's show on the kelly file, which is a much better balanced show, she had a guy from capital hill who is an expert on procedure and getting to the root of all of this, and he said this bill provide no new funding for ACA. That the funding was already given to it months ago in September.

Hannity is about to get let go on Foxnews like Glenn Beck for being too radical and biased as he is a danger to the GOP and costing them the next election. Mark my words. That was why he was moved back to 10pm, and the fair and balanced Megan Kelly took his place.

Michelle Bachman and that other guy who tonight tried to attack the speaker don't realize that they will always be a minority in Congress and if the further divide the GOP, then they will lose elections and that means they all lose Michelle, Rush L, Hannity and everybody else including all americans GOP or liberal.

Time to face reality.

Screw Karl Rove... the GOP needs to jettison him like so much bad rubbish.
I like Hannity, and he makes a lot of sense on the issues, but what's scary is that the GOP could be as bad as the left are, because they are sell outs just like they have always been, in fact they are the ones who brought on Obama and his crew in the first place.

There's a big difference between the general election for president and congressional elections. In general independents matter and so do minorites. Th reason why Obama got elected was because of the congressional incompitency and close shut downs due to the GOP. They were obstructonists. Only republicans like that hence the big gains last NOV and lack of liberals voting. . Need more than republicans to win the Presidency. Fact of politics.
You stopped sounding smart as soon as you spewed that the GOP shut down the government. It takes two parties to shut down the government, something anyone except a complete Leftist hack like yourself understands. And anyway the government never actually shuts down; I could only wish it actually did and no back pay was given to furloughed employees. And we don't take advice from our enemies.

Never said that.

The Repubs have shut down the government twice. That threat has completely replaced legislating for them.

Whatever.. the shutdown affected nobody other than giving the gubmint employee moochers a paid vacation.
Anybody watch his program and when Karl Rove was telling him why the speaker did what he did, which was politically smart, and Hannity cut him off unpurpose? LOL!

Look conservatives,

The people elected us to take over Government. We don't have the 60 votes in the house on key issues like appealing Obamacare etc.. Therefore the politics continue till 2016. The ONLY way to win in 2016 is to pass legislation to Obama and you can't do that by moving to the extreme right. We would be blamed for a Government shut down and not doing what the voters in a general election would want which is for congress to pass bills by showing competency. Once we control the senate and Presidency in 2016 then everything Obama did will be reversed or severely revised so it fails on it's own and we can replace it.

The voters who voted for the GOP we both Independents and rw'rs. Independents aren't on board with conservatives and don't want a Gov shut down and more divide. They want passed bills sent to Obamas desk.

Hannity can't see the big picture and before hannity's show on the kelly file, which is a much better balanced show, she had a guy from capital hill who is an expert on procedure and getting to the root of all of this, and he said this bill provide no new funding for ACA. That the funding was already given to it months ago in September.

Hannity is about to get let go on Foxnews like Glenn Beck for being too radical and biased as he is a danger to the GOP and costing them the next election. Mark my words. That was why he was moved back to 10pm, and the fair and balanced Megan Kelly took his place.

Michelle Bachman and that other guy who tonight tried to attack the speaker don't realize that they will always be a minority in Congress and if the further divide the GOP, then they will lose elections and that means they all lose Michelle, Rush L, Hannity and everybody else including all americans GOP or liberal.

Time to face reality.

Screw Karl Rove... the GOP needs to jettison him like so much bad rubbish.

Despite that he made a great point or was making a great point till Hannity kicked him off.
Anybody watch his program and when Karl Rove was telling him why the speaker did what he did, which was politically smart, and Hannity cut him off unpurpose? LOL!

Look conservatives,

The people elected us to take over Government. We don't have the 60 votes in the house on key issues like appealing Obamacare etc.. Therefore the politics continue till 2016. The ONLY way to win in 2016 is to pass legislation to Obama and you can't do that by moving to the extreme right. We would be blamed for a Government shut down and not doing what the voters in a general election would want which is for congress to pass bills by showing competency. Once we control the senate and Presidency in 2016 then everything Obama did will be reversed or severely revised so it fails on it's own and we can replace it.

The voters who voted for the GOP we both Independents and rw'rs. Independents aren't on board with conservatives and don't want a Gov shut down and more divide. They want passed bills sent to Obamas desk.

Hannity can't see the big picture and before hannity's show on the kelly file, which is a much better balanced show, she had a guy from capital hill who is an expert on procedure and getting to the root of all of this, and he said this bill provide no new funding for ACA. That the funding was already given to it months ago in September.

Hannity is about to get let go on Foxnews like Glenn Beck for being too radical and biased as he is a danger to the GOP and costing them the next election. Mark my words. That was why he was moved back to 10pm, and the fair and balanced Megan Kelly took his place.

Michelle Bachman and that other guy who tonight tried to attack the speaker don't realize that they will always be a minority in Congress and if the further divide the GOP, then they will lose elections and that means they all lose Michelle, Rush L, Hannity and everybody else including all americans GOP or liberal.

Time to face reality.

Screw Karl Rove... the GOP needs to jettison him like so much bad rubbish.

I say Karl Rove is regretting setting up the Hard Right alliance... It was quite irresponsible of him giving them credibility. The Hard Right in US are laughed at by the rest of the world, if they get there way they will destroy America... Funny thing is they are too ignorant and myopic to know why.
Hannity's too much of a Neocon for my liking, but his impatience is completely justified. Boehner and McConnell aren't leaders. They're bungling milquetoast dunces. And that's why Obama treats them like his little bitches. The Republican Party desperately needs new strong leadership. Boehner and McConnell can't provide that. It's time for real change in the Party.
The OP sounds like another Starkey, bucs90, g5000 Fake Republican

Could be. I still don't get em. Why lie? It's only a Message Board. Yet they continue on with that lame "I'm a Republican and even i'm upset with them over this one" shtick. It's so bizarre, especially cause most on the Board know they're not Republicans and are just delusional kooks. But they still go on lying. I can only chalk it up to mental illness. It really is bizarre.
The OP sounds like another Starkey, bucs90, g5000 Fake Republican

Could be. I still don't get em. Why lie? It's only a Message Board. Yet they continue on with that lame "I'm a Republican and even i'm upset with them over this one" shtick. It's so bizarre, especially cause most on the Board know they're not Republicans and are just delusional kooks. But they still go on lying. I can only chalk it up to mental illness. It really is bizarre.

They lie because they think at this point in my life I'm going to reconsider my basic values and switch to becoming an American-hating Progressive because Other Republicans or Conservatives or Eisenhower Republicans or Moderate Republicans or whatever the fuck they call themselves find fault with Conservatism and Libertarianism.

Look at Jake, he musty be paid to post here because he hasn't made a single convert but still publishes his 10 Pinocchio "I'm a Real Republican, you Reactionary!" meme
The ONLY way to win in 2016 is to pass legislation to Obama and you can't do that by moving to the extreme right

So you're a "conservative" and you consider Republicans in congress to be "extreme right?" Seriously? You are confused about something.
The OP sounds like another Starkey, bucs90, g5000 Fake Republican

Could be. I still don't get em. Why lie? It's only a Message Board. Yet they continue on with that lame "I'm a Republican and even i'm upset with them over this one" shtick. It's so bizarre, especially cause most on the Board know they're not Republicans and are just delusional kooks. But they still go on lying. I can only chalk it up to mental illness. It really is bizarre.

They lie because they think at this point in my life I'm going to reconsider my basic values and switch to becoming an American-hating Progressive because Other Republicans or Conservatives or Eisenhower Republicans or Moderate Republicans or whatever the fuck they call themselves find fault with Conservatism and Libertarianism.

Look at Jake, he musty be paid to post here because he hasn't made a single convert but still publishes his 10 Pinocchio "I'm a Real Republican, you Reactionary!" meme

Makes sense. Yeah FakeyJakey especially, is absolutely deranged. He sides with the Democratic Party on every single issue, yet still claims to be a Republican. He continues to play the old "I'm a 'good' Republican who's criticizing my own Party for its own good." routine. It's so old and stale.

There's a couple others here who play that game too. It's an old shtick that's been around on Message Boards since the beginning. I really do chalk it up to mental illness. I mean, why else carry on with such a silly shtick?
The ONLY way to win in 2016 is to pass legislation to Obama and you can't do that by moving to the extreme right

So you're a "conservative" and you consider Republicans in congress to be "extreme right?" Seriously? You are confused about something.

The cruz's and Bachmans yes. the want to divide their party and they don't realize the political consequences. Another words, they are fucking crazy. They should wait till the GOP wins the Presidency. Morons.

It's like this... When we win the presidency in 2016 the GOP will be forced to move toward the far right the cruz's and bachmans and Ryans on fiscal issues involving paying down debt, which automatically requires smaller Government. Win win for everybody.
The ONLY way to win in 2016 is to pass legislation to Obama and you can't do that by moving to the extreme right

So you're a "conservative" and you consider Republicans in congress to be "extreme right?" Seriously? You are confused about something.

The cruz's and Bachmans yes. the want to divide their party and they don't realize the political consequences. Another words, they are fucking crazy. They should wait till the GOP wins the Presidency. Morons.

It's like this... When we win the presidency in 2016 the GOP will be forced to move toward the far right the cruz's and bachmans and Ryans on fiscal issues involving paying down debt, which automatically requires smaller Government. Win win for everybody.

The tea party hasn't proposed anything "extreme," they just want to ratchet back taxes a bit and spending a bit. We need serious cuts. And yet "conservatives" like you call their moderate cuts "extreme." If that's the case, why would you winning in 2016 make any difference? Look how W went on a spending orgy. You seem on course for that.
The OP sounds like another Starkey, bucs90, g5000 Fake Republican

Could be. I still don't get em. Why lie? It's only a Message Board. Yet they continue on with that lame "I'm a Republican and even i'm upset with them over this one" shtick. It's so bizarre, especially cause most on the Board know they're not Republicans and are just delusional kooks. But they still go on lying. I can only chalk it up to mental illness. It really is bizarre.

They lie because they think at this point in my life I'm going to reconsider my basic values and switch to becoming an American-hating Progressive because Other Republicans or Conservatives or Eisenhower Republicans or Moderate Republicans or whatever the fuck they call themselves find fault with Conservatism and Libertarianism.

Look at Jake, he musty be paid to post here because he hasn't made a single convert but still publishes his 10 Pinocchio "I'm a Real Republican, you Reactionary!" meme

Makes sense. Yeah FakeyJakey especially, is absolutely deranged. He sides with the Democratic Party on every single issue, yet still claims to be a Republican. He continues to play the old "I'm a 'good' Republican who's criticizing my own Party for its own good." routine. It's so old and stale.

There's a couple others here who play that game too. It's an old shtick that's been around on Message Boards since the beginning. I really do chalk it up to mental illness. I mean, why else carry on with such a silly shtick?

It started when Obama decided to pay people to post on message boards to spread the Progressive Gospel.

Offsetting that however, the Koch Brother pay Rdean to post here to completely damage the reputation and mental capacity of Progressives
The ONLY way to win in 2016 is to pass legislation to Obama and you can't do that by moving to the extreme right

So you're a "conservative" and you consider Republicans in congress to be "extreme right?" Seriously? You are confused about something.

The cruz's and Bachmans yes. the want to divide their party and they don't realize the political consequences. Another words, they are fucking crazy. They should wait till the GOP wins the Presidency. Morons.

It's like this... When we win the presidency in 2016 the GOP will be forced to move toward the far right the cruz's and bachmans and Ryans on fiscal issues involving paying down debt, which automatically requires smaller Government. Win win for everybody.

The tea party hasn't proposed anything "extreme," they just want to ratchet back taxes a bit and spending a bit. We need serious cuts. And yet "conservatives" like you call their moderate cuts "extreme." If that's the case, why would you winning in 2016 make any difference? Look how W went on a spending orgy. You seem on course for that.

This is coming from someone that doesn't know politics. Trust me in 2016 the GOP will be one and united including the rush l, hannity, Bachmans, cruz's etc.. Politically they have to cut spending and reduce the deficit. The GOP has no choice. Look at the budget bills they proposed in 2010 after that win to take the house as proof. Bachman and cruz are doing these for attention and Hannity and Rush and Levin are doing it for ratings.

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