I kept telling you....


obama isn't prez anymore.... shouldn't you be concentrating on trump not getting impeached?
What Obama did in office will always be up for discussion...just as what Trump does, what GWBush did, what Slick Willy Clinton did...what they all did.

You want to impeach Trump before he commits an impeachable offense. You're nothing but a pissed off Trump hater.

Go somewhere and suck your thumb for a while.

the second he took the oath, he committed an impeachable offense.

Gotta link?

Article 1, Section 9, Clause 8

Totally irrelevant! Have you read the fucking email yet?

what are you talking about? what email?
What Obama did in office will always be up for discussion...just as what Trump does, what GWBush did, what Slick Willy Clinton did...what they all did.

You want to impeach Trump before he commits an impeachable offense. You're nothing but a pissed off Trump hater.

Go somewhere and suck your thumb for a while.

the second he took the oath, he committed an impeachable offense.

Gotta link?

Article 1, Section 9, Clause 8

Holy shit you're a dumbass!!!! Do you actually believe this wouldnt have come up in the last year and a half?

it has. you just didn't hear it from the filtered rw 'news'. not my fault if you don't research & educate yourself. do you really expect fox news to tell you? & b4 you even say a thing, i do not have cable so therefore i do not watch msnbc.

Do you mean the right wing news that said Trump removed the Bust of MLK? Or the one who said the CIA hated Trump?
...that Obama was a Muslim-sympathizer. Though I think it needs no proof, here is some evidence that it is the truth. Muslims were targeted for administration positions...while Christians were excluded! No wonder that he pledged to side with the Muslims should any conflict arise.

He is no Christian like he claimed!

Obama is a LYING SON OF A BITCH! He is the most divisive POTUS in our history!

Fwd: FW: Asian American Candidates, Muslim American Candidates - WikiLeaks




  1. U.S. Constitution
Article VI
All debts contracted and engagements entered into, before the adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the Confederation.

This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.

The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the members of the several state legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.
the second he took the oath, he committed an impeachable offense.

Gotta link?

Article 1, Section 9, Clause 8

Holy shit you're a dumbass!!!! Do you actually believe this wouldnt have come up in the last year and a half?

it has. you just didn't hear it from the filtered rw 'news'. not my fault if you don't research & educate yourself. do you really expect fox news to tell you? & b4 you even say a thing, i do not have cable so therefore i do not watch msnbc.

Do you mean the right wing news that said Trump removed the Bust of MLK? Or the one who said the CIA hated Trump?

& when i hear stuff like that- i don't take it at face value. i search it out to see what is true & what is not sweetcakes. do you?
What Obama did in office will always be up for discussion...just as what Trump does, what GWBush did, what Slick Willy Clinton did...what they all did.

You want to impeach Trump before he commits an impeachable offense. You're nothing but a pissed off Trump hater.

Go somewhere and suck your thumb for a while.

the second he took the oath, he committed an impeachable offense.

Gotta link?

Article 1, Section 9, Clause 8

Totally irrelevant! Have you read the fucking email yet?

what are you talking about? what email?
It is in the link at the bottom of the OP (Opening Post) (Post #1) (at the top of this page)
the second he took the oath, he committed an impeachable offense.

Gotta link?

Article 1, Section 9, Clause 8

Totally irrelevant! Have you read the fucking email yet?

what are you talking about? what email?
It is in the link at the bottom of the OP (Opening Post) (Post #1) (at the top of this page)

oh...ok... & so what? i guess that the fact that trump has no hispanics in his cabinet, MUST mean he thinks they ARE all rapists & criminals- right? .... better get that wall built pronto!

what are you talking about? what email?
It is in the link at the bottom of the OP (Opening Post) (Post #1) (at the top of this page)

oh...ok... & so what? i guess that the fact that trump has no hispanics in his cabinet, MUST mean he thinks they ARE all rapists & criminals- right? .... better get that wall built pronto!
...that Obama was a Muslim-sympathizer. Though I think it needs no proof, here is some evidence that it is the truth. Muslims were targeted for administration positions...while Christians were excluded! No wonder that he pledged to side with the Muslims should any conflict arise.

He is no Christian like he claimed!

Obama is a LYING SON OF A BITCH! He is the most divisive POTUS in our history!

Fwd: FW: Asian American Candidates, Muslim American Candidates - WikiLeaks




  1. U.S. Constitution
Article VI
All debts contracted and engagements entered into, before the adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the Confederation.

This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.

The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the members of the several state legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.

Did anyone claim that Obumer's Muslim beliefs and sympathy was somehow against the Constitution?

what are you talking about? what email?
It is in the link at the bottom of the OP (Opening Post) (Post #1) (at the top of this page)

oh...ok... & so what? i guess that the fact that trump has no hispanics in his cabinet, MUST mean he thinks they ARE all rapists & criminals- right? .... better get that wall built pronto!
If you read the email and all you have to say about it is what you wrote above, you are severely lacking in the understanding of the ethical behavior of government officials and the U.S. Constitution. Favoring one religious group over another is diametrically opposed to our first amendment. Obama should have been impeached!
...that Obama was a Muslim-sympathizer. Though I think it needs no proof, here is some evidence that it is the truth. Muslims were targeted for administration positions...while Christians were excluded! No wonder that he pledged to side with the Muslims should any conflict arise.

He is no Christian like he claimed!

Obama is a LYING SON OF A BITCH! He is the most divisive POTUS in our history!

Fwd: FW: Asian American Candidates, Muslim American Candidates - WikiLeaks




  1. U.S. Constitution
Article VI
All debts contracted and engagements entered into, before the adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the Confederation.

This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding.

The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the members of the several state legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.

Did anyone claim that Obumer's Muslim beliefs and sympathy was somehow against the Constitution?
See my post #29. Obama clearly violated our 1st Amendment.

Holy shit you're a dumbass!!!! Do you actually believe this wouldnt have come up in the last year and a half?

it has. you just didn't hear it from the filtered rw 'news'. not my fault if you don't research & educate yourself. do you really expect fox news to tell you? & b4 you even say a thing, i do not have cable so therefore i do not watch msnbc.

Do you mean the right wing news that said Trump removed the Bust of MLK? Or the one who said the CIA hated Trump?

& when i hear stuff like that- i don't take it at face value. i search it out to see what is true & what is not sweetcakes. do you?

Are you denying my statements are true?
Think before you make an ass out of yourself.

Totally irrelevant! Have you read the fucking email yet?

what are you talking about? what email?
It is in the link at the bottom of the OP (Opening Post) (Post #1) (at the top of this page)

oh...ok... & so what? i guess that the fact that trump has no hispanics in his cabinet, MUST mean he thinks they ARE all rapists & criminals- right? .... better get that wall built pronto!
If you read the email and all you have to say about it is what you wrote above, you are severely lacking in the understanding of the ethical behavior of government officials and the U.S. Constitution. Favoring one religious group over another is diametrically opposed to our first amendment. Obama should have been impeached!

i'm not sure that email is even accurate given the fact that wikileaks was obviously biased in their leakage. congress has had the republican majority since 2010. ask them why they didn't pursue impeachment then.

Holy shit you're a dumbass!!!! Do you actually believe this wouldnt have come up in the last year and a half?

it has. you just didn't hear it from the filtered rw 'news'. not my fault if you don't research & educate yourself. do you really expect fox news to tell you? & b4 you even say a thing, i do not have cable so therefore i do not watch msnbc.

Do you mean the right wing news that said Trump removed the Bust of MLK? Or the one who said the CIA hated Trump?

& when i hear stuff like that- i don't take it at face value. i search it out to see what is true & what is not sweetcakes. do you?

Are you denying my statements are true?
Think before you make an ass out of yourself.

i guess you have a problem with comprehension. try rereading what i wrote. maybe the light will go on.
...that Obama was a Muslim-sympathizer. Though I think it needs no proof, here is some evidence that it is the truth. Muslims were targeted for administration positions...while Christians were excluded! No wonder that he pledged to side with the Muslims should any conflict arise.

He is no Christian like he claimed!

Obama is a LYING SON OF A BITCH! He is the most divisive POTUS in our history!

Fwd: FW: Asian American Candidates, Muslim American Candidates - WikiLeaks

Yes. That was blatantly obvious from the first weeks of his administration, when he snubbed our best ally and raced over to bow and scrape before the Iranians and other assorted vermin in Islamo-Land, and right to the end he supported the mass murdering of Xians and enthusiastically enforced the UN ban on counting Xians as refugees from the ME while supporting the immigration of some of the worst killers and scum on the Earth to Europe and the U.S. He had no delays or problems with deporting Xians from the ME from the U.S., but of course didn't feel the need to vet any of the terrorist cult followers or any other demographic for that matter. That's why he remains so popular with pedophiles and their buddies, assorted violent racist groups like La Raza and BLM, homosexual fetishists, sociopaths, criminal gangs, embezzlers, scam artists, etc., etc.
Right wing lies . And they have the nerve to claim the Msm makes up stories .

Obama's own actions are proof of his loyalty to Muslims. He has funded terrorists and legitimized terror groups, like the Muslim Brotherhood. He did choose Muslims for his administration over others. He can quote any passage in the koran.

He has not even tried to hide his love for Islam.

The fact that he lies about it is what makes it so suspicious.

Being a Muslim or Muslim sympathizer is one thing. Funding and supporting radical Islamists is quite another. ISIS owes it's success to Obama.

He also showed his radical side by agreeing to seed Muslims all over the U.S. despite the problems other countries have experienced with them. The U.N. already admitted that the majority of 'refugees' are not running from the war. They are looking to advance their agenda. Interpreters who work at the refugee camps have reported what the refugees talk about. The women discuss their duty to spread and multiply until Muslims are the majority and can rule the world. Lofty goals, for sure, but they are quite serious. Obama knows all that and he is helping them.

That is why he and his faithful media have refused to report anything negative on Muslims. No matter how many terrorist attacks they commit in the name of allah, the press and the WH were quick to blame guns or workplace violence. They want people to go along with the plan to allow Muslims to plant themselves here and eventually take over. They can't be honest about any of their plans or people would reject them. That is why we have terms, like Islamophobia, for those who see this for what it is. Ridicule the opposition to shut them up.

We have given billions in money and billions in military equipment and planes to these radicals. No excuse for that. We know what they do when we give them weapons.

Obama's foreign policies have favored the radical Muslims at every turn while he turned his back on our allies. Palestinians should turn to other Muslim countries since they never had claim to any land. Refugees should turn to Muslim countries who have the money and room to handle them.

You freaks can't make up your diluted minds .

You bash obama for his drone program and bombings of all these Muslim countries, but then claim he is a Muslim lover!?

You can't have it both ways .

And you have the gall to throw around claims of "fake news " at the left !!!
Totally irrelevant! Have you read the fucking email yet?

what are you talking about? what email?
It is in the link at the bottom of the OP (Opening Post) (Post #1) (at the top of this page)

oh...ok... & so what? i guess that the fact that trump has no hispanics in his cabinet, MUST mean he thinks they ARE all rapists & criminals- right? .... better get that wall built pronto!
If you read the email and all you have to say about it is what you wrote above, you are severely lacking in the understanding of the ethical behavior of government officials and the U.S. Constitution. Favoring one religious group over another is diametrically opposed to our first amendment. Obama should have been impeached!

i'm not sure that email is even accurate given the fact that wikileaks was obviously biased in their leakage. congress has had the republican majority since 2010. ask them why they didn't pursue impeachment then.

So why haven't any of your heroes denied wikileaks veracity?
Totally irrelevant! Have you read the fucking email yet?

what are you talking about? what email?
It is in the link at the bottom of the OP (Opening Post) (Post #1) (at the top of this page)

oh...ok... & so what? i guess that the fact that trump has no hispanics in his cabinet, MUST mean he thinks they ARE all rapists & criminals- right? .... better get that wall built pronto!
If you read the email and all you have to say about it is what you wrote above, you are severely lacking in the understanding of the ethical behavior of government officials and the U.S. Constitution. Favoring one religious group over another is diametrically opposed to our first amendment. Obama should have been impeached!

i'm not sure that email is even accurate given the fact that wikileaks was obviously biased in their leakage. congress has had the republican majority since 2010. ask them why they didn't pursue impeachment then.
I'm not sure it had been leaked before just now. The authenticity of the leaked Podesta emails has not been denied. WikiLeaks doesn't make up the emails. They just reveal them to us. I have no doubt that the email is authentic.

Obama and Hillary both are likely scared shitless regarding emails that may be leaked in the future. Don't forget that there tens of thousands of emails gathered. WikiLeaks is likely not done yet. Both of them could face prison time if evidence can be gathered to prove the contents of the most egregious emails can be directly connected to their actions.
Holy shit you're a dumbass!!!! Do you actually believe this wouldnt have come up in the last year and a half?

it has. you just didn't hear it from the filtered rw 'news'. not my fault if you don't research & educate yourself. do you really expect fox news to tell you? & b4 you even say a thing, i do not have cable so therefore i do not watch msnbc.

Do you mean the right wing news that said Trump removed the Bust of MLK? Or the one who said the CIA hated Trump?

& when i hear stuff like that- i don't take it at face value. i search it out to see what is true & what is not sweetcakes. do you?

Are you denying my statements are true?
Think before you make an ass out of yourself.

i guess you have a problem with comprehension. try rereading what i wrote. maybe the light will go on.

From the guy who questions the veracity of wikileaks....
what are you talking about? what email?
It is in the link at the bottom of the OP (Opening Post) (Post #1) (at the top of this page)

oh...ok... & so what? i guess that the fact that trump has no hispanics in his cabinet, MUST mean he thinks they ARE all rapists & criminals- right? .... better get that wall built pronto!
If you read the email and all you have to say about it is what you wrote above, you are severely lacking in the understanding of the ethical behavior of government officials and the U.S. Constitution. Favoring one religious group over another is diametrically opposed to our first amendment. Obama should have been impeached!

i'm not sure that email is even accurate given the fact that wikileaks was obviously biased in their leakage. congress has had the republican majority since 2010. ask them why they didn't pursue impeachment then.

So why haven't any of your heroes denied wikileaks veracity?

Good question, but we know most of the astro-turfers here aren't into issues, they can't remember what spam they spread last week, much less discuss anything in depth; they're just manure spreaders.

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