I Hope The Bus Driver Was Fired.

Sadly the write up doesn't say. Go here for the story.

God bless you and little Seeley always!!!


P.S. I love a name that you do not hear every day. :) :) :)

You're a sweetheart Holly but it looks like they were asked if they could walk not forced.
The driver did not lose its job. Just getting a little training and assistance.

there are some extremely rare situations where it is appropriate and understandable to have anxiety about what could have happened. This ain't one of them. The kid got home OK.

Let it go.
You're a sweetheart Holly but it looks like they were asked if they could walk not forced.
I saw where it said in the write up that the little girl isn't the kind of kid to say "No." to an adult. Considering how monstrous people are allowed to be now, maybe its time to teach her that word. It just might be the greatest one that there is in the English language.

God bless you and little Seeley always!!!

I saw where it said in the write up that the little girl isn't the kind of kid to say "No." to an adult. Considering how monstrous people are allowed to be now, maybe its time to teach her that word. It just might be the greatest one that there is in the English language.

God bless you and little Seeley always!!!


To be honest with you I sort of see both sides to it.
I can vouch for schools not giving a damn about WHO they hire for school bus drivers.
Almost ALL of the school bus drivers in my area are literally, PSYCHOPATHS!! They NEVER stop for red lights, stop signs, never use signals, cut people off, run people off the roads.....and every other vicious, violent thing you can think of!

Schools also HIRE anybody that walks in off the streets!!! LITERALLY.
School districts have been known (and some caught) hiring drug addicts, alcoholics, the mentally unstable, peodophiles, ex-convicts, murderers, etc....
ALL YOU NEED TO BE A PUBLIC SCHOOL BUS DRIVER IS A CLEAN DMV RECORD!!! And by "clean", I mean less than 3 "incidents" on your driving record. Some school districts only hire people with perfect driving records, but still.......that doesn't really matter now, does it!! Many psychotically deranged lunatics drive all their lives without having anything put on their records.......mainly because they are never caught.

School districts do NOT do background checks. Some say they do, but they don't, "they cost too much money".
And "training" is how to drive the bus ONLY..........so you can get your upgraded license for driving a large vehicle. The ONLY piece of "training" they get about their passengers, is they aren't allowed to touch the kids.

These are the kinds of people that drive public school buses!!!! LONG GONE are the days where you had the same bus driver for years, with proper training, and proper mental stability.
How far a walk was it?

Around the block.

That was then............this is now.

So,.. do you think that children shouldn't go trick-or-treating then? Unless their parents are with them every step of the way it's the same thing. Yes, this world is a bit more dangerous than it used to be,.. but if you teach children how to be safe walking home or on Halloween then it's perfectly alright in my book. It's one thing to be cautious, but you don't have to be a helicopter parent. (Not saying you are, but if I do ever have children I'm not going to baby them forever. They want their independence and on top of that it's a life skill.)
I was overlooked once during my first year here in east Tennessee. I was a high school freshman, but because I was still new to the area, I never would've known how to get home on foot where ever him and I were when he realized that I was still there on the bus. I don't remember how far away we were from my address exactly by then, but I do remember that a walk from there to my house would've been forever if my driver had been anything like the one who kicked little Seeley to the curb.

God bless you and her always!!!

Holly (an east Tennessean for 25 years now)
I was overlooked once during my first year here in east Tennessee. I was a high school freshman, but because I was still new to the area, I never would've known how to get home on foot where ever him and I were when he realized that I was still there on the bus. I don't remember how far away we were from my address exactly by then, but I do remember that a walk from there to my house would've been forever if my driver had been anything like the one who kicked little Seeley to the curb.

God bless you and her always!!!

Holly (an east Tennessean for 25 years now)

I'm not saying that the bus driver is completely innocent and didn't screw up btw,.. (for missing the stop) but it was a simple mistake and I don't really think he should be fired because of it.
I walked to school and home from school when I was in kindergarten. -___-
I didn't go to kindergarten, but I walked in all grades of elementary school (including 1st) or rode my bike in 4th, 5th and 6th.
I walked to and from school as well, but times have changed since then. Plus, when we walked, every kids was going to and from at the same time, so it wasn't just me walking alone, with no one else anywhere. Same thing on Halloween night.

The driver should have taken another lap, but firing would be too much, so retraining seems about right. And maybe send the poor girl a lollipop, or something.
I walked to and from school as well, but times have changed since then. Plus, when we walked, every kids was going to and from at the same time, so it wasn't just me walking alone, with no one else anywhere. Same thing on Halloween night.

The driver should have taken another lap, but firing would be too much, so retraining seems about right. And maybe send the poor girl a lollipop, or something.
Maybe a suspension would be more appropriate should a firing be too much. I am just sick of hearing about kids being handled so carelessly after how much has happened in the last several years already. I will never forget about the nightmare that is written about here. If I read the information right, the monster who is responsible was let out of prison at one point and is only there again now due to statutory rape activity that he chose to be guilty of as well after being allowed to go home. Last year he pleaded guilty to the rape charges and was given six additional years when he may have only gotten four years for the bus crash that he is known for. Six children were killed because of him and that's all that he was given? Porpoise poop!!!

God bless you and every impacted person who is still here always!!!


P.S. Before he wrecked that bus, he said to them kids, "How many of you are ready to die?"
P.S. Before he wrecked that bus, he said to them kids, "How many of you are ready to die?"

That's horrible!! And btw, it came up in conversation today and I have to admit that if you look at it where the bus driver should have dropped them off at the proper spot,.. then yeah,.. it's a good point and there's every reason to be upset over it. However, down the street from us is a group of kids and they ride the bus,.. WHEN THEY LIVE A CROSSED THE STREET FROM THE SCHOOL!!!! So it just depends on what we're getting upset about. If we're getting upset about them walking, or the fact that it was the wrong stop.

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