‘I Immigrated to the US to Pursue the American Dream, Not to Pay for Your College Degree‘


I thought we were all immigrants? how can someone be from the USA?

Pretty fucking easy man. I was born here, and my parent's are citizens.
yeah then how is it we're all immigrants as the left declares?
It started here:

Hands down the most brainless bullshit to bring to this debate...
LefTard Logic:
"The first person that owned your home has rights to it forever; they have the right to decide who comes and goes in your home FOREVER."
How do you feel about public schools? K-high school? Do you wanna defund and shut them down?

Of course nothing but Union liberal indoctrination centers who doesn't teach fucking Math, if they did libtards would know raising the minimum wage doesn't do anything.

So would you want to defund and shut down public schools?

Why won't you address my complaint all they are is liberal indoctrination centers and now in some districts illegals can vote for who is on the school boards
your complaint is ridiculous and you ignored my question to go off book with that little rant of yours. But I’ll play. I’m a coach for my local high school and my girl is a district counselor. We are very aware of what’s happening in schools. Not teaching math is a lie. Liberal indoctrination is laughable. How exactly do you think this indoctrination is happening? Go ahead and explain that one. Do you think they have Liberal study’s class where they get this indoctrination?

How about you answer my question... do you want to defund and shut down public schools?

If they know math so well how come these idiots don't know raising the minimum wage nationaly across the board doesn't do a damn thing ?

Is that really your argument to validate the lie you just told that schools don’t teach math? Really?!
Of course nothing but Union liberal indoctrination centers who doesn't teach fucking Math, if they did libtards would know raising the minimum wage doesn't do anything.

So would you want to defund and shut down public schools?

Why won't you address my complaint all they are is liberal indoctrination centers and now in some districts illegals can vote for who is on the school boards
your complaint is ridiculous and you ignored my question to go off book with that little rant of yours. But I’ll play. I’m a coach for my local high school and my girl is a district counselor. We are very aware of what’s happening in schools. Not teaching math is a lie. Liberal indoctrination is laughable. How exactly do you think this indoctrination is happening? Go ahead and explain that one. Do you think they have Liberal study’s class where they get this indoctrination?

How about you answer my question... do you want to defund and shut down public schools?

If they know math so well how come these idiots don't know raising the minimum wage nationaly across the board doesn't do a damn thing ?

Is that really your argument to validate the lie you just told that schools don’t teach math? Really?!

What lie?

Tell me where I lied or do you think raising the minimum wage up to $15 across the board does anything?
...Did you know, Lee Harvey Oswald (October 18, 1939 – November 24, 1963) was an American Marxist and former U.S. Marine who assassinated United States President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963..

Did you know, the pedo creep Epstein committed suicide while supposed to be on suicide watch?
Now does it make more sense?

Absolutely... probably not quite how you imagine it though..

Paying ShaQuita and Guadalupe to smoke weed, run their baby factories and produce more of their filthy same is not one and the same with investing in good Americans and our food sources… Sorry bud.
Sheesh! Wipe the foam off your mouth and chinny chin chin, broke loser. ShaQuita and Guadalupe were not smoking weed and producing more of their "filthy" same. They were plucking chickens as required by the rich guys (like your hero) who hired them so you and the Colonel can have your nuggets and drum sticks el cheapo.
prove it
Historically this can be found throughout history, for instance the support that Jews gave to Hitler even after many of them were disappearing from their countries. So I'm Hardly surprised that you can find any type of person aligned to this hate group. But then they have to make a fool out of themselves saying 68% of immigrants support their leader. I have never seen a comment from anyone on the right that is true to the core ,even when they have made their point and could have left it there , they still have to lie and distort . That is one of the main reasons that They support this guy. They do exactly the same as their leader. Lie even when they don't have to, even when the truth would make their point.
you obviously never actually talked to an immigrant. they don't want illegals here. go ask one.
You're the type of immigrant America needs. Thank you. Viva Trump

Americans really do like immigrants who assimilate and bring their culture and ideas and quest for freedom and justice with them and make America great. Coming here looking for a handout is not what legal immigrants are seeking. You are an example of what is great about America.

Absolutely. I have never had a problem with any immigrant that wants to come here and work for what they want, and do so legal.

Never once had a problem with that.

And I live out my convictions on this. My roommate was from Bangladesh. He wanted a place to stay while he got his citizenship, and then waiting for his wife to come. I was there at his citizenship ceremony, and we went out to lunch after it, on my dollar.

Since when have conservatives ever had a problem with this? Never. Not one time.

The left-wing is just a bunch of evil scum, and they can't argue with you on what you actually believe, so they have to have their entire belief system based on their evil lies and cruelty. That's all there is to it. The left-wing is immoral, evil disgusting trash, and I for one am tired of their crap, and I won't tolerate their lies anymore.

Americans "DO NOT" hate Immigrants we are all part of that process either recently or 500 yrs ago American Natives which includes indigenous people who were here before the European Invasion did not want us here either I suspect. There downfall was they didn't have strict immigration laws or defined borders or firearms. Well guess what? We learned from their Mistakes and have all three. Americans like immigration just not freeloaders regardless of their National Origin race, or religion etc. etc.

I thought we were all immigrants? how can someone be from the USA?

Pretty fucking easy man. I was born here, and my parent's are citizens.
yeah then how is it we're all immigrants as the left declares?
It started here:
was it their country? where was their government? how did they get there? hmmmm asia maybe? so they too were immigrants? one has to have borders to have illegal entry, and I'll wait for the records from you showing the indian constitution and border.

and for the record, an illegal is not an immigrant, it is an illegal.

And, the guy from the shithole country took over the chief's land and his people. And now we run it. And guess what, we have borders, we have laws, we have a constitution and we expect foreigners to respect it or face the consequences. still unclear what your argument actually is.
So would you want to defund and shut down public schools?

Why won't you address my complaint all they are is liberal indoctrination centers and now in some districts illegals can vote for who is on the school boards
your complaint is ridiculous and you ignored my question to go off book with that little rant of yours. But I’ll play. I’m a coach for my local high school and my girl is a district counselor. We are very aware of what’s happening in schools. Not teaching math is a lie. Liberal indoctrination is laughable. How exactly do you think this indoctrination is happening? Go ahead and explain that one. Do you think they have Liberal study’s class where they get this indoctrination?

How about you answer my question... do you want to defund and shut down public schools?

If they know math so well how come these idiots don't know raising the minimum wage nationaly across the board doesn't do a damn thing ?

Is that really your argument to validate the lie you just told that schools don’t teach math? Really?!

What lie?

Tell me where I lied or do you think raising the minimum wage up to $15 across the board does anything?
he does,


Of course nothing but Union liberal indoctrination centers who doesn't teach fucking Math, if they did libtards would know raising the minimum wage doesn't do anything.

So would you want to defund and shut down public schools?
Might as well, look at what they are producing.
That’s awesome...but why spend our time discussing the one percentile?
Dude you live in orange country there are 1000s of immigrants (persians, afghanis, koreans, south asians....) that are millionaires and made it far better than you.

Maybe...my neighbor is from India and cofounder of the largest medical device firms in the nation....SO....why do you want to talk about the micro percentages?
Because it bothers you. You dont like to see non whites succeed.

That’s not true at all...my neighbor is awesome; he’s got the entry code to my front door.
Oh so you hate mexicans only.
Why don't you just shut your mouth. If Mexicans follow the law and immigrate here legally. They become an American. If they come here illegally they are criminals.
Dude you live in orange country there are 1000s of immigrants (persians, afghanis, koreans, south asians....) that are millionaires and made it far better than you.

Maybe...my neighbor is from India and cofounder of the largest medical device firms in the nation....SO....why do you want to talk about the micro percentages?
Because it bothers you. You dont like to see non whites succeed.

That’s not true at all...my neighbor is awesome; he’s got the entry code to my front door.
Oh so you hate mexicans only.
Why don't you just shut your mouth. If Mexicans follow the law and immigrate here legally. They become an American. If they come here illegally they are criminals.
It's unclear why that is so difficult for people like him/ her.

As you tell the squad to go back to their countries (which is USA).
I thought we were all immigrants? how can someone be from the USA?

Pretty fucking easy man. I was born here, and my parent's are citizens.
yeah then how is it we're all immigrants as the left declares?
It started here:

Hands down the most brainless bullshit to bring to this debate...
LefTard Logic:
"The first person that owned your home has rights to it forever; they have the right to decide who comes and goes in your home FOREVER."
Then we can take whatever we want, whenever we want.

As you tell the squad to go back to their countries (which is USA).
I thought we were all immigrants? how can someone be from the USA?

Pretty fucking easy man. I was born here, and my parent's are citizens.
yeah then how is it we're all immigrants as the left declares?
It started here:
was it their country? where was their government? how did they get there? hmmmm asia maybe? so they too were immigrants? one has to have borders to have illegal entry, and I'll wait for the records from you showing the indian constitution and border.

and for the record, an illegal is not an immigrant, it is an illegal.

And, the guy from the shithole country took over the chief's land and his people. And now we run it. And guess what, we have borders, we have laws, we have a constitution and we expect foreigners to respect it or face the consequences. still unclear what your argument actually is.
European colonizers seized Native land and enslaved Native peoples.

It was their land and their lives and their freedom, thats the point.

I thought we were all immigrants? how can someone be from the USA?

Pretty fucking easy man. I was born here, and my parent's are citizens.
yeah then how is it we're all immigrants as the left declares?
It started here:

Hands down the most brainless bullshit to bring to this debate...
LefTard Logic:
"The first person that owned your home has rights to it forever; they have the right to decide who comes and goes in your home FOREVER."
Then we can take whatever we want, whenever we want.

I thought we were all immigrants? how can someone be from the USA?

Pretty fucking easy man. I was born here, and my parent's are citizens.
yeah then how is it we're all immigrants as the left declares?
It started here:
was it their country? where was their government? how did they get there? hmmmm asia maybe? so they too were immigrants? one has to have borders to have illegal entry, and I'll wait for the records from you showing the indian constitution and border.

and for the record, an illegal is not an immigrant, it is an illegal.

And, the guy from the shithole country took over the chief's land and his people. And now we run it. And guess what, we have borders, we have laws, we have a constitution and we expect foreigners to respect it or face the consequences. still unclear what your argument actually is.
European colonizers seized Native land and enslaved Native peoples.

It was their land and their lives and their freedom, thats the point.
so why do you want to repeat it?
Dude you live in orange country there are 1000s of immigrants (persians, afghanis, koreans, south asians....) that are millionaires and made it far better than you.

Maybe...my neighbor is from India and cofounder of the largest medical device firms in the nation....SO....why do you want to talk about the micro percentages?
Because it bothers you. You dont like to see non whites succeed.

That’s not true at all...my neighbor is awesome; he’s got the entry code to my front door.
Oh so you hate mexicans only.
Why don't you just shut your mouth. If Mexicans follow the law and immigrate here legally. They become an American. If they come here illegally they are criminals.
Mexicans are indigenous to most US southern states, that's nature fixing itself. White Europeans are the ones that came here and occupied the land and wanna prevent others from coming in.
Maybe...my neighbor is from India and cofounder of the largest medical device firms in the nation....SO....why do you want to talk about the micro percentages?
Because it bothers you. You dont like to see non whites succeed.

That’s not true at all...my neighbor is awesome; he’s got the entry code to my front door.
Oh so you hate mexicans only.
Why don't you just shut your mouth. If Mexicans follow the law and immigrate here legally. They become an American. If they come here illegally they are criminals.
Mexicans are indigenous to most US southern states, that's nature fixing itself. White Europeans are the ones that came here and occupied the land and wanna prevent others from coming in.
There are ways anyone can get into the country.

Of course nothing but Union liberal indoctrination centers who doesn't teach fucking Math, if they did libtards would know raising the minimum wage doesn't do anything.

So would you want to defund and shut down public schools?
Might as well, look at what they are producing.
Sure, take a look and critique all you want. We can always do better. But my question was whether they should be defunded and shut down
Maybe...my neighbor is from India and cofounder of the largest medical device firms in the nation....SO....why do you want to talk about the micro percentages?
Because it bothers you. You dont like to see non whites succeed.

That’s not true at all...my neighbor is awesome; he’s got the entry code to my front door.
Oh so you hate mexicans only.
Why don't you just shut your mouth. If Mexicans follow the law and immigrate here legally. They become an American. If they come here illegally they are criminals.
Mexicans are indigenous to most US southern states, that's nature fixing itself. White Europeans are the ones that came here and occupied the land and wanna prevent others from coming in.
Santa Anna, you've never heard of eh?

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