I just heard a new term coined that perfectly describes the actions of many on the left.

Somewhat dismissive

Does it apply to outrage over people getting healthcare?
How about outrage that a black Muslim from Africa was President?

It sure does describe the fake outrage the right had when they learned Bill Clinton received oral sex with an adult woman who wasn't his wife.

The same people voted for and elected a man who in his own words "grabs women by the pussy." A man who has cheated on all 3 of his wives and can't say the truth if his life depended on it.

The same people defend, lie for, rationalize and justify for trump but wanted Clinton impeached and thrown out of office.

Recreational outrage sure does describe conservatives and republicans.
there is a Biblical Injunction to not take right wingers seriously who Only have red herrings and other forms of fallacy, instead of working hard to have valid arguments.

Have a link for that, that makes sense?

Daniel is insane. Don’t banter with him.
dude only has ad hominems; don't bother.

I just stated that you support $15 per hour wage for lazy people how is that an ad hominem? LMAO. You don’t even know what an ad hominem is.

Isn't that where some ads sounds exactly like another one, but different meanings?

No, that would be an ad homonym!
there is a Biblical Injunction to not take right wingers seriously who Only have red herrings and other forms of fallacy, instead of working hard to have valid arguments.

Says the person who wants to pay people $15 per hour to sit home and watch Spongebob. Impossible to take someone like you seriously.
Capital must circulate under capitalism.

Only the right wing sayeth, Capitalism, what is That.

LOL get an education and then we may debate. You’re spouting ignorance.
you have nothing but fallacy.

Look in the mirror and say that
there is a Biblical Injunction to not take right wingers seriously who Only have red herrings and other forms of fallacy, instead of working hard to have valid arguments.

Have a link for that, that makes sense?

Daniel is insane. Don’t banter with him.
dude only has ad hominems; don't bother.

I just stated that you support $15 per hour wage for lazy people how is that an ad hominem? LMAO. You don’t even know what an ad hominem is.
it is a cost of living adjustment for labor. you simply misstate the issue because you have no argument.

Wrong. Not what you said. Don’t back pedal now.
there is a Biblical Injunction to not take right wingers seriously who Only have red herrings and other forms of fallacy, instead of working hard to have valid arguments.

Have a link for that, that makes sense?
Job 34:30.

How do you get: "there is a Biblical Injunction to not take right wingers seriously who Only have red herrings and other forms of fallacy, instead of working hard to have valid arguments. " out of "to keep the godless from ruling, from laying snares for the people."?

According to the Biblical verse, there should be a religious test of office
there is a Biblical Injunction to not take right wingers seriously who Only have red herrings and other forms of fallacy, instead of working hard to have valid arguments.

Says the person who wants to pay people $15 per hour to sit home and watch Spongebob. Impossible to take someone like you seriously.
Capital must circulate under capitalism.

Only the right wing sayeth, Capitalism, what is That.

LOL get an education and then we may debate. You’re spouting ignorance.
you have nothing but fallacy.

Look in the mirror and say that
i resort to the fewest fallacies, for a reason.
there is a Biblical Injunction to not take right wingers seriously who Only have red herrings and other forms of fallacy, instead of working hard to have valid arguments.

Have you had a stroke or something?
no; i learned how to read instead of make excuses.

You need remedial classes
i am not the one making excuses. i have valid arguments merely to be superior at every argumentative opportunity.
Says the person who wants to pay people $15 per hour to sit home and watch Spongebob. Impossible to take someone like you seriously.
Capital must circulate under capitalism.

Only the right wing sayeth, Capitalism, what is That.

LOL get an education and then we may debate. You’re spouting ignorance.
you have nothing but fallacy.

Look in the mirror and say that
i resort to the fewest fallacies, for a reason.

Do you believe that a lazy person who wants
To stay home should be paid $15 per hour for sitting on their butt. Yes or No?
there is a Biblical Injunction to not take right wingers seriously who Only have red herrings and other forms of fallacy, instead of working hard to have valid arguments.

Have you had a stroke or something?
no; i learned how to read instead of make excuses.

You need remedial classes
i am not the one making excuses. i have valid arguments merely to be superior at every argumentative opportunity.

a legend in your own mind
Recreational Outrage

May or may not actually be new but it's the first time I heard it. Was on an interview with a comedian who was kicked off stage at a college for thinking he was "entitled" to tell certain jokes.

Projection is strong in that one.
I don't remember those things either. They may in fact be real but unimportant overall. Perhaps you remember them because YOU were the one outraged?
Of course non of you self-professed conservatives would remember anything that you faux-raged over Obama. :rolleyes:

BTW, What would I be outraged by stupid?

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