I just don't get it, we have them on film!!


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
People keep saying how Trump made a phone call that proves he was bribing the Ukrainian President, a phone call we already have the transcript for and which does not show any bribery.

Conversely, we have a film clip of Quid Pro Joe saying that he told the Ukrainian President that if the prosecutor who was investigating corruption of a corporation that hired Quid Pro Joe's son for millions of dollars, a son that knew nothing about the business and contributed nothing to them, that he would withhold billions of dollars from them, yet no one says anything about this?

This is like what happened with Hillary. Here is a clip showing the vast lies she spewed as the FBI and Comey were supposedly investigating her.

So why did the FBI not nail her on lying just one time like they did General Flynn who is now facing jail time?
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Truth doesn’t matter when you cannot accept. Case in point is the 2016 election.
We live in Orwellian times.

The grand inquisitor tells us there are two fingers instead of three and we believe him.
We even have Planned Parenthood on film haggling about selling aborted body parts when it is illegal to do so.

But Planned Parenthood sued and won a judgment against the whistleblowers who filmed this?

It would seem that the deep state rules both the FBI and Judicial system, as well as the lame press.

Scary stuff.
People keep saying how Trump made a phone call that proves he was bribing the Ukrainian President, a phone call we already have the transcript for and which does not show any bribery.

Conversely, we have a film clip of Quid Pro Joe saying that he told the Ukrainian President that if the prosecutor who was investigating corruption of a corporation that hired Quid Pro Joe's son for millions of dollars, a son that knew nothing about the business and contributed nothing to them, that he would withhold billions of dollars from them, yet no one says anything about this?

This is like what happened with Hillary. Here is a clip showing the vast lies she spewed as the FBI and Comey were supposedly investigating her.

So why did the FBI not nail her on lying just one time like they did General Flynn who is now facing jail time?

Your observation is correct about Biden and fake has taken over so subtly and badly that feelings are facts to Dems
People keep saying how Trump made a phone call that proves he was bribing the Ukrainian President, a phone call we already have the transcript for and which does not show any bribery.

Conversely, we have a film clip of Quid Pro Joe saying that he told the Ukrainian President that if the prosecutor who was investigating corruption of a corporation that hired Quid Pro Joe's son for millions of dollars, a son that knew nothing about the business and contributed nothing to them, that he would withhold billions of dollars from them, yet no one says anything about this?

This is like what happened with Hillary. Here is a clip showing the vast lies she spewed as the FBI and Comey were supposedly investigating her.

So why did the FBI not nail her on lying just one time like they did General Flynn who is now facing jail time?

Proof positive who controls the Intelligence agencies and the Media. Democrats could shoot someone on 5th avenue and get away with it...for real.
They're still hysterical from their catastrophic upset and they're scared. Power is the most important thing to them. The country and the citizens are secondary to their need to be in and stay in power.

This out of control berzerker behavior is what happens when they aren't in charge.
People keep saying how Trump made a phone call that proves he was bribing the Ukrainian President, a phone call we already have the transcript for and which does not show any bribery.

Conversely, we have a film clip of Quid Pro Joe saying that he told the Ukrainian President that if the prosecutor who was investigating corruption of a corporation that hired Quid Pro Joe's son for millions of dollars, a son that knew nothing about the business and contributed nothing to them, that he would withhold billions of dollars from them, yet no one says anything about this?

This is like what happened with Hillary. Here is a clip showing the vast lies she spewed as the FBI and Comey were supposedly investigating her.

So why did the FBI not nail her on lying just one time like they did General Flynn who is now facing jail time?

Because the top guys at the FBI and DOJ were being paid by Killary and Obamaass.

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This is the establishment point of view on Biden.

Does a C-SPAN Video Show Joe Biden 'Confessing to Bribery'?

Folks need to examine both sides if the nation is going to learn to talk to one another.

Now, I am NOT saying this point of view doesn't have blinders on, I am saying it is one way to look at things.

Just like the fact that Crowdstirke's analysis of the DNC server might not be entirely unbiased.

Over and over, I read and hear in the Mainstream corporate and government controlled press, "the debunked Ukraine conspiracy theory," like they are so desperate to get Americans to accept the findings of the Deep State, the intel agencies, and the propaganda of the Mueller Report. Folks have been purposely educated in Compulsory Education, and on of the purposes of 12 years of government schooling, which is to accept with out question, the word of "authority figures," right or wrong.

It is best to know, all the facts on the issue, on both sides.

The FBI’s Outside Contractors, DNC Servers & Crowdstrike
The FBI’s Outside Contractors, DNC Servers & Crowdstrike

CrowdStrike: Five Things Everyone Is Ignoring About The Russia-DNC Story
CrowdStrike: Five Things Everyone Is Ignoring About The Russia-DNC Story

US Intel Vets Dispute Russia Hacking Claims

A Demand for Russian 'Hacking' Proof

Intel Vets Challenge 'Russia Hack' Evidence

VIPS Tells Media: Support for Brennan is Not Unanimous

VIPS: Mueller’s Forensics-Free Findings
And yet it's almost always republicans getting caught, going to prison.....Roger Stone being the latest. Guiliani next maybe? Democrats for all their faults are pretty clean in comparison.
And yet it's almost always republicans getting caught, going to prison.....Roger Stone being the latest. Guiliani next maybe? Democrats for all their faults are pretty clean in comparison.

Yeah, when the fox is investigating himself for raiding the henhouse what do you think his verdict will be....
And yet it's almost always republicans getting caught, going to prison.....Roger Stone being the latest. Guiliani next maybe? Democrats for all their faults are pretty clean in comparison.


Clean democrats.
And yet it's almost always republicans getting caught, going to prison.....Roger Stone being the latest. Guiliani next maybe? Democrats for all their faults are pretty clean in comparison.

Yeah, when the fox is investigating himself for raiding the henhouse what do you think his verdict will be....

His verdict will be, we are running low on chickens.
#1. You are interpreting that Biden Video incorrectly. I know it sounds good for (R) talking points, but it is NOT.
Total FAKE news.

#2. The (R) spin is (D) are bad and it wasn't Russia, it was Ukraine. But we KNOW it WAS Russia. FACT.
Reality, it was trump being in debt to Russia, so let's protect Russia, and create a Ukrainian Conspiracy targeting (D).

#3. What about Benghazi? lol at 19 Failed Investigations. Got it, 19 FAILED, tax payer expense, FAILURES.
Thanks Trey Gowdy.
And yet it's almost always republicans getting caught, going to prison.....Roger Stone being the latest. Guiliani next maybe? Democrats for all their faults are pretty clean in comparison.

The Clintons were clean. Biden, Obama, and the rest of the Democratic Party pond scum.

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#1. You are interpreting that Biden Video incorrectly. I know it sounds good for (R) talking points, but it is NOT.
Total FAKE news.

#2. The (R) spin is (D) are bad and it wasn't Russia, it was Ukraine. But we KNOW it WAS Russia. FACT.
Reality, it was trump being in debt to Russia, so let's protect Russia, and create a Ukrainian Conspiracy targeting (D).

#3. What about Benghazi? lol at 19 Failed Investigations. Got it, 19 FAILED, tax payer expense, FAILURES.
Thanks Trey Gowdy.

Interpreting the Biden Video incorrectly??? WTF, problem is it doesn't need to be interpreted at all, he made it quite clear....dumbass.
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