I implore you

Doing nothing solves nothing.

It's a really stupid plan.

I find this argument to be really stupid.

If I thought voting was productive, legitimate, or morally justified, I wouldn't be telling people to not vote. If you want to do something productive, then engage in direct action campaigns.

I've been involved in direct action campaigns, protests, and civil disobedience most of my life.

Your protest vote is meaningless outside of your head. You can tell yourself that you're doing something productive, but you aren't. You're misreading a placebo.

No one cares if you don't vote but you. It's much more productive, though far harder to change the system from within.

You do just as well to write your own name in for president .. you'll accomplish the same thing .. nothing.
I've been involved in direct action campaigns, protests, and civil disobedience most of my life.

Yet every 2 years you go pleading to the government on your hands and knees to solve problems on your behalf.

You contribute to the problem. Nothing you are doing is helping to solve it, as long as the means to your ends is government.

Your protest vote is meaningless outside of your head.

I am not protest voting.

I am not voting.

You can tell yourself that you're doing something productive, but you aren't.

It is a simple fact that voting is counterproductive and an illegitimate means of falsely legitimizing an illegitmate system.

No one cares if you don't vote but you. It's much more productive, though far harder to do to change the system from within.

No, it is not productive at all. Voting is meaningless. It is the way the state manfactures consent for its right to rule.

You do just as well to write your own name in for president .. you'll accomplish the same thing .. nothing.

Voting accomplishes nothing, except once again manufacturing perceived consent.

Like I said, voting is counterproductive, illegitimate, and morally unjusitified. Arguing that not voting is not productive is not an effective argument, since it is still not counterproductive, illegitimate, or morally unjustified.
Voting is direct action. The best one we have.

No, do not be retarded.

Voting is how rulers manufacture consent for their ability to rule over man. Direct action is instituting change by example, and it is much better to institute change ourselves than lobby the government to do it for us.

Besides, if you believe that your vote actually matters, then you do not understand much about how our system really works.
I understand that you are bat shit crazy and likely one of those that makes it onto a COPS episode.
So commie, tell us, how can they be different and the same?

They perpetuate different lies but serve the same cause of progressive big government.

Love how the communist is the one that advocates for the least government. I am not the socialist scum here.
So commie, tell us, how can they be different and the same?

They perpetuate different lies but serve the same cause of progressive big government.

Love how the communist is the one that advocates for the least government. I am not the socialist scum here.

Not what you said idiot, you said they used different means to the same end, then you said their meas is the same. You can't have it both ways. Also if you don't want to be called a commie, maybe you should lose the soviet commie slogan in your sig.
you said they used different means to the same end, then you said their meas is the same.

They distribute different lies to the general public, but engage in the same tactics in office. Manipulation, cronyism, intimidation, extortion, expanding the established law, ect.

Also if you don't want to be called a commie, maybe you should lose the soviet commie slogan in your sig.

You really are an uneducated moron.

That "commie slogan" was used by the free men that fought the Soviet Union and White Army during the Russian civil war. Perhaps you should go reeducate yourself on the history of militarized libertarian movements.

Or maybe you are just another manipulated tool that believes any criticism of the ruling class is communistic.
you said they used different means to the same end, then you said their meas is the same.

They distribute different lies to the general public, but engage in the same tactics in office. Manipulation, cronyism, intimidation, extortion, expanding the established law, ect.

Also if you don't want to be called a commie, maybe you should lose the soviet commie slogan in your sig.

You really are an uneducated moron.

That "commie slogan" was used by the free men that fought the Soviet Union and White Army during the Russian civil war. Perhaps you should go educate yourself on the history of militarized libertarian movements.

Perhaps you should actually say what you mean instead of contradicting yourself.
Perhaps you should actually say what you mean instead of contradicting yourself.

I did say what I meant. You asked for clarification, and I just provided it.

What I meant said:
They distribute different lies to the general public, but engage in the same tactics in office. Manipulation, cronyism, intimidation, extortion, expanding the established law, ect.

I just assumed there would be no objection from raging idiots that have poor comprehension skills.
Let me guess you're a Republican?

You just demonstrated very poor comprehension skills.

The OP implicitly reiterates several times on the severity of having the civil population divided along political lines.
The problem is not enough people vote.

We know the majority of Americans hate the conservatives agenda but a lot of those people who agree with me don't vote because they don't think it matters. It does. There is a huge difference between the two parties. Will the president rubber stamp GOP legislation and will they appoint a neo nut to the supreme Court.

The only reason the far right is allowed to fuck up the economy and obstruct is because people don't vote
Your lapdog media which doesn't deserve 1st amendment right of a free press is overplaying the trouncing the Hillary is going to give Trump. Since your idiots think she'll win all 57 states, most of them won't bother to vote. Especially the young and GEN X liberals.

That spells victory for our side because we are all determined to vote for Trump. LOL
Let me guess you're a Republican?

You just demonstrated very poor comprehension skills.

The OP implicitly reiterates several times on the severity of having the civil population divided along political lines.
The problem is not enough people vote.

We know the majority of Americans hate the conservatives agenda but a lot of those people who agree with me don't vote because they don't think it matters. It does. There is a huge difference between the two parties. Will the president rubber stamp GOP legislation and will they appoint a neo nut to the supreme Court.

The only reason the far right is allowed to fuck up the economy and obstruct is because people don't vote
Your lapdog media which doesn't deserve 1st amendment right of a free press is overplaying the trouncing the Hillary is going to give Trump. Since your idiots think she'll win all 57 states, most of them won't bother to vote. Especially the young and GEN X liberals.

That spells victory for our side because we are all determined to vote for Trump. LOL
I don't think many people are going to stay home. And im fully aware Republicans would vote for trump even if he raped and murdered a minor in time square.

You guys would find a way to blame the victim.
Every four years this country gets torn apart by political tools and their meaningless ideals.

We are all sinking in the same boat. Every last one of us has been disenfranchised by the system. The ruling class survives on our division, and will commit unethical acts to prevent solidarity among man.

Our disenfranchisement has led us into supporting egotistical and self serving liars such as Obama and Trump. Anti-human's with all the answers, and none of the solutions.

I implore you, do not vote come election day. Retain the moral high ground and refuse to consent to the systems manipulative ways. Forget all the bullshit and resist, as it is our last hope at a future.
Every four years this country gets torn apart by political tools and their meaningless ideals.

We are all sinking in the same boat. Every last one of us has been disenfranchised by the system. The ruling class survives on our division, and will commit unethical acts to prevent solidarity among man.

Our disenfranchisement has led us into supporting egotistical and self serving liars such as Obama and Trump. Anti-human's with all the answers, and none of the solutions.

I implore you, do not vote come election day. Retain the moral high ground and refuse to consent to the systems manipulative ways. Forget all the bullshit and resist, as it is our last hope at a future.

and what do you think happens if you don't vote? that there won't be a president?


you might want to reassess
Every four years this country gets torn apart by political tools and their meaningless ideals.

We are all sinking in the same boat. Every last one of us has been disenfranchised by the system. The ruling class survives on our division, and will commit unethical acts to prevent solidarity among man.

Our disenfranchisement has led us into supporting egotistical and self serving liars such as Obama and Trump. Anti-human's with all the answers, and none of the solutions.

I implore you, do not vote come election day. Retain the moral high ground and refuse to consent to the systems manipulative ways. Forget all the bullshit and resist, as it is our last hope at a future.

and what do you think happens if you don't vote? that there won't be a president?


you might want to reassess

Exactly! Why does the system suck for the majority of poor people? Because the majority of them don't vote.

And why is roughly half the middle class struggling? Because only 30-60% of us vote every 2 years.

Why does the system favor the rich? Because they all vote. Every two years. And they donate a lot too. They know voting matters.
Every four years this country gets torn apart by political tools and their meaningless ideals.

We are all sinking in the same boat. Every last one of us has been disenfranchised by the system. The ruling class survives on our division, and will commit unethical acts to prevent solidarity among man.

Our disenfranchisement has led us into supporting egotistical and self serving liars such as Obama and Trump. Anti-human's with all the answers, and none of the solutions.

I implore you, do not vote come election day. Retain the moral high ground and refuse to consent to the systems manipulative ways. Forget all the bullshit and resist, as it is our last hope at a future.

and what do you think happens if you don't vote? that there won't be a president?


you might want to reassess

Exactly! Why does the system suck for the majority of poor people? Because the majority of them don't vote.

And why is roughly half the middle class struggling? Because only 30-60% of us vote every 2 years.

Why does the system favor the rich? Because they all vote. Every two years. And they donate a lot too. They know voting matters.
Stupidest political analysis I've ever seen. The poor don't even pay federal income tax and there are more bennies for breathing than ever.
Every four years this country gets torn apart by political tools and their meaningless ideals.

We are all sinking in the same boat. Every last one of us has been disenfranchised by the system. The ruling class survives on our division, and will commit unethical acts to prevent solidarity among man.

Our disenfranchisement has led us into supporting egotistical and self serving liars such as Obama and Trump. Anti-human's with all the answers, and none of the solutions.

I implore you, do not vote come election day. Retain the moral high ground and refuse to consent to the systems manipulative ways. Forget all the bullshit and resist, as it is our last hope at a future.

and what do you think happens if you don't vote? that there won't be a president?


you might want to reassess

Exactly! Why does the system suck for the majority of poor people? Because the majority of them don't vote.

And why is roughly half the middle class struggling? Because only 30-60% of us vote every 2 years.

Why does the system favor the rich? Because they all vote. Every two years. And they donate a lot too. They know voting matters.
Stupidest political analysis I've ever seen. The poor don't even pay federal income tax and there are more bennies for breathing than ever.
Neither does trump!

Why try to implore the deplorables
and what do you think happens if you don't vote? that there won't be a president?


you might want to reassess

Never made the claim.

It is about upholding ourselves to a higher level of conscious, and not being party to a corrupt and abusive system. The state certainly falters when it does not have the falsified consent of the governed.

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