I implore everyone over 60 to do all you can to improve your strengh and balance.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Helping an elderly neighbor living alone has been a sobering experience. To see someone lying face down on her garage floor unable to move is awful to see. So unless you want to be that person I implore you to begin strength and balance exercises. They are simple to do and you start easy as can be but if you are in your 60s or older you must do this for your own sake. Once you lose your strength and balance, the clock starts counting down to your date with a garage floor.

My work room is in the basement and I must go up and down those stairs 30 times, most days. Not to mention the fact that my deck is elevated, so there's more stairs when I'm out in the garden or playing with the dog.

And I'll be 70 next month.

Your advice is wise, MarathonMike

Stairs and hills are great as long as you don't fall! My neighbor tripped on a ladder in her garage and her left humerus snapped like a twig.
Helping an elderly neighbor living alone has been a sobering experience. To see someone lying face down on her garage floor unable to move is awful to see. So unless you want to be that person I implore you to begin strength and balance exercises. They are simple to do and you start easy as can be but if you are in your 60s or older you must do this for your own sake. Once you lose your strength and balance, the clock starts counting down to your date with a garage floor.
You're right. My wheels are bad right now, and I can't squat, I haven't even been able to take my walks for a month, but I do other things. . But I am determined to stay out of a nursing home.
You're right. My wheels are bad right now, and I can't squat, I haven't even been able to take my walks for a month, but I do other things. . But I am determined to stay out of a nursing home.
I hear ya. I've been working off of a ladder for about a week (up and down dozens of times a day) and my legs are so sore I can hardly walk when I first get up.
Helping an elderly neighbor living alone has been a sobering experience. To see someone lying face down on her garage floor unable to move is awful to see. So unless you want to be that person I implore you to begin strength and balance exercises. They are simple to do and you start easy as can be but if you are in your 60s or older you must do this for your own sake. Once you lose your strength and balance, the clock starts counting down to your date with a garage floor.
I was doing the Orange Theory workout system 3 times a week. Was having a blast getting my endurance and flexibility back. Then a month ago, i was rear ended on the highway and now have neck problems. Dont worry, he was either talking on the phone or texting because all traffic had stopped on the highway, except him.
I was doing the Orange Theory workout system 3 times a week. Was having a blast getting my endurance and flexibility back. Then a month ago, i was rear ended on the highway and now have neck problems. Dont worry, he was either talking on the phone or texting because all traffic had stopped on the highway, except him.
Well hopefully that's a temporary setback. Good on you for being pro-active in workouts. I've definitely stepped up my workouts lately.
You're right. My wheels are bad right now, and I can't squat, I haven't even been able to take my walks for a month, but I do other things. . But I am determined to stay out of a nursing home.
Good idea. Life expectancy is very short in nursing homes. :(
The OP is right. Keeping your mobility is key to maintaining a healthy life style as we get older. The older we get the more we should walk or bike ride.
Helping an elderly neighbor living alone has been a sobering experience. To see someone lying face down on her garage floor unable to move is awful to see. So unless you want to be that person I implore you to begin strength and balance exercises. They are simple to do and you start easy as can be but if you are in your 60s or older you must do this for your own sake. Once you lose your strength and balance, the clock starts counting down to your date with a garage floor.

Great advice! I need to do more in that area. Work takes up most of my time and I've seen the decline over the last 10 years from poor exercise habits.

You are a good person and neighbor. The people of the Great Depression helped their neighbor. The people of now...will kill you for your preps, then eat you and your dog!

bunker family neighbors 1961.jpg

Helping an elderly neighbor living alone has been a sobering experience. To see someone lying face down on her garage floor unable to move is awful to see. So unless you want to be that person I implore you to begin strength and balance exercises. They are simple to do and you start easy as can be but if you are in your 60s or older you must do this for your own sake. Once you lose your strength and balance, the clock starts counting down to your date with a garage floor.

Good thread.

I turn 60 in a couple months and started really focusing on this last year. I did pretty good with fitness and exercise after first leaving the Corps, but a couple injuries/medical issues and I let much of it slip away. I am now almost 30 pounds lighter than I was a year ago and in far better shape. My wife has been doing it as well, as we gear up for retirement we want to be fit and healthy enough to travel as much as we desire.
I am 59 and still do the ass busting work of framing large residential homes. Climing roof trusses and steep slopes. Carrying heavy materials and working outdoors all year.

Most of my peers are now overweight and have health issues from an inactive lifestyle.

Two friends have died from heart problems. One was 61 and the other was 57.

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