I implore you

You are spewing bizarre theories.

On the contrary I am espousing valid philosophical and sociological concepts that you probably have never heard of before.

America > Russia

America vs Russia morphed into another ruling class scheme to divide people and distract them away from the evil going on in our own countries.
Let me guess you're a Republican?

You just demonstrated very poor comprehension skills.

The OP implicitly reiterates several times on the severity of having the civil population divided along political lines.
You are spewing bizarre theories.

On the contrary I am espousing valid philosophical and sociological concepts that you probably have never heard of before.

America > Russia

America vs Russia morphed into another ruling class scheme to divide people and distract them away from the evil going on in our own countries.

Nobody wants to be like Russia.

Nobody says "Gosh, we aspire to be like Russia."

In fact, most countries want to get away from Russia.

And with good reason.
You are spewing bizarre theories.

On the contrary I am espousing valid philosophical and sociological concepts that you probably have never heard of before.

America > Russia

America vs Russia morphed into another ruling class scheme to divide people and distract them away from the evil going on in our own countries.

Nobody wants to be like Russia.

Nobody says "Gosh, we aspire to be like Russia."

In fact, most countries want to get away from Russia.

And with good reason.
I agree....the fascists hate their communist counterparts.....
Nobody wants to be like Russia.
Nobody says "Gosh, we aspire to be like Russia."
In fact, most countries want to get away from Russia.
And with good reason.

Nobody besides yourself brought up Russia.

Arguing that the Russian Federation is bad does not morally justify any other national system. Not that it matters. If you hadn't heard, the ruling class went global.
Every four years this country gets torn apart by political tools and their meaningless ideals.

We are all sinking in the same boat. Every last one of us has been disenfranchised by the system. The ruling class survives on our division, and will commit unethical acts to prevent solidarity among man.

Our disenfranchisement has led us into supporting egotistical and self serving liars such as Obama and Trump. Anti-human's with all the answers, and none of the solutions.

I implore you, do not vote come election day. Retain the moral high ground and refuse to consent to the systems manipulative ways. Forget all the bullshit and resist, as it is our last hope at a future.
And what good would that do? None.
Let me guess you're a Republican?

You just demonstrated very poor comprehension skills.

The OP implicitly reiterates several times on the severity of having the civil population divided along political lines.
The problem is not enough people vote.

We know the majority of Americans hate the conservatives agenda but a lot of those people who agree with me don't vote because they don't think it matters. It does. There is a huge difference between the two parties. Will the president rubber stamp GOP legislation and will they appoint a neo nut to the supreme Court.

The only reason the far right is allowed to fuck up the economy and obstruct is because people don't vote
Let me guess you're a Republican?

You just demonstrated very poor comprehension skills.

The OP implicitly reiterates several times on the severity of having the civil population divided along political lines.
The problem is not enough people vote.

We know the majority of Americans hate the conservatives agenda but a lot of those people who agree with me don't vote because they don't think it matters. It does. There is a huge difference between the two parties. Will the president rubber stamp GOP legislation and will they appoint a neo nut to the supreme Court.

The only reason the far right is allowed to fuck up the economy and obstruct is because people don't vote
America in a right leaning country.....you're fascist days numbered when they come out and vote....
The problem is not enough people vote.

No, that is not the problem.

The problem is that no matter who you vote for, the state is going to use your vote to manafacture consent to its legitimacy. The state exists so that the rich and powerful may prosper on the backs of the people.

We know the majority of Americans hate the conservatives agenda but a lot of those people who agree with me don't vote because they don't think it matters. It does. There is a huge difference between the two parties. Will the president rubber stamp GOP legislation and will they appoint a neo nut to the supreme Court.

The only reason the far right is allowed to fuck up the economy and obstruct is because people don't vote

Yeah, you are just proving yourself to be the political tool that I outcry against.

Left vs right is irrelevant when those with power are only in it for themselves.
It is impossible to reply honestly to the thread OP, the idea that not voting is a good thing is too naive for explanation. Humans are imperfect creatures and without strong cultural and political values, and honest people anything is possible. Our Preamble should tell us something. Having been online since the beginning of the Internet I too often find the same nonsense repeated and repeated. The doom and gloom and off the wall conspiracy thinking. It must provide some comfort for the simple minded. Anyway, if someone hopes, rather than derides politics and life, Galbraith is a hopeful read. Get your head out of your.....

"In the political turnover in the United States in the autumn of 1994, as previously indicated, those opposing aid to the poor in its several forms won their stunning victory with the support of less than one quarter all eligible voters, fewer than half of whom had gone to the polls. The popular and media response was that those who had prevailed represented the view and voice of the public. Had there been a full turnout at the election, both the result and the reaction would have been decidedly different. The sense of social responsibility for the poor would have been greatly enhanced." John Kenneth Galbraith 'The Good Society'

"'Practical' politics, it is held, calls for policies that appeal to the fortunate. The poor do not vote; the alert politician bids for the comfortable and the rich. This would be politically foolish for the Democratic Party; those whose primary concern is to protect their income, their capital and their business interest will always vote for the party that most strongly affirms its service to their pecuniary well-being. This is and has always been the republicans. The Democrats have no future as a low grade substitute.." John Kenneth Galbraith 'The Good Society'

"To serve contentment, there were and are three basic requirements. One is the need to defend the general limitation on government as regards the economy; there must be a doctrine that offers a feasible presumption against government intervention...The second, more specific need is to find social justification for the untrammeled, uninhibited pursuit and possession of wealth....There is need for demonstration that the pursuit of wealth or even less spectacular well-being serves a serious, even grave social purpose....The third need is to justify a reduced sense of public responsibility for the poor. Those so situated, the members of the functional and socially immobilised underclass, must, in some very real way, be seen as the architects of their own fate. If not, they could be, however marginally, on the conscience of the comfortable." John Kenneth Galbraith, The Culture of Contentment
It is impossible to reply honestly to the thread OP, the idea that not voting is a good thing is too naive for explanation.

What's too naive for explanation is how you could continue consenting to an abusive and non-productive system

Humans are imperfect creatures and without strong cultural and political values, and honest people anything is possible.

Humans are imperfect creatures WITH strong cultural and political values. Actually we are worse off because we have transitioned ourselves into becoming ideologues rather than independent free thinking beings.

The doom and gloom and off the wall conspiracy thinking.

The cycle of violence is not off the wall conspiracy theory, moron.

Every state collapses. Believing that the United States is going to last forever is what is really off the wall.

"In the political turnover in the United States in the autumn of 1994, as previously indicated, those opposing aid to the poor in its several forms won their stunning victory with the support of less than one quarter all eligible voters, fewer than half of whom had gone to the polls. The popular and media response was that those who had prevailed represented the view and voice of the public. Had there been a full turnout at the election, both the result and the reaction would have been decidedly different. The sense of social responsibility for the poor would have been greatly enhanced." John Kenneth Galbraith 'The Good Society'

"'Practical' politics, it is held, calls for policies that appeal to the fortunate. The poor do not vote; the alert politician bids for the comfortable and the rich. This would be politically foolish for the Democratic Party; those whose primary concern is to protect their income, their capital and their business interest will always vote for the party that most strongly affirms its service to their pecuniary well-being. This is and has always been the republicans. The Democrats have no future as a low grade substitute.." John Kenneth Galbraith 'The Good Society'

"To serve contentment, there were and are three basic requirements. One is the need to defend the general limitation on government as regards the economy; there must be a doctrine that offers a feasible presumption against government intervention...The second, more specific need is to find social justification for the untrammeled, uninhibited pursuit and possession of wealth....There is need for demonstration that the pursuit of wealth or even less spectacular well-being serves a serious, even grave social purpose....The third need is to justify a reduced sense of public responsibility for the poor. Those so situated, the members of the functional and socially immobilised underclass, must, in some very real way, be seen as the architects of their own fate. If not, they could be, however marginally, on the conscience of the comfortable." John Kenneth Galbraith, The Culture of Contentment

Meandering the topic by copy and pasting three paragraphs of someone else's words?

Nowhere in your load of bullshit is one argument that directly responds to the OP. You just wrote a sentence on conspiracy theories and put up a copy and paste wall. You are playing into the system by acting like an intellectually dishonest idiot.
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Every four years this country gets torn apart by political tools and their meaningless ideals.

We are all sinking in the same boat. Every last one of us has been disenfranchised by the system. The ruling class survives on our division, and will commit unethical acts to prevent solidarity among man.

Our disenfranchisement has led us into supporting egotistical and self serving liars such as Obama and Trump. Anti-human's with all the answers, and none of the solutions.

I implore you, do not vote come election day. Retain the moral high ground and refuse to consent to the systems manipulative ways. Forget all the bullshit and resist, as it is our last hope at a future.
Hyperbolic nonsense.

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