I hope Biden picks Dr. Susan Rice for VP

What have any democrat done to be qualified? All failures across the board.. Every rat infested shit hole across America is run by democrats

Said by the Red State takers...

Red States are the ones with the hand out... Blue States pay for the ride...

Your point being?

Are the vast majority of cities now in turmoil with murders, arson, riots, and looting run by Democrats?

Case closed!
You can't tell a person loyal to America, you want the Russian Stooge... Thanks for playing but your opinion is worse than useless..

A wise man once said, 'The great enemy of truth is very often not the lie--deliberate, contrived and dishonest--but the myth--persistent, persuasive and unrealistic.'

Hmmm...If only I could remember who said it and where I read it.

Isn’t she the asshole that went on Sunday TV and lied about Benghazi? Yeah Joe, Pick her.

Nope, she merely passed along the information she had at the time. Your insinuation has been thoroughly debunked.

Not even you are that stupid.
Add that to her behavior just prior to Trump being inaugurated and it makes her unqualified to hold any position.
You can't tell a person loyal to America, you want the Russian Stooge... Thanks for playing but your opinion is worse than useless..

A wise man once said, 'The great enemy of truth is very often not the lie--deliberate, contrived and dishonest--but the myth--persistent, persuasive and unrealistic.'

Hmmm...If only I could remember who said it and where I read it.


That's right! Thank you - and now I remember where I read it...in Cowboy Ted's signature, which is ironic considering his continued belief in the 'Trump/Russian collusion' myth. :)
Figures these people would want another criminal to run.

They love them some criminals.

Too bad you have no evidence or actual facts to base your phony scandals on. All investigated all discredited totally but of course never retracted on your garbage propaganda machine, Brainwashed functional moron..... Meanwhile your lying hyros rob you and the country blind everyday with their giveaway to the rich tax rates and screw job for everyone else.
Isn’t she the asshole that went on Sunday TV and lied about Benghazi? Yeah Joe, Pick her.

Nope, she merely passed along the information she had at the time. Your insinuation has been thoroughly debunked.
She either knew she was going out on those shows to tell lies for Barry and Hillary...or she wasn't smart enough to know that they were using her to tell lies for them...pick your poison!

How would you know? Were you there?

It's obvious that both Clinton and Obama knew the whole "You Tube video protest" story was total bullshit at that point so it's equally obvious that either Rice also knew and went along with the lies like a good little soldier...or she was stupid enough to trust Barry and Hillary! Like I said...pick your poison!
The only people that know that are brainwashed functional moron GOP Fox whatever bots like you.....there are at least ten other embassy attacks goaded on by the Muslim Rush Limbaugh of the middle East at the same time. All about the video Doom cough.
You can't tell a person loyal to America, you want the Russian Stooge... Thanks for playing but your opinion is worse than useless..

A wise man once said, 'The great enemy of truth is very often not the lie--deliberate, contrived and dishonest--but the myth--persistent, persuasive and unrealistic.'

Hmmm...If only I could remember who said it and where I read it.


That's right! Thank you - and now I remember where I read it...in Cowboy Ted's signature, which is ironic considering his continued belief in the 'Trump/Russian collusion' myth. :)
Yes yes nothing suspicious about the Trump campaign meeting with Russians 30 x lying about it And writing nothing down like the mafiosos they are. Of course they did nothing who would want their help the incompetent twits.....
Isn’t she the asshole that went on Sunday TV and lied about Benghazi? Yeah Joe, Pick her.

Nope, she merely passed along the information she had at the time. Your insinuation has been thoroughly debunked.
She either knew she was going out on those shows to tell lies for Barry and Hillary...or she wasn't smart enough to know that they were using her to tell lies for them...pick your poison!

How would you know? Were you there?

It's obvious that both Clinton and Obama knew the whole "You Tube video protest" story was total bullshit at that point so it's equally obvious that either Rice also knew and went along with the lies like a good little soldier...or she was stupid enough to trust Barry and Hillary! Like I said...pick your poison!
The only people that know that are brainwashed functional moron GOP Fox whatever bots like you.....there are at least ten other embassy attacks goaded on by the Muslim Rush Limbaugh of the middle East at the same time. All about the video Doom cough.
Only YOU would be silly enough to still go with that narrative, Franco! God knows the Obama Administration abandoned it as soon as it was revealed that there never WAS a protest at the Benghazi compound that day!
Isn’t she the asshole that went on Sunday TV and lied about Benghazi? Yeah Joe, Pick her.

Nope, she merely passed along the information she had at the time. Your insinuation has been thoroughly debunked.
She either knew she was going out on those shows to tell lies for Barry and Hillary...or she wasn't smart enough to know that they were using her to tell lies for them...pick your poison!

How would you know? Were you there?

It's obvious that both Clinton and Obama knew the whole "You Tube video protest" story was total bullshit at that point so it's equally obvious that either Rice also knew and went along with the lies like a good little soldier...or she was stupid enough to trust Barry and Hillary! Like I said...pick your poison!
The only people that know that are brainwashed functional moron GOP Fox whatever bots like you.....there are at least ten other embassy attacks goaded on by the Muslim Rush Limbaugh of the middle East at the same time. All about the video Doom cough.
Only YOU would be silly enough to still go with that narrative, Franco! God knows the Obama Administration abandoned it as soon as it was revealed that there never WAS a protest at the Benghazi compound that day!
And they revealed it LOL. Absolutely irrelevant. Along with all the rest of the crap you believe about Benghazi. There were eight separate GOP Congressional investigations and they came up with absolutely nothing but discrediting your garbage propaganda.
Isn’t she the asshole that went on Sunday TV and lied about Benghazi? Yeah Joe, Pick her.

Nope, she merely passed along the information she had at the time. Your insinuation has been thoroughly debunked.
She either knew she was going out on those shows to tell lies for Barry and Hillary...or she wasn't smart enough to know that they were using her to tell lies for them...pick your poison!

How would you know? Were you there?

It's obvious that both Clinton and Obama knew the whole "You Tube video protest" story was total bullshit at that point so it's equally obvious that either Rice also knew and went along with the lies like a good little soldier...or she was stupid enough to trust Barry and Hillary! Like I said...pick your poison!
The only people that know that are brainwashed functional moron GOP Fox whatever bots like you.....there are at least ten other embassy attacks goaded on by the Muslim Rush Limbaugh of the middle East at the same time. All about the video Doom cough.
Only YOU would be silly enough to still go with that narrative, Franco! God knows the Obama Administration abandoned it as soon as it was revealed that there never WAS a protest at the Benghazi compound that day!
That took about four hours, brainwashed functional moron. They knew it was terror the next day and said so in the Rose garden. The crap you believe is amazing.
Rice stuck to the talking points she had been given and said the attack evolved out of a protest against an offensive internet video.

White House messaging guru Ben Rhodes had drafted talking points which urged U.S. officials to emphasize that the attack stemmed from a protest of the video and not a failure in policy.

According to testimony from Rhodes, she was his third choice to go on the Sunday shows. Initially he tried Clinton, who did not respond, and then Tom Donilon, who was Obama's national security adviser.

Rice was not well-prepared for this task. Not only was she not a participant in the senior-level meetings to respond to the Benghazi attack, she wasn't even briefed by an intelligence analyst before appearing on the Sunday shows. Rhodes and senior Obama adviser David Plouffe briefed Rice instead.

Why would anyone blame Dr. Rice for simply expressing the talking points she had been given?
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You can't tell a person loyal to America, you want the Russian Stooge... Thanks for playing but your opinion is worse than useless..

A wise man once said, 'The great enemy of truth is very often not the lie--deliberate, contrived and dishonest--but the myth--persistent, persuasive and unrealistic.'

Hmmm...If only I could remember who said it and where I read it.


That's right! Thank you - and now I remember where I read it...in Cowboy Ted's signature, which is ironic considering his continued belief in the 'Trump/Russian collusion' myth. :)
Yes yes nothing suspicious about the Trump campaign meeting with Russians 30 x lying about it And writing nothing down like the mafiosos they are. Of course they did nothing who would want their help the incompetent twits.....

And then you double down on the stupid by trying to go with the "Russian Collusion" narrative, Franco? You must have a burning desire to appear clueless!
Rice stuck to the talking points she had been given and said the attack evolved out of a protest against an offensive internet video.

White House messaging guru Ben Rhodes had drafted talking points which urged U.S. officials to emphasize that the attack stemmed from a protest of the video and not a failure in policy.

According to testimony from Rhodes, she was his third choice to go on the Sunday shows. Initially he tried Clinton, who did not respond, and then Tom Donilon, who was Obama's national security adviser.

Rice was not well-prepared for this task. Not only was she not a participant in the senior-level meetings to respond to the Benghazi attack, she wasn't even briefed by an intelligence analyst before appearing on the Sunday shows. Rhodes and senior Obama adviser David Plouffe briefed Rice instead.

Why would anyone blame Dr. Rice for simply expressing the talking points she had been given?

For being stupid enough to allow herself to be used that way?
Rice stuck to the talking points she had been given and said the attack evolved out of a protest against an offensive internet video.

White House messaging guru Ben Rhodes had drafted talking points which urged U.S. officials to emphasize that the attack stemmed from a protest of the video and not a failure in policy.

According to testimony from Rhodes, she was his third choice to go on the Sunday shows. Initially he tried Clinton, who did not respond, and then Tom Donilon, who was Obama's national security adviser.

Rice was not well-prepared for this task. Not only was she not a participant in the senior-level meetings to respond to the Benghazi attack, she wasn't even briefed by an intelligence analyst before appearing on the Sunday shows. Rhodes and senior Obama adviser David Plouffe briefed Rice instead.

Why would anyone blame Dr. Rice for simply expressing the talking points she had been given?

For being stupid enough to allow herself to be used that way?

She was a team player doing what she was told. She didn't know the talking points she had been given were misleading.
Rice stuck to the talking points she had been given and said the attack evolved out of a protest against an offensive internet video.

White House messaging guru Ben Rhodes had drafted talking points which urged U.S. officials to emphasize that the attack stemmed from a protest of the video and not a failure in policy.

According to testimony from Rhodes, she was his third choice to go on the Sunday shows. Initially he tried Clinton, who did not respond, and then Tom Donilon, who was Obama's national security adviser.

Rice was not well-prepared for this task. Not only was she not a participant in the senior-level meetings to respond to the Benghazi attack, she wasn't even briefed by an intelligence analyst before appearing on the Sunday shows. Rhodes and senior Obama adviser David Plouffe briefed Rice instead.

Why would anyone blame Dr. Rice for simply expressing the talking points she had been given?

For being stupid enough to allow herself to be used that way?

She was a team player doing what she was told. She didn't know the talking points she had been given were misleading.

In other words she "trusted" Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama? That right there shows a serious lack of common sense, Lakhota! Team player? More like team patsy!
Rice stuck to the talking points she had been given and said the attack evolved out of a protest against an offensive internet video.

White House messaging guru Ben Rhodes had drafted talking points which urged U.S. officials to emphasize that the attack stemmed from a protest of the video and not a failure in policy.

According to testimony from Rhodes, she was his third choice to go on the Sunday shows. Initially he tried Clinton, who did not respond, and then Tom Donilon, who was Obama's national security adviser.

Rice was not well-prepared for this task. Not only was she not a participant in the senior-level meetings to respond to the Benghazi attack, she wasn't even briefed by an intelligence analyst before appearing on the Sunday shows. Rhodes and senior Obama adviser David Plouffe briefed Rice instead.

Why would anyone blame Dr. Rice for simply expressing the talking points she had been given?

For being stupid enough to allow herself to be used that way?

She was a team player doing what she was told. She didn't know the talking points she had been given were misleading.

In other words she "trusted" Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama? That right there shows a serious lack of common sense, Lakhota! Team player? More like team patsy!

No, dumbass, she trusted the two who briefed her (Rhodes and Plouffe). Are you really that dense - or just trolling?
Yes yes nothing suspicious about the Trump campaign meeting with Russians 30 x lying about it And writing nothing down like the mafiosos they are. Of course they did nothing who would want their help the incompetent twits.....

Two years and $32,000,000 later - whatcha got? Nothing.

Either Trump did not collude with the Russians or the Dems are shamefully ineffective at fact finding.

Now it's highly possible that there was some 'collusion' going on, but it wasn't between Trump and the Russians.
Yes yes nothing suspicious about the Trump campaign meeting with Russians 30 x lying about it And writing nothing down like the mafiosos they are. Of course they did nothing who would want their help the incompetent twits.....

Two years and $32,000,000 later - whatcha got? Nothing.

Either Trump did not collude with the Russians or the Dems are shamefully ineffective at fact finding.

Now it's highly possible that there was some 'collusion' going on, but it wasn't between Trump and the Russians.

Intelligence agencies say otherwise. Also, the Republican-led Senate Intelligence Committee also said otherwise.
Rice stuck to the talking points she had been given and said the attack evolved out of a protest against an offensive internet video.

White House messaging guru Ben Rhodes had drafted talking points which urged U.S. officials to emphasize that the attack stemmed from a protest of the video and not a failure in policy.

According to testimony from Rhodes, she was his third choice to go on the Sunday shows. Initially he tried Clinton, who did not respond, and then Tom Donilon, who was Obama's national security adviser.

Rice was not well-prepared for this task. Not only was she not a participant in the senior-level meetings to respond to the Benghazi attack, she wasn't even briefed by an intelligence analyst before appearing on the Sunday shows. Rhodes and senior Obama adviser David Plouffe briefed Rice instead.

Why would anyone blame Dr. Rice for simply expressing the talking points she had been given?

For being stupid enough to allow herself to be used that way?

She was a team player doing what she was told. She didn't know the talking points she had been given were misleading.

In other words she "trusted" Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama? That right there shows a serious lack of common sense, Lakhota! Team player? More like team patsy!

No, dumbass, she trusted the two who briefed her (Rhodes and Plouffe). Are you really that dense - or just trolling?
Who did Rhodes and Plouffe report to? Oh...who's the dumbass now?

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