I have to say, I will miss Joe Biden for only one reason


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

The man is just hilarious, whether he is grabbing the leg of a police officer unaware of what his doing as seen above, or talking about black children he calls roaches rubbing down his legs at a pool.

The man is just comedy gold!
View attachment 963185

The man is just hilarious, whether he is grabbing the leg of a police officer unaware of what his doing as seen above, or talking about black children he calls roaches rubbing down his legs at a pool.

The man is just comedy gold!
Biden is a groper, sniffer, and a pussy grabber. He can't help himself sometimes.
View attachment 963185

The man is just hilarious, whether he is grabbing the leg of a police officer unaware of what his doing as seen above, or talking about black children he calls roaches rubbing down his legs at a pool.

The man is just comedy gold!
He is the fakest motherfucker that ever lived. He tries to pretend to be empathetic and a man of the people, but he isnt any of those things so he ends up doing awkward shit like this ^. :dunno:
I'll be sad when he is gone only because his idiocy is the only thing that can make something so sad have a glimmer of humor to it.

When he is gone the downward trend of America will continue as if he never left, only difference is now whoever takes his place will only make me angry and sad, they won't even have any buffonary to laugh at through the tears of frustration at watching america decline. That is unless we get people back in control across the whole country that actually care about American.
I'll be sad when he is gone only because his idiocy is the only thing that can make something so sad have a glimmer of humor to it.

When he is gone the downward trend of America will continue as if he never left, only difference is now whoever takes his place will only make me angry and sad, they won't even have any buffonary to laugh at through the tears of frustration at watching america decline. That is unless we get people back in control across the whole country that actually care about American.

Unfortunately the repair job starts locally. The scum infect the states. Millions vote for a picture or a name. Like oh…. I’m voting for Gonzalez-smith as she is married to a Mexican. People vote with zero knowledge. Even me? I have no idea what judge or schoolboard. I leave em blank unless I can find a site to recommend….maybe?
View attachment 963185

The man is just hilarious, whether he is grabbing the leg of a police officer unaware of what his doing as seen above, or talking about black children he calls roaches rubbing down his legs at a pool.

The man is just comedy gold!

Congrats on the most click baity headline in a while.

And I mean that. ;)
Biden is a groper, sniffer, and a pussy grabber. He can't help himself sometimes.
OH noooes.......Deflection and Denial are two of your strong traits.

Who said "You can grab 'em by the Pussy"
Who was that^^^^^ ?
OH noooes.......Deflection and Denial are two of your strong traits.

Who said "You can grab 'em by the Pussy"
Who was that^^^^^ ?


The 2016 October surprise that totally failed is your talking point?

You guys really are screwed, huh?

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