I Have Something Amazing to Say About the Tea Parties

Why? Because tripling the deficit and adding a brand new entitlement representing 16% of the economy in a recession with U6 unemployment at 17% is not a good idea.

It's really that simple. The lefties can't cope with it. So they spin it as racism and lob vulgar epithets at the Tea Partiers - which says a great deal about the Left and nothing about the Tea Partiers themselves.

Have to disagree. Know who blew out spending more than any other president before him?


No protest from anyone.

White politicians for decades have been ramping up the size and scope of government. Obama is just the latest. Yet only HIS presidency has ignited such a firestorm. Anyone who thinks that's coincidence is either lying to us or lying to himself.

Whites don't actually care about how much government we have, Boudica. In the Nordic countries, they're pretty much flat-out commie, but since everyone involved is WHITE, it all works pretty smoothly, and nobody gets the sense that it's one race or another putting the gun to the head of the other.

No, it's race.

So what's wrong with that?

Do you think whites shouldn't be allowed to express their frustration with coming minority status, Boudica? You've named yourself for a Celtic queen of resistance to tyranny -- an implicitly white nom de board, if you will. How come?

You see, as long as you keep running from liberal attacks on "racists", the anti-whites have GOT YOU BEAT. The way to really get their goat -- trust me on this -- is to get right to the heart of the matter and STICK UP FOR WHITES.

Its a fair criticism that we should not be adding to the deficit with a new healthcare program. However, the President with the largest deficit up until now was Bush in 2008 at $1.3 trillion. That's not necessarily his fault, but the point is that most of the deficit under Obama is because of structural issues, not what he has done, just like it was under Bush.
Or think about this: what if John Edwards had been elected president? People would be pissed, but not that pissed.
Or think about this: what if John Edwards had been elected president? People would be pissed, but not that pissed.

You have got to be kidding! The media would still be so far and so often up Edwards ass about his affair that all the talk would have the gays in a frenzy. Congress would have to pass a law that butt fucking is constitutionally gauranteed!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::eek::eek::eek::eek:
Another thought.

The mods set up a whole new section for "Tea Party."

Right below the "Race and Racism" section.

But the two sections have pretty much merged.


Because James Edwards is right: Whites cannot come together as a group without being called "racist".

My view: skip the tea party and head straight for white advocacy. Just tell 'em straight up: I'm white, and I want my rights!
And be sure to let me know if you ever post something that anyone would bother responding to.
Damn, as a long distance cyclist I have peed many places, but never behind a 7-11 - take that back!

"Racism is not about how you look, it is about how people assign meaning to how you look." Robin D.G. Kelley
What I have to say may help to advance the USMB debate on this topic.

As most know, I am the "evil white separatist" on the board. In my defense I say that I am not evil, I am just telling the truth and sticking up for white people.


Here's a secret.

The left is right about this much:

THEY ARE all white.

There are ALMOST NO blacks or Hispanics.

THEY ARE pissed that a black Marxist is president.

Conservatives who whine that "race has nothing to do with it" are LYING. LYING, LYING, LYING.

They hide behind crap like "we want less government." Nobody really gives a shit about less government. People give a shit about being squeezed out of America by non-whites. People give a shit about their daughter getting knocked up by a black dude. People give a shit about Hispanics urinating behind 7/11.

Where I disagree with the left: I don't think it's illegitimate to have race as a concern. Everyone else does, you better believe it. Why shouldn't whites?

If America must be a "multiracial" country, and we must be minorities, then whites will need to organize and make their voice heard. Is that really so radical an idea?

Very interesting post. Pretty damn good really but if you really want to know who the Racist white separatist is, see below. Amanda has you beat by a mile.
Damn, as a long distance cyclist I have peed many places, but never behind a 7-11 - take that back!

"Racism is not about how you look, it is about how people assign meaning to how you look." Robin D.G. Kelley

I am not sure but I think I asked you this once before. What kind of bike are you riding? I got rid of my bianchi and became a cannondale guy. :)
Another thought.

The mods set up a whole new section for "Tea Party."

Right below the "Race and Racism" section.

But the two sections have pretty much merged.


Because James Edwards is right: Whites cannot come together as a group without being called "racist".

My view: skip the tea party and head straight for white advocacy. Just tell 'em straight up: I'm white, and I want my rights!

Your rights? But you had such a monopoly on rights for so long....aren't you tired of them yet? :doubt:
What I have to say may help to advance the USMB debate on this topic.

As most know, I am the "evil white separatist" on the board. In my defense I say that I am not evil, I am just telling the truth and sticking up for white people.


Here's a secret.

The left is right about this much:

THEY ARE all white.

There are ALMOST NO blacks or Hispanics.

Which is it? It can't be both, either they are ALL white or there are ALMOST NO BLACKS or Hispanics.

What the OP does certainly tell us is that William is not a very intelligent man. In fact, he's an idiot. You see this. I see this. I wonder how long (in years) it will be before William himself recognizes it?

actually, sadly WJ is very smart. that's what makes his hatred so horrifying... educated, lived in multi-cultural areas, should know better. he's vile... but far from unintelligent.

and, unlike most of the racists on this board, he is always 100% honest about his hatred. he doesn't sugarcoat it or pretend that it doesn't exist.

and he's right in his post about what the tea parties are.... and the proof of it is in all the imbecilic 'i want my country back' vernacular.

want my country back from whom? people who voted in a legitimate election?

certainly not every tea partier is racist, but as a movement, they seem to be well-represented.
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Amanda has you beat by a mile.

Amanda's totally hot, but she's more or less "normal." I'm the died-in-the-wool bad guy.

Or, "real" guy:

Seriously, how many other whites THINK TO THEMSELVES what I post on the Internet? Lil' secret about whites: we say different things, but we mostly FEEL the same thing. And what we feel when we see a whole sea of black folks is, "Yeah. That's nice. But that's not me. That's not my people. Please, get me away from that. Thanks."
Amanda has you beat by a mile.

Amanda's totally hot, but she's more or less "normal." I'm the died-in-the-wool bad guy.

Or, "real" guy:

Seriously, how many other whites THINK TO THEMSELVES what I post on the Internet? Lil' secret about whites: we say different things, but we mostly FEEL the same thing. And what we feel when we see a whole sea of black folks is, "Yeah. That's nice. But that's not me. That's not my people. Please, get me away from that. Thanks."

You took "bad guy" training?

It's my experience that truly self assured guys don't need "their people" around all of the time to be safe or comfortable. What that means to me is that you are frightened.
Amanda has you beat by a mile.

Amanda's totally hot, but she's more or less "normal." I'm the died-in-the-wool bad guy.

Or, "real" guy:

Seriously, how many other whites THINK TO THEMSELVES what I post on the Internet? Lil' secret about whites: we say different things, but we mostly FEEL the same thing. And what we feel when we see a whole sea of black folks is, "Yeah. That's nice. But that's not me. That's not my people. Please, get me away from that. Thanks."

Less than you think, especially of the younger generations.
So, it's been a few weeks. And still:

The "Race" section and the "Tea Party" section are pretty much interchangeable. I had trouble finding a single thread in the "Tea Party" section that doesn't have to do with race, racism, manufactured racism, etc.

The reason for this: the masses of angry whites in the "Tea Party" are so obviously, to everyone else, just whites angry about becoming minorities.

Just not obvious to the Tea Party people, of course. They're in denial. Mostly -- with some glimmers of hope.

What will break this logjam?

Whites admitting that they are concerned about becoming minorities and losing power, resources, influence. And then speaking out and organizing along those lines.

My advice to the Tea Party gang is that spending all your time denying "racism" is playing right into the hands of the anti-whites, the left, Obama, etc. You spend all your energy on that, you have no energy to address your supposedly "non-racial" issues like taxation, etc.
Nobody was bound to like what I had to say.

Liberals don't like the idea that whites have legitimate causes of action against the Obama regime.

Conservatives don't like to admit that race motivates them.

And around in circles we go.

This isn't news WJ.

THE QUESTION of the year, decade, century, is WHY NOW?

Why did these folks all of sudden decide to protest the "Big Bad Government" as soon as President Obama took office? Because GWBush, Clinton, and Bush1 was so great?

Here they come...................................

Timing is everything. MANY had been singing this same tune for decades.

Right now we have unprecedented circumstances is why IMO.
Nobody was bound to like what I had to say.

Liberals don't like the idea that whites have legitimate causes of action against the Obama regime.

Conservatives don't like to admit that race motivates them.

And around in circles we go.

This isn't news WJ.

THE QUESTION of the year, decade, century, is WHY NOW?

Why did these folks all of sudden decide to protest the "Big Bad Government" as soon as President Obama took office? Because GWBush, Clinton, and Bush1 was so great?

Here they come...................................

Timing is everything. MANY had been singing this same tune for decades.

Right now we have unprecedented circumstances is why IMO.

Strange how the tune changes but the lyrics stay the same.

William Joyce is quite a character. I remember his conspiracy theories about Jews secretly controlling Bush and that's why Whites needed to band together. Now all a sudden there was no protest under Bush according to William Joyce.

This isn't news WJ.

THE QUESTION of the year, decade, century, is WHY NOW?

Why did these folks all of sudden decide to protest the "Big Bad Government" as soon as President Obama took office? Because GWBush, Clinton, and Bush1 was so great?

Here they come...................................

Timing is everything. MANY had been singing this same tune for decades.

Right now we have unprecedented circumstances is why IMO.

Strange how the tune changes but the lyrics stay the same.

William Joyce is quite a character. I remember his conspiracy theories about Jews secretly controlling Bush and that's why Whites needed to band together. Now all a sudden there was no protest under Bush according to William Joyce.


You just joined here, is Willliam Joyce really that famous on the interwebs? You've known him since the Bush years? Too funny him saying the Jews controlled Bush, typical WJ! :lol:
You just joined here, is Willliam Joyce really that famous on the interwebs? You've known him since the Bush years?

I wouldn't call him famous, but yeah I remember him from other boards in the past.

Too funny him saying the Jews controlled Bush, typical WJ! :lol:

He's singing the same song, Whites need to stand up against the non-whites in control. I guess now it's just more literal. Back then he tried to co-opt the anti-war groups with anti-semitism and called it justified. Now he is trying to co-opt the TEA Party movement.

Same lyrics, different tune.

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